65 resultados para Processo decisório - Estudos interculturais.


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This master's thesis aims to ascertain how the Stakeholders interactions influence the adoption of green marketing strategies from the perspective of the Alpha Company, a furniture industry located in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The methodology has a qualitative approach and uses the exploratorydescriptive case study method as model of formal and systematic study. Following the theoretical and conceptual propositions of Polonsky (1995), Michell, Angle and Wood (1997) and Frooman (1999) as a reference base. This study identifies and assesses the importance degree of the relevant stakeholders, shows their expectations and needs and describes the tactics used by the company for the implementation of green marketing strategies. The study describes the reality of a furniture industry in Rio Grande do Norte, and shows his philosophy and background; identifies present stakeholders that influence the decision process of the company and also, analyzes the degree of importance of each group showing their needs and expectations and, finally, it states the changes in the organization with the implementation of green marketing strategies. The results it s concluded that stakeholders are taken into consideration in the adoption of green marketing strategies, even without a proper strategic perception from the company, an imperative to advance towards the adoption of the green marketing philosophy. This case study explores knowledge that may be used and suited to small companies that act in the strategic segment-trend of green marketing


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The public sector performance has received much attention in the literature and due to that the purpose of this work is to develop a proposal for a model of performance measurement for a higher education institution unit. First, we performed a theoretical research on public organizations and private institutions of higher education, followed by a literature review on performance measurement and evaluation. This review presents some performance models that are quite frequent in the literature: Total Quality Management (Total Quality Management) - TQM and the PDCA cycle, SMART System, Balanced Scorecard and Môdef Ouanturn. In order to verify the possibility of implementing a performance measurement model for Higher Education Institutions, it was conducted a case study in a support unit of a University, located in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. The study attempted to identify the key processes of the unit and proposed by the use of Quantum model in order to improve the management and operation of the same. The work aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in measurement and performance evaluation in higher education institutions that where still lacks scientific production of this subject compared to other areas. This study also identifies better practices and opportunities for improvement in processes to determine the expected performance indicators to aid a decision-making unit.


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Natural gas, although basically composed by light hydrocarbons, also presents contaminant gases in its composition, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2S (hydrogen sulfide). The H2S, which commonly occurs in oil and gas exploration and production activities, causes damages in oil and natural gas pipelines. Consequently, the removal of hydrogen sulfide gas will result in an important reduction in operating costs. Also, it is essential to consider the better quality of the oil to be processed in the refinery, thus resulting in benefits in economic, environmental and social areas. All this facts demonstrate the need for the development and improvement in hydrogen sulfide scavengers. Currently, the oil industry uses several processes for hydrogen sulfide removal from natural gas. However, these processes produce amine derivatives which can cause damage in distillation towers, can cause clogging of pipelines by formation of insoluble precipitates, and also produce residues with great environmental impact. Therefore, it is of great importance the obtaining of a stable system, in inorganic or organic reaction media, able to remove hydrogen sulfide without formation of by-products that can affect the quality and cost of natural gas processing, transport, and distribution steps. Seeking the study, evaluation and modeling of mass transfer and kinetics of hydrogen removal, in this study it was used an absorption column packed with Raschig rings, where the natural gas, with H2S as contaminant, passed through an aqueous solution of inorganic compounds as stagnant liquid, being this contaminant gas absorbed by the liquid phase. This absorption column was coupled with a H2S detection system, with interface with a computer. The data and the model equations were solved by the least squares method, modified by Levemberg-Marquardt. In this study, in addition to the water, it were used the following solutions: sodium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, ferric chloride, copper sulfate, zinc chloride, potassium chromate, and manganese sulfate, all at low concentrations (»10 ppm). These solutions were used looking for the evaluation of the interference between absorption physical and chemical parameters, or even to get a better mass transfer coefficient, as in mixing reactors and absorption columns operating in counterflow. In this context, the evaluation of H2S removal arises as a valuable procedure for the treatment of natural gas and destination of process by-products. The study of the obtained absorption curves makes possible to determine the mass transfer predominant stage in the involved processes, the mass transfer volumetric coefficients, and the equilibrium concentrations. It was also performed a kinetic study. The obtained results showed that the H2S removal kinetics is greater for NaOH. Considering that the study was performed at low concentrations of chemical reagents, it was possible to check the effect of secondary reactions in the other chemicals, especially in the case of KMnO4, which shows that your by-product, MnO2, acts in H2S absorption process. In addition, CuSO4 and FeCl3 also demonstrated to have good efficiency in H2S removal


