32 resultados para Miosite - Epidemiologia


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Obesity is currently considered a public health problem and there has been growing interest in the study of various aspects related to this infirmity such as: epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and others. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of weight excess and overweight in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil and relate them to variables such as gender, age, type of school (public or private) and zones of the city (east/south and north/west). This is a transversal study, carried out in Natal, Brazil between August and September 2004, in 20 public and 20 private schools/day care centers selected by the systematic sampling method. We measured the weight and height of 3721 students between the ages of 2 and 6 years. The children were stratified, according to age, into age group 1 (2 to 4 years) and age group 2 (5 and 6 years) and according to the region of the school, into north/west and east/south zones, the regions with the smallest and highest quality of life indices in the city, respectively. Children were considered to have weight excess when BMI ≥ 85th percentile, including those with BMI ≥ 95th percentile and overweight when BMI ≥ 95th percentile. The prevalence of weight excess was 26.5%, and of overweight 12.4%. There was greater prevalence of weight excess in the private schools and in the east/south zones. Overweight displayed the same epidemiologic profile, with a greater prevalence in private schools and in the east/south zones. The prevalence of weight excess in preschoolers in Natal, Brazil is high and is related, above all, to private schools and to those located in the highest quality of life areas. Therefore, prevention programs should be implanted in elementary schools in order to decrease weight excess and possible associated co-morbidities. This research project met the norms established by PPGCSa/UFRN and aimed at promoting the interrelation between different researchers and between different fields of knowledge, using multi and interdisciplinary concepts. This study was enriched by the interaction between the following professionals: pediatrician, pediatric gastroenterologist and physician nutrition specialist, pediatric endocrinologist, epidemiologist and biostatistician


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The prevalence of obesity has been increased in the last three decades. It is already considered as epidemic by the World Health Organization and reaches around 300 million people worldwide. The weight gain in all ages is related to a sedentary way of life and hyper caloric food ingestion at the modern society. Obesity is a chronic disease and leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of weight excess among student in Natal schools and to analyze its association with age, gender, school category and geographic localization in city zones. This was a transversal study which enrolled 1927 children. 1084 of these were between 6 and 8 years-old (group 1) and 843 were 9 to 10 years-old (group 2). 895 of the total children studied in private schools and 1032 studied in public schools. 33,6% of the students had body mass index equal or above the 85th percentile and were considered as having weight excess. There was no statistical difference in this prevalence considering neither gender nor age. The weight excess prevalence in private schools was 54,5% and in public ones was 15,6% (p<0,01; OR=6,49). Weight excess was also more prevalent in the south and east city zones (41,3%) which have better quality of life index than in the north and west zones (28,4%) (p<0,01). In conclusion, the weight excess prevalence among students is found to be high in Natal and programs of intervention and prevention of obesity are necessary. The higher prevalence in private schools as in the wealthier city zones reflects the link between obesity and high socioeconomic level found in countries in developing. This was an interdisciplinary work with participation of epidemiology, child nutrition and pediatric endocrinology following the recommendations and principles of the Post graduation Program in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte


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The purpose of this paper was to study patients with congenital and acquired hemiparesis, their clinical aspects, the presence or not of epileptic seizures, and electroencephalographic (EEG) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings. We analyzed the interrelation between etiology, the presence and seriousness of epileptic seizures (ES) and the possible causes of refractoriness. This is a prospective study using the clinical diagnosis of a child neurologist, who attested to the presence of unilateral motor lesions. We compared the electroencephalographic findings in patients with or without epileptic seizures, and investigated if among the former, these seizures were controlled or not, their likely etiology and risks of refractoriness. EEG background activity on the lesion and contralateral side was analyzed, in addition to the presence of concomitant epileptiform activity. Encephalon MRIs of all the patients were studied to correlate etiology and the control or not of epileptic seizures. The disorganization of bilateral EEG activity correlated with the difficult-to-control epileptic seizures. Suitably organized background activity contralateral to the lesion is a good prognosis in relation to epileptic seizures. Focal epileptogenic activity does not necessarily predispose to epileptic manifestation. The MRI is more important in determining etiology than in prognosing epileptic seizures. This study used a multidisciplinary approach involving child neurologists, a physical therapist and a neuroradiologist. This meets the criteria of multidisciplinarity of the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences


