36 resultados para Ordem de palavras


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The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community


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The Theory analyzes what should know and what competes, formally, to the Professional of Social Service to act in the School Education. He/she investigates, starting from studies on the theme, and close to Council Federal and Regional of Social Service, and of the Brazilian Association of Studies and Researches in Social Service, that you know and competences are necessary for the social worker performance in that specific area. Through a research of nature empiric, bibliographical and documental, the analysis focus outlines the glance and the understanding of the professionals' category that represent the defense organs, fiscalization and formation of the profession. The importance of the scientific study is justified for the social worker necessary contribution acting in the School Education, whose political and pedagogic context presents multiple demands, you know and relationships, and when it is lived a social and education picture at the present time with order words in formation, as inclusion, empowerment, competence, that they demand other specialists in the school scenery to work with the varied expressions of the social subject. Since the years 1930 the social worker acts in the area of the Education, with an originating from knowledge the human and social areas that you/he/she makes possible him/it to contribute, undisciplinement, close to the pedagogic team of the School Education. The clarity of the you know and of the necessary competences to intervene in that field of specific work makes possible the legitimation of the identity, of the social worker professionalization and the formalization of his/her practice. The Theory ends that the profissionality and the social worker professionalism is built and it is recognized in the area of the Education starting from the knowledge of the you know and pertinent competences to intervene in that context, beginning that knowledge on the part of the category of the Social Service and of the formation organs and representation of the profession so that the school community - administration and pedagogic coordination, teachers and students - he understands and recognize the social worker necessary intervention in that field. The formalization of those you know and competences are built starting from actions and thought mobilizations and operation in the group of the category, and not for isolated actions and individualized. It is revealed, in the opinion of the ones that represent Regional Council of Social Service, a wide vision of the social worker in that space exercising, among other, functions that don't compete to the professional's profile or restricted to actions and techniques historically exercised in their work fields. A new profile of the professional of the Social Service that it acts in the School Education is possible when his/her action is visualized centered not just in the work with the family, but, doing of the school a proposition space and execution of programs, projects, studies and social researches. He intends, an action politics and of popularization on them know and the social worker competences in the School Education


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La musique, plus qu`um mot et le texte écrit, a le pouvoir de produire le déplacement du sujet en relation aux contingences du temps e de l´espace. Entendre de la musique est plus que de l´amusement. Comme un artifice cognitif qui ultrapasse l´expérience analytique e métonymique, les formes tonales doublent la réalité, expandent les sens, actionent l´imagination, retotalisent les sentiments, amplient les expériences, permettent la rencontre du sujet avec les éssences des phénomènes qui ne sont pas traductibles par les mots. Nous écoutons de la musique pour restituer notre dignité e conférer à la vie plus de vérité, plus de concrétion (Santiago Kovadloff). La mélodie permet l´expérimentation des états de cohésion, de conéction pleine entre sens et intention, entre commencement et fin, de la finitude de la vie (Schopenhauer). Le phénomène musical provoque l´expréssion de la douleur, de la souffrance et, au même temps, du jubile et de la joie, réliant nature et homme (Nietzsche). Tenant comme base cette compréhension, la dissertation tient dans la musique une importante métaphore pour comprendre la complexité humaine, une fois qu´elle propicie une écoute sensible du monde et mobilise dans le sujet l´expérimentation de divers états de l´être. Nous pouvons dire que la musique est un opérateur de la conaissence parce qu´elle fait affleurer l´écoute intérieure, la rencontre du sujet avec lui même. Cet opérateur cognitif actione les pôles de l´ésprit qui font dialoguer sensibilité, éthique et esthétique, ordre et chaos, silence et bruit, mouvement et pause, repétition et inovation. Par l´expérience musicale, nous habitons des formes hibrides de sensibilité et raison. L´inachèvement, notre principal caractéristique comme humains, a, dans la musique, une image impair, parce que la musique est l´expression du dévir. Pour tisser ces arguments, la dissertation part des études de Schopenhauer et Nietzsche sur la musique, esthétique et métaphysique; Expose des fragments de la biographie de trois grands penseurs contemporains (Werner Heinsenberg, Ilya Prigogine et Edgar Morin) accentuant la présence de la musique en ses vies; et, par fin, présente ce que nous appelons biographies sonores de quatre artistes-musiciens brésiliens (Benedito Juarez et Gil Jardim, de São Paulo, et Ronaldo Ferreira de Lima et, Cleudo Freire, du Rio Grande do Norte)


