52 resultados para Metadados. Monitoramento. Aferição. QoS. QoC. Requisições síncronas. requisições assíncronas
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has becoming very important in fields where detailed and precise study of earth surface features is required. Applications in environmental protection are such an example that requires the use of GIS tools for analysis and decision by managers and enrolled community of protected areas. In this specific field, a challenge that remains is to build a GIS that can be dynamically fed with data, allowing researchers and other agents to recover actual and up to date information. In some cases, data is acquired in several ways and come from different sources. To solve this problem, some tools were implemented that includes a model for spatial data treatment on the Web. The research issues involved start with the feeding and processing of environmental control data collected in-loco as biotic and geological variables and finishes with the presentation of all information on theWeb. For this dynamic processing, it was developed some tools that make MapServer more flexible and dynamic, allowing data uploading by the proper users. Furthermore, it was also developed a module that uses interpolation to aiming spatial data analysis. A complex application that has validated this research is to feed the system with data coming from coral reef regions located in northeast of Brazil. The system was implemented using the best interactivity concept provided by the AJAX model and resulted in a substantial contribution for efficiently accessing information, being an essential mechanism for controlling events in the environmental monitoring
Este trabalho apresenta um levantamento dos problemas associados à influência da observabilidade e da visualização radial no projeto de sistemas de monitoramento para redes de grande magnitude e complexidade. Além disso, se propõe a apresentar soluções para parte desses problemas. Através da utilização da Teoria de Redes Complexas, são abordadas duas questões: (i) a localização e a quantidade de nós necessários para garantir uma aquisição de dados capaz de representar o estado da rede de forma efetiva e (ii) a elaboração de um modelo de visualização das informações da rede capaz de ampliar a capacidade de inferência e de entendimento de suas propriedades. A tese estabelece limites teóricos a estas questões e apresenta um estudo sobre a complexidade do monitoramento eficaz, eficiente e escalável de redes
The monitoring of patients performed in hospitals is usually done either in a manual or semiautomated way, where the members of the healthcare team must constantly visit the patients to ascertain the health condition in which they are. The adoption of this procedure, however, compromises the quality of the monitoring conducted since the shortage of physical and human resources in hospitals tends to overwhelm members of the healthcare team, preventing them from moving to patients with adequate frequency. Given this, many existing works in the literature specify alternatives aimed at improving this monitoring through the use of wireless networks. In these works, the network is only intended for data traffic generated by medical sensors and there is no possibility of it being allocated for the transmission of data from applications present in existing user stations in the hospital. However, in the case of hospital automation environments, this aspect is a negative point, considering that the data generated in such applications can be directly related to the patient monitoring conducted. Thus, this thesis defines Wi-Bio as a communication protocol aimed at the establishment of IEEE 802.11 networks for patient monitoring, capable of enabling the harmonious coexistence among the traffic generated by medical sensors and user stations. The formal specification and verification of Wi-Bio were made through the design and analysis of Petri net models. Its validation was performed through simulations with the Network Simulator 2 (NS2) tool. The simulations of NS2 were designed to portray a real patient monitoring environment corresponding to a floor of the nursing wards sector of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located at Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, in order to verify the feasibility of Wi-Bio in terms of wireless networks standards prevailing in the market, the testing scenario was also simulated under a perspective in which the network elements used the HCCA access mechanism described in the IEEE 802.11e amendment. The results confirmed the validity of the designed Petri nets and showed that Wi-Bio, in addition to presenting a superior performance compared to HCCA on most items analyzed, was also able to promote efficient integration between the data generated by medical sensors and user applications on the same wireless network
This work deals with experimental studies about VoIP conections into WiFi 802.11b networks with handoff. Indoor and outdoor network experiments are realised to take measurements for the QoS parameters delay, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The performance parameters are obtained through the use of software tools Ekiga, Iperf and Wimanager that assure, respectvely, VoIP conection simulation, trafic network generator and metric parameters acquisition for, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The avarage delay is obtained from the measured throughput and the concept of packt virtual transmition time. The experimental data are validated based on de QoS level for each metric parameter accepted as adequated by the specialized literature
Hospital Automation is an area that is constantly growing. The emergency of new technologies and hardware is transforming the processes more efficient. Nevertheless, some of the hospital processes are still being performed manually, such as monitoring of patients that is considered critical because it involves human lives. One of the factors that should be taken into account during a monitoring is the agility to detect any abnormality in vital signs of patients, as well as warning of this anomaly to the medical team involved. So, this master's thesis aims to develop an architecture to automate this process of monitoring and reporting of possible alert to a professional, so that emergency care can be done effectively. The computing mobile was used to improve the communication by distributing messages between a central located into the hospital and the mobile carried by the duty
