59 resultados para Reuniões
Este trabajo, intitulado pensando y actuando: estudio da le relación entre el desarrollo del pensamiento y la práctica pedagógica del profesor, tiene como objetivo investigar la relación entre el desarrollo del pensamiento teórico y la práctica pedagógica de una profesora de la educación pre primaria que actúa en una escuela pública de Natal / RN, con niños de edades variables de cuatro a cinco años. En términos específicos, pretendemos propiciar la continuidad de un proceso de formación que le permita elaborar el significado de los conceptos que componen los conocimientos curriculares, específicamente, el concepto de familia; tener el dominio de los procesos y procedimientos lógicos inherentes al desarrollo del pensamiento y la formación del concepto; mediar de forma consciente y planeada las etapas necesarias para que se efectiven los procesos de elaboración conceptual propicios al desarrollo del pensamiento. Para desencadenar el proceso investigativo, utilizamos los principios del materialismo histórico-dialéctico mientras que para el método de análisis, porque comprendemos que, a través de esta lógica, es que podremos buscar los elementos que darán sustentación a una mediación pedagógica que permita mayor eficacia en la comprensión de los fenómenos. Recurriremos a la investigación colaborativa, una vez que era nuestra intención desarrollar una acción investigativa compartida, teniendo en vista buscar medios para resolver los problemas de la práctica pedagógica. La investigación colaborativa posibilita al sujeto participante reflexionar, ser investigador, coadjutor-constructor de su práctica. Así, algunos procedimientos metodológicos fueron considerados adecuados para que pudiéramos alcanzar los resultados deseados, como Reuniones, Planeamientos, Ciclos de Estudios Reflexivos, Observación Colaborativa, y Sesiones Reflexivas. Utilizamos la metodología conceptual de Ferreira (2009) como soporte para el análisis del concepto de familia elaborado. Para hacer el análisis de ese proceso nos utilizamos de las teorizaciones de Vigotski (2009, 1998), Rubinstein (, Liublinskaia, Ferreira, Freire, entre otros. Podemos decir que, en la perspectiva de la colaboración, la reflexión sobre la práctica puede desencadenar una nueva visión del profesor sobre su práctica pedagógica y el desarrollo del pensamiento de su alumno. Los resultados obtenidos nos muestran que este fue un trabajo bien sucedido en el sentido de que percibimos una relación estrecha entre lo que la profesora realizó y los aprendizajes adquiridos por los alumnos. El sentido que la participante da a su hacer posibilitó la abertura de caminos para el desarrollo del pensamiento, a partir del trabajo con la metodología conceptual, revelando la conciencia del significado de su acción, y dialogando con las necesidades del alumno y trabajando las. Destacamos la importancia de la colaboración y del proceso reflexivo para la formación y la práctica del profesional profesor y los aprendizajes adquiridos con relación al reflexionar crítico y colaborativamente, en la argumentación y en la reformulación de nuestras ideas. Afirmamos que lo que realizamos es apenas el comienzo de nuevos caminos que surgirán por la necesidad que tenemos de busca, de descubiertas, y por las ganas de desarrollar acciones productivas, propicias de condiciones para la expansión de la formación profesional y de la práctica pedagógica del profesor. Las conclusiones a que llegamos están lejos de que se acaben, ya que es un tema complejo, que puede posibilitar el surgimiento de nuevos estudios, de nuevas investigaciones, de nuevos conocimientos
Ese estudio se firma en el camino de la formación y del desarrollo profesional de profesores de Matemáticas, objetivando comprender, a partir del discurso de profesores de dicha asignatura, el sentido atribuido a la autonomía profesional y cómo ese sentido es reflejado en la producción y desarrollo curricular de la asignatura de Matemáticas. Para tal, utilizamos la entrevista comprensiva, metodología basada en el supuesto fundamental de la palabra en la construcción del objeto de estudio. A partir del discurso de cinco profesores que imparten la asignatura de Matemáticas en el Centro Federal de Educación Tecnológica de Rio Grande do Norte, percibimos que la autonomía está unida a una posición de soberanía en aula, lo que se traduce en un trabajo volcado al individualismo. Constatamos que las reuniones pedagógicas, espacios por excelencia para discusiones y reflexiones acerca de la enseñanza de Matemáticas y consecuente desarrollo profesional, no contribuyen para la mejora de la enseñaza de dicha disciplina. Percibimos, también, que el libro didáctico es utilizado para estandarizar el trabajo de los profesores y que la selectividad todavía es punto de referencia en lo que concierne al currículum de Matemáticas en la institución, lo que impide la realización de un desarrollo curricular de la asignatura de Matemáticas en que sean considerados conjuntamente todos sus componentes
