39 resultados para ataxie cérébelleuse autosomique dominante


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Monoculture of mind This idea, presented by Vandana Shiva, reflects the phase that we have experienced in the world: a notion of civilization that, since many decades, characterized by a technocratic big trend, has been shown as dominant and hegemonic. Based on a thinking and acting, felling and whishing standardization, this wave ends implying in what can be called of humanity‟s crisis at civilizational process. Destruction of simpler and more harmonious lifestyles with nature, human relations increasingly distant, values embrittlement, as respect, goodness and love, are some consequences of that behavioral homogenization. In the other hand, appears an archipelago of cultural and cognitive resistance against this devastating wave. Edgar Morin and Ceiça Almeida refer to this archipelago as a South Thought , what is not just a geographic question. Report, therefore, to some places, peoples, island that keep ancient costumes and knowledge, orally transmitted, for instance, from elders to younger, or vice versa, in an almost constant flow. Particular ways of experiencing the world around themselves, the men, animals, plants, rocks, or even not alive beings, masters or enchanted, spiritual guides. Next to a logic of sensitive, as Claude Levi-Strauss proposes, this reading, which is a more attentive, observer and wiser posture of surroundings, is based on touching, smelling, eating, seeing, and, I would add, felling. In light of this, I try to expatiate about certain experiences that I had the pleasure of living in some of these islands of resistance. Talks, perceptions, observations, sensations Stories, prose, poetries, music, photos, graphics Whatever could serve to portray even a bit of the reflections and forms to understand (ourselves) and produce knowledge, such as from a formation/Education to life, was well used at this ethnographic work. Space to the subjectivity and emotions I had, have, and will have a lot Everything for the dear reader may fell traveling around the world of tradition, resistance


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We aim to understand the social representations of man's aggressive behavior from the perspective of women in situations of domestic violence. This is a descriptive, exploratory and representational study, whose methodological approach falls into the qualitative category. We chose as a scenario for research, by the Reference Center for Citizen Women (CRMC), Natal / RN. The criteria for selection of participants were women who lived/live in situations of domestic violence, with affective or relationship bonding with the assailant, in psychological and emotional positions appropriated to the reality; that are being protected or assisted by the service listed above; whose aggressor is male. We adopted as data collection instruments: questionnaire, Drawing-Story (DE) and a field diary. For analysis of textual data, we decided to use the ALCESTE software conjugated to editing analyze and initial reading. Were investigated 20 women victims of domestic violence, whose author of the attacks was the husband/partner. We identified, from the respondents, that 70% (n = 14) of men with aggressive behavior also had a family history of violence and fragile family relationships. About the physical and emotional condition of the assailant at the time of violence, 50% (n = 10) of these men, regardless the use of alcohol, had often quarrelsome and/or nervous behavior, impatient and unpredictable humor facing a setback, worry or annoyance. Regarding the nature of violence, we observed that women were victims of all types of violence, however, the psychological prevailed in 100% of cases. The corpus "Men" has three classes, whose focuses are, respectively: resignation, denounce and violence/aggression, being possible categorizing them as well: Category 1: The imprisonment of women; Category 2: Violence and its meanings; Category 3: Breaking the violent cycle. We show that the social representations of man s aggressive behavior, from the women in situations of violence, are anchored in the social roles of men in family and society, becoming a dominant model of masculinity. It is aimed, on one hand, from the reproduction of what is already known and/or experienced by male aggressors in the family, as repetitions of behavior. And on the other, present themselves as a state of illness, addiction or psychopathy