It s notorious the advance of computer networks in recent decades, whether in relation to transmission rates, the number of interconnected devices or the existing applications. In parallel, it s also visible this progress in various sectors of the automation, such as: industrial, commercial and residential. In one of its branches, we find the hospital networks, which can make the use of a range of services, ranging from the simple registration of patients to a surgery by a robot under the supervision of a physician. In the context of both worlds, appear the applications in Telemedicine and Telehealth, which work with the transfer in real time of high resolution images, sound, video and patient data. Then comes a problem, since the computer networks, originally developed for the transfer of less complex data, is now being used by a service that involves high transfer rates and needs requirements for quality of service (QoS) offered by the network . Thus, this work aims to do the analysis and comparison of performance of a network when subjected to this type of application, for two different situations: the first without the use of QoS policies, and the second with the application of such policies, using as scenario for testing, the Metropolitan Health Network of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
O Laboratório de Sistemas Inteligentes do Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Automação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN -tem como um de seus projetos de pesquisa -Robosense -a construção de uma plataforma robótica móvel. Trata-se de um robô provido de duas rodas, acionadas de forma diferencial, dois braços, com 5 graus de liberdade cada, um cinturão de sonares e uma cabeça estéreo. Como objetivo principal do projeto Robosense, o robô deverá ser capaz de navegar por todo o prédio do LECA, desviando de obstáculos. O sistema de navegação do robô, responsável pela geração e seguimento de rotas, atuará em malha fechada. Ou seja, sensores serão utilizados pelo sistema com o intuito de informar ao robô a sua pose atual, incluindo localização e a configuração de seus recursos. Encoders (sensores especiais de rotação) foram instalados nas rodas, bem como em todos os motores dos dois braços da cabeça estéreo. Sensores de fim-de-curso foram instalados em todas as juntas da cabeça estéreo para que seja possível sua pré-calibração. Sonares e câmeras também farão parte do grupo de sensores utilizados no projeto. O robô contará com uma plataforma composta por, a princípio, dois computadores ligados a um barramento único para uma operação em tempo real, em paralelo. Um deles será responsável pela parte de controle dos braços e de sua navegação, tomando como base as informações recebidas dos sensores das rodas e dos próximos objetivos do robô. O outro computador processará todas as informações referentes à cabeça estéreo do robô, como as imagens recebidas das câmeras. A utilização de técnicas de imageamento estéreo torna-se necessária, pois a informação de uma única imagem não determina unicamente a posição de um dado ponto correspondente no mundo. Podemos então, através da utilização de duas ou mais câmeras, recuperar a informação de profundidade da cena. A cabeça estéreo proposta nada mais é que um artefato físico que deve dar suporte a duas câmeras de vídeo, movimentá-las seguindo requisições de programas (softwares) apropriados e ser capaz de fornecer sua pose atual. Fatores como velocidade angular de movimentação das câmeras, precisão espacial e acurácia são determinantes para o eficiente resultado dos algoritmos que nesses valores se baseiam
The power system stabilizers are used to suppress low-frequency electromechanical oscillations and improve the synchronous generator stability limits. This master thesis proposes a wavelet-based power system stabilizer, composed of a new methodology for extraction and compensation of electromechanical oscillations in electrical power systems based on the scaling coefficient energy of the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform in order to reduce the effects of delay and attenuation of conventional power system stabilizers. Moreover, the wavelet coefficient energy is used for electric oscillation detection and triggering the power system stabilizer only in fault situations. The performance of the proposed power system stabilizer was assessed with experimental results and comparison with the conventional power system stabilizer. Furthermore, the effects of the mother wavelet were also evaluated in this work
The application of composite materials and in particular the fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) has gradually conquered space from the so called conventional materials. However, challenges have arisen when their application occurs in equipment and mechanical structures which will be exposed to harsh environmental conditions, especially when there is the influence of environmental degradation due to temperature, UV radiation and moisture in the mechanical performance of these structures, causing irreversible structural damage such as loss of dimensional stability, interfacial degradation, loss of mass, loss of structural properties and changes in the damage mechanism. In this context, the objective of this thesis is the development of a process for monitoring and modeling structural degradation, and the study of the physical and mechanical properties in FRP when in the presence of adverse environmental conditions (ageing). The mechanism of ageing is characterized by controlled environmental conditions of heated steam and ultraviolet radiation. For the research, it was necessary to develop three polymer composites. The first was a lamina of polyester resin reinforced with a short glass-E fiber mat (representing the layer exposed to ageing), and the other two were laminates, both of seven layers of reinforcement, one being made up only of short fibers of glass-E, and the other a hybrid type reinforced with fibers of glass-E/ fibers of curaua. It should be noted that the two laminates have the lamina of short glass-E fibers as a layer of the ageing process incidence. The specimens were removed from the composites mentioned and submitted to environmental ageing accelerated by an ageing chamber. To study the monitoring and modeling of degradation, the ageing cycles to which the lamina was exposed were: alternating cycles of UV radiation and heated steam, a cycle only of UV radiation and a cycle only of heated steam, for a period defined by norm. The laminates have already undergone only the alternating cycle of UV and heated steam. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to a structural stability assessment by means of the developed measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT) and the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT). Then they were subjected to the mechanical tests of uniaxial tension for the lamina and all the laminates, besides the bending test on three points for the laminates. This study was followed by characterization of the fracture and the surface degradation. Finally, a model was developed for the composites called Ageing Zone Diagram (AZD) for monitoring and predicting the tensile strength after the ageing processes. From the results it was observed that the process of degradation occurs Abstract Raimundo Nonato Barbosa Felipe xiv differently for each composite studied, although all were affected in certain way and that the most aggressive ageing process was that of UV radiation, and that the hybrid laminated fibers of glass-E/curaua composite was most affected in its mechanical properties