The object of analysis of this work is the implementation of the election of director in the State School August 11, situated in the city of Umarizal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, period 2005-2008. The understanding of the politics concerning the school democratization, triggered in Brazilian society in the 1990s, requires taking into consideration the changes occurring in recent decades in the national and international, which impressed significant changes in the role and functions of the state. The election of a director is part of the policy of administrative decentralization and educational reform that focuses on the democratization of the management of public education with the involvement of social actors in decisions within the educational institutions as a way to address the problems that hinder the actions management education, especially school management. To better understand this process of political democratization of school management developed our analysis seeking to answer the following questions: implementation of direct election for a director ensures democratic management in schools? What are the ramifications for the school, caused by direct election on the school autonomy and participation of the subjects in school processes? From these questions, we set as standard for analysis of democratic management in schools of two dimensions: participation and autonomy within the school. For this we take as a theoretical and methodological literature: Pateman (1992); Rousseau (2010); Bourdieu (2007), Castoriadis (1991); Macpherson (1978); Marx; Engels (2007), among others dealing with participation, autonomy, decision power and election of director, and guidelines dealing with the democratization of school management. As data collection procedure, we use the semi-structured interviews and analysis of meeting minutes of the School Council and the Minutes of the final results of elections, to understand the empirical aspects of the implementation of the election of a director. The survey results indicate some progress and setbacks regarding the participation of subjects from issues relating to the school's educational project. Also underline the political interference as a factor crystallizer the centralization of power in the figure of the director as well as the advancement of the spaces that nurture the mobilization of political debate on the democratization of management. About the extent of autonomy observed that social actors to relate predominantly to the power of decision and the involvement of subjects in the school's actions
The present paper is a doctorate thesis, in the area of Education, that has as a goal to describe and to reflect on the construction/systematization of a relation between family and institution of Childhood Education, in favor of sharing the care and education actions of children, in the context of creation of a County Center of Childhood Education, located in the city of Natal-RN. Our intension with this paper is to share some of the ideas and actions collectively constructed by this experience, with the intention of bringing a contribution for the thematic debates concerning Childhood Education - as modality of education, in a general way; and the relations between families and Institutions of Childhood Education, in a more specific way. The paper presented here is endorsed by the postulates of the qualitative research with characteristics of a research-action, having as main instruments of the data construction the open or half-structuralized interviews, the personal notebook of registers, the participant s index cards characterizing the children and comments. Authors as Aries (1981); Bassedas, Huguet and Solé (1999); Bhering and Blatchford (1999); Brasil (1998); Bujes (2001); Didonet (2002 - 2003); Formosinho (2007); Gómez (2000); Heywood (2004); Kramer (2005); Marchesi and Martín (2003); Marschal and Zohar (2006); Thiollent (2004); Tiriba (2006), amongst others, had theoretically based this paper. The experience described here points to the possibilities of sharing the care and education actions between family and Institution of Childhood Education, emphasizing the relevance of participative praxis in the interior of the institution, so that its job can propitiate this sharing with the families, throughout activities as meetings, lectures, workshops, participation in didactic projects, open expositions to the community, commemorative parties and valuation of the local culture, amongst other chances of dialogue and interaction between the educative institution and the families