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The objective of this dissertation is to propose a Multi Criteria Decision Aid Model to be used by the costumers of the travel agencies and help them to choose the best package travel. The main objective is to contribute for the simplification of the travel package decision choice from the identification of the models of values and preference of the customers and applying them to the existing package. It is used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to structuralize a decision hierarchic model composed by six criteria (package cost, hotel category, security of the city, travel time, direct flight and position in ranking of the 10 most visited destination) and five real alternatives of packages for a holiday of three days created from travel agency data. The decision analysis was realized for the choice of a travel package by a group composed by two couples that regularly travels together, to which was asked to do a pairwise judgment of the criteria and the alternatives. The mains results show that, although been a group that travels together, there are different models of values in the weights of the criteria and a certain convergence in the scales of preferences of the alternatives in the criteria. It was not pointed a dominant alternative for all the members of the group separately, but an analysis of a total utility of the group shows a classification and an order of the travel packages and an alternative clearly in front of the others. The sensitivity analysis revels that there are changes in the ranking, but the two alternatives best classified in the normal analysis are the same ones in the sensitivity analysis, although with the positions changed. The analysis also led to a simplification of the process with the exclusion of alternatives dominated for the others ones. As main conclusion, it is evaluated that the model and method suggested allow a simplification of the decision process in the choice of travel packages


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The purpose of this paper is to identify the utilization of two models of orthotics used in the conservative treatment of rizartrose in patients/consumers that were referred by the medical clinic to the LAI (Laboratory of Integrated Accessibility). It describes this group s perception related to the functional aspects of the two models, evaluates the value of the product attributed by the patient/consumer and describes the importance attributed to each model. The research s objective consists in identifying which model this is preferred from the point of view by the patients that use either the dorsal or ventral models used in the conservative treatment of rizartrose . This work is then based on the exploratory research through the investigation of the bibliography available and in the research field. The research field used the case study methodology to investigate the phenomenon in the real context. The data were collected using a patient questionnaire during two times after the use of the dorsal orthotic and after the use of the ventral orthotic. The questionnaire was used to identify the relationship between the patients/consumers and the two different types of orthotics. A general descriptive analysis was used in order to verify the patient s abilities executing certain activities daily living using the dorsal and ventral orthotics, the product s functional aspects and its value from the patient s/consumer s point of view. The results show that the preference for the dorsal or ventral models is determined by the individual needs of each person. The results also show that other variables, such as the use of the orthotic on the dominant or non-dominant hand, play a role in the preferred model by the patient/consumer and need to be further investigated


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Postsurgical complication of hypertension may occur in cardiac patients. To decrease the chances of complication it is necessary to reduce elevated blood pressure as soon as possible. Continuous infusion of vasodilator drugs, such as sodium nitroprusside (Nipride), would quickly lower the blood pressure in most patients. However, each patient has a different sensitivity to infusion of Nipride. The parameters and the time delays of the system are initially unknown. Moreover, the parameters of the transfer function associated with a particular patient are time varying. the objective of the study is to develop a procedure for blood pressure control i the presence of uncertainty of parameters and considerable time delays. So, a methodology was developed multi-model, and for each such model a Preditive Controller can be a priori designed. An adaptive mechanism is then needed for deciding which controller should be dominant for a given plant


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Steam assisted gravity drainage process (SAGD) involves two parallel horizontal wells located in a same vertical plane, where the top well is used as steam injector and the bottom well as producer. The dominant force in this process is gravitational. This improved oil recovery method has been demonstrated to be economically viable in commercial projects of oil recovery for heavy and extra heavy oil, but it is not yet implemented in Brazil. The study of this technology in reservoirs with characteristics of regional basins is necessary in order to analyze if this process can be used, minimizing the steam rate demand and improving the process profitability. In this study, a homogeneous reservoir was modeled with characteristics of Brazilian Northeast reservoirs. Simulations were accomplished with STARS , a commercial software from Computer Modelling Group, which is used to simulate improved oil recovery process in oil reservoirs. In this work, a steam optimization was accomplished in reservoirs with different physical characteristics and in different cases, through a technical-economic analysis. It was also studied a semi-continuous steam injection or with injection stops. Results showed that it is possible to use a simplified equation of the net present value, which incorporates earnings and expenses on oil production and expenses in steam requirement, in order to optimize steam rate and obtaining a higher net present value in the process. It was observed that SAGD process can be or not profitable depending on reservoirs characteristics. It was also obtained that steam demand can still be reduced injecting in a non continuous form, alternating steam injection with stops at several time intervals. The optimization of these intervals allowed to minimize heat losses and to improve oil recovery