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The research Cecília Meireles and the Pedagogical Lyric in Children My Love (1924) consists in a critical analysis, a cultural and historical approach to the pedagogical intentionalities and to the social and educational functionalities expressed in the childish literary work of the poetess and educator Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), in Brazil, during the first decades of XX century. The author s conceptions of the literary art, the philosophical and educational foundations, the Christian and liberal ideologies and values pertinent to her work for children and the relations between her texts and the ideals of the Brazilian intellectuals to effect changes in the every day life based on the child formation and on the teaching feminization process were examined in the work. This paper shows a content analysis with the intention of offering signification to the work Children My Love (1924) according to the investigation of specific categories: child, motherhood and schooling; through the exploration of synonymous and bipolar key-words found in Cecília s documents: child/adult, teacher/mother; school/home, ignorance/intelligence. The research intends to understand how the author articulates, in her informal pedagogical action in Children s Literature, science, literary and Christian faith knowledge, in order to expand her social and educational ideal concentrated in children, guided by the maternal hand and aimed at constructing a New Man, New Civilization and a New Social Order


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We present here the results of a study whose objectives were to identify the social representation of being a professor of early childhood education in Campina Grande - PB, in the public state and municipal levels, and detect structural diagrams of a possible mental habitus of professorial faculty of education child, which would form the basis for the construction of this representation. As a theoretical base, we adopted the model developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1998, 2000, 2003, 2010, 2011), which articulates the Theory of Social Representations, Serge Moscovici, and the foundations and concepts of Pierre Bourdieu praxiology. It is based also on the Central Nucleus Theory, which focuses on the structural approach of social representations. Thus, puts in evidence the relational dynamics and symbolic, through which individuals come into contact, describe, understand and reproduce the outside world in his image and likeness. 199 teachers participated in the study of child care and pre-schools of Campina Grande - PB and 109 of the state. The methods and techniques used were: a) participant observation of everyday life of teachers of kindergartens and preschools, b) semi-structured interview, c) free associations of words with inducing the expression 'being a professor of early childhood education is ...' and d) semi-structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed in the case of interviews through the categorical content analysis, as proposed by Bauer (2010); free-associations, using the software Ensemble L'Analyse des Programmes Permettant evocations (EVOC), developed by Vergès (2002), which combines frequency and average order of recall (or association) and the questionnaire data, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). It was verified the existence of a unique social representation shared by the population studied, but its content is structured differently. For local teachers, the centrality of the content is given by the elements commitment, dedication, responsibility, and rewarding teachers for this state revolves around the elements of love, patience, and rewarding responsibility. However, it is constructed mainly based on the related produced by a religious habitus and maternal habitus, which are part of the genesis of the establishment of professorial habitus in focus, among other cultural references of secondary influence. We conclude that a teacher of early childhood education actually researched, is materialized in the practices of educating and caring, in a clear fusion of the role of teacher and mother


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This research aims to understand the social representations Teaching Work in groups of undergraduate students of Physics and Chemistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For this, the proposal was based on the three theoretical and methodological consensus Carvalho (2012) in the explanation of socio-genetic mechanisms constituents of dynamic consensus that has functionality to your organization. It Was used to achieve this goal, the theoretical-epistemological Serge Moscovici (1978, 2003), Jodelet (2011), Wagner (1998,( 2011) and Carvalho (2012). The corpus analyzed results from a qualitative and quantitative research, developed in three stages. The first two (2) questionnaires to fifty (50) of each undergraduate course, a questionnaire and another profile for collection of free associations concerning motes inductors "Give Lesson," "Student" and "Teacher". The second step in the procedure Multiple Classifications, Roazzi (1995), aimed for another thirty (30) undergraduate students for each course, as well as Document Analysis of Educational Projects Curriculum courses in Physics and Chemistry. The data analysis of the first stage focused on descriptive statistics and frequency and average order of the words associated with motes inductors. The results from the Multiple Classification Procedure submitted to multidimensional analysis (MSA multidimensional scalogram analysis) and SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis), were interpreted by the theoretical and methodological proposal of the three consensus, supported by analysis of the rhetorical nature of justifications classifications and categorizations of words, boosted in times of application of Procedure Multiple Classification. The data revealed that the groups surveyed were the same Social Representation with specific dynamic consensual. Thinking Teaching Work for these groups it is considered in three dimensions: the BE-DO-HAVE of teaching. In the group of Physics consensus was clear semantic, which expressed a dynamic in which the interpretations of "Teaching Work" peacefully coexist on perceptions of two concepts: An identity around the "BE" "Teacher" or "BE" "Educator" and the other, how they think about professional development. The type of group consensus Chemistry pointed to a consensual logic hierarchical order in which the gradual between the elements of BE-DO-HAVE attested conflicts and disagreements about the perceptual object "Teaching Work", around what value most, whether they are the attributes of personal or professional-technical dimension of teaching, in the course of professional development. The thesis to explain the mechanisms of socio-genetic Representation Social Teaching Work by theoretical and methodological proposal was confirmed