This research aims to analyze the intellectual practice of Luiz Antônio Ferreira Souto dos Santos Lima. This is done considering the author´s legacy related to the History of Education in Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil in the time span of 1910 to 1961. Thus, the research is grounded on assumptions that rely on the Cultural History field. The research also dealt with dialogues between the author and Chartier (1990), Elias (1994), Morais (2003; 2006), as well as Gondra (2003). For the bibliographical research the work dealt with a vast array of documents such as newspapers called A República and Diário do Natal, Pedagogium, Revista do ensino, as well as state laws and decrees These documents were obtained at the Historical and Geographical Institute in Rio Grande do Norte. The research also dealt with School Bylaws and a medical doctoral thesis called Mental Hygiene and Education that was written by Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima. Other documents were obtained at the State´s Public Archive, such as the Book of Honor, Work Records, Reports and Minutes of the General Directorate of Public Instruction Meetings. It was possible to infer that professor Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima was teacher at Grupo Escolar Augusto Severo, the Atheneu as well as some local grade schools. The professor had a broad role in society, in administrative positions such as the Presidency of the Association of Teachers of Rio Grande do Norte, as Grade School Director in the School of Pharmacy and the State Education Department. He was also a member of the Academy of Arts and a partner at Historical and Geographical Institute in Rio Grande do Norte. The professor has also concerned with issues related to teaching good habits such as feeding, grooming, discipline, game morals, temperance, smoking, sex education; all of which necessary for the formation of healthy children. He was an enthusiast of an intuitive method and teaching lessons through practice, that he considered key elements in education. It is seen that professor Luiz Antônio dos Santos Lima had presence in the State´s health education and that his ideals were line with the ideal of modernity of the early twentieth century
Tomamos como un fenómeno a ser estudiado en nuestra investigación las prácticas educativas del Lições de Cidadania. O Lições fue creado como un proyecto y más tarde transformado en un Programa de extensión que se centra en la Educación Popular y los Derechos Humanos, forjado en la reflexión - acción - reflexión. Contribuyó a la reorganización de la formación juridica, extensión universitaria y la situación política de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande do Norte. Circunscribiendo nuestro estudio entre los años 2005 y 2013, tuvo como objetivo identificar, analizar y sistematizar los procesos educativos del Lições que tuvieron lugar durante este período en UFRN y en las comunidades que han dialogado con los sujetos de extensión. Nos guiamos durante la investigación en dos preguntas: ¿Cuáles son las bases educativas del Lições de Cidadania? Y, como el Lições de Cidadania hay operado en el mundo? Estas cuestiones sulearam largo de nuestro estudio y nos llevaron a tomar el paradigma Indiciário señalado por Ginzburg, en su obra: Mitos, Emblemas, Signos: Morfología e Historia (1989). Como una estrategia de investigación, se utilizó la entrevista conversacional libre para el diálogo directo con los chicos y chicas que construyeron el Lições de Cidadania, además de recurrir a la extensa documentación de investigación, principalmente a través de correos electrónicos y actas de las reuniones de planificación del Lições. Llamamos a la rueda de la conversación, el concepto de tránsito en Freire, Vivência y Zona de Desarrollo Próximo de Vygotsky y Peregrinación y Itinerancia en Barbosa Jr. y Tavares. Después de la búsqueda para entender las prácticas educativas del Lições a través de la palabra auténtica de las personas y de los documentos, hemos sido capaces de comprender más profundamente la estructura y la acción del Proyecto a lo largo de su existencia, indicando, para nosotros, que, en realidad, fue un Proyecto de extensión que en la promoción de contacto directo de los estudiantes con las comunidades, también promovió cambios significativos en la manera de ser y vivir de los estudiantes
This study board the FUNDEF social control council implementation in Parnamirim/RN city, concerning their representatives participation in the accompaniment (decision power) in resort, in front of governmental politics of decentralization, unleashed in 90´s, seen in decentralization process needs the society participation in decisions of educative institutions and represent an efficient way of solve the problems difficult the educational management actions. For this, the council creation of Brazil manager configure, since the 80´s, detaching, and the single characterizing, in actual context. The objective is raise pertinent questions of thematic of representatives members participation of collegiate organs, evidencing the decision power of these, in public resource control. The theory-methodological referential the literature treat the participation and power decision of FUNDEF social control decision, such as politics directrix that rules this council. It utilizes as proceeding of collecting data the semi-structured interview and analyze of meeting register to understand the empirics of council implantation in this city, in view of that the electoral process configured in 2003, showed as a innovation, because the counselor is indicated by the local public power representatives (in this case the education municipal secretary). The research result show the representatives have difficult, to accompany the FUNDEF resources amount, particularly in concern in the financial resources (ratio) over plus. Finally, emphasize the importance of democratization in the relations between the state and civil society, elucidating and exciting reflections a: democratic participation in control of public recourses for education, educational management and civil society mobilization in access of public and cultural cash which the citizen has rights
