22 resultados para Previsão de carga de curto prazo
There is a known positive effect of nocturnal sleep for brain plasticity and the consolidation of declarative and procedural memories, as well as for the facilitation of insight in problem solving. However, a possible pro-mnemonic effect of daytime naps after learning is yet to be properly characterized. The goal of this project was to evaluate the influence of daytime naps on learning among elementary and middleschool students, measuring the one-day (acute), and semester-long (chronic) effects of post-learning naps on performance. In the Acute Day-Nap condition, the elementary students were exposed to a class and then randomly divided into three groups: Nap (N), Game-based English Class (GBEC) and Traditional English Class (TEC). There were 2 multiple-choice follow-up tests to evaluate students performance in the short and long runs. In the short run, the N group outperformed the other two groups; and such tendency was maintained in the long run. In the chronic condition, the middle-school students were randomly separated into two groups: Nap (N) and Class (C) and were observed during one academic term. The N group had increased school performance in relation to the C group. In the statistical analyses, independent t-tests were applied considering the scores significant when p<0,05, expressed in terms of average ± average standard error. Results can be interpreted as an indication that a single daytime nap opportunity is not enough to ensure learning benefits. Therefore, more research is needed in order to advocate in favor of a daytime nap as a pedagogical means of promoting enhanced school performance
Several studies have shown that there is a circadian modulation of explicit memory. This modulation can occur independently in each one of the mnemonic processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of time of training on short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), using a recognition task. Moreover, a possible circadian modulation in retrieving was investigated when this process matched the acquisition hour (time stamp). The chronotype variable was also considered. Fifty-seven undergraduate students aging between 18 and 25 years (21,72 ± 2,14; 28 ♂) participated in this study. In the training phase (acquisition) the subjects heard a ten word list. Following this, they answered a recognition test to evaluate STM and one week later they answered a recognition test to evaluate LTM. In each chronotype, the subjects were divided in groups according to the training hour, part of them in the morning and the other in the afternoon. One week later some of the subjects in each group underwent LTM testing in the morning and others in the afternoon. When the subjects performances were analyzed together, independently of the chronotypes, a training hour effect was found in the LTM. The subjects trained in the afternoon had better performance. No time of day effect was found in the STM and in retrieving from the LTM. However, the morning types who were trained and tested in the same hour had a better performance in the LTM when compared to morning types trained and tested in different hours. This effect did not occur when the other chronotypes were analyzed. The circadian modulation seems to occur at least in two different ways. First, there is a circadian modulation in the acquisition/consolidation processes, with a better performance occuring in the afternoon. Secondly, there is a modulation in the retrieval mnemonic process, called time stamp phenomenon. This phenomenon, that occurred in the morning types, is showed for the first time in humans
Tem sido demonstrado que o diabetes influencia no desenvolvimento e progressão da doença periodontal. Acredita-se ainda que há uma relação bi-direcional entre o Diabetes Mellito e a Doença Periodontal. Por isso, o tratamento periodontal pode responder de forma diferente em pacientes com e sem o quadro de diabetes. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar clinicamente o efeito da terapia periodontal não cirúrgica em pacientes com periodontite e diabetes mellito (grupo teste) e sem o quadro de diabetes (grupo controle). Para isso, realizou-se o tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico FMSRP (Full mouth Scalling and Root Planing) e verificou-se os parâmetro clínicos periodontais (profundidade de sondagem, nível clínico de inserção, mobilidade, índice gengival e índice de placa) no início do estudo e após 3 meses. Na análise estatística, o paciente foi considerado como unidade de análise (p<0,05). Para as variáveis categóricas utilizou-se o teste de Fisher. Nas comparações inter-grupo, foi utilizado o Mann-Whitney Test e para comparações intra-grupo (baseline e três meses) utilizou-se o Teste de Wilcoxon. Participaram 26 pacientes no grupo controle e 14 no grupo teste. O índice de placa era 71,20% no início do estudo para o grupo teste e ficou 47,12% no fim; já no controle, os valores eram de 48,52% passando para 37,50%. E o índice gengival no grupo teste no baseline era 42,67 diminuindo para 26,81 e no grupo controle diminuiu de 41,36 para 30,62. A profundidade de sondagem foi no grupo teste 2,71mm passando para 2,40mm; já no controle, os valores foram de 2,84mm diminuindo para 2,55mm. O grupo controle ganhou 0,34 mm de inserção e o grupo teste perdeu 0,44mm de inserção. A recessão gengival aumentou 0,33mm no grupo teste e 0,04mm no grupo controle após os 3 meses. Houve diferença significativa inter-grupo para o índice de placa e gengival no baseline, também foi encontrado na recessão após 3 meses; já intra-grupo verificou-se