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Teaching formation has been the target of many changes, having been forged according to numerous formats and models through different times and spaces, composing thus, different codes and curricular proposals for different levels of qualification. We've tried in this work to pinpoint the main discussions which take place in the area of the teaching formation, based in the views of modern writers. We ve also tried, through the Social Representations Theory, to reveal and learn how the agents directly involved in this process realize and react, that is, the teachers who cope with the beginning stages of the Fundamental Teaching in the public school system in Natal/RN, taking into account that, in many cases, such formation demands the rethinking of the very formation policies. We've also adopted the concepts of field and educational field introduced by the praxiology of Pierre Bourdieu. It s been considered a fundamental theoretical reference which enables the understanding of social phenomena, both in macro and micro viewpoints. Thus, we do not neglect the whole, and particularly, the nuances of each context or specific situation. In the methodological track we ve used for data gathering the Free Word Association Test, and the Semi-Structured Interview, and also secondary sources for the characterization of the research spectre. Data treatment and analysis were performed with the help of the following software: SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences and EVOC; and the method of Content Category Analysis. The combination of the concepts and techniques mentioned above was necessary to cope with the qualitative and quantitative aspects, in our attempt to offer a wider range of contributions and outcome validations, which have shown, among other less explicit elements, the existence of a social representation of the teaching formation such as: knowledge theoretical and practical; a necessity imposed by the symbolical conflicts of the social field; capacitation and compromisse. We acknowledge the relevance of the thoughts discussed here, though aware that this is just one of the possible approaches to the theme


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The aim of this study was to analyze the social representation of the sensible among teachers of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, attempting to identify its constituents and understand the dynamics that gives functionality to your organization. The study is significant considering that the professional conduct can not be delineated in its complexity without unraveling the social representations that teachers themselves have of their being and doing professional. The theoretical and methodological framework of the research is the theory of social representation. 107 teachers from various backgrounds participated. To collect the data were used as instruments : a questionnaire listing, which subsidizes the characterization of the subjects , the TALP - technique of free association of words ( ABRIC , 1994) , the PCM - Procedure for Multiple Ratings ( ROAZZI , 1995) ; questionnaire redemption of sensitive memories of the subjects in their school experiences of childhood , adolescence, youth and teaching practice . The PCM data, in which the slogan was directed at rating Give class, were submitted to multidimensional statistical analysis. Already TALP was analyzed by EVOC 2000 software, the profile questionnaire received descriptive statistical analysis and the memories received the questionnaire analysis of thematic content, Bardin (2004). Taken together, the results point to a social representation of sensitive teaching (the game, the fun, the touch, the smile, the relaxation) are not in the classroom. The sensitive pure still fits in school, but only in the courtyard, on the playground, in the intervals, therefore, outside of space-time class, playful perch that lives in each of us is totally strange to this world of the classroom . After doing the Approximation of ideas , we realized three discourses evident in the reports of teachers : the discourse of Numbness in which we perceive the distance of the teacher in relation to sensitive component as a facilitator in the learning process , the discourse of Feeling , in which we can discern small approximation to the sensitive dialogues and proposed in this study , the speech of reflection in which teachers analyze, evaluate and establish a discourse on the importance of education in sensitive , but not actualize in their teaching practice


