48 resultados para Oralidade na escrita
Body and writing: Lines and between-lines of production of knowledge in the classroom it is an ethnographic research, longitudinal character, based on experience while experienced educator of the Escola Municipal Professor Amadeu Araújo, located in the city of Natal-RN, from which are made reflections about texts written by students who have distorted age/education level, in the process of literacy. Here as initial goal: to discuss the production of students writing as a process body, considering the record of experiences and the impressions they have made during the teaching process. We initially by a conception of phenomenological body, by understanding it in its complexity, a phenomenon that is made from its relationship with the world and with the Other. The records examined were produced between the year 2000 and 2005 involving writings of 106 students, constituting a universe of 136 texts, from which, delimited a corpus of 27 texts. The relevance with respect to the theme and recurrence in which they were detected, were up to elements that allowed a systematization methodology, defining the following units of analysis: Body, written in everyday; body, written and sexuality; body, written and enjoyment poetics; body, writing and other stories. We used the techniques of search, participant observation, based on the actions and interactions body expressed during the experiment and the analysis of documents that consisted of students in the texts and secondary sources, among them, the records of daily class, reports and projects developed, as well as reports of my pedagogical practice, as a researcher inserted in the investigative process. The experience developed, showed a writing school able to express nuances of human complexity, showing that learning is made in the action body, crossed by various forms of language and pointing to the relevance of a pedagogical work able to articulate the dialogue between the written and registrations body of the students, as subjects of learning
T he reflexive action on the process of texts (re)writing, central topic of this study, is still a challenge within the elementary school. What made this issue a special theme of study was the fact that the chosen focus is based on a lived experiences with (re) writing activities where the uniqueness of the professional practice would be transformed into a place of knowledge production, offering theoretical and a practical support to a teacher, in order to understand the interactive nature of language as a space for recovery of the individual (as a historical, social, and cultural being). The empirical field research, structured in the light of assumptions of qualitative research into the action research format, was a public school in Bahia, in a third grade classroom. The instruments of data collection were open questionnaire, semistructured interviews, observations with video recording, documentary analysis of texts produced by students, and reflective sessions. The objectives that supported the research study were: 1) Investigate, in the pedagogical action of teacher Maria, activities on the writing process, 2) Interact with the teacher, in the form of action inquiry to: a) reflect on the procedures for theoretical and methodological development of reflective practice on the process of the (re) writing of the text, b) intervene in the construction of didactic situations that enable the learning and the development of reflexive actions in the (re) writing of texts. To accomplish these goals, it was established as a commitment a dialogic communication with the protagonist, providing reflection sessions so she could examine her teaching practices. The most relevant theoretical arguments to the establishment of this research came from the theoretical and methodological approaches of Bakhtin s theory of enunciation-discourse (2003, 2004) and Vygotsky s socio-interactionist theory (1989, 1998), as it is believed that both theories, through a paradigm shift, in which the constitution of the individual and the participation of others in the actions of analysis and reflection on the language, would give opportunities for internalization and construction of knowledge. The systematic and critical pondering led the participating teacher into reviewing her teaching praxis, compelling her to promote a more insightful understanding of the writing process of her students. That experirence brought into evidence three categories of actions: 1) actions that reflect the technical rationalism, 2) actions that reflect an emancipatory metamorphosis, and 3) actions that reflect empowerment and awareness. The results confirm that the action / reflection on the process of the (re) writing of a text has a dimension of increasing levels of awareness and self criticism, reproducing other meanings for teaching praxis