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Mate choice is a component of sexual selection. Trying to understand the patterns of this process, several studies have emphasized the adaptive value of sexual differences and their influence on the assessment of the market value. The pattern for adults presented on the scientific literature, which is based on the preference for certain characteristics, shows that men search a partner who shows high value of fecundity and fertility, thus looking for partners with the ability of being pregnant and nursing their offspring. On the other hand, women look for partners with high socioeconomic status, which is strongly associated with the ability to protect and provide resources for them and their offspring. Surprisingly, there is few works that investigated the mate choice patterns during the beginning of the period of sexual differentiation on the morphological, physiological and behavioral traits. The aim of this study was to investigate mate choice patterns in adolescence in order to describe their preferences and contribute to the understanding of human reproductive behavior. Took part of this research 1,232 students from educational institutions of Natal, Brazil, and visitors to the Scientific, Technological and Cultural Fair UFRN. In the Experimental Study 1, we applied a questionnaire to evaluate the importance of certain characteristics, assessed the degree of romantic involvement and real and ideal partners age preference. In the Experimental Study 2, we did a survey of characteristics considered relevant and evaluate the importance of these characteristics in mate choice. The Experimental Study 3 brought an investigation of mate choice patterns based on self-assessment of adolescents, evaluating ideal partner for a short-term and long-term relationships and actual partner. We found that adolescents are motivated to live romantic experiences. We also observed a preference for partners of similar age to that described for adults. Finally, we found similarities and differences in the preferences for characteristics in real and ideal partners in relation to the adult pattern. In addition, we observed high similarity on the self-assessment and assessment of real and ideal partners. We suggest that in the mate choice, adolescents are similar to young adults in some aspects but not all. Our results show the relevance of the reproductive behavior investigation in this human developmental period and reinforce that further studies should contribute to the understanding of human behavior in terms of ontogenetic development and their evolutionary history.


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The general purpose of the study was the analysis of residents' participation in the program of door-by-door collection of recyclable residuals in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Even though the conception of such program by municipal managers was basically aimed at providing job opportunities and income for the collectors, the main objective of the investigation was to verify whether residents' participation could be attributed to their environmental commitment. Data collection involved three municipal districts and was performed in three stages, with complementary methodological strategies (observation, questionnaire, and interview), and characterized by selfevaluation, by residents, and hetero-evaluation, by collectors. Social, demographic, situational/contextual, and dispositional data were identified to help in the analysis of residents' adherence to the program. Separating and delivering recyclable residuals was the most frequent type of residents' participation, which demonstrates their low level of appropriation of decisions related to the program, taking part on it as passive agents. Two forms of motivation towards participating in the program were found: environmental and social. Despite the first being more frequent, it was associated to lack of environmental awareness related to the process, which may very well imply a mere reproduction of pro-environmental discourse. Motivation towards social issues was strongly connected to philanthropic forms of help. Knowledge was revealed as na important predictor for participation, as well as social networks, formed by neighbors, relatives and friends. Despite the social emphasis in the design of the program, it is possible to conclude that some residents also perceive its environmental benefits, possibly as consequence of a knowledge originated outside the program. Initiatives of environmental education should be promoted in order to minimize the allegation of lack of knowledge as justification for non-participation. Similarly, actions to put together municipal management and population would be welcome, to promote joint decisions towards sustainable styles of life


