22 resultados para charts
The oil industry has several segments that can impact the environment. Among these, produced water which has been highlight in the environmental problem because of the great volume generated and its toxic composition. Those waters are the major source of waste in the oil industry. The composition of the produced water is strongly dependent on the production field. A good example is the wastewater produced on a Petrobras operating unit of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará (UO-RNCE). A single effluent treatment station (ETS) of this unit receives effluent from 48 wells (onshore and offshore), which leads a large fluctuations in the water quality that can become a complicating factor for future treatment processes. The present work aims to realize a diagnosis of a sample of produced water from the OU - RNCE in compliance to certain physical and physico-chemical parameters (chloride concentration, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, TOG (oil & grease), nitrate concentration, turbidity, salinity and temperature). The analysis of the effluent is accomplished by means of a MP TROLL 9500 Multiparameter probe, a TOG/TPH Infracal from Wilks Enterprise Corp. - Model HATR - T (TOG) and a MD-31 condutivimeter of Digimed. Results were analyzed by univariated and multivariated analysis (principal component analysis) associated statistical control charts. The multivariate analysis showed a negative correlation between dissolved oxygen and turbidity (-0.55) and positive correlations between salinity and chloride (1), conductivity, chloride and salinity (0.70). Multivariated analysis showed there are seven principal components which can explain the variability of the parameters. The variables, salinity, conductivity and chloride were the most important variables, with, higher sampling variance. Statistical control charts have helped to establish a general trend between the physical and chemical evaluated parameters
Copper is one of the most used metals in platingprocesses of galvanic industries. The presence of copper, a heavy metal, in galvanic effluents is harmful to the environment.The main objective of this researchwas the removal ofcopperfromgalvanic effluents, using for this purpose anionic surfactants. The removal process is based on the interaction between the polar head group of the anionic surfactant and the divalent copper in solution. The surfactants used in this study were derived from soybean oil (OSS), coconut oil (OCS), and sunflower oil (OGS). It was used a copper synthetic solution (280 ppm Cu+2) simulating the rinse water from a copper acid bath of a galvanic industry. It were developed 23and 32 factorial designs to evaluate the parameters that have influence in theremoval process. For each surfactant (OSS, OCS, and OGS), the independent variables evaluated were: surfactant concentration (1.25 to 3.75 g/L), pH (5 to 9) and the presence of an anionic polymer (0 to 0.0125 g/L).From the results obtained in the 23 factorial design and in the calculus for estimatingthe stoichiometric relationship between surfactants and copper in solution, it were developed new experimental tests, varying surfactant concentration in the range of 1.25 to 6.8 g/L (32 factorial design).The results obtained in the experimental designs were subjected to statistical evaluations to obtain Pareto charts and mathematical modelsfor Copper removal efficiency (%). The statistical evaluation of the 23 and 32factorial designs, using saponifiedcoconut oil (OCS), presented the mathematical model that best described the copper removal process.It can be concluded that OCS was the most efficient anionic surfactant, removing 100% of the copper present in the synthetic galvanic solution
Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are numerical representations of a portion of the earth surface. Among several factors which affect the quality of a DEM, it should be emphasized the attention on the input data and the choice of the interpolating algorithm. On the other hand, several numerical models are used nowadays to characterize nearshore hydrodynamics and morphological changes in coastal areas, whose validation is based on field data collection. Independent on the complexity of the physical processes which are modeled, little attention has been given to the intrinsic bathymetric interpolation built within the numerical models of the specific application. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and to quantify the influence of the bathymetry, as obtained by a DEM, on the hydrodynamic circulation model at a coastal stretch, off the coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil. This coastal region is characterized by strong hydrodynamic and littoral processes, resulting in a very dynamic morphology with shallow coastal bathymetry. Important economic activities, such as oil exploitation and production, fisheries, salt ponds, shrimp farms and tourism, also bring impacts upon the local ecosystems and influence themselves the local hydrodynamics. This fact makes the region one of the most important for the development of the State, but also enhances the possibility of serious environmental accidents. As a hydrodynamic model, SisBaHiA® - Environmental Hydrodynamics