Le thème de cette dissertation est l Histoire de l éducation de la femme. Une analyse des pratiques culturelles de la professeur Anayde da Costa Beiriz (1905-1930), dans le contexte paraibanais du début du XXe siècle, est proposée. Le référentiel théoricométhodologique de l Histoire Culturelle est utilisé, pour aller contre l histoire passée sous silence dans le canon traditionnel. Basée sur le concept de représentation (Chartier, 1990), rompant avec les anciennes idées de sens intrinsèque, absolu, unique, liée aux pratiques complexes, multiples et différenciées, qui construisent le monde comme représentation. Basée aussi sur le concept de configuration (Elias, 1980), en comprenant que apparemment individu et société sont deux objets qui existent indépendamment, mais en vérité, se rapportent à deux niveaux inséparables du monde social, sont unis par des liens d interdépendance. Un dialogue est recherché entre le passé et le présent et les différentes dimensions: historique, sociale, politique et culturelle vécues par la professeur Anayde Beiriz. Pour obtenir des informations sur ses pratiques culturelles, une recherche des marques de cette histoire dans de multiples sources est effectuée: dans la bibliographie disponible parmi les domaines de la littérature, de l histoire, dês sciences sociales et de l éducation; dans des archives de l Institut Historique et Géographique de la Paraiba et de Natal; dans les Bibliothèques de l Université Fédérale de la Paraiba et du Rio Grande do Norte et chez des bouquinistes. L inventaire comprend: des périodiques, la législation en vigueur, des écrits de contemporains, dês témoignages oraux de parents, des lettres et des photos. On comprend de cette façon, que l idée d éplucher au travers de cette étude, des aspects qui n ont pas encore été vus et rappelés, peut non seulement répondre à nos doutes, mais, peut à partir de la réflexion qui se fait, se traduire par une nouvelle compréhension de cette histoire. En conclusion, des significations multiples sont contenues dans le processus d insertion de la femme dans l éducation à partir des Écoles Normales, qui englobent les relations de genre, l histoire du pouvoir, de la morale, de surpassement, des luttes et insatisfactions. On perçoit l héritage de résistances et de conquêtes. Cela a été sous l inspiration des airs de la modernité avec la Belle Époque, en répercutant dans le monde et aussi dans la Parahyba du Nord, que s est concrétisée la formation sociale de la professeur Anayde Beiriz et des femmes de son temps. L analyse de l écriture de soi confirme le discours normatif du contrôle moral social, le joug et les préjugés soufferts par Anayde Beiriz et l éducation différencié de genre qui ont déterminé ses habitudes et coutumes. C est-àdire, pour la femme, la permanence dans l espace privé, la retenue, l anoblissement des tâches ménagères et de la maternité comme sa plus haute aspiration, le support moral de la famille, la préservation de la tradition et la perpétuation des règles religieuses
O presente trabalho tem origem em nossas vivências como professora alfabetizadora na escola pública em contextos de periferias urbanas, o que nos levou ao envolvimento com questões relativas à (não)aprendizagem das crianças em seu processo de alfabetização. Por outro lado, a inserção na vida acadêmica nos aproximou de perspectivas de compreensão dos processos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento das crianças, bem como do papel que o meio sociocultural tem nesses processos. Dessas experiências, emergiram os questionamentos que guiaram nossa investigação: em que contextos/situações crianças que vivem em um meio socialmente adverso se apropriam de conhecimentos acerca da linguagem escrita? Onde, com quem, como e o que aprendem as crianças de tal meio sobre a escrita como prática cultural? Tendo como objeto de estudo os contextos/situações em que crianças que vivem em contextos sociais marcados por condições adversas de extrema pobreza se apropriam de conhecimentos pertinentes à linguagem escrita, definimos, como objetivo, Analisar contextos/situações (intra e extra-escolares) em que crianças que vivem em um meio social adverso interagem e se apropriam de conhecimentos pertinentes à linguagem escrita. O campo de estudo foi a comunidade Frei Damião, localizada na periferia do município de Caicó, RN, originária de um lixão e reconhecida na região por ser economicamente carente, com alto índice de analfabetismo e baixíssimo nível de qualidade de vida (escassez de condições sanitárias, serviços públicos de saúde, saneamento e segurança, dentre outros próprios de meios urbanos). Assumindo os princípios da pesquisa qualitativa e as características de um estudo de caso, tomamos como sujeitos do estudo, nove crianças, com idades entre sete e oito anos, residentes na comunidade e estudantes da escola no segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental. Além das crianças, foram também considerados como sujeitos, suas mães, a diretora e duas funcionárias da escola. Os dados foram construídos a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, questionários e anotações em diário de campo. Da sistematização desenvolvida com base nos princípios da análise de conteúdo emergiram evidências de que, mesmo vivendo em um ambiente marcado pela escassez de bens materiais, como de práticas e materiais escritos, as crianças constroem conhecimentos significativos sobre a escrita, apresentando níveis avançados de conceitualizações sobre o funcionamento do sistema alfabético. Tais construções resultam de interações em que se envolvem em diversos contextos intra e extra-escolares em sua comunidade nos quais são mediados, tanto por seus pais, em suas casas, como pela professora, na escola. Mesmo analfabetos ou com pouca instrução escolar, verificou-se que os pais inserem as crianças em processos de letramento e alfabetização ao valorizarem a escrita e seu aprendizado. Enquanto contexto de interação e apropriação de conhecimentos destaca-se, na comunidade, a escola e suas práticas. Mediante parcos recursos e limites, a professora cria situações de aprendizado do funcionamento do sistema de escrita e de habilidades textuais, aproximando as crianças da escrita como linguagem. Esses resultados apontam para a necessidade de reflexões e reformulações acerca das possibilidades da escola pública na promoção de educação de qualidade para as crianças de meios populares