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The preeclampsia is a disease that evolves to high death rate for the mother and for the fetus. The incidence of this disease in the world is variable and there are no data of this disturb in the Brazilian population. This paper had the objective to determine the incidence and risk factors for development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in a neighborhood in Natal, RN, Brazil, taking place a prospective study, cohort type, with the objective of evaluating the entire pregnancy of 242 women that got pregnant between 2004-2007. The incidence of hypertensive disorders was of 17%, while the incidence of preeclampsia was of 13.8%. The age average of women that developed the hypertensive disorders was of 27.4 years (SD±.9), whilst those that developed preeclampsia was of 26.6 (SD ±7.8) years and the normotensive was of 23.9 (SD±5.8) (p=0.002). It is noted a significant increase of the hypertensive disorder with age (p=0.0265). The gestational age for those who developed preeclampsia was lower than the women that developed normotensive pregnancy (p=0.0002). The body mass index (BMI) of the group of women that developed the hypertensive disorder was of 25.8 (SD±3.9), significantly higher than the group of normotensive women with 23.5 (SD±3.7) (p=0.02). The levels of triglycerides and cholesterol tended to be higher on women with preeclampsia than on normotensive, p=0.0502 and p=0.0566, respectively. Six (6) women presented with severe preeclampsia and one (1) developed HELLP Syndrome. The resolution of the pregnancy was performed by cesarean section in 70% of women that developed hypertensive disorders, whilst the normotensive was of 23.6% (p<0.0001). A subgroup of the studied subjects was reassessed one year after labor, revealing that 50% of the patients were still hypertensive. There were no larger complications nor mother death during labor. The incidence of hypertensive disorders are above the levels noted in other studies and 30% of the women were within the poles of greater risk for the hypertensive disorders; the elevated BMI in the beginning of the pregnancy is a risk factor for hypertensive disorder. The risk of severe complication in preeclampsia is high, with imminence of eclampsia occurring in 20.1% of women who developed hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The adequate prenatal care and the opportune labor assistance may minimize the complications of the pregnancy hypertension and avoid mother death, although the risk of women remaining hypertensive is elevated


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Foi avaliada, no presente estudo, a prevalência dos casos de tumores benignos e malignos de glândulas salivares maiores e menores que ocorreram na população atendida no hospital Dr. Luiz Antônio Natal/RN, no período de 1989 a 2005, bem como as possíveis associações existentes entre os aspectos clínico e patológicos exibidos pelos referidos tumores, visando à obtenção de parâmetros indicadores de diagnóstico e/ou prognóstico. Dos prontuários dos pacientes foram obtidas todas as informações clínicas necessárias para a realização do trabalho. A análise dos dados revelou que dos 303 tumores de glândula salivar estudados, a maioria (71%) foram benignos, o mais comum foi adenoma Pleomórfico. As médias de idades para os tumores benignos e malignos foi de 49,2 e 58,5 anos, respectivamente. Diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre estes tumores foram observadas para as seguintes variáveis: idade média, o tamanho do tumor e duração da doença. Em relação ao tamanho do tumor, carcinoma mucoepidermoide mostrou-se 1,74 vezes menor que o de outros tumores malignos. Uma associação entre o diagnóstico histológico e variável consistência do tumor foi observada. Os dados apresentados neste estudo são relevantes para a compreensão das diversas características exibidas por estes tumores, já que corroboram uma série de estudos anteriores