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La recherche propose un nouveau regard sur l Institution Scolaire École Doméstica de Natal, en essayant de tenir compte de la multiplicité des auteurs et des pratiques développées à l école qui définissaient le mieux et expliquaient les phénomènes de cette réalité éducative et des rapports avec le temps et le lieu où elle s insérait. Pour ce faire, les concepts de mémoire et culture scolaire ont été fondamentaux pour la compréhension de ces pratiques, parce qu ils ont contribué à notre lecture historique-culturelle de l ensemble d aspects institutionnalisés à l école, comme son curriculum, ses finalités, ses façons d enseigner et d apprendre, ses règles de conduite, ses normes, enfin, ce qui caractérisait son organisation et ses pratiques quotidiennes. C était l École Doméstica de Natal l institution pionnière dans le modèle d éducation féminine au Brésil, nous le reconnaissons en priorité et nous visons à le circonscrire à son indélébile contribution à l Histoire de l Éducation de Rio Grande do Norte. Conçue par un modèle d organisation scolaire européen pour l éducation féminine, l École Doméstica de Natal a été inaugurée en 1914, en ayant comme créateur l intelectuel de Rio Grande do Norte Henrique Castriciano de Souza. Sa singularité, s opposant aux écoles féminines existantes au Rio Grande do Norte et au Brésil en ce temps-là, était dû au modèle scolaire adopté, qui appuyait sur la formation d une femme préparée à répondre aux aspirations modernes surgissant avec l avènement de la République. Ce contexte exigeait de l école la formation d un modèle de femme dans les aspects moral, physique, culturel et intelectuel modelés sur les idéaux de l ordre et du progrès. Ce serait une nouvelle méthode d éducation scolaire qui pourrait favoriser la modernisation des anciennes méthodes d enseignement, provoquant le surgissement de modèles qui impliqueraient une nouvelle organisation pédagogique aux écoles de l`État et conduiraient la ville à de nouveaux et hauts paliers de culture et civilité. Avec cela, l école contribuerait à ce que la femme joue un rôle dans la société d une manière plus active, sociale et mieux adaptée. Les mots ordre, nouveau, civilité, moderne et progrès se répandaient et s entrecroisaient avec des valeurs archaïques toujours permanentes et enracinées dans la vision de vie et l idée de monde d alors. Ainsi, on voyait que l École Doméstica était une institution modèle, spécifique dans sa fonction, qui apporterait à la ville et, particulièrement au Rio Grande do Norte, des idées de civilité, ordre et progrès


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This thesis is the result of an extensive research on print media discourse on the inclusion of disabled people in society. Articles published in the newspapers Diário de Natal/O Poti and Tribuna do Norte from 1992 to 2002 have been analyzed. Beginning with the very same questions that moved Moscovici (1978) in his classic study La Psychalyse son image et son public , according to which the media play a predominant role in the formation and propagation of social representations as well as in the construction of human behaviors, we have chosen this mass media as our investigation field. Understanding the importance of the communication theory, we intend to associate it to the social representation theory, since communication, as an aspiration, relates to the fundamentals of all humanity (WOLTON, 2004, p. 56). Moreover, means of communication represent an important space for symbolic production and representational process, allowing the analysis of the circulating discourses on social inclusion and disability. Based on these questions, we have determined social representations present in print media on the subject to be our study object. This objective was elected due to the fact that the thematic of disability and inclusion is scarcely and sporadically found in journalistic speech. The research questions have been: which is the representation of disabled people s condition in print media? What changes have occurred during the analyzed period and which was the role played by print media in this process? The research corpus was composed of newspaper articles about various aspects concerning disability and of free word association by reporters. We have analysed: 1) graphical language promoted by the picture of the substances propagated in the period from 1992 a 2002; 2) free word association experiments carried out with reporters of both newspapers; and 3) texts published from 1996 to 1997 using the high-tech program ALCESTE (Contextual Lexical Analysis of a Set of Segments of Texts). The results revealed that the print media in Natal/RN refer to the topic in a discontinuous way, and depend on specific events to highlight disabled people s fight for their rights. Social inclusion is still a great challenge for these people in all levels. We believe that this incapacity to overcome all kinds of obstacles is established in a dialectic relation between society and the media: society remains silent (the manifestation of interest for the cause only attracts some people s or groups attention) and the media, which selects which information is to be broadcasted, gives no evidence to the issue. This representation may be noticed in the infrequency in which articles about the subject are published, as well as in the emphasis to sports, a more important issue for the media. An implication of this study is that a new perspective is opened for analysis and reflection: the Paralympics games as both an inclusive and a segregating social phenomenon. It would be beautiful to have all of us together!


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In the last decades, studies on early intervention involving children with autism have suggested that there is no single intervention model capable of addressing the needs of all individuals in the spectrum. The role of parents as active intervention agents is, however, highly recommended. The More Than Words-HANEN Program has been specifically created for parents of children, under five years of age, who are in the autism spectrum. This intervention aims at improving the social competence and language comprehension of the child, as well as their parents empowerment. Until now only three studies have been performed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the HMTW program. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the effects of an early intervention program inspired on HMTW model on the level of caregiver responsiveness and child communication skills. The present study adds to the existing research literature on family-centered early intervention that uses a developmental paradigm. A two year boy in risk for autism, his mother and nanny took part in this investigation, which was carried out in the child´s home in Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. The caretakers were given one fifty-two hours of training, divided into thirteen weekly meetings. A quasi-experimental A-B-C design (baselineintervention- follow-up) showed improvement in the caretakers level of responsiveness and meaningful social-communicative gains in the child´s response