It is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, and an action-research type, which aimed to analyze the changes of knowledge about contraceptive methods invested to a teenager group attended in Igapó Family Healthcare Unit, in the city of Natal/RN, after consent and institutional assent of Ethics Committee of Rio Grande do Norte Federal University (Protocol No. 131/07). It were researched 16 teenagers of both sexes, with age ranging from 11 to 16 years. We used two structured questionnaires, one in the initial diagnosis and another during the seven meetings of the focus group, in addition to the field notes and the meetings discussions transcriptions. The data-collection was performed in the period of two months by a team composed by a nurse the research coordinator, a dentist, a nursing assistant, a community-based healthcare worker and a nursing academic. The quantitative and qualitative data were organized, tagged and categorized into spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, being held a thematic analysis of speeches performed by the study participants. The results were presented as tables, graphics, photos, drawings and word clippings. The educational strategy developed in focus group allowed adolescents to discuss, exchange ideas and opinions on several contraceptive methods, providing expansion in knowledge of all contraceptives discussed, especially those natural and surgical, which were less mentioned at the beginning of the study. Among the advantages of the contraceptive methods listed by teenagers, was highlighted avoiding pregnancy and STDs in use of the barrier method of condom. As for the disadvantages more frequently noted by the survey with the misuse of barrier methods, was highlighted get pregnant, acquire STD's and do not prevent STD's in hormonal, natural and surgical methods. Adolescents showed consistency between the advantages and disadvantages and types of contraceptive methods, showing a widening in knowledge among them. It may be said that, in general, those surveyed had a good understanding about the use of the various contraceptive methods. Thus, the study participants had positively evaluated all the criteria used to qualify the meetings in the focus group. The action strategy of the focus group should be encouraged by professionals who work with teenagers, since they prefer to live in groups, one characteristic of adolescence.
This research aims to analyze, in the view of students, the pedagogic project of undergraduate nursing course, of UFRN, and its articulation with the SUS, in an attempt to understand the issues that permeate the teaching and learning of nursing. This is a qualitative study that used the focus group technique as a tool to collect empirical data. There were three meetings, where we had the collaboration of 23 graduating students from the eighth period of the semester 2009.1. For the analysis of information, we use a theoretical framework based on curriculum guidelines and basic principles of the SUS, making the analogy of the results with the metaphor of Greek mythology, Ariadne's thread, in dialogue with authors who discuss education as a transformative practice. Thus, the texture of the yarn was built of five thematic fields: joint the pedagogic project with the SUS; the teaching/service and theory/practice relation; interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity; didactic/methodological and relational approaches; and co-participation of students in the pedagogic project. According to the discussions, we find many difficulties in the teaching and learning process of undergraduate nursing in UFRN to strengthen the SUS, including: dislocation of educational institutions with services, professionals, managers and community; dichotomy between theory and practice; reality of services as a learning field and working process in health; posture adopted by professionals, teachers and other subjects included in the process of health education; decontextualization and fragmentation of teaching with the practice in health and nursing; excessive use of very illustrative methodologies, but little problem-solving; difficult and precarious situation in the relations between teachers and between teachers/students, regarding the acceptance of differences; absence of participation of students in the evaluation process and conduct of the educational project in progress. In this sense, we understand the need an auto-reflexive act of teaching and conducting collective pedagogical course with a view to achieving the SUS. Thus, it is necessary to support practices motivated by the polyphonic dialogue and the exercise of symbiosis and autopoiesis of subjects/actors jointly responsible for the ongoing process of learning for life.