The school inclusion is based on respect for diversity and the belief that everyone has the capacity to learn and develop, for this the school needs to prepare itself to meet the differences and provide a meaningful learning for everyone, including those with Down syndrome. It is in the interaction with others that children develop their skills and exchange substantial experiences to learn the school and non school knowledge. Among the knowledge the school must offer students, there is one that is indispensable to the present society; the writing, because writing is a way to Interact, to communicate and to build autonomy to relate in society. Before exposed, the research that started this study aimed to investigate the level of the writing conceptualization of children with Down syndrome during the literacy process in a regular school of the private school network in the city of Natal/RN. For carrying out this study, initially we conducted a qualitative research, using the bibliographical as a methodological recourse, seeking to the deepening of information, based on the literature about the subject, which allowed us to collect data about people with Down syndrome, their education and the process of the writing acquisition. Later, a case study was performed, involving free observation in the room and interviews with teachers and children, trying to verify how this writing acquisition process occurs by children with Down syndrome. The data analyzed and information recorded demonstrated that the school inclusion, when taken seriously, benefits the learning of writing for children who have intellectual deficit, and, mainly, they develop in this environment and are able to learn to write, as long as their own pace are respected
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el tratamiento ofrecido al estudio de la lenguaje en la modalidad oral en clases de lengua portuguesa en los 3º y 4º ciclos del Nivel Fundamental a la luz de concepciones sociointeracionistas de lenguaje. Para tal, tomamos como referencia las contribuciones de Bakhtin (1992) Marcuschi (2005), Batista (2001), Antunes (2009), Bagno (2002), Suassuna (2009), Ramos (2002), Castilho (2000), Oliveira (2003), entre otros, como también tomamos como referencia los objetivos establecidos en los programas oficiales, entre los cuales están los PCN de lengua portuguesa, el PNLD y el regimiento escolar. El campo de pesquisa seleccionado fue una escuela pública de la ciudad de Parnamirim donde los datos fueran colectados en visitas, en las entrevistas grabadas con los sujetos y también durante las observaciones a las clases. Hecho estos procedimientos de coleta de datos se hizo su análisis que estuvo vinculada al referencial teórico. Los resultados de la pesquisa indican características en el tratamiento ofrecido al lenguaje oral que refleja, principalmente, una concepción de lengua y lenguaje adoptada por los profesores aún muy vinculada a las concepciones estructuralistas, sin lograr una práctica que contemple la oralidad como objeto de estudio
This work has its genesis in the life of a teacher. It contemplates the report of a great story that expresses the political will of anonymous people who sought/seek to overcome challenges and prejudices, a joint effort to make real the right to literacy. The reported story was developed in the Pedagogic Clinic Teacher Heitor Carrilho, Natal-RN which, concerned about the sentence of 'unable to learn the written language' attributed to children and young public school students, decided to invest in overcoming prejudices and fight against school failure of these underprivileged. The problem that motivated the study was thus set up: What particularities characterize a pedagogical practice which aims to teach literacy to children and youth from public schools, considered not capable of learning the written language? What theoretical and methodological procedures are shown as a boost to literacy in the development of a pedagogical practice systematically targeted to reflect the perspective of educating those students in public schools? Aiming to answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative research having as methodology, Life Stories and Research/Formation. For the construction of the data, it was decided to use the participative observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Guided by the principles of content analysis the data analysis was built, from which emerged two categories: theoretical and methodological procedures