46 resultados para Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica


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To understand the feelings of nursing professionals when faced with the death of newborn babies in an intensive care unit is the purpose of this investigation. Motivation was triggered by the countless hardships we go through everyday, as professionals, and the scarcity of publications in this specific area of knowledge. The aim is to describe the experience of the nursing professionals and identify their feelings when faced with the death of newborn babies in an intensive care unit. As a methodological procedure, this research is based on a qualitative, phenomenology-focused approach and on the following leading question addressed to the interviewed nurses and nursing technicians who work at the unit: How do you feel when you are faced with the death of a newborn baby in the ICU at which you work? Answers to this question on such phenomenon revealed a diversity of feelings, such as, loss, guilt, failure, negation, compassion, and sorrow, coupled with anguish, fear, and anxiety, resulting in an experience of the sensitive world of everyone. Theoretical support to this analysis was based on works by authors who discuss phenomenology, as well as authors who study the theme of death. An understanding of the phenomenon thus studied enables us to affirm that the death of a newborn baby is, for the nursing professional who takes care of the baby in the space of the ICU, an experience of conflicting, sometimes painful feelings, on account of their complexity. This is true not only in respect of their feelings for the baby, but for the family as well, especially the parents


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This study originated from my concerns as critical care nurse, regarding the lived experience of the family member of the patient that is hospitalized in the intensive care unit - ICU. The purpose of the study was to comprehend the experience of the family members while having a loved one interned in an ICU, and to identify the common elements of the phenomenon, based on the descriptions of their experiences. Considering that the object of study involves subjective and social questions, the study was conducted using some fundamental ideas of descriptive phenomenology as a referential and the situated phenomenon as suggested by Martins and Bicudo (1989). Ten (10) family members of patients that were interned in the ICU of private hospital in Natal, RN were interviewed using the following leading question: What is it like to have a member of your family interned in the ICU? Five thematic structural categories emerged from the comprehensive analysis of the interviews: Fear of the family member s death; Lack of humanization; Social isolation; Confidence in the ICU; and Overload to the personal life. The description of the phenomenon enabled a new look at how the care team relates to the family members of the patients interned in the ICU, providing some guidance on how to construct a humanized care that involves the family and that is based on affective human relations. This involves a rethinking of the care provided by team to the family and stimulates the reformulation of personal and social attitudes, and of hospital organizational norms


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The pain is a sensuous and emotional experience unpleasant associated or related to real injury or potencial of the tissues. It is considered an individual and subjective experience generally has been described in the literature about in the neonatal stage a lot. This study has descriptive and exploratory character with a qualitative approach. The study has with objectives to analyze the performance of the nursing technicians working with newborns admitted in the ITUN, seeking to describe the perception of the nursing technicians about the pain, identify the parameters used for the detection and evaluation of pain in them, trying to describe the ons of this team about the pain in the newborns in ITUN. The subjects are nine nursing technicians of the ITU of the Parenting School Januário Cicco in Natal-RN, engaged in direct assistance to newborns in the ITU, on the turn of the morning, which was prepared to participate in the search. The collection of the data was conducted through a structured interview with tree questions; through a non-participatory observation with a structured roadmap and were used to record and pass on call was also as a way of obtaining data. The start of the collection made after the assent of the Ethics Committee / UFRN in November, 2007. The speakings have been transcribed and data read extensively to obtain categories.The analysis of the content made in terms of Bardin. Emerged three main categories of significance: Perceptioning of pain in newborns; Caring for the newborns with pain; Registering the pain in the newborns. A nursing technicians identifies the pain in the newborns, for the most part, so empirical, using signs of behavioral or physiological changes in isolation, giving little emphasis to the environment and to respect that the newborns is inserted. It was found that the attitudes cited by subjects of the search before the newborns with pain, are for the most part non-pharmacological actions such as sucking nutrient not, a proper positioning and measures of comfort, however pharmacological actions have also been reported.These is also the absence of records of nursing records in the report of pain and actions to minimize them and, in records and for the passage of call. With this study we understand the role of the nursing technicians, and seek to contribute to subsidies for the practice of professionals involved in caring for this age group, and also in the search for a humane assistance to the newborns


