23 resultados para Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra - Ribeirão Preto (SP)


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Desde a criação da tecnologia e do seu uso pelas empresas, a relação custo e benefício nem sempre foi bem elucidada tanto para os responsáveis pela área de tecnologia quanto para a alta direção. Mas, apesar disto, cada vez mais as organizações investem maciçamente em tecnologia, esperando que esta seja a solução para diversos problemas. Por isto, esta questão tem se tornado crucial para o processo de tomada de decisões, visto que investimentos nesta área costumam ser dispendiosos e, na atual conjuntura, estas análises precisam ser extremamente criteriosas para que se miniminizem as possibilidades de insucesso dos projetos, principalmente numa economia estabilizada e de concorrência acirrada. Uma das alternativas que as empresas têm buscado para atingir o sucesso e correr menos riscos é a terceirização da área de TI. Partindo desta visão, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo realizar uma investigação sobre a terceirização dos serviços de TI em todos os seus aspectos, isto é, desde a sua motivação, serviços efetivamente terceirizados, vantagens, desvantagens e possíveis obstáculos, a visão do alinhamento estratégico da TI, os processos de gestão de contratos e formas de controle e, por fim, tendências futuras. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de múltiplos casos, envolvendo franquias do Sistema Coca-Cola no Brasil. O estudo apresenta uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o processo de tomada de decisão empresarial, a análise de investimentos, a gestão e a terceirização da TI, o que permitem definir as dimensões de análise da pesquisa. Na pesquisa de campo foram entrevistados os gerentes da área de TI, nas cidades de Brasília-DF, Goiânia-GO e Ribeirão Preto-SP. A pesquisa de campo permitiu identificar como as mesmas avaliam seus investimentos em TI, como esta área é gerenciada, o que as levou a optar pela terceirização e como os processos terceirizados afetam a organização. Por se tratar de uma pesquisa qualitativa, optou-se por analisar comparativamente as três organizações. Com a realização deste estudo, obtiveram-se, como principais resultados, que as organizações estão utilizando a terceirização em TI para focar no negócio principal e, mesmo encontrando diversas desvantagens, inclusive com relação a custos, acreditam que os benefícios justificam. Ainda identificaram-se alguns obstáculos internos para a terceirização, principalmente quanto ao receio de se perder a inteligência do negócio. O acompanhamento dessas atividades terceirizadas é realizado pela equipe interna e por critérios estruturados, onde se verificam os níveis de serviço


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The present work treats the movements dedicated to reinvidication per land and social rights for the field works, among 1960 and 1964. Trying to understand this question in the Rio Grande do Norte it is necessary to consider the connection between the catholic church and the rural syndicates besides the influence of the Brazilian communist party, and still other social movements and the state. The structures politics local, national and international, had considerable importance to the organization rural potiguares workers. The rural potiguares syndicate appear in 1961 - after a hard organization work starting of the Service of Rural Assistance - and expand itself through state until the middle of 1962. Soon the first big conflicts an important manifestation are perceive, indirectly referring to a increasing movement's performance. The Favoring Progresses chains co quested a biggest influence in the politics destiny of the Rio Grande do Norte, in front of integration among syndicates, educational projects, and favoring progress's politics. But the military coup hired that the hope overflow the field


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This is study about the Project Vazantes, as a case of stay policy on access to land upstream of the weir humid New World, in Caicó-RN. It includes social and economic aspects of vazanteiros, that in their experiences with the land, recreate structures, forms and functions. Theoretically, the work is based on the ideas miltonianas (1986, 1988, 1996, 1997) on the production and reproduction of space, as seen this system of actions that is articulated to the public policies and the achievements solidarity, to the extent that production, in vazantes there is virtually no technology investment, technical assistance and rural credit. Regarding the search procedures, we conducted interviews and questionnaires with vazanteiros applied but did photographic records and research into documentary sources Agricultural Research Company's Rio Grande do Norte S / A (EMPARN), the Union of Rural Workers of Caicó (STRC ), In newspapers and magazines, as well as other sources of information related to the object of study.Such procedures, coupled with theoretical and methodological benchmarks, helped in the understanding of the relationship that takes place in the New World Farm, in order that space produced by actors (EMPARN and vazanteiros) comprises a structure of power that involves multiple interests in extent that land and labor are appropriate mechanisms as dialetizantes


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This work aims to study the associations as mediating the process of social change and its importance for local development. The hypothesis is that associations, but bring dynamism to the smaller cities and improve the living conditions of their members, relegated to the background social sustainability, understood this as a permanent exercise of mobilization and participation in community life. The assumptions of the study are that the practice group has influenced the processes of local development in Brazilian rural municipalities through the mediation of government programs and projects aimed at combating rural poverty require social organization for their achievement. The concept of local development in this work was rescued from studies of political economy and sociology. But the concepts of collective action and partnerships advêem studies of political participation and social development of the theory of alternative or solidarity. The party consisted of an empirical case study conducted with four associations of farmers in the municipality of Portalegre-RN. Why choose qualitative study was used the technique of semi-structured interviews with the chairmen I members of associations and other actors considered essential to understanding the study (religious leaders, local political power and chairman of the union of rural workers), a total of 20 interviews, in addition to the observations of field and documentary research in records of the.ir own organizations. The survey results show that the performance of groups of farmers are key components and determinants for the production I marketing of agricultural products and for boosting the economy, as well as security for minimum levels of citizenship. Yet we are still in a space purpose of social change, which comes to confirm the initial hypothesis of this work