diferença significativa para todas as variáveis, exceto para o nível clinico de inserção e mobilidade. Quando se categorizou a profundidade de sondagem em ≤3mm, >3 e≤6mm e >6mm, não foi encontrado diferença entre os grupos, mas verificou-se diferença significativa entre os períodos tanto para o grupo teste como para o controle. A hemoglobina glicada no grupo controle foi de 5,90% e no teste aumentou de 7,79% para 8,10%. Portanto, verifica-se que há uma melhora dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais em ambos os grupos, contudo não se verificou uma diferença significativa entre eles. Não obstante, o FMSRP promove um efeito benéfico em relação à condição de saúde periodontal, melhora dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais, em curto prazo (3 meses) tanto em indivíduos diabéticos como em não diabéticos, não sendo possível observar um melhor quadro glicêmico nos diabéticos
Considered as one of the oldest activities done by men, the civil construction represents one of the most important sectors for the economic growth of a country, in spite of the low results of growth in the past few years and also in the current year. To make this industry grow, even with an unfavourable economic scenario, it is necessary to implement an effective planning in its activities. This is one of the most important concepts brought by the Lean Construction philosophy, which had its origin through the adaptation of the concepts established by the Toyota Production System (TPS) or Lean Production. By having as a scenario the city of Natal\RN, the main goal of this dissertation consists in investigating how the 11 principles of the lean construction influenced the schedule of a construction field that started to implement its lean concepts. As a methodology, it was used the case study of a big enterprise located in Natal (RN). During the execution of the method, documents related to the short-term, midterm and long-term planning were analysed , aiming to describe its planning process; it was also described the factors that caused the delays at the enterprises’ field ;in addition, a comparison was made between the results obtained at the case study and the ones presented at the literature; in the end, the actions were listed by the company, which had the purpose to solve the main causes of delays, verifying if they were linked to the lean construction principles. This research finds its reason of existence in the relevance of its theme at the nowadays reality of the construction industry, since the principles of the lean construction uphold the reduction of processes that are useless, diminishing wastes as well as costs in construction. The relevance is perceived for the academy, in terms of the possibility to discuss if the concepts established by the lean production are being adapted to the civil construction sector and how this adaptation is influencing at the buildings planning project. Economic importance, because with the reduction of the wastes and costs, the companies may reduce the building´s value into a more accessible value, even with the sector´s lower growth. And social significance, because lean construction gives a better participation of the labour at the planning activity. Among the main results, the high frequency of planning errors stands out, mainly the programming deviations and not the task programming, as well as the execution errors, low productivity and activities executed by the workers. Amongst the 11 principles of lean construction, only five were related with the 12 actions analysed by the author. From the 12 actions, four were completely cohesive to one or more from these five principles. Some improvement proposals were also highlighted and established by the research.
The right to the preservation of a healthy environment is perceived as a Fundamental Right, inserted in the National Constitution and referring to present and future generations. The preservation of the environment is directly connected to the right to Health and Human Dignity and, therefore, must be treated as a personal right, unavailable, claiming for a positive response from the Brazilian State, through the development of related public policies, control of potentially harmful economic activities, with special focus on the principles of precaution and solidarity. The Brazilian judiciary must thus be attentive to the guardianship of the Fundamental Right. The judiciary control over the execution of public policies is based on obeying the principle of the separation, independence and harmony between the Powers, however it should never deviate from the constitutional obligation of caring for the effectivation of the rights and guarantees within the Magna Carta. In the balance between the principle of human dignity, from which springs the right to a healthy environment and the principle of separation of powers, the former should prevail, maintaining the latter to a core minimum.
The objective of the present work is develop a model to simulate electrical energy networks in transient and stead states, using the software ATP (Alternative Transient Program), able to be a way to join two distinct themes, present in classical methodology planning networks: short circuit analysis and load flow theory. Beyond that, using a tool for relay simulation, this paper intend to use the new developed model to investigate the influence of transient phenomenon in operation of protection relays, and calibrate the enterprise's protections relays. For testing the model, some relays, actually, installed at COSERN were used
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico