20 resultados para Pastagem degradada
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) are techniques involving the formation of hydroxyl radical (HO•) with high organic matter oxidation rate. These processes application in industry have been increasing due to their capacity of degrading recalcitrant substances that cannot be completely removed by traditional processes of effluent treatment. In the present work, phenol degrading by photo-Fenton process based on addition of H2O2, Fe2+ and luminous radiation was studied. An experimental design was developed to analyze the effect of phenol, H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration on the fraction of total organic carbon (TOC) degraded. The experiments were performed in a batch photochemical parabolic reactor with 1.5 L of capacity. Samples of the reactional medium were collected at different reaction times and analyzed in a TOC measurement instrument from Shimadzu (TOC-VWP). The results showed a negative effect of phenol concentration and a positive effect of the two other variables in the TOC degraded fraction. A statistical analysis of the experimental design showed that the hydrogen peroxide concentration was the most influent variable in the TOC degraded fraction at 45 minutes and generated a model with R² = 0.82, which predicted the experimental data with low precision. The Visual Basic for Application (VBA) tool was used to generate a neural networks model and a photochemical database. The aforementioned model presented R² = 0.96 and precisely predicted the response data used for testing. The results found indicate the possible application of the developed tool for industry, mainly for its simplicity, low cost and easy access to the program.
Resposta de ovinos naturalmente infectados por nematoides gastrintestinais em pastos de capim-massai
The aim of this study was to evaluate the crossbred sheep Santa Ines response to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes in Panicum maximum cv. pastures Massai at different times of grazing. For this it was used 36 crossbred sheep Santa Inês, divided into four groups and randomly distributed in massai-grass pickets naturally infected by gastrointestinal nematodes. In the period from October 2013 to May 2014, the animals were weekly monitored for hematology tests (packed cell volume) and parasitological (egg counts per gram of feces and fecal culture) in order to monitor the level of infection of sheep and they were assessed for weight, body condition score and staining ocular mucosa by FAMACHA© method. Furthermore infective larvae was recovery from pasture in times of pre-and post-grazing pasture. At 35 kg body weight, the animals were slaughtered and necropsied to collect the contents of the abomasum and small and large intestines to recover the adult parasites, carrying out the count and identification. The animals on pasture with a height of 40 cm pre-grazing obtained low nematode eggs in feces (1608 eggs / g) and 33 cm those in pre-grazing the highest average (2,539 eggs / g). The animals in different groups showed mean values of packed cell volume less than 23% (P> 0.05). Regarding to FAMACHA, the animals belonging to the groups 40 and 50 cm pre-grazing remained over 50% of individuals between FAMACHA 1 and 2 , and those to 33 and 45 cm pre-grazing showed mostly between FAMACHA 3, 4 and 5 (69.06% and 58.93%, respectively). In the culture of larvae in feces and recovery of pasture larvae before and after grazing the following genera were found, in order of prevalence: Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum and Strongyloides. The pasture with 33 cm of pre-grazing provided the highest number of larvae recovered both in the pre and post-grazing (1,081 and 715 L3 / 100 g of green matter, respectively). Among the different groups, the sheep had an average weight of between 23 and 26 kg and variation between the body 1 and 3 scores with scores greater frequency of 1.5 to 2.It can be observed that the animals kept at different times of grazing got different answers on the parasite load. Animals kept in 40 cm pre-grazing expressed a satisfactory answer than the other groups (33, 45 and 50 cm), best supporting the action of endoparasites. Moreover, this same height, was recovered fewer infective larvae on pasture in pre and post-grazing.
Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items
Portland-polymers composites are promising candidates to be used as cementing material in Northeastern oil wells of Brazil containing heavy oils submitted to steam injection. In this way, it is necessary to evaluate its degradation in the commonly acidizind agents. In addition, to identify how aggressive are the different hostile environments it is an important contribution on the decision of the acidic systems to be used in. It was investigated the performance of the Portland-polymer composites using powdered polyurethane, aqueous polyurethane, rubber tire residues and a biopolymer, those were reinforced with polished carbon steel SAE 1045 to make the electrochemical measurements. HCl 15,0 %, HCl 6,0 % + HF 1,5 % (soft mud acid), HCl 12,0 % + HF 3,0 % (regular mud acid) and HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % were used as degrading environment and electrolytes. The more aggressive acid solution to the plain Portland hardened cement paste was the regular mud acid, that showed loss of weight around 23.0 %, followed by the soft mud acid, the showed 11.0 %, 15.0 % HCl with 7,0 % and, at last the 10.0 % HAc plus HF 1.5 % with just 1.0 %. The powdered polyurethane-composite and the aqueous polyurethane one showed larger durability, with reduction around 87.0 % on the loss of weight in regular mud acid. The acid attack is superficial and it occurs as an action layer, where the degraded layer is responsible for the decrease on the kinetic of the degrading process. This behavior can be seen mainly on the Portland- aqueous polyurethane composite, because the degraded layer is impregnated with chemically modified polymer. The fact of the acid attack does not have influence on the compressive strength or fratography of the samples, in a general way, confirms that theory. The mechanism of the efficiency of the Portland-polymers composites subjected to acid attack is due to decreased porosity and permeability related with the plain Portland paste, minor quantity of Ca+2, element preferentially leached to the acidic solution, wave effect and to substitute part of the degrading bulk for the polymeric one. The electrolyte HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % was the least aggressive one to the external corrosion of the casing, showing open circuit potentials around +250 mV compared to -130 mV to the simulated pore solution to the first 24 hours immersion. This behavior has been performed for two months at least. Similar corrosion rates were showed between both of the electrolytes, around 0.01 μA.cm-2. Total impedance values, insipient arcs and big polarization resistance capacitive arcs on the Nyquist plots, indicating passivity process, confirm its efficiency. In this way, Portlandpolymers composites are possible solutions to be succeed applied to oilwell cementing concomitant submitted to steam injection and acidizing operation and the HAc 10,0 % + HF 1,5 % is the less aggressive solution to the external corrosion of the casing
The composition of termite assemblages was analyzed at three Caatinga sites of the Seridó Ecological Station, located in the municipality of Serra Negra do Norte, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These sites have been subjected to selective logging, and cleared for pasture and farming. A standardized sampling protocol for termite assemblages (30h/person/site) was conducted between September 2007 and February 2009. At each site we measured environmental variables, such as soil granulometry, pH and organic matter, necromass stock, vegetation height, tree density, stem diameter at ankle height (DAH) and the largest and the smallest crown width. Ten species of termites, belonging to eight genera and three families, were found at the three experimental sites. Four feeding-groups were sampled: wood-feeders, soil-feeders, wood-soil interface feeders and leaf-feeders. The wood-feeders were dominant in number of species and number of encounters at all sites. In general, the sites were not significantly different in relation to the environmental variables measured. The same pattern was observed for termite assemblages, where no significant differences in species richness, relative abundance and taxonomic and functional composition were observed between the three sites. The agreement between the composition of assemblages and environmental variables reinforces the potential of termites as biological indicators of habitat quality