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O presente estudo objetivou analisar as características epidemiológicas das condições de saúde bucal de 98 idosos de uma Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI) e de 125 participantes de Grupos de Convivência, de bairros periféricos, socialmente semelhantes, de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, para orientação do tratamento odontológico. Investigou-se a autopercepção em saúde bucal desses idosos a fim de realizar uma avaliação comparativa entre eles e com os levantamentos epidemiológicos de base nacional (SB Brasil) e de base estadual (SB Ceará). Devido a alguns idosos da ILPI recusarem o tratamento dentário e a identificação do elevado percentual de demenciados, optou-se por realizar uma avaliação cognitiva, o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) visando identificar os aptos à reabilitação oral. Métodos: abordagem epidemiológica do tipo transversal, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por cinco examinadores, utilizando os critérios recomendados pela OMS (1997). Resultados: O CPO-D médio encontrado na ILPI, foi de 29,88, com predomínio do componente perdido (93,27%) enquanto o CPO-D médio dos não institucionalizados fixou-se em 30,17, com predomínio do componente perdido (63,70%). Também se avaliou o uso e a necessidade de prótese dentária: dos residentes na ILPI, 10,20% usavam prótese superior e 3,06%, inferior; 94,90% necessitavam de prótese superior e 97,96% de inferior; sendo a prótese total foi o tipo mais prevalente, 88,78% para ambos os arcos. O percentual do uso de prótese dos não institucionalizados foi 71,20% no arco superior, sendo 66,40% prótese total; já para o arco inferior, 32,80%, das quais 31,20% era prótese total. No presente estudo, tanto para uso quanto para necessidade, considerando ambos os arcos, a diferença entre os idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados foi estatisticamente significativa pelo teste Qui - quadrado (p<0,001). Como resultado do MEEM, observou-se deterioração cognitiva (escore ≤ 12) em 37,25% dos entrevistados, bem como um declínio cognitivo com o avanço da idade. Conclusões: Os resultados apontam que há um maior percentual de uso de prótese total no arco superior e maior frequência quanto à ausência de próteses de qualquer tipo no arco inferior. Evidenciou-se que os idosos pesquisados foram submetidos a tratamento mutilador e, como consequência necessitam de reabilitação oral, o que pressupõe a necessidade de políticas públicas para que isso ocorra efetivamente. Os participantes deste estudo caracterizam-se por uma autopercepção positiva da sua saúde bucal, a despeito das condições clínicas insatisfatórias e de precária saúde bucal, com acentuada prevalência de cárie dentária e edentulismo. O MEEM revelou deficiência cognitiva na maioria dos idosos, confirmando que a sua aplicação, previamente à reabilitação oral pode evitar desperdícios financeiros.Tais achados refletem a necessidade de implantação de políticas reabilitadoras em saúde bucal voltadas para o idoso; baseadas na perspectiva da integralidade como princípio doutrinário do Sistema Único de Saúde, o que redundaria numa melhor qualidade de vida, tanto pela melhor mastigação, digestão e nutrição, pelo maior aproveitamento dos alimentos, quanto pelo favorecimento à comunicação, pela dicção e fala, contribuindo para a socialização e consequente elevação da autoestima dessa clientela.


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Introduction: The chronic immunosuppression promotes the development of changes in the oral cavity of the kidney transplant recipients (KTR), however with the exception of gingival overgrowth, little is known regarding the prevalence of oral lesions in this population. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of clinical and microbiological conditions of the oral cavity of the recipients of kidney transplantation and the associated factors. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study which examined 96 clinical KTR and experimental where collected saliva stimulated them to identify Candida sp. Data collection consisted of evaluation stomatologic, socio-demographic, clinical aspects of transplantation, condition of oral hygiene and dental caries, yonder to questions about knowledge of oral alteration after transplantation. Results: Of the total, 66.7% of KTR had some type of oral manifestation. The most common was saburral tongue, followed by gingival overgrowth, with both oral manifestations related to gender and concomitant use of cyclosporine and nifedipine (p <0.05). Tacrolimus showed a protective effect for gingival overgrowth (OR = 0.13). The oral hygiene was associated with saburral tongue(p = 0.03) and severity of gingival overgrowth (p = 0.0001). Oral candidiasis was diagnosed in 17.7% of patients and Candida albicans was isolated most frequently in the saliva of RTR with a colonization of 58.3%. The average DMF-T increased with age. The method of oral hygiene was most used brush and toothpaste to 61.5%. Changes in the oral cavity was seen in 54.2% of KTR, citing as the main growth and gingival ulcers. Instructions for oral hygiene after transplantation were neglected for 61.5% of RTR. Dry mouth and halitosis were reported in 30.2% and 36.5% respectively. Conclusions: More the half of the KTR had at least one injury of the mouth, the immunosuppressive drugs and oral hygiene are associated with these alterations. Prospective cohort studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between oral manifestations and levels of drug and risk of oral manifestations occur over time. The kidney transplant recipients showed to be aware of oral alterations occurred after transplantation and uninformed about the oral hygiene instructions. With regard to hygiene, the incidence of caries was considered high, conditions of risk were identified and improvements in primary attention should be encouraged and reflected in the monitoring of renal transplant