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Ce travail est une reflexion sur les pratiques éducatives dévelloppées par des élèves/professeurs dans le Cours de Formation d Éducateurs de la Campagne, réalisé dans un partenariat entre l Université Fédérale du Pará (UFPA), Le Movimento dos Trabalhadores sem Terra (MST Mouvement des travailleurs sans Terre) et le Programme National d Éducation dans la Réforme Agraire (PRONERA), en ayant comme son objectif stratégique rechercher les éléments facilitateurs de l articulation théorie-pratique dans les procédures méthodologique du Cours, fondé sur Paulo Freire. Nous approfondissons des réflexions sur la production d une proposition d Éducation de la Campagne qui, entre autres éléments, se fonde sur la Pédagogie de l Alternance, spécifiquement en ce qui concerne lês catégories Temps École et Temps Communauté. Dans le procès de recherche, nous utilisons comme ressources les documents écrits (dês projets de cours, des rapports, des journaux de la campagne document qui registre le quotidien des activités et des choses réalisées), et les discours des élèves de l Assentamento Palmares II , pendant et après lê Cours. À l analyse, nous identifions comme éléments facilitateurs de la relations théorie et pratique, le Temps École et le Temps Communauté en créant des opportunités, la rélation de ce qui se caracterise comme praxis (action-refléxion-action), en utilisant la recherche comme moyen d insertion dans la réalité et l´existence de groupe (colectif), ce qui a possibilité la participation colective aux réalisations des pratiques pédagogiques plus significatives dans le procès de Formation d Éducateurs de la Campagne, en ayant comme objectif la contribution dans la formation des sujets réalisateurs de leur histoire


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This program resumes the history of the political-pedagogic actions on the Serviço de Assistência Rural SAR, of Natal archdiocese, and analyses the contributions of this actions on the process of rural workers organization in the social movements on the countryside. The educative actions of the RAS are happening in a permanent tension between the pedagogic project of a church in change and, a pedagogy of the groups, communities and social movements, that is centered in the cultural action, in the culture lived from its condition of citizens. This research reveals that this entity fulfilled a strategic attribution for the Natal s church on the formation of the community leaderships, at a first moment and leaderships for social movements. Before the military dictatorship, the work methodology of this entity had as priority, begin from the reality leaved by the rural workers in the expectation that these became to qualify themselves for a more citizen participation in the call development. During the military regime, the entity goes measuring theirs activities in the new context, until the moment that redefines the work line. Goes then defining regions and thematic of operation supporting the fights for land, salary campaigns, women agricultural workers organizations. The pedagogy of work has as one of its supporters the Paulo Freire s pedagogy, privileging the dialog as a source of production of knowledge from the reality leaved in a permanent transformation. The actions of this entity, with the groups and social movements, produces the necessary knowledge for the organization of the rural workers while individual and social subjects of a changing world. The process of action-reflection of the activities intended, by a creative form, a permanent production of strategies of fight of the workers. Research ever, not to make accommodate itself to the new knowledge acquired in the action-reflection it is part of the pedagogical idea of this Institution. One searched in this process of formation of the man and the woman to question the reality, to create actionreflection-action spaces on the fights for a possible transition of an ingenuous conscience for a critical conscience, in view of the transformation of the structures that oppresses them


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The dissertation analyzes how the syndical practice of the workers rural Brazilians works your aspects of mobilization and claim in front of the execution of attendance services and providences, instituted in the marks of the military dictatorship, in the decade of 1970. We try to apprehend how these services have been interfering in the development of base works. Considering base works, as an enduring political formation of the rural workers, formation of new syndical leaderships and an effect participation of the workers in the political spaces. We trace the path of the rural workers' organization, starting from the previous period to the military stroke of 1964, while protagonists inserted in the national political conjuncture, organizing fight fronts and conquering rights. The research reveals that the rural workers' syndical movement, when it develops the activities coming from Funrural, established in 1971, they confront a dilemma that go through the political nature of your practice, which such activities can reduce the syndical rural workers, to a antity of assistance, and so interfere in the accomplishment of base works with the rural working class. The rural workers' syndical movement, inserted in the several conjunctures, since of your emersion in ante-64, when they have passed by growth and retrocession, they built along this period a structure to the national level, which makes possible the recognition of the rural workers' organization, as a class, and human being politicians of your own structure. It is in this context that the syndical practice is analyzed, emphasizing your limits and your possibilities while policy strenght nationally constituted