aligned to the major axes of literacy and Procedures of the specific theoretical and methodological fundamentals of literacy. As subsets of the transverse procedures others were seized: didactic-pedagogic procedures; social affective procedures. Regarding these ones, the research shows the importance of the teacher to build a relationship of listening to the students and their families in order to organize the pedagogical work, looking at multiple dimensions of the subject: the intellect, the creative, the affective, moral, noting that between the methodology and didactics or as part of it, the links built represent great opportunities to promote literacy. Regarding the specific procedures, others were built: procedures that emphasize oral communication, procedures that favor writing and procedures that privilege reading. Under these procedures, the results of research show that you can only promote literacy if the teacher provides the students effective conditions of understanding the principles of alphabetical notation from the use of various kinds of texts, leading them to comprehend and use them in different contexts. Therefore, instructors must meet the learners' prior knowledge, their language, and the learning real needs that will bring new challenges consistent with their possibilities. The research confirms the importance of the Educational Support extra school. However, it is essential to emphasize that it is a function of the school to promote literacy for all students in the early years of schooling. It is recorded, however, that for the implementation of this desire, we must break the school model characterized by a rigid tradition, in which there is only room for those who learn the content taught in a minimum time. Unfortunately, despite the discourse of inclusion and ensuring the right to education, the school remains exclusive and selective separating the school learning of interpersonal relations and social integration and performance. On the one hand, research showed the difficulties of conducting studies and/or strategies that address the particularities of children and young people believed not capable of learning. On the other hand, the political commitment and motivation have increased the perception that it is possible to mitigate the existing deficits in the educational context, beginning with the everyday teaching practice, in which new knowledge can be learned, methodologies can be improved and, despite everything, the educational success can be built
This dissertation is about an Education which is made concrete through orality and gestuality of the elderly joking masters of the territory of Mato Grande/RN and proposes a reflection about the exchange between these two knowledges and school education. Thus, it presents the following objectives: identifying the joking elderly in the region; recording their life experiences related to the jokes of the tradition and the way they realize such references at present; besides investigating and recording educative practices which consider the elderly s jokes at the present education. The investigation is supported by the metaphor in the making of a quilt as a methodological resource in the actions of measurement, choice of patches, sewing and binding off. The mapping of the territory of Mato Grande/RN has enabled the identification of seventeen joking elderly people. It considers and records their experiences with the popular amusements and from them, it discusses the ways through which the oral tradition in Mato Grande may be recognized in four categories/actions, namely, narrating, singing, dancing and getting old, which are analyzed under the studies by authors like Benjamin, Zumthor, Almeida, Porpino, among others. Finally, it also focuses the relation between the elderly, the knowledge of the tradition and the systemized education. It describes and articulates educative actions able to connect the knowledge by the joking elderly people and the knowledges taught at school, possibilities of concretization of a rebinding of knowledges which might bring orality and writing, the new and the old, science and tradition close to each other
Through the examination of official indicators, it can be observed that writing is pointed out as one of the main problems concerning formal basic education. However, this teaching-learning object is one of the central objectives at school, having an essential role in different curricular components as well as in the interaction demands required by society. Such paradox indicates, therefore, the relevance of investigations which analyze the intrinsic elements of child development as written text producer. Hence, the main purpose of this research consists of analyzing the treatment given to the types of discourse and the teaching situations in which the written text are produced, concerning Portuguese language didactic material collections approved by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD 2010) the Brazilian program of didactic book and worked at elementary school. Such materials correspond to the collections adopted in municipal education system schools from Natal, RN which were below the official education indicator IDEB 2009. Thus, the questions that guide this work are: 1. During writing production lessons, is the diversity of types of discourse effectively worked on didactic collections? 