System ( Sistema Básico de Hidrodinâmica Ambiental ) was chosen, for it has been successfully employed at several locations along the Brazilian coast. This model was developed at the Coastal and Oceanographical Engineering Group of the Ocean Engineering Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Several interpolating methods were tested for the construction of the DEM, namely Natural Neighbor, Kriging, Triangulation with Linear Interpolation, Inverse Distance to a Power, Nearest Neighbor, and Minimum Curvature, all implemented within the software Surfer®. The bathymetry which was used as reference for the DEM was obtained from nautical charts provided by the Brazilian Hydrographic Service of the Brazilian Navy and from a field survey conducted in 2005. Changes in flow velocity and free surface elevation were evaluated under three aspects: a spatial vision along three profiles perpendicular to the coast and one profile longitudinal to the coast as shown; a temporal vision from three central nodes of the grid during 30 days; a hodograph analysis of components of speed in U and V, by different tidal cycles. Small, but negligible, variations in sea surface elevation were identified. However, the differences in flow and direction of velocities were significant, depending on the DEM
This paper proposes a new control chart to monitor a process mean employing a combined npx-X control chart. Basically the procedure consists of splitting the sample of size n into two sub-samples n1 and n2 determined by an optimization search. The sampling occur in two-stages. In the first stage the units of the sub-sample n1 are evaluated by attributes and plotted in npx control chart. If this chart signs then units of second sub-sample are measured and the monitored statistic plotted in X control chart (second stage). If both control charts sign then the process is stopped for adjustment. The possibility of non-inspection in all n items may promote a reduction not only in the cost but also the time spent to examine the sampled items. Performances of the current proposal, individual X and npx control charts are compared. In this study the proposed procedure presents many competitive options for the X control chart for a sample size n and a shift from the target mean. The average time to sign (ATS) of the current proposal lower than the values calculated from an individual X control chart points out that the combined control chart is an efficient tool in monitoring process mean.
The Amapá State has an important natural lake system, known as The Amapá Lakes Region . Most of these lakes are on the southern part of Amapá s coastal plain, which has 300 km of extension and it s composed by holocenic sediments deposited at the northern part of Amazon River to the Orange Cape located on the northern part of Amapá state. This region is under influence of the Amazon River discharge which is the largest liquid discharge of about 209.000 m³/s and biggest sediment budget discharged on the ocean in the order 6.108 ton per day. The climate is influenced by the Intertropical Convergence Zone and El Niño Southern Oscillation which act mainly under precipitation, nebulosity, local rivers and tidal hidrology. In this region lake belts are Ocidental, Oriental and Meridional Lake Belts. The last one is formed by the by the lakes Comprido de Cima, Botos, Bacia, Lodão, Ventos, Mutuco and Comprido de Baixo. These lakes are the closest to the Araguari River and are characterized by pelitic sedimentation associated with fluvial and estuarine flood plains under influence of tides. The lakes are interconnected, suffer influence of flood pulses from the Tartarugal, Tartarugalzinho and Araguari rivers and the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic know edge is poor. Volume and area reduction, natural eutrophication, anthophic influence, hidrodynamic alterations, morphological changes and are factors which can contribute to the closing of such lakes on the Meridional Lake Belt. This belt is inside the boundaries of the Biological Reserve of Piratuba Lake, created in 1980 for integral protection. Due to the fragility of the environment together with the poor knowledge of the system and with the study area relevancy it is necessary to know the hydrodynamic and geoenvironmental processes. This work aims the characterization of morphodynamic and hydrodynamic processes in order to understand the geoambiental context of the Meridional Lake Belt, from the Comprido de Baixo Lake to the dos Ventos Lake, including the Tabaco Igarape. Methodology was based on the hydrodynamic data acquisition: liquid discharge (acoustic method), tides, bathymetry and the interpretation of multitemporal remote sensing images, integrated in a Geographic Information System (GIS). By this method charts of the medium liquid discharges of Lake Mutuco and Tabacco Igarape the maximum velocity of flow were estimated in: 1.1 m/s, 1.6 m/s and 1.6 m/s (rainy season) and 0.6 m/s, 0.6 m/s and 0.7 m/s (dry period), the maximum flow in: 289 m³/s, 297 m³/s and 379 m³/s (rainy season) and 41 m³/s , 79 m³/s and 105 m³/s (dry period), respectively. From the interpretation of multitemporal satellite images, maps were developed together with the analysis of the lakes and Tobaco Igarape evolution