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Care has always been present in the history of humanity and in contemporary nursing it is considered to be a fundamental characteristic. In the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), care occurs within an environment that is known for its stressful factors, technological equipment, social isolation and discomfort. Whilst the reality of nursing practice in ICU demonstrates the lack of planned and systematized care, there is an indication that the professionals working in this setting utilize some type of knowledge. Based on that premise, in this study we aim to identify the knowledge that the nurses use in providing care in the ICU. We believe that the identification and characterization of this knowledge, and how it presents itself in practice, requires a reflective analysis process. Therefore, we utilized a qualitative perspective and Kim´s (1999) investigative methodology of reflective inquiry that is based on the precepts of Action Science proposed by Argyris et al. (1985). The study was conducted with 8 intensive care nurses of a public hospital. Data were collected by means of non-participative observation of the nursing care actions and a semi-structured interview conducted within the reflective mode that focused on the nurses practice in the ICU. The results enabled us no only to detect that the nurses utilized knowledge and patterns of knowledge acquired or constructed, but to identify them as: scientific, philosophic, religious, empirical, personal, ethical, and esthetic knowledge. The predominance of the scientific knowledge in the care process suggests that these nurses hold an acquired scientific substance that they utilize to provide specialized care directed toward critical treatment. The conception of this reality surpasses the theoretical limits, the techniques, and the known facts, and denotes the need for a reflective process in action to aide in the comprehension of the knowledge involved in the construction of excellent care


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This study aimed to seize the general social representations of doctors and nurses who work in ICUs on the process of death and dying. We also aimed to know the social representations of these professionals in relation to death and the process of dying of people who are under their care, identify factors that influence the construction of these representations and identify similarities and differences between the two professions. The study was conducted from the perspective of the Theory of Social Representations of Serge Moscovici and the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric. The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Unit of Natal Hospital Center, a private hospital of the city of Natal - Rio Grande do Norte. This is descriptive and exploratory research. Twenty-four (24) professionals were interviewed, twelve (12) nurses and twelve (12) doctors. Data were collected through two instruments: Test of Free Association of Words, semi-structured interview. Later, they were coded, categorized and analyzed according to Content Analysis of Bardin (1977). The words evoked after the use of inducing words - death and dying - and the interviews, led to three thematic categories: Death and dying as a biological event, death and dying as a psychosocial event, death and dying as a transcendental event. As final considerations, we believe that the social representations of the group are translated in death and dying as biological and psychosocial events and anchored in the transcendental aspects, we do not see obvious differences in the testimonies of doctors and nurses , and the factors that interfere the construction of these offices is the culture, including religion


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A descriptive, quantitative approach and non-participant observation study, which was aimed at analyzing the association between knowledge and practice of inclusion and maintenance of urinary catheter by nursing professionals in the occurrence of urinary tract infection, performed in the ICU of Onofre Lopes University Hospital in Natal / RN. The original sample was composed of 42 nursing staff professional, five (5) nurses and 37 nursing technicians, 27 of them were outsourced (FUNPEC and IEL fellows) and 10 servers UFRN. Data collection was performed using two instruments, the first observation procedures used in the insertion and manipulation of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) and the second with a questionnaire that addressed the characterization data of respondents, knowledge and conduct the insertion and manipulation of the IUC. The results were tabulated in Microsoft Excel and analyzed using SPSS software, version 15.0. We found the prevalence of institutional staff members on outsourcing - IEL and FUNPEC - (64.3%) were female (69.0%), aged 21 to 35 years (59.5%) and with mid-level education (88.1%). As to knowledge, we found that the nurses had levels of good to excellent and the nursing technicians, to regulate the poor. The nurses made a mistake when choosing IUC (40.0%) and washing hands (30.0%) and technicians on hand washing (74.4%) and the contents of the tray (34.7%). In relation to the conduct of insertion of IUC, the nurses made a mistake when choosing SVD (66.7%) and washing hands (57.1%). Regarding the handling of IUC/drainage system, the technicians were wrong more about washing their hands (56.0%). Analyzing the misconduct to the categorization of knowledge, we saw that the nursing staff who had missed more had inadequate knowledge (ρ = 0.001). At the end we found the risk of a patient to acquire UTI is higher in two and a half times when there is a large number of mismatches, patient spends more time using the IUC and hospitalized in the ICU. As regards the study hypotheses, we accept the alternative hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis proposed at the start of this research, where the number of gaps in knowledge and behavior increases the incidence of urinary tract infection.