The present study analyses non obligatory and remunerated traineeships in nursing, as a contribution to work process in health and learning of students at nursing technician courses. It objectives to examine the contribution of medium level nursing students on scholarships at a teaching hospital s work force, at Natal/RN. It s a quantitative/qualitative, that uses descriptive statistics and analysis fulfilled with categories that emerged from research, through a dialog between the studied authors in the theoretical reference of nowadays work process, work force, non obligatory and remunerated traineeships, and night shifts. The collaborators of this research were 105 (73,43%) nursing technicians, medium level students on scholarships that fulfill remunerated traineeships at the hospital. The feminine gender was a major part of the collaborators, with 90 (85,70%), in which medium age was 29,71 years, 62 (59,00%) single, 57 (54,30%) don t have kids, 100 (95,23%) students on scholarships with complete medium level, 78,10% with professional experience before their insertion at the remunerated traineeships, 73 (69,50%) referred to enjoy the area, reason for the nursing technician course choice. About the technician course conclusion, 83 (79,00%) affirmed that happened between 2005 and 2008, and about traineeships time in the institution, 38 (36,20%) have between one and six months. About learning, 74 (70,50%) referred to learn with the nursing technicians and all fulfilled specialized courses, or grade up to bond with the school and be able to be trainees. These courses were considered low quality ones, what justifies the number of 54 (51,40%) students with scholarships that said their performance in studies is good and 75 (71,40%) are able to join it with the traineeships without problems. About remuneration as scholarship, 71 (67,60%) referred that helped to keep up with the studies, because this amount has specially this purpose, paying studies. About nonobligatory traineeships, the ABEn-RN affirmed that there s no following process to this traineeship mode, as long as there was never this concern, because obrigatory traineeships demand a lot of the efforts in the meetings. And COREN-RN doesn t supervise this way of contract. The present research observed that there is, in fact, a contribution of medium level nursing students on scholarships work force on the researched institution. Resigned to work circumstances established by the institution, representing the lack of human resources, materials, work conditions, and work insertion in night shifts, it s possible to affirm that the situation is irregular about the students on scholarships, besides the determinant risk factor to their lives and health. In addition to it, the students on scholarships, in order to maintain the quality of trainee in the institution, are obligated to fulfill courses to grade up, or specialized courses in nursing technician, at schools referred as bad quality ones
It is a descriptive, exploratory study, quantitative comparative approach, whose general objective was to analyze the violence at school in a comparative way in the context of two schools in Natal / RN. The specifics were to identify the types of manifestations of violence in the contexts of public and private schools, to identify the position of the leadership, teachers and school staff during and after the occurrence of manifestations of violence in the school environment, to identify measures to prevent violence within of schools. The results show that 68 of the 121 participants (56.20%) were female and 53 (43.80%) were male, 38 (31.40%) were between 40 and 49, 85 (70.2%) lived in the south of Natal (RN), 46 (38.02%) specialization, 68 (56.20%) were Catholic, 63 (52.07%) married, 41 (33.88%) received between 03 and 05 and 68 minimum wages (56.20%) were teachers, 51 (42.15%) 02 employees (01,65%) and directors, 46 (38.02%) providers had between 05 and 14 years and 11 months experience in teaching 70 (57.85%) less than five years in the job, 68 (56.20%) worked between 20 hours and 40 hours per week, 81 (16.30%) worked in the 9th grade of elementary school II. As for the sizing of violence, 111 (91.74%) respondents witnessed episodes of this event who work in the institution, 100 (82.64%) witnessed verbal violence, 87 (71.90%) called for parents when some event happenedviolent that it caused injury to students, 66 (54.55%) believed that family violence is the main reason for young people practiced bullying, 44 (38.98%) reported daily episodes of bullying, 64 (52.89% ) the event happens in the courtyard. Of the 37 victims of violence at school, 22 (59.45%) suffered verbal abuse, 18 (48.65%) experienced violence once a week, 36 (97.30%) were attacked by students, 104 (85.95 %) are able to differentiate the bad acts of bullying behavior, 28 (23.14%) separated the involved coordination and communicated verbally, 23 (19.00%) stated that the coordination of schools talked with parents about the aggressive behavior of the student. Regarding the actions taken to minimize bullying, 69 (57.02%) participated in any professional education process, 47 (38.84%) was the educational process at another institution, 49 (71.01%) took courses lasting 12 to 24 hours, 59 (48.76%) stated that interaction with parents and family was the most stimulated by the school to try to minimize and prevent the event and 116 (95.87%) participated in meetings at the institutions surveyed , 58 (50.00%) responded that the meetings took place every two months and 121 (100.00%) reported having no refresher course on school violence in the schools surveyed. We conclude that violence in schools has been expressed in any social class and that professionals are poorly prepared to deal with the situation. So we hope that education professionals through the reading of our study may realize that school violence takes place in any institution affecting the lives of all who make up the educational universe. It is extremely important that these professionals always seek to empower through knowledge so that they can develop strategies to prevent and minimize the bullying to change the reality of the workplace