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This work deals with the cattle raising activity in Brasil, it´s importance for the stete of Rio Grande do Norte. A conceptual review is done regarding accounting information and considering it as an essencial input for economical and finantial decision making, related to the state cattle rainsing environment. It also aims to expose visions related to the role and the importance of Accounting as system that colects, treats and supplies managerial information. A brief historic of Accounting is done, emphasizing the Accounting Demonstration Structure and its use in the decision making process, as well as the contribution it has node for the cattle raising activity in Brazil. The research´s results show that accounting information is used partially in the finantial decision making process, and it is pointed out that the Inventory was the most relevant tool with 95,% of the cases, followed by the Income and Outlay reports with 85.0%,Production with 82,0% and Cost reports with 80,0%, the Demonstrative of the Cash Flow (DFC) with 82.5%, the Patrimonial Balance (PB) with 22.5%, and the Demonstrative of the Exercise Result (DER) with 20.0% of use. The research concludes that Accounting information is not throughly used in the economic and finantial decision making of the managers of cattle raising in the Rio Grande do Norte State, although, 95% of the sample consider then important. This may imply that there are diffilculties in measurement of the managerial decisions as well as the business whole


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This study has the purpose of discussion and reflection of how the accounting information in the managemental area are used by the sugar & alcohol industry, located at State of Alagoas, aiming to identify if them please their managers expectations in the process of taking decision. Ahead of an existent universe of 27 (twenty seven) companies registered at the Sugar & Alcohol Labor Union of State of Alagoas SINDAÇUCAR files, were collected 14 (fourteen) questionnaires to support the current research classified as explorative and descriptive. The junction of these two kinds of research resulted in a quantitative and perceptive analysis of the use of the accounting information in the process of taking decision of the Sugar & Alcohol industry in Alagoas. The results demonstrated in this research indicate that, although the managers consider relevant the information at cost area, they do not use them in the process of taking decision. The reports emitted by accountancy are only financial, such as balance sheets, income statement, financial flow, among others factors. The importance order that the managers give to the accounting information and the kind of information that they use in the process of taking decision do not indicates that they use the accountancy in administration level. The statistics analysis of the files collected allows infer that the information provided by accountancy are considered important, however are few used at the manager process


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The citizenship is a fundamental category to the democratic progress and the development and concretization of human rights, in addition to being one of the essential foundations of democratic contextualized in the rule of law of the Federative Republic of Brazil. That’s exactly why the discussion about its concept and content is a paramount requirement to the understanding and interpretation-application-concretization of the Federal Constitution of 1988, as well as its democracy, since there is no democracy without citizenship. That is why the general objective of the research is to determine the characteristics of the citizenship, relating it to the Law, as well as to discuss (critically) its inclusion in the list of fundamental rights and delimitate the scope of protection and the limits of this right, in the context of Brazilian law post-1988 Constitution. The specific objectives are: a) to analyze the concept of citizenship, its extent and scope, contextualizing it historically; b) to examine the evolution of the legal and regulatory treatment of the citizenship in Brazilian constitutions, focusing on the 1988 Constitution; c) assess whether citizenship can be considered a fundamental right; d) to investigate which implications, theoretical and practical, of assignment fundamentality character to the right to citizenship. This research identifies and deconstructs current conceptual confusions, such as the lack of distinction between citizenship and nationality; citizenship and electoral capacity; citizenship and person. It also helps to identify and oppose the generalizations, as well as the excessively abstract associations which tend to purely metaphysical understandings, fluid and empty of any content. The main virtue, however, is the proposed of understanding of the citizenship as a fundamental right and the examination of the relationship between citizenship and human dignity. In this context, citizenship appears as a corollary of human dignity and it goes beyond. This (human dignity) requires equality, non-arbitraries, non-excessive, disproportionate or unreasonable impositions affecting their freedom rights, and, yet, doesn’t affect a minimum core of possibilities of have to a decent life, in conditions of freedom and self-conformation involved in the necessary consideration of the individual as a subject. All of this requires a decision-making process, molded by the citizenship, which reaches the entire development process of possible state interventions, to ensure the person as a subject, the right holder and the objective point of reference of the juridical relations. Thus, the citizenship represents a substantial and beneficial addition to the human dignity, since the emancipated citizen is a person, formally and materially, qualified, to be able to build their own and collectively organized history, to participate effectively in the making processes decision juridical and social