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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O câncer de colo uterino consiste em um problema de grande relevância social, visto que se trata da segunda malignidade ginecológica mais freqüente no mundo. O principal precursor do câncer da cérvice uterina consiste na infecção pelo Papiloma vírus humano (HPV). O HPV tem despertado grande interesse na comunidade científica, devido à relação estabelecida entre a sua epidemiologia e o câncer de cérvice uterina. Apesar do grande avanço na biologia do HPV, pouco se sabe acerca da resposta imunológica a este vírus. O Papilomavírus humano (HPV) é um DNA vírus epiteliotrófico, que está vinculado à carcinogênese do colo uterino por meio de evidências epidemiológicas e laboratoriais. As infecções pelo HPV ocorrem em mulheres em todo o mundo. Existe consenso na literatura quanto à associação do DNA HPV com as neoplasias intra epiteliais cervicais e o câncer cervical. Por este motivo é de grande importância a detecção precoce deste tipo de infecção para que seja efetuado um tratamento específico. Esse trabalho está caracterizando o perfil imunológico de pacientes portadoras de HPV através da quantificação linfocitária (TCD4, TCD8, células NKT e células NK), e correlacionou esse material à técnica de captura híbrida, para poder comprovar a infecção pelo HPV, esperando assim contribuir precocemente para o diagnóstico do câncer de colo uterino.


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This is an exploratory descriptive study with quantitative approach, aiming to verify the nurses' knowledge concerning the epidemiological surveillance activities at the Onofre Lopes hospital (HUOL), in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The study was performed with 63 nurses from the hospital and the data were collected through a questionnaire. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results were discussed and organized into four sections: nurses' knowledge on hospital epidemiological surveillance; procedures of the professional nurse through compulsory notification diseases; difficulties found by nurses to register the compulsory notification diseases and suggestions of strategies to joint epidemiological surveillance service with the care practices of nurses. The results showed that 55.55% of nurses know the main action of epidemiological surveillance, compulsory notification of diseases, and that 42.86% reported to the Hospital Epidemiology Center , while 57.14% did not allocate the information for this service. Most nurses found it difficult to perform notification for not knowing its flow; for the surveillance service does not operate 24 hours and for vagueness on diagnostic of disorders. Suggestions of strategies to improve the quality of epidemiological information are focused on training of nurses in hospital epidemiological surveillance; working in partnership with the surveillance center; diffusion of information on surveillance and conducting a daily active search. It comes to conclusion that most nurses don't notify the Surveillance Center about Compulsory Notification Diseases and it wasn't observed the incorporation of integrality values between the hospital surveillance and all nurses, since this principle guides the actions of health services based on dialogue, listening, ethical commitment, sharing of knowledge among professionals of various services and respect towards other professionals. Therefore, the integrality gap in the actions of the nurses studied, as well as in the surveillance service does not mobilize the potential of such services to changes in the sense of achievement of practices aimed at a special attention model that combines preventive and corrective actions, proposed and desired by SUS. Through the difficulties presented, it becomes important to recommend educational processes with strategy to transform the conducts, besides proposing actions under the principle of integrality provide responses agile and effective, as the purpose of VE hospital emergency care by the current epidemic


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The development of epidemiological practices in the last years of the nineteenth and early twentieth century was characterized by both an influence of medical geography and the emergence of microbes and vectors of diseases. Both theories were used to explain outbreaks in Rio Grande do Norte specially in Natal. In this process were organized new institutions linked to public health, unhealthy spaces and prescribed hygiene measures. The redefinitions of the spaces were linked to updated elements of Hippocratic medicine such as aerism and emphasis on medical topography. How the physicians of the town were organized in the face of new meanings and fields of expertise in the demarcation of diseases and regulation of their own practices against the illegal medical practitioners? Likewise, the very occurrence of epidemics mobilized people, urban institutions and apparatuses. But how the Hippocratic legacy that leads to the idea of bad air originated by swamps from the eighteenth and nineteenth century has been linked to new microbial assumptions and disease vectors in the early twentieth century? How an invader from Africa, (the mosquito A. gambiae) mobilized transnational efforts to combat malaria and redefined the epidemiological practices? The aim of this work is to understand how epidemiological practices redefine the way we define spaces, practices and disease from both an approach influenced by a relational history of spaces and a theoretical synergy which includes topics in Science Studies, Post Structuralist Geography and some elements of Feminist Studies. Documentary research were surveyed in the reports of the provincial presidents, government posts to the Provincial Assembly, specialized medical articles and theses, and documents from the Rockefeller Foundation and national and international journals. In this regard shall be given to both material and discursive aspects of space-related practical epidemiological that Natal as much (in general) Rio Grande do Norte between bad air and malaria.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors to the functional edentulism in adults aged 35 a 44 years old of Natal-RN, 278 adults took part in the study. They were all selected from a previous dental loss prevalence study thus being complemented by an active research. The study was a case-control based and data collection was made though a survey as well as with a clinical examination. The cases were identified through individuals with 20 or more teeth. Age and gender were used as variables of pairing off. The data was analyzed through chi-square, significant level of 95% to the checking of its force associations. The independent variables were grouped in three levels. The first one, more macro, is related to the region where the individual lives, which was also related to the second level, the family-based one, linked with a third level, at this low socio-economical level, where the domiciliary density was favorable, living in capital cities, regions with prime sanitary condicitions, with predominant possibility of accessing the public dental service, but in despite of this, only looking for this service when tooth ache is felt, where preferentially an aid dressing treatment is executed in detriment of preventive procedures. From all the samples, less than 25% of the individuals make use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages for quite a number of years. There was an association of functional edentulism with all the studied variables in a regional method. In the family-based with Critério Brasil (OR=4,45) and monthly wages (OR=9,62) and to an to an individual level, the associations took place with the current use of kind of attendance (OR=1,78), looks for dressing treatment (OR=2,51), does not look for preventive treatment (OR=3,31), pain as the main cause of demand (OR=1,92), previous treatment as the demanding reason for dental service (OR+0,28), interval of the last visit to the dental service (OR=1,35) and when advise was received (OR=1,66). It was noticed from the results that the functional edentulism is much more expressive in those families which live in environments with precarious social economical sanitary conditions. Such conditions seem to have a direct influence upon the family social economical conditions which are also shown in detriment to functional edentulism. In the same way, the collection of variants influence the social economical conditions of the individual, as well as the kind of dental service searched by them, the reason of the search and the interval of the last visit to the dental service were strong determiners to the functional edentulism. Beyond that, individual habits like the use of tobacco and its frequency on its previous use influenced in a significant way the existence of functional edentulism in the studied population


