33 resultados para Monóxido de Carbono.
Composites based on PEEK + PTFE + CARBON FIBER + Graphite (G_CFRP) has increased application in the top industries, as Aerospace, Aeronautical, Petroleum, Biomedical, Mechanical and Electronics Engineering challenges. A commercially available G_CFRP was warmed up to three different levels of thermal energy to identify the main damage mechanisms and some evidences for their intrinsic transitions. An experimental test rig for systematize a heat flux was developed in this dissertation, based on the Joule Effect. It was built using an isothermal container, an internal heat source and a real-time measurement system for test a sample by time. A standard conical-cylindrical tip was inserted into a soldering iron, commercially available and identified by three different levels of nominal electrical power, 40W (manufacturer A), 40W (manufacturer B), 100W and 150W, selected after screening tests: these power levels for the heat source, after one hour of heating and one hour of cooling in situ, carried out three different zones of degradation in the composite surface. The bench was instrumented with twelve thermocouples, a wattmeter and a video camera. The twelve specimens tested suffered different degradation mechanisms, analyzed by DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) and TG (Thermogravimetry) techniques, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-Rays (EDX) Analysis. Before and after each testing, it was measured the hardness of the sample by HRM (Hardness Rockwell M). Excellent correlations (R2=1) were obtained in the plots of the evaporated area after one hour of heating and one hour of cooling in situ versus (1) the respective power of heat source and (2) the central temperature of the sample. However, as resulting of the differential degradation of G_CFRP and their anisotropy, confirmed by their variable thermal properties, viscoelastic and plastic properties, there were both linear and non-linear behaviour between the temperature field and Rockwell M hardness measured in the radial and circumferential directions of the samples. Some morphological features of the damaged zones are presented and discussed, as, for example, the crazing and skeletonization mechanism of G_CFRP
A batch of eighty-four coupons of low carbon steel were investigated at laboratory conditions under a corrosive, cavitative-corrosive (CO2) and corrosive-erosive (SiO2 + CO2) in an aqueous salt solution and two levels of temperature. The following measurements were made on Vickers (HV0,05, HV0,10, HV0,20) Microhardness tests at three levels of subsurface layer. A turbulent flow collided on the cylindrical sample, with and without mechanical stirring and gas bubbling, with and without fluid contamination by solid particles of SiO2, at two temperatures. Surface Roughness and Waviness, under two conditions "as received, after machining" and "after worn out", as well as gravimetric and electrochemical parameter were measured on the two opposite generatrices of each cylindrical sample, on the flow upstream (0°) and downstream (180°) by Profilometry, Mass Variation and Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR). The results of the Microhardness and Surface Texture of all coupons were subjected to statistical comparison, using the software Statgraphics® Centurion XVI, 95% statistical certainty, and significant differences were observed in some arrays of measurements. The corrosive wear rate measured by LPR and mass variation shown to be sensitive to the presence of bubbles and hydrodynamic fluctuations inside the cell, considering the temperature and contamination of corrosive fluid by solid particles. The main results of visual inspection relative to some topologies of the surface damages involving different mechanisms that were seen to give explanation for some fluctuations in wear rates of the steel experimentally investigated
At the cashew nut processing industry it is often the generation of wastewaters containing high content of toxic organic compounds. The presence of these compounds is due mainly to the so called liquid of the cashew nut (CNSL). CNSL, as it is commercially known in Brazil, is the liquid of the cashew nut. It looks like an oil with dark brown color, viscous and presents a high toxicity index due to the chemical composition, i.e. phenol compounds, such as anacardic acid, cardol, 2-methyl cardol and monophenol (cardanol). These compounds are bio resistant to the conventional treatments. Furthermore, the corresponding wastewaters present high content of TOC (total organic carbon). Therefore due to the high degree of toxicity it is very important to study and develop treatments of these wastewaters before discharge to the environmental. This research aims to decompose these compounds using advanced oxidative processes (AOP) based on the photo-Fenton system. The advantage of this system is the fast and non-selective oxidation promoted by the hydroxyl radicals (●OH), that is under determined conditions can totally convert the organic pollutants to CO2 and H2O. In order to evaluate the decomposition of the organic charge system samples of the real wastewater od a processing cashew nut industry were taken. This industry