35 resultados para Vantagem competitiva em manufatura
O número de instituições de ensino superior no Brasil vem crescendo bastante nos últimos anos. Com isso a preocupação com a qualidade dos cursos ofertados também tem aumentado. Para avaliar essa qualidade do ensino o governo instituiu formas de avaliação e vem aperfeiçoando a cada ano. As instituições, por sua vez, buscam bons resultados nessas avaliações a fim de utilizar como item de vantagem competitiva, uma vez que as notas obtidas por elas chamam atenção de novos clientes. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho buscou analisar as principais estratégias acadêmicas utilizadas na avaliação de desempenho dos cursos de Ciências Contábeis, da região de Natal-RN, no ENADE. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, e foi aplicado um estudo de caso complementado por um survey. A parte qualitativa foi obtida através de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com os coordenadores dos cursos e a quantitativa foi obtida através da aplicação de um questionário fechado aos alunos aptos a participarem do ENADE no ano de 2012. Foram estudadas todas as instituições em Natal que possuem o curso de Ciências Contábeis, modelo presencial, sendo ao todo 10 (dez) instituições identificadas. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo (entrevistas) e do software SPSS® 18 (survey). Foram utilizados os métodos de análise fatorial, através da análise de componentes principais, com rotação Varimax e normalização Kaiser. Em relação à análise da importância do ENADE sob a perspectiva dos estudantes, foi utilizado o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. Como resultados da pesquisa, foi identificado que tanto os discentes como os coordenadores de curso entendem a importância do ENADE, também observou-se que a satisfação dos discentes com a instituição refletiu nos resultados obtidos por esta, bem como, o momento em que foi iniciada a preparação para o exame também refletiu nas notas recebidas pelas instituições
This work presents the research carried through in the industrial segment of confection of clothes of the Great Natal whose objective is to show the profile, enterprise and technological management as also the use of simultaneous engineering in the development of products. The research approaches two studies. The first one presents the current picture of the companies, synthesized through twelve variable. As, through fifteen variable it shows to the level of use of Simultaneous Engineering in the Development of Products and its amplitude in relation to the Integrated Management using tools CAD, PDM and ERP (Computer Aided Design, Product Management Date, Enterprise Resource Planning). The integration of these systems acts aiming the reduction of the cost and the development time of products. The reached results indicate that simultaneous engineering is a competitive advantage and becomes possible: to reduce the life cycle of the product, to rationalize the resources, to incorporate one high standard of the quality to the process and product as well as to personalize the product to take care of the global market. It is important to note that this work also is considered to contribute for the better understanding of the real companies situation of confection located at the Great Natal and its role in the economy of the State of the Rio Grande do Norte
Licuri is a palm tree from the semiarid regions of Bahia State, Brazil. It is an important source of food and feed in that region, since their nuts are commonly eaten by humans and used as maize substitute for poultry feeding. The aim of this dissertation is to study the feasibility for use of natural convection solar dryers and forced being compared with the traditional drying outdoors for drying coconut licuri Syagrus coronate. The study led to the construction of two prototype solar dryer for carrying out experiments proving: model Solar Drying System Direct Exposure to Natural Convection built with wood, has a drying chamber with direct cover transparent glass laminates 4 mm, using techniques for proper isolation of the drying chamber. The two prototypes were comparatively analyzed for performance and drying efficiency with traditional extractive use by the community. Were evaluated the variables: time and drying rates and quality of the final samples of coconut licuri. The fruits were harvested and brought the town of Ouricuri, in the city of Caldeirão Grande, BA for the experiments comparing the three methods of drying was used a standard load of 4.0 kg The quantitative analysis for the result of the drying rate was found in 74% yield and 44% for natural and forced convection respectively compared with the traditional drying. These drying rates represent variation 3-5 times lower. Drying using forced convection licuri showed better quality, was found in a reddish pulp, representing the quantities that were kept of the nutrient beta carotene, and not notice the flavor change from the previous system, the final cost of construction of this system were higher . The prototypes built competitive advantage and had testified fully to resolve the technical difficulties previously encountered in the production of products made of coconut licuri. Allowing add value and increase their potential use for the fruit extractive communities of semi-arid region of Bahia
The present work aimed at investigating the small hotel managers perceptions from Natal/RN concerning the environmental practice uses as a competitive factor. This study is characterized as a descriptive exploratory research that used an aleatory probabilistic sample followed by the application of collect data instrument (questionnaire). The small hotels located in Natal/RN were the study participants and the specific location where 35 questionnaires were answered. Based on the data and on the mangers point of view, it is possible to comprehend that, among the presented indicators, the development of environmental programs in the hotel enterprise is showed as the least important for the client s choice. As the main conclusion it is relevant to argue that, according to the small hotel managers, the guests do not still search for hotels that implement environmental practices. On the other side, the interviewed managers believe that the use of these practices can generate a great competitive advantage in relation to their competitors. The information obtained by this present research will be able to contribute to establish a contemporary panorama in relation to the importance attributed by the managers concerning the use of environmental practices in small hotel enterprises in Natal/RN. In addition the correct use of this information can generate possibilities of major competitiveness in this segment