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This study has the main objective to analyze the role of the bodies of state and local governance of tourism, aimed at tourism development process in the city of Manaus / AM , by the public practices of planning, management and development activity in the respective municipality . To the specific objectives were established four aims: 1) To characterize the process of formation of governance entities active in tourism in the city of Manaus. 2) Lift the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014. 3) To question through the perception of the actors representing the different classes and entities of the Amazonian society, the actions planned and executed by the authorities aimed at cultural tourism in the period 2003-2014 and 4) Identify key similarities and the differences in decision-making about actions aimed at cultural tourism in Manaus. We adopted a qualitative approach, using the methodological design of descriptive and exploratory, with the help of the use of the techniques of literature search, document, with on-site data collection through interviews with semi-structured script application forms to the representatives of sectorial institutions that make up the locations of governance in tourism. In addition, the treatment of information was used content analysis technique. In response to stated objectives, it can be concluded that the creation of public arenas, through the tourism of governance has enabled incipient discussion in a democratic manner and decision-making in the area of planning and management of tourism in Manaus. It was also observed that obstacles that hinder and undermine the structures of the bodies, which reflect the joint, in the promotion and cultural tourism development in the city of Manaus.


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The theme of this dissertation is social technology for self-management: a study in economic enterprise supportive of Rio Grande do Norte. The research aimed to obtain evidence that the reapplication of technology management, basic economic-financial and pricing, as production costs, has the potential to contribute to the self-management of APABV. The social technology and self-management are theoretical frameworks used and where workers are central figures in both the generation and replication of technologies that are compatible with their realities, as in the conduct and management approach adopted by them in their venture, they are makers decisions. To achieve the proposed objective was accomplished participatory research, which was used in addition to document analysis, participatory methodologies such as the construction of the DRP, group interview, experience in the production environment and family of entrepreneurs APABV. This research allowed the management technologies such as spreadsheets controls basic economic and financial costs, when socialized and understood by workers has the potential informational and become part of their daily decision-making process of the project, making up social technology


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Os estudos sobre estratégia têm se difundido há muitos anos e seu processo de formulação também está inserido no cotidiano dos gestores. O objetivo do presente trabalho é constatar se há relação entre o pensamento, formulação e mudança estratégica e o nível acadêmico, hierárquico e tempo no cargo dos decisores da CAERN. A abordagem teórica é realizada com os seguintes pontos: estratégia, Decisão e liderança organizacional e o processo de formação da estratégia (Pensamento estratégico; Formulação da estratégia; Mudança estratégica). O estudo é de caráter exploratório descritivo. Para a tabulação e análise dos dados, utilizou-se um programa estatístico em que foi adotada a técnica de análise fatorial, e verificou-se a confiabilidade da escala de Likert utilizada no questionário através do teste Alfa de Cronbach e análise de Spearman a fim de constatar a correlação das variáveis e proporcionar uma abordagem quantitativa à pesquisa. Todos os respondentes da pesquisa são tomadores de decisão cujos níveis hierárquicos que obtiveram representatividade na amostra foram coordenadores, gerentes e chefes de seção. A partir das análises dos resultados do estudo, constatou-se que, das hipóteses levantadas, apenas uma se mostrou coerente com a realidade dos profissionais responsáveis pela estratégia organizacional da empresa: Há correlação entre a formulação estratégica e o nível acadêmico dos decisores (no constructo de formulação deliberada). Notouse também que o nível de formação acadêmica (nível superior) é importante e influencia diretamente no processo da formulação estratégica. Conclui-se que na organização em estudo o conhecimento dos gestores interfere na formulação estratégica


