21 resultados para Reforma Política


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Can be declared that throughout the historical trajectory of the Brazilian Social Work, the men in the Social Work profession, women in the Social Work profession in his/her professional activity, present an educational dimension that runs through various social and occupational spaces, particularly in the area of Social Assistance Policy. Based on this premise, this present Dissertation, problematize the educational dimension present on the interventional process, in Social Work on the ambit of the Social Assistance Policy in Natal / RN city Brazil in the contemporary scene. Having thus, specific objectives that orientate the research of the interventional process of Social Work in the social assistance policy, analyzing of the apprehension of Social Work professionals on the educational dimension, in their daily work professional and the verification of the relationship between the educational dimension, to the professional action of both men in the Social Work profession and women in the Social Work profession and the concretization of social rights on the ambit of the social assistance policy. In this sense, the theoretical and methodological procedures used for this research, are substantiated on a critical-dialectical perspective and a qualitative and quantitative approach, from of the application of field research, of the non-participant observation, of the semi-structure, of the review of literature bibliographic and documental. Thus, considering that both women in the social work profession and men in the social work profession are an organic intellectuals who in their daily professional work promotes an intellectual and moral reform of their users, the results of this research, synthesize and show that the educational dimension in both professional work and social assistance, which have partner-historics, whose imbrication allows, contradictorily, by a side, a reaffirmation of the dominant culture, and by other side, a direction linked to the construction of an emancipatory culture in the pursuit of the materializing of social rights and a new sociability


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The process of decentralization of health policy in Brazil has evolved throughout the second half of the twentieth century, advancing by leaps and bounds in the last two decades. The various public institutions have assumed the function of responding to a growing demand for medical care and hospital. Monsenhor Hospital Walfredo Gurgel - H.M.W.G. fits into this context as an institution par excellence-oriented service the demand for medium and high complexity. This paper presents some questions about the process of decentralization and devolution occurred in Brazil. To do so is a brief historical background and politics, showing the concepts of reform and counter-reform and how the processes mentioned in the Country Correlates develop local social development of the decentralization process and discusses the modifications in policies social intervention in recent decades and the state health policies. Presents the implementation of a Health System in Brazil and the state showing how the decentralization of health policy occurs in Rio Grande do Norte. Finally, it explores the role of H.M.W.G. in health policy in RN. For this, portrays the institution and is located within the decentralized structure of health policy in the state and capital. An analysis of the demand for hospital care and the budget situation is realized at the close of work, correlating the role of HMWG with the decentralization of health policy in Brazil and Rio Grande do Norte. The methodology used for the preparation of this work was based on documentary research, systematic nonparticipant observation, field diary and analysis of data, documents and content. This set shows a quantitative and qualitative methodology that strips the institution, enabling the understanding of their role, boundaries, threats and opportunities


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Health policies in Brazil, the decentralization of SUS management responsibilities for the three spheres of government has driven the creation and regulation of the audits of health services in the National Audit Office, this is a trend of neoliberal policies imposed by international bodies like the World Bank and IMF to peripheral countries characterized by productive restructuring and reforming the state focuses on the presence of two competing projects in the area of health: Health Sector Reform Project which is based on the democratic rule of law with the assumption of health as social right and duty of the State in defending the extension of the conquest of rights and democratization of access to health care guaranteed through the public financing strategies and the effective decentralization of decisions pervaded by social control and privatized Health Project which is based on the state minimum, with a reduction in social spending or in partnerships and privatization, stronger nonprofit sector, subject to capitalist interests, is made effective through strategies targeting health policy and refilantropização actions. In this context, the present study is an analysis on the work of social audits of public health in infants from a qualitative and quantitative approach, embodied by the critical method of dialectical Marxist social theory that enabled us to unveil the characterization, the demands, challenges and outline the profile of Social Work in teams inserted audits of SUS in RN, but also provided evidence to demonstrate the prospects and possibilities of this area of activity of social workers. It was also found that through the audit work that the state fulfill its role as bureaucratic and regulator of health services with efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Yet, paradoxically, the audits of SUS may provide a vehicle for enforcing rights and ensuring the fundamental principles contained in the project of health reform, because it can be configured in a space of political struggle as representing a new field of knowledge production that needs to be appropriate for a theoretical critic able to redirect the social interests in favor of the user. From this perspective, it is concluded that the work of social audits of public health in infants despite the social relevance that prints, as they constitute an activity study of reality and its transformation proposition requires a transformative political action guided the discussion Marxist theory holds that the ethical project professional politician of Social Work