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The study aims to analyze the perception of managers on intangible assets as strategic and competitive resources in small hotels in Natal/RN, through the theory of the Resource Based View (RBV). This is a qualitative study of exploratory and descriptive, conducted with managers of the means of hosting small the capital of Rio Grande do Norte through semi-structured interviews, which was applied later, the technique content analysis based on the results of the information obtained in the interviews. Thus, research has shown that managers of small hotels visited (A, B, C) are not sufficient and satisfactory knowledge to set as their unique intangible assets of the company and makes use of them, on an occasional basis, without understanding or in essence understand its true value as a resource that can be used strategically for sustainable competitive advantage in the hotel market in Natal/RN. This means that managers do not know how to create new attributes and use them strategically. And they need to expand their partnerships with stakeholders. Given the importance of the subject of the present research, the information achieved by this analysis may contribute to the provision of information to establish a current situation with regard to the attributed to the knowledge and use of resources (intangible assets) importance as a strategic source and competitive for the internal management of the company by managers and thus, enabling a differential and greater economic profit over time in this segment
Management and innovation are two words that come together in the organizational context for the success of firms. Innovation has become an essential component for tourism and convention centers. Considering the impact of the meetings centers in the tourism sector and constant innovation as a competitive advantage strategy of the last decade, this study used the innovation management as a key to changing challenge in the center of Natal conventions. Factors in innovation management for meetings centers were investigated by means of information in organizational and technological structure of the equipment such as the state of the art innovation. The main aspects of innovation management reflecting in the meetings industry of construction is the ability to create and change to the conference and convention centers. It is a descriptive exploratory qualitative research with case study method, which relate to innovation management and tourism to Natal and Fortaleza conventions centers. The results show that there is still no at convention center of Natal , a satisfactory innovation management level, for the planning, leadership, skills, strategies and implementations for innovative processes in our times are absent.
Management and innovation are two words that come together in the organizational context for the success of firms. Innovation has become an essential component for tourism and convention centers. Considering the impact of the meetings centers in the tourism sector and constant innovation as a competitive advantage strategy of the last decade, this study used the innovation management as a key to changing challenge in the center of Natal conventions. Factors in innovation management for meetings centers were investigated by means of information in organizational and technological structure of the equipment such as the state of the art innovation. The main aspects of innovation management reflecting in the meetings industry of construction is the ability to create and change to the conference and convention centers. It is a descriptive exploratory qualitative research with case study method, which relate to innovation management and tourism to Natal and Fortaleza conventions centers. The results show that there is still no at convention center of Natal , a satisfactory innovation management level, for the planning, leadership, skills, strategies and implementations for innovative processes in our times are absent.
This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the development of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expanding the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human action. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SILVA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social relationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in arrangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the supportive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies
Os shoppingcenters são grandes instituições repletas de empresas quecompetem entre si formas de como melhor satisfazer as necessidade dosclientes. Sendo assim, cada empresa utiliza-se de estratégias com o intuito deatingir a maior parcela de compradores possíveis sem comprometer suaexistência e sua vantagem competitiva. Este estudo está baseado na teoria dasestratégias competitivas genéricas de Porter (1980; 1985) o qual estabeleceem seu modelo que todas as empresas existentes no mercado possuam pelomenos uma das três abordagens estratégicas (diferenciação, liderança emcusto e enfoque). Desta forma, este trabalho identifica de que maneira estádistribuída as estratégia competitiva nas empresas de shoppingcenters deNatal/RN. Primeiramente buscou-se levantar a relação das estratégias destasempresas com a teoria proposta por Porter (1985) e sua alocação de acordocom os agrupamentos resultantes da combinação das estratégias. Nestemomento, foram aplicados questionários com 89 gerentes de lojas de shoppingcenters que resultou após análises estatísticas em cinco agrupamentos comabordagens válidas. Em seguida foram selecionadas as empresas quepossuíam maior afinidade com cada agrupamento e que melhor representavamos resultados dispostos em cinco clustersacerca da teoria proposta e nestaamostragem foi aplicada entrevista com os gerentes. Os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas validaram a análise dos dados encontrados nosquestionários anteriormente aplicados estando em conformidade com aproposta teoria. Identificou-se também duas modalidades de empresas queutilizavam simultaneamente mais de uma estratégia competitiva (meio-termo),sendo uma dentro e outra fora do modelo proposto pelo autor. Embora omodelo das estratégias competitivas genéricas tenha sido instituído comaspectos voltados as organizações industriais, os resultados obtidos nestetrabalho validaram a aplicação desta teoria em empresas comercias deshopping centers que vem se adequando para obter resultados financeirosmais satisfatórios e melhor posicionamento em relação à concorrência