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Literature has demonstrated to the narrow relation between deleterious habits and the occurrence of malocclusion in minors of 5 years. The existence of these habits, however, already considered as risk factors, having also, its determinative ones, which present cultural dimensions and economic social, many of them related to the parents of the child, having in account that such habits if develop in phases in which the child establish a narrow relation of dependence. This study it had an objective to investigate the prevalence of deleterious buccal habits in children and its relation with the economic social and characteristics of the parents. It was developed an epidemiologist study of transversal character with interview, through daily pay-tested form, with 218 parents in the day of the National Campaign of Vaccination. In the cast of the variable that had composed the study, they had been used, as changeable dependents, the use of the baby's bottle, bottle and the digital suction, being considered as outcomes of the research. Amongst the independent variable, the economic social factors (type of occupation, number of children, civil state, sort, schooling and age) and staffs of the parents (self perception in oral health) had entered as the variable to be analyzed in the problems of the infantile odontology. The collected data had been submitted to the analysis descriptive and inferential statistics, being used the test qui-square and the analysis of the possibility reasons. As main results, it was found that breast feeding before the six months if presents as one of the main factors of risk for the use of baby's bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 2.8, I.C= 1.589 4.906), bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 3.7, I.C.= 2.076 6.624) and digital suction (p< 0.014, OR= 3.5, I.C.= 1.225 10.181). From the data found, one concludes that breast-feeding is considered a primordial factor for not the installation of deleterious oral habits and that the economic social and cultural factors can reflect in central way in the performance of this act


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Em um mundo de grande pobreza, as enteroparasitoses podem exercer um papel importante no que se refere às desigualdades sociais, pois estas mazelas se apresentam, em sua grande maioria, na população mais carente. Estas mesmas doenças causam inúmeros casos de faltas ao trabalho e a escola, gerando preocupação dos profissionais de saúde, já que estes parasitas podem agravar ou desencadear quadros de anemia e desnutrição. O trabalho procurou pesquisar a prevalência de enteroparasitas na Mesorregião do Oeste Potiguar, em uma população que utiliza o sistema público de saúde, buscando associar as variáveis, como: sexo, faixa etária, período sazonal, renda familiar e número de parasitas. Foi utilizada a técnica de Hofmann (sedimentação espontânea) e o material fecal foi analisado pelos funcionários do Laboratório Central de Mossoró e Pau dos Ferros. Foi realizado no período de 02 de março de 2010 a 28 de março de 2011 o exame coprológico em 16.246 pessoas no laboratório Central de Mossoró (Lacen) e Pau dos Ferros, RN. A análise dos exames mostrou que 69,23% dos infectados eram mulheres e 33,07% eram homens. A maior prevalência ocorreu com Endolimax nana (41,61%), seguido de Entamoeba coli (18,46%) e Giardia lamblia (18,59%) em 3.407 parasitas encontrados. Dentre os exames realizados, o Endolimax nana foi o mais prevalente entre os organismos encontrados. A diferença nos resultados entre mulheres e homens pode determinar um foco domiciliar, pelo descaso do poder público com as políticas de saneamento básico e falta de higiene da população, e pela atividade das mesmas com trabalhos domésticos


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The epidemiology of temporomandibular disorders varies widely in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of TMD in dental students of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte assessed by different indexes. The sample consisted of 101 individuals selected by a randomized process, whose general outline was systematic sampling. For evaluation of the signs and symptoms of TMD, an anamnestic index, Fonseca s protocol, and two clinical indexes, the RDC/TMD (Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders), or standard index, and the Helkimo s Clinical Dysfunction Index were applied. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and kappa, besides verifying the sensitivity and specificity (5% significance). The diagnosis of TMD by different indexes showed a variation in the prevalence between 72.3% (Helkimo s Clinical index), 64.4% (Fonseca s anamnestic index) and 35.6% (RDC/TMD). There was no statistical difference between the sexes for the RDC/TMD, although this difference was found for Fonseca s and Helkimo s indexes (p<0.05). The most frequent type of TMD were joint disorders (Groups II and III), and the subtypes disc displacement with reduction (17.8%) and arthralgia (15.8%). Most individuals showed a mild TMD (45.5%) for both indexes, Fonseca and Helkimo. When comparing the types of diagnoses, RDC/TMD with Fonseca and Helkimo, low agreement was found (k=0.17 and k= 0.35, respectively). A moderate correlation between the severity of TMD was obtained (kw= 0.53) for Fonseca s protocol and Helkimo s index. High sensitivity and low specificity were seen for both diagnoses compared to standard, resulting in excessive false positives. Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that the prevalence of TMD can vary widely, depending on the index used for its diagnosis