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This thesis aims to describe and demonstrate the developed concept to facilitate the use of thermal simulation tools during the building design process. Despite the impact of architectural elements on the performance of buildings, some influential decisions are frequently based solely on qualitative information. Even though such design support is adequate for most decisions, the designer will eventually have doubts concerning the performance of some design decisions. These situations will require some kind of additional knowledge to be properly approached. The concept of designerly ways of simulating focuses on the formulation and solution of design dilemmas, which are doubts about the design that cannot be fully understood nor solved without using quantitative information. The concept intends to combine the power of analysis from computer simulation tools with the capacity of synthesis from architects. Three types of simulation tools are considered: solar analysis, thermal/energy simulation and CFD. Design dilemmas are formulated and framed according to the architect s reflection process about performance aspects. Throughout the thesis, the problem is investigated in three fields: professional, technical and theoretical fields. This approach on distinct parts of the problem aimed to i) characterize different professional categories with regards to their design practice and use of tools, ii) investigate preceding researchers on the use of simulation tools and iii) draw analogies between the proposed concept, and some concepts developed or described in previous works about design theory. The proposed concept was tested in eight design dilemmas extracted from three case studies in the Netherlands. The three investigated processes are houses designed by Dutch architectural firms. Relevant information and criteria from each case study were obtained through interviews and conversations with the involved architects. The practical application, despite its success in the research context, allowed the identification of some applicability limitations of the concept, concerning the architects need to have technical knowledge and the actual evolution stage of simulation tools


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This paper examines, through case studies, the organization of the production process of architectural projects in architecture offices in the city of Natal, specifically in relation to building projects. The specifics of the design process in architecture, the production of the project in a professional field in Natal, are studied in light of theories of design and its production process. The survey, in its different phases, was conducted between March 2010 and September 2012 and aimed to identify, understand, and analyze comparatively, by mapping the design process, the organization of production of building projects in two offices in Natal, checking as well the relationships of their agents during the process. The project was based on desk research and exploration, adopting, for both, data collection tools such as forms, questionnaires, and interviews. With the specific aim of mapping the design process, we adopted a technique that allows obtaining the information directly from employee agents involved in the production process. The technique consisted of registering information by completing daily, during or at the end of the workday, an individual virtual agenda, in which all agent collaborators described the tasks performed. The data collected allowed for the identification of the organizational structure of the office, its hierarchy, the responsibilities of agents, as well as the tasks performed by them during the two months of monitoring at each office. The research findings were based on analyses of data collected in the two offices and on comparative studies between the results of these analyses. The end result was a diagnostic evaluation that considered the level of organization and elaborated this perspective, as well as proposed solutions aimed at improving both the organization of the process and the relationships between the agents under the lens analyzed


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Este trabalho investigou o processo criativo do espetáculo Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, do Coletivo paraibano Tribo Éthnos, fundado na década de 1990 e ainda em atividade. A estratégia metodológica se dá através de estudos descritivos, valendo-se da teoria e prática de diversas linguagens artísticas presentes na obra apontada: artes visuais, performance, literatura e histórias em quadrinho; em ações realizadas pelo Coletivo ao longo dos anos, objetivando descrever e analisar o processo de criação do referido espetáculo de dança, através da minuciosa coleta de dados por meio de entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, e da pesquisa e captação de materiais audiovisuais. A Tribo Éthnos destaca-se na cena local na cidade de João Pessoa, e estadual, na Paraíba, visto que, nesse longo percurso de existência, além da preocupação em fundir muitas formas artísticas, bem como os artistas da Paraíba, aglutina pessoas que fazem arte em outros países e faz das danças urbanas algo instigante. A Tribo ainda preocupa-se com a troca de saberes através de palestras, oficinas, cursos e intercâmbios. A dissertação investiga o processo de criação dos artistas e, especificamente, dos dançarinos, utilizando-se principalmente do conceito de work in progress, proposto por Renato Cohen, e aplicado ao espetáculo estudado. Apresentam-se descrições dos movimentos coreográficos, do espetáculo de dança paraibano Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, de Dança de Rua da Era Funky, especificamente, com estilos como popping, waving, animation, strobing, floatine/ slidini, tiokine, trebing, breaking, waving, sliding, entre outros, visto serem estes parte integrante do processo de criação. Tais estilos remetem ao ilusionismo ou ao mimetismo, sugerindo, em seus movimentos truques, câmeras lentas, flutuações com os pés, entre outros. Segundo Valmir Vaz, o Coletivo, através do espetáculo, busca a integração dos corpos, procura uma libertação individual e sugere uma sensação de querer voar nas coreografias/cenas. Abordam-se os aspectos do processo criativo: o espaço cênico, o trabalho corporal, a sonoplastia e a roupa/indumentária. Trabalha-se o conceito do corpo virtual de José Gil no aspecto do corpo cênico