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Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a concretização da reforma psiquiátrica em natal, partindo de um dos serviços substitutivos que compõe a rede psicossocial deste município. A política de saúde mental tem passado por mudanças paradigmáticas, definindo como objetivo maior o processo de desistitucionalização. Redirecionando sua ação para os serviços substitutivos e não, mas o hospital psiquiátrico tradicional. Nesse cenário os Centros de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) se mostram estratégicos para materialização dos objetivos pretendidos pela reforma psiquiátrica. O estudo transcorre dentro da perspectiva materialista dialética. A presente pesquisa teve como lócus de investigação empírica o primeiro Centros de Atenção Psicossocial implantado em Natal/RN. A escolha por um serviço extra-hospitalar vai ao encontro de uma postura defendida pelo movimento de Reforma Psiquiátrica. Considerando o CAPS um serviço substitutivo estratégico em saúde mental para a efetivação da Reforma Psiquiátrica, neste sentido objetivamos apreender as contradições que marcam o processo de concretização da Reforma Psiquiátrica através da vivência dos usuários e de suas famílias, no interior de uma unidade integrante do novo modelo de atenção em saúde mental. Partimos do pressuposto de que os usuários e seus familiares são sujeitoschave no processo de reforma psiquiátrica, por vivenciarem em seu cotidiano as mudanças concretas realizadas, que acenam para um processo de re-inserção social, mas também, contraditoriamente, os limites e entraves desse processo


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It understands a study made concerning the main aspects of the Agrarian Reform and the Agricultural Nestings of the Rio Grande do Norte. For in such a way an inquiry became necessary initially on the origin of the Brazilian agrarian concentration passing for the donation of Sesmarias, Land Law, Statute of Land and Ith National Plan of the Agrarian Reformation, as well as of the Social Movements of fight for the land appeared since century XIX: Canudos, Contestado, Cangaço, Ligas Camponesas and MST. Drawing the fight for the land in the Rio Grande do Norte, we rescue the component elements of the first indications of the Agrarian Reform and formation of Agricultural Nestings in the State. In the attempt to unmask the current situation of the Settlements, we investigate some concerning aspects to the conditions of life of the seated ones, that it is marked by innumerable problems that go since the lack of water until the a precariousness of the infrastructure and presence of services, over all with relation to the education and health. For in such a way we work initially on the basis of diverse bibliographical readings, together data-collecting the official agencies and some directly involved entities with the Agrarian Reform in the RN. We utilized also the research of field in 27 Settlements of different Microregions of the State that consisted of the application of interviews together to the leaderships of these Settlements and application of forms with the seated families who resulted in a bigger knowledge concerning the reality of these areas that integrate the Politics of the Agrarian Reform


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It s an application about the development of the family agriculture integrated to the market in which is detected the development of the relation of partnership between settled of agrarian reform and the capitalist enterprise. It s shown initially, a conceptual discussion about family agriculture, watching the historical contexts that characterize the expropriation and subordination of the category. This way, the family agriculture is contextual zed in the moment of the modernization of the agriculture, he rising of the social tension in the area of the restructuration of production and the globalization. Finding to understand the agrarian question in Rio Grande do Norte, it s characterized the acting of the state in promoting agrarian reform politics and redistribution of lands. This way, the research demonstrate the reality of the settled of Vale do Lírio, with the partnership of the Caliman Company S. A. in this context, it s emphasized the social geographic transformation in the settler. This way it was realized the analysis of the survey of data in a lot of public department, and the research of the area with use of application form, in 90% percent of the researched group, with interviewing with the leaders of this group and with the manager of the Company. The research demonstrates an analysis of the reality lived by this group, in the perspective the interests of the government and the capital.