was located at the country of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The experiments were carried out with a photochemical annular reactor equipped with UV (ultra violet) lamp. Based on preliminary experiments, a Doehlert experimental design was defined to optimize the concentrations of H2O2 and Fe(II) with a total of 13 runs. The experimental conditions were set to pH equal to 3 and temperature of 30°C. The power of the lamps applied was 80W, 125W and 250W. To evaluate the decomposition rate measures of the TOC were accomplished during 4 hours of experiment. According to the results, the organic removal obtained in terms of TOC was 80% minimum and 95% maximum. Furthermore, it was gotten a minimum time of 49 minutes for the removal of 30% of the initial TOC. Based on the obtained experimental results, the photo-Fenton system presents a very satisfactory performance as a complementary treatment of the wastewater studied
This study evaluates the biosurfactants production from cassava wastewater, an agro industrial residue, to be used as carbon source. Using a factorial design 24-1 (half fraction), 10 tests were performed using Pseudomonas aeruginosa AP029/GVII-A in submerged batch cultivation in rotating incubator (shaker). The influence of factors (temperature, agitation, aeration ratio and concentration of cultivation medium) at two different levels for the synthesis of the biosurfactant. Samples were collected throughout the cultivation by 132 hours of fermentation were completed. The best outcome was intended by following production through substrate consumption, dry matter, reduction of surface tension (ring method) and emulsification index. The kinetics of microorganism was assessed for the carbon source used. The results showed that the cassava wastewater is a well assimilable substrate for the production of biotensoactive, reaching 91 % of consumption by the micro-organism under study. The growth temperature was found to be one of the leading factors in the synthesis of the metabolite, followed by aeration and also due to the agitation. The best results showed a 30 % reduction in surface tension (% RTS) for the environment, reaching values of 30 mN/m; 3.0 g /L of biomass and emulsifying index greater than 65 %. The metabolite synthesized still remained stable for different salt concentrations (1, 5 and 10 % w/ v) and alkaline pH (8-10).
The groundwater quality has been compromised as a result of the intensification of human activities over the years. Groundwater contamination by nitrate is one of the effects of this degradation, a socio-environmental problem that affects many regions of the world and particular the city of Natal (RN). Developing techniques for nitrate removal in water is intended to eliminate or reduce the concentration of this compound, and those that involve biological processes have produced economic and environmental advantages. This study proposes a technology for biological removal of nitrate in water supply for humans, using the endocarp s coconut as a carbon source and bacteria support. The experiments were performed in pilot scale anoxic, testing different areas of the substrate surface. Results showed high rates nitrate removal during the monitoring period, noting the occurrence of denitrification after the beginning of system operation. The best performance was achieved in the treatment system containing substrate surface area increased, indicating that the decrease in the endocarp size contributed to increased bacterial activity, improving the ability to remove nitrate. About the quality analyzed aspects of water, it was found that the proposed technology has the potential water use for human consumption
The aquatic ecosystems can play a role as carbon-dioxide-source or carbon-dioxide-sink systems due to the high predominance of heterotrophic or autotrophic metabolism. The primary production can strongly affect the carbon balance (CO2) through the consumption of carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis, especially in eutrophic environment, acting as a carbon sink. The present study tested the hypothesis that the eutrophic reservoirs in tropical semi-arid region are carbon dioxide-sink systems due to the high primary productivity presented in these systems. Five Brazilian reservoirs from the semi-arid in the northeast region were monitored monthly during four years (2010 to 2013) with a prolonged drought event identified during the study. The results showed an increasing level of eutrophication over the period of prolonged drought, with the predominance of autotrophy. Significant negative correlations were observed between the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) (p<0,001) and chlorophyll-a in the Boqueirão, Passagem das Traíras, Dourado and Gargalheiras reservoirs, showing a pattern of the carbon dioxide-sink systems. However, this pattern was not found in Cruzeta reservoir. In summary, in the tropical semi-arid region, hydrological and morphometric variables can lead to different behaviors of the water-supply reservoirs on the carbon metabolism. The eutrophic reservoirs evaluated showed a negative relationship between pCO2 and Chl-a, which suggests that these water bodies show an autotrophic metabolism and behave as carbon dioxide- sink systems
Emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased successively by various mechanisms caused by human action, especially as fossil fuel combustion and industrial chemical processes. This leads to the increase in average temperature in the atmosphere, which we call global warming. The search for new technologies to minimize environmental impacts arising from this phenomenon has been investigated. The capture of CO2 is one of the alternatives that can help reduce emis ions of greenhouse gases. The CO2 can be captured through the process of selective adsorption using adsorbents for this purpose. Were synthesized by hydrothermal method, materials of the type MCM-41 and Al-MCM-41 in the molar ratio Si / Al equal to 50. The synthesis of gels were prepared from a source of silicon, sodium, water and aluminum in the case of Al-MCM-41. The period of synthesis of the materials was 5 days in autoclave at 100°C. After that time materials were filtered, washed and dried in greenhouse at 100 º C for 4 hours and then calcined at 450 º C. Then the calcined material was functionalized with the Di-isopropylamine (DIPA) by the method of wet impregnation. We used 0.5 g of material mesopores to 3.5 mL of DIPA. The materials were functionalized in a closed container for 24 hours, and after this period were dried at brackground temperature for 2 hours. Were subsequently subjected to heat treatment at 250°C for 1 hour. These materials were used for the adsorption of CO2 and were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, BET / BJH, SEM, EDX and TG / DTG. Tests of adsorption of CO2 was carried out under the following conditions: 100 mg of adsorbent, temperature of 75°C under flow of 100 mL/min of CO2 for 2 hours. The desorption of CO2 was carried out by thermogravimetry from ambient temperature to 900ºC under flow of 25 mL min of He and a ratio of 10ºC/min. The difratogramas X-ray for the synthesized samples showed the characteristic peaks of MCM-41, showing that the structure of it was obtained. For samples functionalized there was a decrease of the intensities of these peaks, with a consequent reduction in the structural ordering of the material. However, the structure was preserved mesopores. The adsorption tests showed that the functionalized MCM-41 is presented as a material promising adsorbent, for CO2 capture, with a loss of mass on the desorption CO2 of 7,52%, while that in Al-MCM- 41 functionalized showed no such loss
Corrosion inhibitors in solution are utilized to minimize processes from corrosion in steel. Of the present dissertation was evaluated the efficiency by inhibition from the surfactant saponified coconut oil (OCS) in the carbon steel 1020 through in linear polarization electrochemistry technique, well as, studied the process from adsorption through from the isotherms from Langmuir, Frumkin and Temkin. The corrosion current was determined through in Tafel extrapolation from the curves in the polarization, and then, was calculated the efficiency in the inhibitor to each concentration and temperature. Were studied four concentrations (12,5 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, and 75 ppm) in the inhibitor OCS and one in the NaCl salt (10.000 ppm) in six temperatures (301 K, 308 K, 313 K, 318 K, 323 K, and 328 K) in triplicate. By the results obtained observed that the technique applied can evaluated with rapidity and efficiency corrosion inhibitors. In relation to the isotherms, the than best appropriated was the in Langmuir and in the concentrations studied, the that obtained the best efficiency was the concentration of 75 ppm
Muitos mecanismos provocados pela ação humana vêm gerando um aumento na queima de combustíveis fósseis e processos químicos (produtos orgânicos, carvão, madeira, óleo diesel, gasolina e outros derivados de petróleo) e, consequentemente, há um aumento na emissão de CO2 na atmosfera. Uma das alternativas para a captura desse poluente é o processo de adsorção, o qual pode ajudar na redução do CO2. As hidrotalcitas ou hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDL s) estão dentre esses materiais estudados, já que apresentam alta estabilidade e uma boa porosidade, tornando-se assim um promissor adsorvente de gases poluentes. Os HDL s formam um grupo de argilas do tipo aniônico que consiste em camadas positivamente carregadas de óxido de metal (ou hidróxido de metal) com intercamadas de ânions. Foi constatado que ânions que possuem duas cargas negativas, estabilizam muito mais que ânions monovalentes, sendo o carbonato o mais estável dos ânions divalentes. Neste trabalho, foi proposta uma modificação na síntese direta através da co-precipitação a pH constante utilizando sais de cátions divalentes (Mg2+) e trivalentes (Al3+) reportados na literatura. Durante a síntese dos HDL s retirou-se o carbonato, bem como, utilizou-se um copolímero como um template para o alargamento das lamelas. As amostras foram caracterizadas utilizando as técnicas de DRX, TG/DTG, FTIR, MEV/EDX, MET e adsorção e dessorção de N2. Os dados obtidos indicam que a estrutura, mesmo após a modificação, apresentou resultados condizentes com os encontrados na literatura. Dentre as várias aplicações dos HDL s foi realizado o estudo da adsorção do CO2. A capacidade de adsorção do material foi testada de acordo com o tempo de contato entre o adsorvente e o adsorbato, sendo esperado que os materiais tratados com template apresentassem um maior desempenho
