19 resultados para Toras de madeira - Aquecimento


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In the present work, we have studied the nature of the physical processes of the coronal heating, considering as basis significant samples of single and binary evolved stars, that have been achieved with the ROSAT satellite. In a total of 191 simple stars were studied, classified in the literature as giants with spectral type F, G and K. The results were compared with those obtained from 106 evolved stars of spectral type F, G and K, which belong to the spectroscopic binary systems. Accurate measurements on rotation and information about binarity were obtained from De Medeiros s catalog. We have analysed the behavior of the coronal activity in function of diverse stellar parameters. With the purpose to better clarify the profile of the stars evolution, the HR diagram was built for the two samples of stars, the single and the binary ones. The evolved traces added in the diagram were obtained from the Toulouse-Geneve code, Nascimento et al. (2000). The stars were segregated in this diagram not only in range of rotational speed but also in range of X-ray flux. Our analysis shows clearly that the single stars and the binary ones have coronal activity controlled by physical process independent on the rotation. Non magnetic processes seem to be strongly influencing the coronal heating. For the binary stars, we have also studied the behavior of the coronal emission as a function of orbital parameters, such as period and eccentricity, in which it was revealed the existence of a discontinuity in the emission of X-rays around an orbital period of 100 days. The study helped to conclude that circular orbits of the binary stars are presented as a necessary property for the existence of a higher level ofX-rays emission, suggesting that the effect of the gravitational tide has an important role in the coronal activity level. When applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test ) for the Vsini and FX parameters to the samples of single and binary stars, we could evidence very relevant aspects for the understanding of the mechanisms inherent to the coronal activity. For the Vsini parameter, the differences between the single stars and the binary ones for rotation over 6.3 km/s were really remarkable. We believe, therefore, that the existence of gravitational tide is, at least, one of the factors that most contribute for this behavior. About the X-rays flux, the KS test showed that the behavior of the single and the binary stars, regarding the coronal activity, comes from the same origin


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In the present work we study the processes of heating in the high stellar atmosphere, with base in an analysis of behavior of the cromospheric and coronal emission for a sample of single stars classified as giant in the literature. The evolutionary status of the stars of the sample was determined from HIPPARCOS satellite trigonometric parallax measurements and from the Toulouse Genéve code. In this study we show the form of behavior of the CaII emission flux in spectral lines H and K F(CaII) and the X-ray emission flux in function of the rotation, number of Rossby Ro and depth in mass of the convective envelope. In this analysis we show that while the cromospheric activity is dominated clearly by a physical process of heating associated with the rotation, like a magnetic field produced by dynamo effect, the coronal activity seems to be influenced for a mechanism independent of the rotation. We show also that the effective role of the depth in massa of the convective envelope on the stellar activity has an important effect in the responsible physical process for the behavior of the activity in the atmosphere of the stars.


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To evaluate the effects of warm-up and stretching, singly or combined, on isokinetic performance and electromyographic activity of the biceps femoris. Materials and methods: Sixty-four volunteers of both sexes, with mean age of 23,1 ± 3,5 years and mean body mass index of 23,5 ± 2,5 Kg/m2 were randomly assigned into 4 groups: control, warm-up (stationary bicycle for 10 minutes), stretching (4 sets of 30 seconds of hamstring muscles static stretching) and warm-up + stretching. All the volunteers were submitted to evaluation pre and post-intervention of the muscle latency time and biceps femoris RMS and the passive torque, peak torque and power of the hamstring muscles. Results: The warm-up + stretching group had reduction of muscle latency time. There was a reduction of RMS during passive torque evaluation in stretching group. The RMS during isometric evaluation was reduced in all experimental groups. The RMS during eccentric evaluation showed reduction in control and warm-up + stretching groups. The passive torque and the eccentric peak torque had no significant differences pre to post-intervention in any group. There was reduction in isometric peak torque in all groups. Conclusion: The warm-up and stretching, when applied in combination can reduce the muscle latency time; stretching protocol promoted neural changes; the protocols used did not alter the muscle viscoelastic properties


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Among the non-invasive techniques employed in the prevention of caries highlights the sealing pits and fissures which is a conservative maneuver, in order to obliterate them to protect them from attack acid bacteria. Influenced by the studies of pre-heating composite resin, which has experienced great improvement in some of their physical properties, this study aimed to evaluate in vitro the superficial and internal marginal adaptation of different materials and sealants in pre-heating or not. A total of 40 extracted human third molars (n=10) that had their occlusal surfaces prepared to receive sealant. We tested two types of sealing materials: resin sealant (Fluoroshield) and low-viscosity resin (Permaflo), where 50% of previously received heated material and the other half received sealant material at room temperature. All samples were subjected to thermal cycling and pH, simulating a cariogenic oral environment, and later were analyzed appliance OCT (optical coherence tomography). The images obtained alterations were recorded and analyzed statistically. Change was considered as the emergence of bubbles, gaps and cracks in the sealant. Comparisons of the same material, assessing the fact that it is not sealed or preheated material, as well as comparisons between different materials subjected to the same temperature were carried out. The nonparametric Tukey test was used (p < 0,05). The results showed that there was statistically significant difference between both the materials analyzed, as between the situations in which the sealant material was submitted (preheated or not). On the issue of marginal adaptation and internal surface, seen through Optical coherence tomography, may suggest that there is a difference between the use of one type or another of the sealing material analyzed, with superiority attributed to resin Permaflo compared to sealant Fluroshield, telling is the same for the different techniques used