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The potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms in water bodies are spread across the globe, resulting in the loss of water quality and adverse effects on human health. In arid and semiarid regions, the hydrologic regime characterized by an annual cycle of drought and rain, change the volume and the retention time of the reservoir. Such changes affect the limnological characteristics and causing changes in composition and biomass community of cyanobacteria. The reservoir Cruzeta (Zmax = 8.7 m) is a eutrophic water supply source located in the semiarid tropical (Northeast Brazil). Raised the hypothesis that the hydrological regime of semi-arid tropical is a determining factor in the availability of resources in eutrophic water sources, which influences the composition of dominant species of cyanobacteria. The aim of this study was to analyze the changes in biomass and species composition of cyanobacteria for two annual hydrological cycles and evaluate factors drivers. The study was divided into five distinct periods (dry 2010, rain 2011, dry 2011, rain 2012, dry 2012). The dominant group found in all periods was Cyanobacteria (99% of total biomass), which contributed to the low diversity. The filamentous species Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was present at both points in almost every study. The colonial species Microcystis panniformis and Sphaerocavum brasiliensis dominated only in periods with lower volumes of water. The diatoms contribute more to the biomass during the period of severe drought. The point near the dam (P1) had phytoplankton biomass larger than the point near the tributary (P2). The dominant species of colonial cyanobacteria lasted until the overflow in P1, and P2 this dominance was until the first rains. The redundancy analysis indicated that physical factors such as light availability and water level were the main factors driving the seasonal succession of phytoplankton. The composition of phytoplankton in spring was alternated by species of filamentous cyanobacteria in conditions of poor stability of the water column, such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, and colonial species under conditions of high stability of the water column, such as Microcystis panniformis and Sphaerocavum brasiliensis. The extremes of torrential rains and severe droughts, governed by the hydrological regime of the semi-arid region led to the availability of resources in the watershed, directing the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton in the reservoir Cruzeta


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Considérant que le Brésil est un pays considéré comme «non- lecteurs», nous avons essayé de trouver des solutions pour inverser cette situation d'exclusion sociale à travers des campagnes et des projets. Le slogan était le moyen de la propagande a proposé à cet effet. En étant un peu éclairante, il a été considéré qu'ils étaient peut-être inséré dans un contexte idéologique, en passant, qui faisait alors partie de l'objet d'études en question et, en conséquence, l'objectif était d'étudier comment, dans niveau discursif, les relations sociales de l'idéologie et du pouvoir dans ces dessins slogans verbaux et des campagnes publicitaires pour encourager la lecture. Nous avons utilisé comme instrument de collecte de données en 2007 slogans projets (sept) et l'intensification des campagnes de publicité dans les années 1995 à 2006, peu après la création de la descendance en 1992, où son fonctionnement a été analysé et discours idéologique, en cherchant à identifier les états effets de sens proposé. Nous avons utilisé pour soutenir la perspective de recherche d'analyse du discours de l'école française, affiliée à Pêcheux. Afin de sens les effets sens des tests a été fait une semi-ouverte aux enseignants qui traitent directement avec l'enseignement de la lecture de l'Institut de l'Enseignement Supérieur du Président-Kennedy, situé à Natal / RN. On été appliqués 100 questionnaires, parmi lesquels 60 d‟entre eux utilisés pour l‟analyse. La recherche a démontré par l'analyse, que la façon d'encourager les gens à lire se déplace à travers le modèle principal de la compréhension de la lecture à laquelle les slogans ont été utilisés, en les intégrant dans un discours dominant, qui ne contribue pas de manière significative à l'augmentation le nombre de lecteurs dans le pays. Grâce à l'analyse des slogans et la réception des sujets de recherche, nous nous rendons compte de la diversité et l'idéologie sont présents en elles, révélant tout le temps, la compréhension de la lecture comme une surface pratique, ne mettre en lumière certaines de ses fonctions Importantes au sein d‟um contexte éducatif plus large


