23 resultados para Rádio cognitivo


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ABSTRACT Introduction: The cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is an important cause of neurological impairment. Few data about the factors associated with morbidity of cerebrovascular accident are found in Brazil. Objectives: Evaluate sociodemographic characteristics, sleep habits, cognitive and functional status of patients with cerebrovascular accident. Methods: The patients evaluated through questionnaire Step 1 to survey the sociodemographic characteristics and Modified Rankin Scale for functional assessment. The neurological degree was evaluated by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), the sleep Habits questionnaire for sleep and cognitive status by the Mini-Examination of the Mental State (MEMS). The data were analyzed using the chi-square test to determine differences in proportions of variables and linear regression analysis. Results: 305 patients were evaluated and the larger number of subjects was between 50 and 69 years (40%), most patients had no formal education (40.3%) and had ischemic type of cerebrovascular accident (72.5%). In the analysis of the functionality it was found that most patients had moderate impairment (55.1%). The results of the sleep habits showed that 63,6% of patients had one more person in the bedroom,12,3% complained about too much noise in the 11 room and 35% of too much light. From these patients 5,8% were smokers, 7,8% and 70,1% drank coffee drinkers, 28,6% had difficulty in initiate to sleep and woke up 37,6% in the middle of the night. Were showed complaints about nightmares (11%), feeling of suffocation (37,7%) and 35% felt very sleepy during the day. In addition, 95% were unemployed, 80,5% did not perform physical activities and 95,4% did not perform mental activities. The cognitive screening conducted a determined association of cognitive status with age and education level and neurological status. Conclusion: The study showed a high frequency of cases of cerebrovascular accident with functional dependence in a moderate degree, identified that many patients do not follow hygienic measures of sleep and found that the assessment of cognitive deficits must take into consideration the age, educational level and degree of neurological patients. We suggest the need for programs of assistance to victims of cerebrovascular accident patients, with a multidimensional approach including the rehabilitation team, the role of sleep medicine and Neuropsychology, so that patients have access to a more appropriate functional rehabilitation, develop a lifestyle that ensures a good sleep quality and are evaluated and rehabilitated with regard to cognitive impairment


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The present work investigated the cognitive operation of children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), accompanied at pediatric oncologic institutions at the city of Natal/RN. Had participated in this study twenty children, of both sexes, between six and twelve years old, with the ALL diagnostic, who were in treatment (n=10) and out of treatment for at least one year (n=10) and were submitted exclusively to chemotherapy as CNS prophylaxis. The utilized protocol of neuropsychological evaluation covered the following cognitive abilities: intellective capability, attentional and memory systems, and executive functions. Data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential measures, with the support of the Mann-Whitney U Test and T-test, considering the influence of the variables sex, age at diagnostic and the past time since the beginning of the treatment over children s performance. The intellective capability evaluation showed low score to the out-of-treatment groups, female and children under five years old to the diagnostic. In concern of attentional systems, groups showed the expected performance. In a relevant way, in the evaluation of executive functions, were found reduced scores within all groups, especially inside the in-treatment group. Memory evaluation pointed to reduced performance in items concerning to learning evolution and spontaneous evocation after interference to the several groups. It can be concluded, reffer to the occurrence of transitory and permanent impact associated to the intrusion of chemotherapic components during the maturational course of the CNS. It s expected that the present investigation and the development of similar studies enable major comprehension about the mode, extension and repercussion of these damages subsidizing the development of strategies which may minimize them and provide better xxiii life quality to this clinical subgroup