In this paper, the technique of differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) has been studied for monitoring the concentration of oxalic acid (OA) during their electrochemical oxidation (EO) in acidic medium using platinum anode supported on titanium (Ti / Pt). The DPV was standardized and optimized using a glassy carbon electrode modified with cysteine. The modification with cysteine was developed electrochemically, forming a polymeric film on the surface of the glassy carbon electrode. The formation of the polymer film was confirmed by analysis of scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope, confirming the modification of the electrode. The electrochemical degradation was developed using different current densities 10, 20 30 and 40 mA cm -2 electrode with Ti / Pt observing the degradation of oxalic acid, and monitored using the method of KMnO4 titration. However, the analyzes with DPV showed the same behavior elimination of oxalic acid titration. Compared with the titration method classical observed and DPV could be a good fit, confidence limits of detection and confirming the applicability of the technique electroanalytical for monitoring the degradation of oxalic acid
Nanostructured materials have been spreading successfully over past years due its size and unusual properties, resulting in an exponential growth of research activities devoted to nanoscience and nanotechnology, which has stimulated the search for different methods to control main properties of nanomaterials and make them suitable for applications with high added value. In the late 90 s an alternative and low cost method was proposed from alkaline hydrothermal synthesis of nanotubes. Based on this context, the objective of this work was to prepare different materials based on TiO2 anatase using hydrothermal synthesis method proposed by Kasuga and submit them to an acid wash treatment, in order to check the structural behavior of final samples. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), adsorption/desorption of N2, thermal analysis (TG/DTA) and various spectroscopic methods such as absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). All the information of characterizations confirmed the complete conversion of anatase TiO2 in nanotubes titanates (TTNT). Observing the influence of acid washing treatment in titanates structure, it was concluded that the nanotubes are formed during heat treatment, the sample which was not subjected to this process also achieved a complete phase transformation, as showed in crystallography and morphology results, however the surface area of them practically doubled after the acid washing. By spectroscopy was performed a discussion about chemical composition of these titanates, obtaining relevant results. Finally, it was observed that the products obtained in this work are potential materials for various applications in adsorption, catalysis and photocatalysis, showing great promise in CO2 capture
Intensive use of machinery and engines burning fuel dumps into the atmosphere huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), causing the intensification of the greenhouse effect. Climate changes that are occurring in the world are directly related to emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly CO2, gases, mainly due to the excessive use of fossil fuels. The search for new technologies to minimize the environmental impacts of this phenomenon has been investigated. Sequestration of CO2 is one of the alternatives that can help minimize greenhouse gas emissions. The CO2 can be captured by the post-combustion technology, by adsorption using adsorbents selective for this purpose. With this objective, were synthesized by hydrothermal method at 100 °C, the type mesoporous materials MCM - 41 and SBA-15. After the synthesis, the materials were submitted to a calcination step and subsequently functionalized with different amines (APTES, MEA, DEA and PEI) through reflux method. The samples functionalized with amines were tested for adsorption of CO2 in order to evaluate their adsorption capacities as well, were subjected to various analyzes of characterization in order to assess the efficiency of the method used for functionalization with amines. The physic-chemical techniques were used: X- ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption and desorption (BET/BJH), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), CNH Analysis, Thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) and photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray (XPS). The CO2 adsorption experiments were carried out under the following conditions: 100 mg of adsorbent, at 25 °C under a flow of 100 ml/min of CO2, atmospheric pressure and the adsorption variation in time 10-210 min. The X-ray diffraction with the transmission electron micrographs for the samples synthesized and functionalized, MCM-41 and SBA-15 showed characteristic peaks of hexagonal mesoporous structure formation, showing the structure thereof was obtained. The method used was efficient reflux according to XPS and elemental analysis, which showed the presence of amines in the starting materials. The functionalized SBA -15 samples were those that had potential as best adsorbent for CO2 capture when compared with samples of MCM-41, obtaining the maximum adsorption capacity for SBA-15-P sample