2. Which are the types of discourse and the social spheres prioritized when teaching writing production? 3. How is the situation addressed in the production of the written text should be produced? For this research, we retook the authors Bakhtin, Bunzen, Faraco, Freire, Rodrigues, Rojo, Schneuwly e Dolz and we made a list of all types of discourse and spheres contemplated in the propositions of the writing production in didactical books, concerning the eight collections which compounds the first moment of analysis. Then, we verified how the situation of production is oriented by examining two didactic collections if and how they express the elements referring to the social-historical, functional and linguistic-discursive context of the text to be produced. The data obtained indicate: lack of diversification of types of discourse in the collection that compounds the Aggregate Sample of the research; the conception of a diversity based on the didactic of visiting; the recognition of all canonical and hegemonic types of text as one of the privileged objects of study; the centralization on the standard variety of the language and the devaluation of the representative types of cultural diversity; the shortage of productions which retrace to written language related to different technologies of communication and information; and the little emphasis on the types of discourse related to public language practices. As for the situations of production, it is observed the predominance of the school as a producer of dialogic relationships, whose propositions present, for example, text addressees, enunciative positions, support and contexts of restricted circulation, especially at school. Two divergent situations are observed among the collections: the lack of a work in which the situation of production is under the perspective of the types of discourse as object of teaching-learning; the concept of the types of discourse as object of reflection, presenting a differentiated didactic orientation towards the situation of production. This research contributes, therefore, with a mapping of the existence and the treatment of the types of discourse on propositions of writing production in didactic books; with the critical analysis of the approach of written activities, considering the elements of the historical-social, functional and linguistic-discursive context; thus, through teaching, research and public policies, use and selection of didactic material for the area
This work presents a surveyabout the short stories of Sagarana. first book by Guimarães Rosa, publishedin 1946, and that marked the Brazilian litterature definitely, since we are in front of a new construction of the language, linked to the establishment of a new Portuguese, trough the association between the cult speech and the speech from the sertão, always with a pretence sensitivity that rouses when joins archaisms, neologisms, regional expressions and literary language. Among the nine short stories that made up the work, we will select the following ones, to be analysed: "O Burrinho Pedrês", Traços Biográficos de Lalino Salãthiel ou A volta do marido pródigo , "São Marcos" and A hora e vez de Augusto Matraga". Among the hypothesis that organize and surround this work, we will approach the narrative aesthetics, the creative process and the orallity, i.e., how Rosa trans1ate the oral world, rescuing the archaizing speech in the written narrative construction.We will choose for the establishment of developed questions in this ressearch the theories of Paul Zumthor, Câmara Cascudo, Sílvio Romero, Antonio Candido and Alfredo Bosi, among others. Therefore, we will see, through the narrative reading, how the popular parlances are used, which they are linked. The citations that show the popular tradition presence will be pointed out, through anecdotes, folk songs, legends, myths, folktales and proverbs. Therefore, we, readers, will see the popular tradition presence, that will show itself, and the Rosa's thinking will be known through language art, what is the result of the writer's deliberate choice. We will see the popular experience turned to art
Este estudio trata de establecer relaciones sobre la importancia del fenómeno sociocultural que emerge de Doña Militana para la cultura potiguar. Para tanto tomamos sus recuerdos de los romances como parte de un contexto social, relacionados con el tiempo y el espacio, que afecten a la vida material y moral de su grupo social. Resaltamos, por lo tanto, el fenómeno de la memoria individual en su relación con la memoria colectiva. Proponemos, en este sentido, suponer que el mantenimiento y permanencia de estos romances en la memoria de la romancera revelan una dinámica de su grupo social para la formación de su identidad. En este sentido, nos servimos como referencial teórico de los estudios de Maurice Halbwachs, en lo que respecta a los debates sobre la memoria colectiva, en paralelo a los estudios de Paul Zunthor cuando se trata de las funciones de la oralidad para la formación de la identidad. Para llevar a cabo los trabajos es de fundamental importancia, por supuesto, el relato de vida de la