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This research analyzes the discursive construction of Educommunication, from a training course of educommunicators, with teachers and students of school Profº Francisco Ivo Cavalcanti, state public school, geographically located in the city of Natal / RN, studying the constitution of the meanings that educommunication practice in School Radio acquires for trainers and course participants (teachers and students). The socio-historical context in which this research is based corresponds to the new social reality, mediated by information and communication Technologies. These technologies drive the educational institution to train students in the use of different languages that permeate society. But to do so, you must have also enabled teachers to work Communication technology to meet the aspirations of young people and adults who are part of the educational community. The objectives are to identify the conditions of discursive production around the educommunication practice in Radio School, examine the discursive construction of instructors and course participants in Educommunication and its dialogical brands, and see how the course participants relate to their educommunicative practice in the educational contexts, attributing meaning to the place of teachers and students. Therefore, this research uses ethnography applied to the school context as a methodological option, Pecheuxtian Discourse Analysis, the principles of Educommunication, the reflections of Paulo Freire and the concepts of Dialogism in Bakhtin as theoretical contributions. We adopted three areas of knowledge: Language, Communication and Education, in order to produce an analysis committed to the aspects that involve the use of radio in the school environment to promote an educommunicative practice. With this research we have built a web of meanings about the school that we are forming or we want to form in the XXI century, because we used the discourses of teachers and students immersed in new knowledge and practices in order to propel them to be subjects of communication in educational environment for a qualitative transformation of being and doing in school.


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The aging process causes changes in the elderly’s sleep/awake standard impairing their cognitive abilities, particularly executive functioning, which already suffers loss by aging. The literature suggests that executive function and preserved sleep quality are key to maintaining good quality of life and independence of older people, requiring interventions to minimize the impact of losses incurred by the aging process. This study evaluated the effect of a cognitive training program and sleep hygiene techniques for executive functions and sleep quality in healthy older people. The participants were 41 healthy older adults, of both sexes, who were randomly divided into four groups: control group [GC], cognitive training group [GTC], sleep hygiene group [GHS] and training group + hygiene [GTH]. The research was developed in three stages: 1st - initial assessment of cognition and sleep; 2nd - specific intervention to each group; 3rd - post-intervention revaluation. The results showed that GTC had significant improvements in cognitive tasks flexibility, planning, verbal fluency and some aspects of episodic memory, besides gains in sleep quality and decrease on daytime hypersomnolence. The GHS improved sleep quality and daytime sleepiness as well and had significant improvements in insights capacity, planning, attention and in all evaluated aspects of episodic memory. The GTH had significant gains in cognitive flexibility, problem solving, verbal fluency, attention and episodic memory. The CG showed significant worsening in excessive daytime sleepiness in capacity planning. Thus, we conclude that cognitive training interventions and sleep hygiene strategies are useful in improving cognitive performance and quality of healthy elderly sleep.


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In this paper, we analyze corporate slogans, understanding them as a discursive construction that is, as a pairing of form and function able to unite the notions of textual type and discursive genre. In this way, we developed a qualitative and quantitative analysis, aimed specifically to analyze the formal properties (phonetic, morphological and syntactic) and functional (semantic, pragmatic and discursive) of slogans. Furthermore, we attempted at verifying and quantifying recurring aspects involved in their construction, in order to capture configurational patterns underlying their formation. The data come from slogans collected in products and / or service stores in the metropolitan area of Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte. This research is based on the Cognitive-Functional Linguistics, that conjugates the North American functionalist tradition, represented by researchers as Talmy Givón, Paul Hopper, Joan Bybee, Elizabeth Closs-Traugott, with Cognitive Linguistics, in particular, the chain linked to Construction Grammar, as postulated by Adele Goldberg, William Croft e Jan-Olla Östman, among others. The results ratified the importance of the interface between the formal and functional aspects in the analysis of linguistic uses. These results point to the idea of the slogan as the pairing of form and function on textual / discursive level, in other words, as a discursive construction, constituting as cognitive storage of a scheme / model of textual formation with a specific discursive-pragmatic function.