The mobilization of food reserves in storage tissues and allocation of their hydrolysis products in the growing axis are critical processes for the establishment of seedlings after germination. Therefore, it is crucial for mobilization of reserves to be synchronized with the growing axis, so that photosynthetic activity can be started before depletion of reserves. For this, integrative approaches involving different reserves, different hydrolysis products and interaction between storage and growing axis tissues, either through hormones or metabolites with signaling role, can contribute greatly to the elucidation of the regulation mechanisms for reserve mobilization. In this study, was hypothesized that hormones and metabolites have different actions on reserve mobilization, and there must be a crossed effect of sugars on the mobilization of proteins and amino acids on lipids and starch mobilization in sunflower seedlings. This study was conducted with seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid Helio 253 using in vitro culture system. Seeds were germinated on Germitest® paper and grown on agar-water 4 g/L without addition of nutrients during 9 days after imbibition (DAI) for growth curve. To verify the effect of metabolites and hormones, seedlings were transferred in the 2nd DAI to agar-water 4 g/L supplemented with increasing concentrations of sucrose or L-glutamine, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid or indolebutyric acid. The results of this study confirm that the mobilization of lipids and storage proteins occurs in a coordinated manner during post-germination growth in sunflower, corroborating the hypothesis that the application of external carbon (sucrose) and nitrogen (L-glutamine) sources can delay the mobilization of these reserves in a crossed way. Moreover, considering the changes in the patterns of reserve mobilization and partition of their products in seedlings treated with different growth regulators, it is evident that the effects of metabolites and hormones must involve, at least in part, distinct mechanisms of action
In general, among the corrosion inhibitors surfactants are the most commonly used compounds, because they are significantly effective by forming protective films on anodic and cathodic areas. In this study, microemulsions containing he biodegradable saponified coconut oil as surfactant (SME-OCS) was used as green corrosion inhibitors. With this purpose, methanolic extracts of Ixora coccinea Linn (IC) and a polar fraction rich in alkaloids (FA) obtained from Croton cajucara Benth solubilized in the SME-OCS system were examined in the presence of AISI 1020 carbon steel, in saline solution (NaCl 3,5 %). The efficiency of corrosion inhibition of IC and FA were evaluated in the following microemulsions: SME-OCS-IC and SME-OCS-FA. The microemulsion system SME-OCS in the presence and absence of IC and FA was assessed by measurements of weight loss and the electrochemical method of polarization resistance, with variation in the concentration of IC and FA (50 - 400 ppm), showing significant results of corrosion inhibition (83,6 % SME-OCS; 92,2 % SME-OCS-FA; and 95,3 % SME-OCS-IC)
The research and development of wind turbine blades are essential to keep pace with worldwide growth in the renewable energy sector. Although currently blades are typically produced using glass fiber reinforced composite materials, the tendency for larger size blades, particularly for offshore applications, has increased the interest on carbon fiber reinforced composites because of the potential for increased stiffness and weight reduction. In this study a model of blade designed for large generators (5 MW) was studied on a small scale. A numerical simulation was performed to determine the aerodynamic loading using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Two blades were then designed and manufactured using epoxy matrix composites: one reinforced with glass fibers and the other with carbon fibers. For the structural calculations, maximum stress failure criterion was adopted. The blades were manufactured by Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM), typical for this type of component. A weight comparison of the two blades was performed and the weight of the carbon fiber blade was approximately 45% of the weight of the fiberglass reinforced blade. Static bending tests were carried out on the blades for various percentages of the design load and deflections measurements were compared with the values obtained from finite element simulations. A good agreement was observed between the measured and calculated deflections. In summary, the results of this study confirm that the low density combined with high mechanical properties of carbon fibers are particularly attractive for the production of large size wind turbine blades