from 1972 to 2008, and were classified according to the degree of balance in the area: stable areas, eutrophic areas, areas of gain, and eroded areas. Troughout analysis of the balance of areas, it was possible to quantify the volume of lake areas occupied by aquatic macrophytes. The study sought to understand the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes occurring in the region, contributing to the elucidation of the processes which cause and/or favor geoenvironmental changes in the region; all such information is fundamental to making the management of the area and further definition of parameters for environmental monitoring and contributing to the development of the management plan of the Biological Reserve of Lake Piratuba. The work activities is a part of the Project "Integration of Geological, geophysical and geochemical data to Paleogeographic rebuilding of Amazon Coast, from the Neogene to the Recent
This paper presents the public square as a subsystem of the city for the potential integration of elements 'natural' and built environment. But sometimes the suitability of projects and the social processes involved are not compatible and favorable to their real functions in urban space. The city of Natal, with a population of 803,739 inhabitants has 253 public parks not uniformly distributed in the urban area, but mostly in central areas and their absence in some peripheral neighborhoods. In this sense, the objective of this paper is to analyze the quality and spatiality of the city's public squares within the urban socio-environmental problems. For this, use of simple random sampling to define the sample and the proportional allocation of districts, totaling 168 squares to be raised. We prepared a form to collect data on the field that includes aspects of leisure, infrastructure and environment. For each square sampled was calculated Square Quality Index (PQI), then calculating the average per IQP neighborhood. The rates found were crossed with census data and Municipal Public Administration by neighborhood, using multivariate analysis. We generated maps, charts and tables, considered appropriate to each question format, focused comparison. The public square appears as an indicator of environmental challenges present in intra-urban spaces of the city. Their spatial distribution is not consistent demand population, both by disposition and by how much. In terms of quality are characterized by different levels of inadequacy and degradation aspects of leisure, environmental and infrastructure, often causing disfigurement, abandonment and improper occupation in such spaces. Multivariate analysis point to a central concentration and their problems in certain administrative units, not only as regards the public squares, but also to aspects of education, income, and other violence, perpetuating the problem. The various levels of inadequacy and degradation of public squares have been more blatant in the poorest neighborhoods of the city, pointing to a structural pattern associated with the intrinsic characteristics of the neighborhood and the socioeconomic profile of the local population. These are problems of social and environmental dimensions, threaded in and influenced the political, economic and broader social process of transformation of the city and the urban. Based on an uneven process in which space necessarily reflect the contradictions inherent in the active forces and interests. Thus evidencing the importance of managing the necessary public effectively engaged with the problems that are present there, in order to equate them, without being prioritized certain areas of the city at the expense of others
Cartographical representations (maps, charters and plans) are taken as didactic resources in Geography classes in the 5th grade of the municipal public schools in São José de Ribamar through a methodological approach taking into consideration the use of those resources is still worries an important part of the teachers of the Maranhão State public schools who teach in this level. Papers related to the theme, most of the time, are non accessible to the teachers of the maranhense public schools, mainly because the education instilutions, which use those resources, do it in a very incipient way. So this research proposes from the drawings of magnetccoursein the school courtyards, together with maps, charts, plans among others representation used in the classroom environment, motivate the students to a deeper interests in participating in Geography learning process in the 5th grade. Interviews, analyses of socialcultural questionnaires of the families involved in the process; observations of classes, trainings, geocartographical orientations, application of pre and posttests, discussions about the usage of cartographic representations, proposed and effectivated tasks in the classroom, as well as around the school, were the basis of the researched population. As a result of this process, it was produced a was complement didatical material showing, among others, the space in which students, for sure, will contribute in an effective way to a better teaching practice in the chain of maranhense public schools, having in mind that these geographic subjects may be taught in the level we focused our study