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Nos períodos críticos de plasticidade neural ocorre uma maior permissividade do sistema nervoso ao ambiente, por isto, a ação do estresse sobre o individuo e suas repercussões sobre áreas responsáveis pelo controle dos sistemas de resposta ao estresse e por funções cognitivas complexas vem recebendo bastante atenção. A utilização de modelos experimentais translacionais tem sido imprescindível na elucidação destes mecanismos e das patologias associadas. Diante disto, este trabalho investigou os efeitos do estresse social sobre parâmetros fisiológicos, comportamentais, cognitivos e sobre a neurogênese no córtex pré-frontal (CPF) durante um período crítico de plasticidade cerebral, a fase juvenil, em machos de Callithrix jacchus. Durante cinco meses, 5 animais foram acompanhados em suas famílias (GF) e 5 animais foram isolados socialmente por 4 meses (GI), após um mês em observação em ambiente familiar (fase basal- FB). Ao final do 5º mês foram aplicados 2 testes de memória de trabalho (MT) nos animais GF e GI. Em seguida, 3 animais de cada grupo foram sacrificados para análise do fator de neurogênese BDNF ( Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) por imunofluorescência no CPF (sub-regiões orbitofrontal e lateral). Os animais do GF não variaram significativamente o cortisol ao longo do estudo, enquanto o GI elevou o cortisol e comportamentos indicadores de ansiedade (CA) na primeira semana do isolamento. Em seguida, o GI apresentou uma redução no cortisol, nos CA, no peso corporal e um aumento de comportamentos estereotipados e da anedonia, alterações tipicamente depressivas em primatas não-humanos. Ao final, o GI apresentaram níveis de cortisol menores que em FB. Ambos os grupos apresentaram dificuldades em realizar e aprender as tarefas cognitivas e a presença de BDNF no córtex pré-frontal foi independente do grupo (GF ou GI), porém correlacionou-se com os níveis de cortisol presentes na ultima semana do estudo, e os animais com presença de BDNF no CPF lateral e orbitofrontal apresentaram maiores níveis de cortisol. Estes resultados contribuem no processo de validação do sagui como um bom modelo psiquiátrico translacional e aponta para possibilidade de estudos sobre transtornos depressivos na juventude e suas repercussões posteriores. Além disto, os resultados observados para as tarefas cognitivas levou-nos a fazer uma releitura dos protocolos utilizados em estudos de memoria de trabalho com animais adultos desta espécie, com a finalidade de aprimora-los facilitando a aprendizagem em animais juvenis, naives e em situações de estresse. Ademais, evidenciou-se pela primeira vez a relação do estresse, cortisol e níveis de BDNF, em animais juvenis desta espécie, com a fim de contribuir com sua utilização como modelo animal neurocognitivo.


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The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.


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The main thesis to be demonstrated in this work is that cognitive enhancement through the use of drugs can be included as a primary good within Rawls' thinking. To develop such notion, the text is structured in two parts. The first part intends to describe the theory of justice as equity in its elements directly related to primary goods. The first information to be verified is the unity of the notion of primary goods in all of Rawls' work. Some elements are modified, for example the distinction of natural and social primary goods. Natural primary goods are intelligence, health, imagination, vigor and chance (luck) and social primary goods are law and liberty, opportunity and power, income and wealth and the social fundaments of self-respect. The perception of some talents such as intelligence has also undergone changes, being altered from "higher intelligence" to "educated intelligence". Such fact highlights education as a primary good that permeates all of Rawls' work in different perspectives. Freedom and self-respect are social-primary goods that will also be deepened. The second part presents the definition of improvement and as to show that the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. The part presents the definition of improvement and as the distinction between enhancement and treatment is controversial. Thus, we have deepened the problems related to practice improvement (enhancement) showing how the concepts of Rawls' primary goods as freedom and self-respect are not in opposition to the practice of improvement, particularly cognitive enhancement. We have shown, instead, that the ban of cognitive improvement could lead to denial of these primary goods. But how could we consider cognitive improvement as a primary social good? What we have done in this thesis is to show how cognitive enhancement is important to ensure that primary products are accessible to citizens, and we rebuilt the process that Rawls uses for choosing his primary goods to test that cognitive enhancement through drugs could perfectly be introduced as such.