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This study aims to understand the feelings of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that experienced a change of shift at the bedside. The change of shift is one of the routines used by nursing in their work process and of great significance for the patient; therefore, deserves careful analysis in seeking to perfect themselves for the improvement of nursing care. It is a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. The collection of information was performed using semi-structured interview, in August and September of 2011, after authorization from the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as opinion 290/2011. The analysis, based on interviews of patients, took the humanization as the thread of investigation backed by authors who deal on the subject and the theory of the gift of Marcel Mauss that sits on drug give-receive-return. The results indicate that the change of shift at the bedside but has not configured, the content of the speech of patients interviewed, as a moment that has generated fear and anxiety, could be deduced by the expression of silence, tears and other signs during interviews, how hard it is to live this experience. Nevertheless, despite this apparent tranquility, revealed uncertainty and apprehension face the speech of professional, during the visit at the bedside, particularly when referring to their health and their neighbors. On the other hand, the indifference to the participation of the patient at the time of the visit, expressing an attitude of merely technical nature, dehumanizes the act of taking care, the essence of nursing. And, for all the patients that we understand, about the visit to the bedside, as well as the ICU, we can infer that there is suffering for them. However, we understand your feelings and revelations seeking support in the theory of Mauss's gift: the patient receives the gift (care), and imbued with a feeling of gratitude, the rewards in the form of compliments and courtesies. Precisely for this reason, we need to sharpen our sensitivity to deal about the human condition in all its vulnerability.


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The problem facing the incidence of pressure ulcers (UP) in the hospital environment especially in the intensive care unit (ICU), although it is an old and frequent event in our professional practice, it is not notified in the researches as much as it should be. We observed a tendency to invest in therapeutical and in studies about the production of sophisticated new bandages. Few, however, are the investments in research on preventive measures in order to prevent or at least slow down the development of lesions. In this sense, the study aimed to analyze the correlation between nursing care and the risk of developing UP measured by the Braden scale in ICU patients. This is a descriptive study of longitudinal quantitative approach. The project obtained a favourable opinion from the Ethics Committee of HUOL (no 486/10). Data collection was carried out in the Hospital of Unimed in Natal during six months in 2011. The sample was of 32 patients hospitalized in ICU for over four days. The results were processed in SPSS 15.0 for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. We identified that, only 9.4% of our sample developed UP, being predominantly male, elderly people aged above 60 years, Caucasian, with diagnostic hypothesis at the time of hospitalization of sepsis, were clinical patients, who presented hemodynamic instability, using orotracheal tube (TOT), enteral probe (SNE), vesical probe delay (SVD) and had values of albumin and hemoglobin levels below normal. In addition, these patients had a longer hospital stay, longer usage of TOT, SNE, SVD, increased use of sedation and drain than those who did not develop UP and were all at risk for developing these injuries second Braden scores. 66.7% of the lesions developed were located in the sacral region, limiting the degree I and all patients that developed were considered serious, 100.0% of them have evolved since the death. Small were the differences between the averages of Braden scores between patients with and without UP, 11,9+2,4 against 12,4+2,6 with p = 0.627. The clinical aspects of the patients in the study were instrumental in the development of UP, once, these findings were statistically significant through the Mann-Whitney test, and appropriateness of nursing conduct was decisive for the prevention of pressure ulcers in critical patients, since many were those classified as at risk (28) and few who have developed lesions (03)