To study the teaching/learning process about the Nursing procedures carried out in the laboratory, and learn both the sapiens and the demens dimensions of such process, is the main purpose of this study. The objectives are to: identify the major laboratory contributions to the teaching/learning process from the point of view of undergraduate students and the feelings they express; describe the difficulties they have identified; and analyze the relevance of the laboratory to this process. As part of the inquiry procedure, four core group meetings were held with 26 undergraduate students who had completed the course on Semiology and Semiotics in Nursing, which is the course where the Nursing laboratory is most needed as a learning space. The analysis, based on a qualitative approach, had as fundamental theoretical support studies made by Friedlander and Hayashida, who deal with learning/teaching in the Nursing laboratory, and by authors who favor humanization in teaching such as, among others, Freire, Maturana, Morin, Assmann. Results point toward the relevance of the Nursing laboratory as a facilitator for the learning/teaching process. In their speech the students repeatedly state that the development of procedures in simulated situations enable them to become more self-assured and technically prepared for caring. In addition, they emphasize that feelings such as fear, lack of confidence, anxiety, anguish and panic become diminished at the time of their clinic experience when they have had previous learning in the laboratory. They have also acknowledged that some difficulties of structural nature have become obstacles to a high-quality learning development. In summary, in spite of the difficulties that have been pointed out by the students concerning the use of the Nursing laboratory in the learning/teaching process, they also recognize that this is the locus par excellence where they can develop their skills and appease their anxieties
This work aims to promote design aspects into furniture Small and Medium Enterprises (SME s) at Rio Grande do Norte State. The final outcome will be an increasing on their competitiveness as well as consider design as key strategic aspect for their business. As a consequence, the results are based on two SME companies from the furniture sector located at Natal/RN. The study is based on a literature research followed by a management diagnosis for each company. The diagnosis was base don interviews with the entrepreneurs and their employees as well as meetings, participant observations and document analysis. Based on this analysis, specific aspects were implement in order to boost the production line as well as the product development process (PDP) and the development of a prototype. The results have indicated some limitation of these companies regarding their low technological on their production line, poor management and work skills as well as low perception of design as a competitive tool. Regardless these results, it was observed that design has brought an important contribution for cultural changes within companies as well as for the development of better quality and competitive products
This thesis deals with the quality dimensions and factors affecting citizens satisfaction in the participatory budgeting process in a major city of Brazil. Participatory budgeting was introduced as a usual practice in many Brazilian cities since the 1990s. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of customer satisfaction and loyalty antecedent factors with constructs related to governance also included, to evaluate the quality perception and satisfaction rates by citizens representatives in the participatory budgeting process. It is conducted a survey with a sample of 84 citizens representatives of the seven city regions of Natal, the capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil. It is applied descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to quality and governance constructs are that the quality factors are the main factors affecting satisfaction but also the tax construct is significative to satisfaction. More regarding it was found that for different perspective of the satisfaction there are different set of factors affecting it
The aim of this work is to investigate the factors which influence people s participation in the enviromental decision, in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, from the vision of the residents of that area, approaching the Plan of Control/Eradication of the African s Huge Snail (Achatina Fulica),with the jointly work of IBAMA and Municipal Town Hall of Parnamirim .The applied methodology consists of a research (Survey kind) including 395 interviews by people who live in that county, with minimum age of 18, within an universe of 124.690 residents. The choice of the county was due to a detection (made by IBAMA technicians and reported in a Technical Report) -which showed that the dangerous Snail is already spreading in 14 of 17 districts of the county-, as well as the support given by Parnamirim s Town Hall, with the implementation of the Plan Control/Eradication of the African s Huge Snail, widely known as Day C . The research tools used in that research consists of questionnaires with all sorts of questions. The results show us that most of the residents were feeling threatened by the presence of the animal as well as having had a little participation in the fight against the animal. It also shows us that residents believe that organizations (Town Hall, IBAMA and Local Community) involved are able to solve the problem and believe that the amounts which organization are supposed to take 89,4 %, 87,6% and 80,8%, in that order. As we check the results, we notice in 95%, the variety of threaten and frequency reunion and participation level