propia Doña Militana en confronto con los simbolismo culturales contenidos en los romances, con el objetivo que flagremos las (co)incidencias que demarquen la identidad de sus vínculos de identidad con el universo cultural en que está insertado. Como resultado, se tomó como objeto de análisis desde la deposición presentadas en las entrevistas, hasta los romances en sus aspectos poéticos, lingüísticos y mitológicos, incluyendo los significados que el desempeño de la romancera muestra. Objetivamos, por lo tanto, una comprensión dialógica de la relación entre la memoria individual (el caso de Doña Militana) con la memoria colectiva, sobre la base de un hipotético concepto que subyace a la aparente singularidad de este fenómeno - un hecho aislado en cierta medida - una razón intrínseca y compleja que se revela como la punta de un iceberg, al que convergen motivos históricos inconscientes de un patrimonio cultural
This work aims to identify, describe and analyze the main mechanisms of reference present in the texts produced by students that are finishing their fundamental school. With this in mind, we observe 46 Portuguese classes. The class was in its 9th Fundamental level, in a public school of the Cruzeta, RN. In this period, we collected our corpus that is composed by the papers that students produced. This research has an ethnographic approach and it has as theoretical support some studies about some mechanisms of reference, specifically, the lexical repetition and anaphor. In general, we are based on the studies about cohesive mechanisms from authors as Adam (2008); Beaugrande and Dressler (1981, 1997); Koch (1999, 2004, 2005, 2008), Marcuschi (1983, 1992, 2005, 2006); Bessa Neto (1991) and Neves (2006). In the corpus, we could identify some lexical repetitions (literal, with estrutural variation), as well as, anaphors, mainly pronominal ones. Then, we can notice that most students have showed difficulties in the use of those mechanisms of reference as a strategy of textual progression
This work aims to identify, describe and analyze the main mechanisms of reference present in the texts produced by students that are finishing their fundamental school. With this in mind, we observe 46 Portuguese classes. The class was in its 9th Fundamental level, in a public school of the Cruzeta, RN. In this period, we collected our corpus that is composed by the papers that students produced. This research has an ethnographic approach and it has as theoretical support some studies about some mechanisms of reference, specifically, the lexical repetition and anaphor. In general, we are based on the studies about cohesive mechanisms from authors as Adam (2008); Beaugrande and Dressler (1981, 1997); Koch (1999, 2004, 2005, 2008), Marcuschi (1983, 1992, 2005, 2006); Bessa Neto (1991) and Neves (2006). In the corpus, we could identify some lexical repetitions (literal, with estrutural variation), as well as, anaphors, mainly pronominal ones. Then, we can notice that most students have showed difficulties in the use of those mechanisms of reference as a strategy of textual progression
Portuguese Poet Florbela Espanca (1984 1930) lived and produced her literary work during a period in which, on the one hand, the ideals of an innovative and irreverent movement were being fomented led by Fernando Pessoa, Almada Negreiros and Mário de Sá-Carneiro , on the other hand, Portugal was still dominated by a conservative and authoritarian thought, anchored in a bourgeois-christian ideology. Inserted in an unfavorable social context to the expression of the female sexual impulse, poet Florbela then appears with an innovative speech as threatening the sexual organization of the Portuguese society. This way, considering the relations between the poetic text and the historical-social context, the aim of this work is to present a reading upon the Eroticism in The Flowering Heath (2005) as a way to contravene the borders given to the sexual phenomenon. For this reason, we will mainly resort to the concepts developed on the approach of Georges Bataille The Eroticism (2004) and also by Octavio Paz The Double Flame: Love and Eroticism (2001)
This dissertation, entitled O Auto da Morte e da Vida: A escrita barroca de João Cabral de Melo Neto, has the aim of analising, interpreting, in a baroque perspective, Cabral s writing in the poem/play Morte e vida severina Auto de Natal Pernambucano, taking as basis the theories of Eugênio D´Ors, Severo Sarduy, Omar Calabrase, Lezama Lima, Afonso Ávila, Affonso Romano de Sant´Anna and others cited in the body of this work. During the analisys we feature confluences, relations, similarities, identification between the Baroque of the counter reformation and the modern Baroque or Neobaroque. We seek to comprehend the baroque which is new in the XX century and Cabral s poetry as an element of the contemporaneity, by updating the concept of the Baroque in the 1600s, when it is detected in its purest characteristic in human relation (the life of the Northwestern brazilian) through an intangible reality (the death). The Baroque as a cultural summary of a period of instability and transformation, with the power of dismantling an already established poetry. The fight between words and things, language and reality