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The purpose of the study was to understand the nurse s experience with human care in the Adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The objective was to describe the nurse s experience in caring for patients in the ICU and to analyze the nurse s perception of the care provided. The study is a descriptive inquiry of qualitative nature with a phenomenological approach. We interviewed eight nurses, 26 and 43 years of age, that provide care in the ICU of a private hospital in Natal/RN, during the manths of July and August of 2006. We analyzed the data acording to the method of Colaizzi. Four categories emerged from the data: The search for the maintenance of life, The technicalbureaucratic activities, The recognition of the patient s individuality, and the expression of the nurse s feelings.The analysis allowed us to describe the lived experience of the nurse s care the ICU and to comprehend the structural elements of this experience. The results showed that the nurse s experience presents itself as a process of the several actions and feelings that occur while the social relations between the patient and the nurse develop. Finally, we understand that although the study shows an experience based on a biological model of health, these nurses possess an initial idea on how to reach humanized care in its essence, needing, however, of an institutional policy that favors this practice, an educational formation that prepares her to recognize her field of work as a place of continuous learning and an understanding of the health model as an ally in the search of humanized care


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The sizing of nursing human resources is an essential management tool to meet the needs of the patients and the institution. Regarding to the Intensive Care Unit, where the most critical patients are treated and the most advanced life-support equipments are used, requiring a high number of skilled workers, the use of specific indicators to measure the workload of the team becomes necessary. The Nursing Activities Score is a validated instrument for measuring nursing workload in the Intensive Care Unit that has demonstrated effectiveness. It is a cross-sectional study with the primary objective of assessing the workload of nursing staff in an adult Intensive Care Unit through the application of the Nursing Activities Score. The study was conducted in a private hospital specialized in the treatment of patients with cancer, which is located in the city of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte – Brazil). The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the hospital (Protocol number 558.799; CAAE 24966013.7.0000.5293). For data collection, a form of sociodemographic characteristics of the patients was used; the Nursing Activities Score was used to identify the workload of nursing staff; and the instrument of Perroca, which classifies patients and provides data related to the their need for nursing care, was also used. The collected data were analyzed using a statistical package. The categorical variables were described by absolute and relative frequency, while the number by median and interquartile range. Considering the inferential approach, the Spearman test, the Wald chi-square, Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney test were used. The statistically significant variables were those with p values <0.05. The evaluation of the overall averages of NAS, considering the first 15 days of hospitalization, was performed by the analysis of Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), with adjust for the variable length of hospitalization. The sample consisted of 40 patients, in the period of June to August 2014. The results showed a mean age of 62,1 years (±23,4) with a female predominance (57,5%). The most frequent type of treatment was clinical (60,0%), observing an average stay of 6,9 days (±6,5). Considering the origin, most patients (35%) came from the Surgical Center. There was a mortality rate of 27,5%. 277 measures of NAS score and Perroca were performed, and the averages of 69,8% (±24,1) and 22,7% (±4.2) were obtained, respectively. There was an association between clinical outcome and value of the Nursing Activities Score in 24 hours (p <0.001), and between the degree of dependency of patients and nursing workload (rp 0,653, p<0,001). The achieved workload of the nursing staff, in the analyzed period, was presented high, showing that hospitalized patients required a high demand for care. These findings create subsidies for sizing of staff and allocation of human resources in the sector, in order to achieve greater safety and patient satisfaction as a result of intensive care, as well as an environment conducive to quality of life for the professionals