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The main goal of this work is analyze the way which the Natal City Prefecture was constructed as a place of subversion by those we call defenders of the order, in the period right after the outbreak of military coup in 1964. To reach it, the main resource of search was the Relatório Subversão no Rio Grande do Norte , document produced from the investigations realized in Natal City Prefecture as a result of the Commission of Inquiry s work, established by the governor Aluízio Alves to determine the subversion in Rio Grande do Norte s society. Based on the anti-comunist speech. That document introduces other image of the Prefecture, which activities developed by de second Djalma Maranhão administration (1961-1964), specially those developed in the educational area, as the campaign De Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler , were considered subversive , communist , dangerous , threatening , names that served as backing to embed Natal City Prefecture in the general view about subversion existing in Rio Grande do Norte, according to the repression speech in this initial period of military regime. Key-words: 1964 Military Coup Natal City Prefecture


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This work treats about the speeches that produced the crisis of symbols of Ceará, researching on matters and ways of expression of space between 1950s and 1970s. Therefore, we search discursive practices that since the end of nineteenth century built the identity of Ceará and in the middle of twentieth century produced the crisis of modes of seeing and telling the space in front of enunciations of the national modernization, especially with the emergence of politics by SUDENE to the Northeast, the progressive actions by Catholic Church, the defense of tradition by regional literature of union of Ceará Clã. The contradictions between the glorification and fear the modernization of Brazil produced on the space speeches that his identity would be fractured, that the old symbols of drought, cangaço, mysticism and colonels declined. Among analyzed speeches, we centered the analysis of Trilogia da Maldição formed of novels O Dragão, of 1964, Os Verdes Abutres da Colina and João Pinto de Maria: a biografia de um louco by José Alcides Pinto. In this novel, the enunciation of the crisis of symbologies about the space produced another aesthetic, the allegory, which, mixed with the mystical and melancholy, in search of ways to restore the language of the old themes Ceará, drop of Ceará the same stigma of anti-modern space, where the images of delay changed icons of a fractured identity in front of the modern streams, where the word was transformed in the dimension precarious and redeemer of the tradition, of old, of nature, of the plenitude of senses. In Jose Alcides, the colonel returns as the origin of the lost space, the drought is the revolt of God against the devil place, the apocalypse, the end imminent threat to the village, signs that fantastic, however, are in dialogue with the settings space and time in which they were produced


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The present work regards, as its subject, the management of the urban space. It aims to survey the role assumed by the Conselho de Intendência Municipal de Natal (Municipal Stewardship Council of Natal) in the formation of a new urban order between the years of 1904 and 1929. For a better comprehension of the object of research, the milestone of the time span analyzed in this work was receded to the year of 1890, specifically at the first chapter of this dissertation. In this chapter, we will turn our attention towards an analysis of the referred council, on the regulation of its operation, the relations of this institution with the state government and its mechanisms of action in the city, among other topics. In the next chapter, we will delve into an elite who administrated the city of Natal during the first republic, understanding that the analysis of the formation of a modern city project by the Municipal Stewardship undergoes the comprehension of those who leaded this institution. In the third chapter, we will examine the limits of the municipal management to put into practice its projects to the upraise of a new Natal, between the years of 1904 and 1921. The last chapter, on its turn, presents a new Stewardship, reformulated after a process of administrative streamlining, and a city that transforms itself, especially during the O Grady tenure by receiving major constructions, which alter its main features. We will regard, as the main resources of this study, articles from the daily newspapers A República (The Republic) and Diário de Natal (Daily Natal), dictums, announcements, laws, state decrees and the messages disclosed by the state government. To build a way of analysis, we make use of authors such as Anthony Giddens, Peter Burke and Laurent Vidal, among many others who discuss concepts related to the proposed theme


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Highly emotional itens are best remembered in emotional memory tasks than neutral items. An example of emotional item that benefits declarative memory processes are the taboo words. These words undergo from a conventional prohibition, imposed by tradition or custom. Literature suggests that the strongest recollection these words is due to emotional arousal, as well as, the fact that they form a cohesive semantic group, which is a positive additive effect. However, studies with semantic lists show that cohesion can have a negative effect of interference, impairing memory. We analyzed, in two experiments, the effect of arousal and semantic cohesion of taboo words on recognition tests, comparing with into two other word categories: semantically related and without emotional arousal (semantic category) and neutral, with low semantic relation (objects). Our results indicate that cohesion has interfered whith the performance of the test by increasing the number of false alarms. This effect was strongly observed in the semantic category of words in both experiments, but also in the neutral and taboo words, when both were explicitly considered as semantic categories through the instruction of the test in Experiment 2. Despite the impairment induced by semantic cohesion in both experiments, the taboo words were more discriminated than others, and this result agrees with the indication of the emotional arousal as the main factor for the best recollection of emotional items in memory tests