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In the Einstein s theory of General Relativity the field equations relate the geometry of space-time with the content of matter and energy, sources of the gravitational field. This content is described by a second order tensor, known as energy-momentum tensor. On the other hand, the energy-momentum tensors that have physical meaning are not specified by this theory. In the 700s, Hawking and Ellis set a couple of conditions, considered feasible from a physical point of view, in order to limit the arbitrariness of these tensors. These conditions, which became known as Hawking-Ellis energy conditions, play important roles in the gravitation scenario. They are widely used as powerful tools for analysis; from the demonstration of important theorems concerning to the behavior of gravitational fields and geometries associated, the gravity quantum behavior, to the analysis of cosmological models. In this dissertation we present a rigorous deduction of the several energy conditions currently in vogue in the scientific literature, such as: the Null Energy Condition (NEC), Weak Energy Condition (WEC), the Strong Energy Condition (SEC), the Dominant Energy Condition (DEC) and Null Dominant Energy Condition (NDEC). Bearing in mind the most trivial applications in Cosmology and Gravitation, the deductions were initially made for an energy-momentum tensor of a generalized perfect fluid and then extended to scalar fields with minimal and non-minimal coupling to the gravitational field. We also present a study about the possible violations of some of these energy conditions. Aiming the study of the single nature of some exact solutions of Einstein s General Relativity, in 1955 the Indian physicist Raychaudhuri derived an equation that is today considered fundamental to the study of the gravitational attraction of matter, which became known as the Raychaudhuri equation. This famous equation is fundamental for to understanding of gravitational attraction in Astrophysics and Cosmology and for the comprehension of the singularity theorems, such as, the Hawking and Penrose theorem about the singularity of the gravitational collapse. In this dissertation we derive the Raychaudhuri equation, the Frobenius theorem and the Focusing theorem for congruences time-like and null congruences of a pseudo-riemannian manifold. We discuss the geometric and physical meaning of this equation, its connections with the energy conditions, and some of its several aplications.


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Lithium (Li) is a chemical element with atomic number 3 and it is among the lightest known elements in the universe. In general, the Lithium is found in the nature under the form of two stable isotopes, the 6Li and 7Li. This last one is the most dominant and responds for about 93% of the Li found in the Universe. Due to its fragileness this element is largely used in the astrophysics, especially in what refers to the understanding of the physical process that has occurred since the Big Bang going through the evolution of the galaxies and stars. In the primordial nucleosynthesis in the Big Bang moment (BBN), the theoretical calculation forecasts a Li production along with all the light elements such as Deuterium and Beryllium. To the Li the BNB theory reviews a primordial abundance of Log log ǫ(Li) =2.72 dex in a logarithmic scale related to the H. The abundance of Li found on the poor metal stars, or pop II stars type, is called as being the abundance of Li primordial and is the measure as being log ǫ(Li) =2.27 dex. In the ISM (Interstellar medium), that reflects the current value, the abundance of Lithium is log ǫ(Li) = 3.2 dex. This value has great importance for our comprehension on the chemical evolution of the galaxy. The process responsible for the increasing of the primordial value present in the Li is not clearly understood until nowadays. In fact there is a real contribution of Li from the giant stars of little mass and this contribution needs to be well streamed if we want to understand our galaxy. The main objection in this logical sequence is the appearing of some giant stars with little mass of G and K spectral types which atmosphere is highly enriched with Li. Such elevated values are exactly the opposite of what could happen with the typical abundance of giant low mass stars, where convective envelops pass through a mass deepening in which all the Li should be diluted and present abundances around log ǫ(Li) ∼1.4 dex following the model of stellar evolution. In the Literature three suggestions are found that try to reconcile the values of the abundance of Li theoretical and observed in these rich in Li giants, but any of them bring conclusive answers. In the present work, we propose a qualitative study of the evolutionary state of the rich in Li stars in the literature along with the recent discovery of the first star rich in Li observed by the Kepler Satellite. The main objective of this work is to promote a solid discussion about the evolutionary state based on the characteristic obtained from the seismic analysis of the object observed by Kepler. We used evolutionary traces and simulation done with the population synthesis code TRILEGAL intending to evaluate as precisely as possible the evolutionary state of the internal structure of these groups of stars. The results indicate a very short characteristic time when compared to the evolutionary scale related to the enrichment of these stars