The present study it analyzes the Management of the Marketing of strategy Relationship as distinguishing for the host s companies of the city of Natal - RN. To carry through this analysis interviews with managers had been carried through, as well as the direct comment of processes, documents, actions and strategies developed for the hotels, with intention to know the level of perception and valuation of the relationship with customers, to verify resources and technologies used in the Management of the Relationship Marketing, identification, segmentation and differentiation of customers, personalization of products and services, and results of the emphasis in the relationship with customers for the host s companies. The research can be classified as exploratory - descriptive, and its universe is limited to the city of Natal, having enclosed hotels that have carried through tourist activity in 2005 and 2006. Still on the criteria of election of the sample, the study it investigated host s companies who if fit in the category superior luxury, or either, five stars, pertaining the national nets and international. How much to the treatment and analysis of the data the was made to leave of the theoretical support of the authors who work the thematic one and of the analysis of the interviews with managers, documents and processes observed for the researcher in the studied hotels. The research sample that the interviewed ones understand the importance to work the Management of the Marketing of Relationship in the host s companies me intention to get sustainable competitive advantage. One still evidenced that the searched hotels make use of strategies and instruments of Management of the Marketing of Relationship, however without an ample theoretical knowledge and yes only as base in the experience of the managers and spread processes already, generating one moment competitive advantage and not relationships of long duration
CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos . Comunidades virtuales y producción de inteligencia económica y competitiva. Inteligencia y Seguridad: revista de análisis y prospectiva, v. 3, p. 13-45, 2007
CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos ; ESTEBAN NAVARRO, Miguel Ángel. . Auditoria de Inteligência: um método para o diagnóstico de sistemas de inteligência competitiva e organizacional. In: XI ENANCIB - Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, 2010, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do XI ENANCIB. Rio de Janeiro: ANCIB, 2010.
The present objective study to inside identify the critical factors of success of the local family companies of a competitive boarding. For in such a way the same it understands the culture and the management of the family companies of success, identifies the essential areas of performance, it establishes the restrictive factors of the success, and analyzes the level of influence of the critical factors of success in the competitiveness of this type of company. In function of the subject little to be explored, and of this study to provide a general vision concerning the factors that take the family companies to get success, this research is explorer. On the other hand, for describing characteristic of the familiar companies in prominence in the local scene and for being worried about the practical performance, the same one also is descriptive. The sample in turn is the not-probabilist one of the intentional type, for accessibility. For operacionalization of the collection of data, the direct contact was used, being the composed instrument of research for variable as management, culture, critical factors of success and competitiveness. The study it evidences that in regards to the management and the culture of the family companies of success, some variable are turned aside from the standard of the conventional family companies cited by literature. Of general form in the familiar companies of success it has a bigger level of professionalization of the management. As for the value given to the knowledge, the study sample that the conventional family companies give little importance to it, in contrast of the family companies in prominence, who value of significant form the search for the knowledge. He is demonstrated despite the family companies of success, even so total are not professionalized, possess a bigger level of professionalization of the management, ratifying of certain forms the reason for which the majority develops the Strategical Planning formal periodically. In short, the results point 17 critical factors of success with respect to the family companies, in special factors as the product quality and services, and the use of the technology
The aim of this study was to assess the acute and chronic effects of zinc in serum iron profile of children aged 6-9 years in relation to nutritional status and dietary intake. The study participants were 11 children regardless of sex, aged 6-9 years. They were selected from three public schools of the city of Natal, Brazil. Body mass index was used to assess nutritional status. In order to determine the patterns of childhood growth and ideal weight we used the standards of the World Health Organization. The dietary intake assessment was based on information from a three-day prospective food survey. The variables were energy intake, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron and zinc. All children underwent an intravenous administration of zinc (IVAZn) before and after oral administration of zinc (OAZn) (5 mg Zn / day) for three months. We measured serum iron, hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein, before and after the use of oral zinc. The analysis of hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein was performed using standard methods of clinical laboratory. Zinc levels and serum iron were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The project was evaluated and approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Results: All children had normal weight. The consumption of energy, fat, fiber, calcium and iron were below recommended levels. However, the levels of protein and carbohydrates were high. Protein and zinc increased significantly after OAZn. Carbohydrate and protein were elevated in the blood. After OAZn, both protein and zinc increased, being statistically significant. Conclusion: The potential inhibitory effect of physiological or pharmacological doses of zinc on the profile of serum iron was observed in children with healthy weight and aged between 6 and 9 years. This negative effect of zinc did not affect the levels of hematocrit or hemoglobin, and therefore did not cause anemia. This was a multidisciplinary study, involving researchers from medicine, nutrition and pharmacy. This met the requirements of multidisciplinarity of the Post Graduate Program in Health Sciences of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.