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The study aimed to analyze the field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection of NANDA International present in patients in the Intensive Care Unit. This is a crosssectional study in intensive care complex of a university hospital in northeastern Brazil. The research took place in two stages. The first step was to collect data through an interview form and physical examination, with 86 patients admitted to the unit, during the months of December 2013 to May 2014. Spreadsheets were built in Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Software in which were marked by the researcher of this study, the presence or absence of defining characteristics, related factors and risk factors of the 31 studied diagnoses. In the second stage, held between July and August 2014, the sheets were sent to three diagnosticians, previously trained to perform the diagnostic inference. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics for the diagnoses that showed higher frequencies than 50%, using IBM SPSS version 20.0 for Statistic Windows.O project was approved by the 440/414 and Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment number 22955113 .2.0000.5292. The results indicated the presence of 29 field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection in hospital clientele in the Intensive Care Unit, of which five were present in 100% of patients, namely: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk,risk of allergic response and risk of trauma. Diagnoses that presented more frequently than 50% were: Risk of infection, dry eye risk, poisoning risk, vascular trauma risk, impaired skin integrity, impaired dentition, bleeding risk, risk imbalance in body temperature, Risk perioperative positioning injury, impaired tissue integrity, peripheral neurovascular dysfunction Risk, Risk adverse response to contrast media with iodine, shock Hazard and Risk of aspiration. For these analyzes, we identified 35 risk factors, 11 defining characteristics and three related factors showed statistically significant association with the studied diagnoses. For diagnostics: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk, allergic response risk, trauma Risk, Risk of infection, dry eye risk and risk poisoning there was no association with any of their risk factors. We conclude that most of the area of nursing diagnoses safety / protection feature is prevalent in critically ill patients, with special attention to the risk diagnoses. There was a significant association between these diagnoses and its components. It is noteworthy, therefore, that the lifting of this profile contributes relevant clues to the inference of the priority nursing diagnoses domain safety / protection in the study population, supporting the practice of nursing and stimulating knowledge on the subject.


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Objective: Evaluate the determinants of morbidity and mortality in an obstetric intensive care unit and professional medical skills of students/residents at a university hospital. Methods: observational cross - sectional with 492 pregnant/pue rperal women and 261 students/residents. Patients were admitted to the obstetric intensive care unit during a year, being informed about the proposals of the study and a questionnaire was applied. The analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel 2013 and G raphPad6. Chi - square tests were used to evaluate risk factors and student t test evaluates resident/students' skills concerning the cognitive test and the Mini - Cex. Results: the main risk factors to near miss were: non - white race (OR = 2.527; RR = 2.342) ; marital status(married women) (OR = 7.968; RR = 7.113) , schooling (primary) (OR = 3.177 ; RR = 2.829) , from country town (OR = 4.643 ; RR = 4.087), low income (OR = 7014 ; RR = 5.554) , gestational hypertensive disorders (OR = 16.35 ; RR = 13.27) , re alization of pre - natal (OR = 5.023 ; RR = 4.254) and C - section before labor(OR = 39.21 ; RR = 31.25). In cognitive/Mini - cex analysis were noted significant difference in the performance of students on the subject (3.75 ± 0.93, 4.03 ± 0.94 and 4.88 ± 0.35). We still observed the best performance of residents, when compared to graduation students (p < 0.01). Conclusions: the prevalence of near miss was associated with socioeconomic/clinics factors and care issues, revealing the importance of interventions to improve these indicators. In addition, we suggest a better curriculum insertion of this subject in the medical Course disciplines due the importance to avoid the near miss through of adequacy of medical education.


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Tratar-se-á de um estudo metodológico, com abordagem quantitativa; baseado no referencial metodológico da técnica Delphi, com objetivo de construir e validar um protocolo clínico para assistência do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. A proposta metodológica seguiu duas etapas: elaboração do instrumento por meio da revisão integrativa da literatura e validação de conteúdo do protocolo. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, mediante o Parecer CAAE 41873314.5.0000.5537. O universo amostral foi composto por profissionais enfermeiros, considerados peritos, doutores ou mestres na área da saúde, com experiência em alta complexidade e/ ou estudos de validação de instrumento/protocolo, selecionados por meio da Plataforma Lattes. Referente à primeira etapa elaborou-se um instrumento composto pela caracterização profissional dos peritos; e baseado em evidência científica e nas diretrizes do Surviving Sepsis Campaign, contemplando três tópicos assistenciais ao paciente com sepse, a saber: Triagem para Sepse- Reconhecimento das Manifestações Clínicas; Pacote de Ressuscitação Inicial (Controle das Primeiras 6 Horas); Tratamento de Suporte. A segunda etapa caracterizou-se na validação de conteúdo do instrumento para elaboração final do protocolo, utilizando à técnica Delphi, em duas fases. No que concernem as variáveis referentes ao estudo, na 1ª fase de Delphi, 34 peritos avaliaram o instrumento composto por 18 itens, no período de maio a julho de 2015, e os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva (frequência, média, mediana e desvio padrão) e pelo Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), demonstrando um IVC extremamente satisfatório para 15 itens, com total de 0,79, obtendo assim, a reformulação e refinamento do conteúdo do instrumento. Na segunda fase de Delphi, entre julho e agosto de 2015, participaram 26 peritos, e utilizou-se o percentual de concordância acima de 75% para as variáveis consideradas pertinentes ao protocolo de cuidados ao paciente séptico em UTI, obtendo nesta fase, o percentual de concordância de 95%. O protocolo foi concluído com 15 itens, sendo respaldado e modificado, baseado em evidência científica, nas diretrizes internacionais e nas sugestões dos peritos. A utilização do protocolo proposto poderá contribuir para a prática clínica do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.