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Cytogenetics analyses in fish are important because they compose a private group among the vertebrates, occupying a central position in the animal evolution. The Perciforms Order, dominant in the marine and freshwater environment, it constitutes a model potentially useful in the genetic evaluation of populations, as well as in the understanding of its evolutionary processes. In spite of this, cytogenetics studies in this great group is scarce, above all for the inhabitants of sandy bottom and pelagics habits. The present work proposed to contribute for the cytogenetic characterization of nine species of fish marine of sandy bottom of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), identifying the evolutionary patterns related to the karyotype in these species and the existence of filogenetics affinities between them and other Perciformes. The animals were collected in the beaches of the Redinha, Ponta Negra and Búzios (Coast of Rio Grande do Norte) and in Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago. Later on they were submitted to the cytogenetics technical that consist of mitotic estimulation, obtaining of mitotics chromosomes, proceeded by techniques of conventional coloration (Giemsa) and chromosomic bands (Ag-RONs and C band). Diploid number and fundamental number equal to 48 were observed in most of the species: Menticirrhus americanus, Ophioscion punctatissimus, Pareques acuminatus (Sciaenidae); Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Carangidae); Echeneis sp. 2 (Echeneidae); Archosargus probatocephalus (Sparidae) and Orthopristis ruber (Haemulidae). Trachinotus goodei (NF=52) (Carangidae) and Echeneis sp. 1 (Echeneidae) (NF=54) presented variation in NF, staying constant a diploid number equal to 48. RONs was situated in pericentromeric position in whole the scianids, and in the species Echeneis sp. 2 (22° pair), O. ruber and A. probatocephalus (1° pair), coinciding with great heterocromatics blocks in M. americanus (1° pair), P. acuminatus (2° pairl) and O. ruber (1° pair). RONs was also located in the telomeric area of the short arm of the 5° and 11° acrocentrics pairs in T. goodei, 4° and 19° pairs of C. chrysurus, 1° pair (sm) of Echeneis sp. 1. The C band detected centromeric blocks in most of the chromosomes of the species of Sciaenidae, Carangidae and Echeneidae, with great blocks in A. probatocephalus (4° pair). Heterocromatic blocks in telomeric areas in submetacentrics of Echeneis sp. 1, and pericentromerics in M. americanus (1° and 8° pairs), O. punctatissimus (1° pair) and P. acuminatus (2° pair) were also observed. It is noticed a marked conservatism cromossomic in the species of the family Scianidae and Haemulidae in what says respect to the number of acrocentrics chromosomes and the location of RONs. Even so it is outstanding the presence of heterocromatinization events during the karyotypic evolution of this family. Already in the families Sparidae and Carangidae, the obtained results reaffirm examples of small variations structural resultants of inversion and translocation Robertsonian, as important mechanisms of diversification karyotipical, as well as a pattern numerical evolutionary conserved, also observed in representatives of Echeneidae of Atlantic in relation to Pacific. The presence of RONs multiple, observed in the species T. goodei and C. chrysurus seems to represent a character derived in the family Carangidae. The results for the species O. ruber and A. probatocephalus suggest the presence of possible geographical or climatic barriers among populations of NE of Brazil in relationship the one of the SE


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Goats are social animals which groups are organized from dominance hierarchies, established by agonistic behaviors. The quality and productivity of the goat s milk can be influenced by the dominance hierarchy. In this context, the objectives of our work were describe the social and food behavior of Saanen goats in a semi-extensive production system; characterize the social organization from the assessment of dominance hierarchies in two seasonal periods and correlate the physicochemical quality of the goats milk according hierarchical position. The experiment was conducted in the EMPARN s experimental station, located in the district of Cruzeta/RN. We utilized 17 multiparous goats of the Saanen race, with different age and weight. The observations were performed in precipitation and drought phases. The scan method recorded the trough permanence and agonistic interactions by method "all occurrences" in the pasture the alimentary behaviors of eat, ruminate on foot, ruminate lying, leisure on foot, leisure lying and walk, by the focal animal sampling method. The goats milk was submitted to analyzes of: density, protein, fat, lactose, CSS and total solids. The animals spend most of the time feeding themselves, and the activities that demand greater energy expenditure are done in the morning. The animals changed the hierarchical structure during the seasonal periods because of the withdrawal of some individuals of the group, having more aggressive behavior in the rainy season. The dominant animal the lowet production, the more CSS and the lesser fat, the goat in the middle of the hierarchy was the one that obtained the best production and quality. We conclude that the Saanen goats adapt to the environment and the conditions of the group to ensure better survival and its production is influenced by the internal dynamics of the group


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The genus Callithrix, like other marmosets, presents a cooperative breeding system, characterized by the contribution of parents and non-breeding individuals of the social group in the care of infants. This care is provided through lactation, transport, supervision of infants and food transfers. In this study, we investigated the care of offspring in Callithrix jacchus through the food transfers in family groups under conditions of abundance and scarcity of food resources. We also attempted to verify the relationship between the participation of individuals in the transport of infants and in the food sharing. We observed four families at the Núcleo de Primatologia of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, in a total of seven infants, six twins and a single infant. Each infant was observed twice a week, from 1st to 20th week of life using the methods focal continuous and focal instantaneous sampling with one minute intervals. The observations were carried by 10 minutes and beginning with the supply of food for each family. Two families were tested under conditions of scarcity of food resources (experimental condition) and two others were subjected to conditions of abundant food, both conditions with restricted access to food supply. The condition of food scarcity did not influence the rate of food sharing with the infants that, in general, was considered low. All shares observed were passive sharings. Only one family showed higher levels of food begging, probably due to the loss of the mother during the period of lactation of her offspring. In this family, the dominant and subadult males were primarily responsible for the food sharing. The experimental condition influenced the distance of infants in relation to food source, so the infants in families that received abundant food remained closer to the source. However, it is believed that the place of food consumption was not influenced by experimental condition. There was no relationship between the participation of individuals in the transport and food sharing with their young. Therefore, it is suggested that, in general, the transfer of food in C. jacchus is characterized by tolerance to the demands of caregivers, represented by the passive sharing. Rates of sharing with infants were low, probably due to intra-group competition for food generated by the experiment.


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Magnetic particles are systems with potential use in drug delivery systems, ferrofluids, and effluent treatment. In many situations, such as in biomedical applications, it is necessary to cover magnetic particles with an organic material, as polymers. In this work, magnetic particles were obtained through covering magnetite particles with poly(methyl methacrylate‐comethacrylic acid) via miniemulsion polymerization process. The resultant materials were characterized X‐ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), zeta potential (��) measurements and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). XRD results showed magnetite as the predominant cristalline phase in all samples and that cristallites had nanometric dimensions. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed an increase in polymer thermal stability as a result of magnetite encapsulation. TGA results showed also that the encapsulation efficiency was directly related to nanoparticles s hidrofobicity degree. VSM measurements showed that magnetic polymeric particles were superparamagnetic, so that they may be potentially used for magnetic (bio)separation