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Tratar-se-á de um estudo metodológico, com abordagem quantitativa; baseado no referencial metodológico da técnica Delphi, com objetivo de construir e validar um protocolo clínico para assistência do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. A proposta metodológica seguiu duas etapas: elaboração do instrumento por meio da revisão integrativa da literatura e validação de conteúdo do protocolo. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, mediante o Parecer CAAE 41873314.5.0000.5537. O universo amostral foi composto por profissionais enfermeiros, considerados peritos, doutores ou mestres na área da saúde, com experiência em alta complexidade e/ ou estudos de validação de instrumento/protocolo, selecionados por meio da Plataforma Lattes. Referente à primeira etapa elaborou-se um instrumento composto pela caracterização profissional dos peritos; e baseado em evidência científica e nas diretrizes do Surviving Sepsis Campaign, contemplando três tópicos assistenciais ao paciente com sepse, a saber: Triagem para Sepse- Reconhecimento das Manifestações Clínicas; Pacote de Ressuscitação Inicial (Controle das Primeiras 6 Horas); Tratamento de Suporte. A segunda etapa caracterizou-se na validação de conteúdo do instrumento para elaboração final do protocolo, utilizando à técnica Delphi, em duas fases. No que concernem as variáveis referentes ao estudo, na 1ª fase de Delphi, 34 peritos avaliaram o instrumento composto por 18 itens, no período de maio a julho de 2015, e os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva (frequência, média, mediana e desvio padrão) e pelo Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), demonstrando um IVC extremamente satisfatório para 15 itens, com total de 0,79, obtendo assim, a reformulação e refinamento do conteúdo do instrumento. Na segunda fase de Delphi, entre julho e agosto de 2015, participaram 26 peritos, e utilizou-se o percentual de concordância acima de 75% para as variáveis consideradas pertinentes ao protocolo de cuidados ao paciente séptico em UTI, obtendo nesta fase, o percentual de concordância de 95%. O protocolo foi concluído com 15 itens, sendo respaldado e modificado, baseado em evidência científica, nas diretrizes internacionais e nas sugestões dos peritos. A utilização do protocolo proposto poderá contribuir para a prática clínica do enfermeiro ao paciente séptico na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva.


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The frequency of disseminated candidiasis caused by yeast has enhancing in intensive care unit. Despite the availability of new antifungal drugs, C. albicans sepsis mortality causes can be as high as 30-40%. So, it has been needed to looking for a new therapeutic medicament that helps in treatment and prevention of this infection. Previous data that demonstrated that particulated β-glucan stimulates the immune system and experiments of this work were conducted to investigating if β-glucan extracted from Saccharomices cerevisiae, could modified the evolution of mouse model C. albicans systemic infection. Balb/c mice with sepsis and β-1,3 glucan treated or not were analyzed the influence of β-1,3 glucan in survival of the animals, in the fungal burdens in kidney, in the production of urea and TNF even in the histopathology of kidney. The experiments shown that the infected animals a nd glucan treated had great survival (p<0,05), less unit form colony in kidney and normal levels of urea. In the kidney histopathology of not glucan treated animals it has seen more lesions when compared with treated animals. So we conclude that β-1,3 glucan could stimulate the immune system against disseminated C. albicans