A chemical process optimization and control is strongly correlated with the quantity of information can be obtained from the system. In biotechnological processes, where the transforming agent is a cell, many variables can interfere in the process, leading to changes in the microorganism metabolism and affecting the quantity and quality of final product. Therefore, the continuously monitoring of the variables that interfere in the bioprocess, is crucial to be able to act on certain variables of the system, keeping it under desirable operational conditions and control. In general, during a fermentation process, the analysis of important parameters such as substrate, product and cells concentration, is done off-line, requiring sampling, pretreatment and analytical procedures. Therefore, this steps require a significant run time and the use of high purity chemical reagents to be done. In order to implement a real time monitoring system for a benchtop bioreactor, these study was conducted in two steps: (i) The development of a software that presents a communication interface between bioreactor and computer based on data acquisition and process variables data recording, that are pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, level, foam level, agitation frequency and the input setpoints of the operational parameters of the bioreactor control unit; (ii) The development of an analytical method using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in order to enable substrate, products and cells concentration monitoring during a fermentation process for ethanol production using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Three fermentation runs were conducted (F1, F2 and F3) that were monitored by NIRS and subsequent sampling for analytical characterization. The data obtained were used for calibration and validation, where pre-treatments combined or not with smoothing filters were applied to spectrum data. The most satisfactory results were obtained when the calibration models were constructed from real samples of culture medium removed from the fermentation assays F1, F2 and F3, showing that the analytical method based on NIRS can be used as a fast and effective method to quantify cells, substrate and products concentration what enables the implementation of insitu real time monitoring of fermentation processes
Through out the course of a steady increase in search and recovery of space in the coastal zone, there is also an expanding concern about the erosion processes of this area. The main problem in coastal areas is that urbanization occurs in a disorderly fashion and unsustainable, further aggravating the problems of coastal dynamics. The study area of this work is located on the southern coast of Pirangi do Norte beach to about 20km south of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte in the Parnamirim City. This area has the length of approximately 1km, divided into three sections (Western, Central and Eastern) with a morphology consisting of a tableland at the top, sea cliffs in the West and Central parts and sand dunes in the Eastern section, both vegetated, and a coastal plain on the inferior part associated with the presence of beach rocks. This study aimed to analyze the erosion processes operating in the excerpt of Pirangi do Norte beach and assess the feasibility of their monitoring making use of DGPS (Global Positioning System Differential mode). During the work it was carried out a physical description of the area through photo-interpretation and site survey after measurement of the shoreline in the period between November 2004 and November 2009 and beach profiles between August 2005 and July 2006. The analysis of the results of the annual surveys showed the occurrence of variations of the shoreline along the stretch traveled. Sites are identified in advancement coast from the sea and it was verified in loco the presence of erosion with deposition of materials on the lower part of the coastal bluff, the former position of the shoreline, showing a false notion of advancing it. This leads to the conclusion that the data collected in a survey of the shoreline should always be accompanied by photographic records of the local area and with the highest rate of erosion, thus avoiding the mistake of treating the deposit materials as evidence of progress coast. At the end of the study, after a review of various works to mitigate the erosion in the coastal zone, it is recommended to the area of study the adoption of an artificial feeding of the beach, aiming the minimization of the erosive effects of the tides. Moreover, it is suggested that even the continuity of monitoring, maintenance of existing vegetation and control of the occupation on the edge of sea cliffs
The nature of this thesis is interventionist and aims to create an alternative on how to control and evaluate the public policies implementation developed at the Institute for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension of Rio Grande do Norte State. The cenarium takes place in a public institution , classified as a municipality that belongs to the Rio Grande do Norte government and adopts the design science research methodology , where it generates a set of artifacts that guide the development of a computerized information system . To ensure the decisions, the literature was reviewed aiming to bring and highlight concepts that will be used as base to build the intervention. The use of an effective methodology called Iconix systems analysis , provides a software development process in a short time . As a result of many artifacts created by the methodology there is a software computer able of running on the Internet environment with G2C behavior, it is suggested as a management tool for monitoring artifacts generated by the various methods. Moreover, it reveals barriers faced in the public companies environment such as lack of infrastructure , the strength of the workforce and the executives behavior
The problems of water supply in Northeast Brazil are severe and require more focused studies. This work was intended to assess water quality in the watershed Pirangi, located in the Northeastern state of the newborn using the Water Quality Index, AQI associated with the Index of Toxicity-IT. The data presented in this study were collected in November 2008, June 2009 and March 2010 at eight sampling stations distributed throughout the basin. The study covered nine parameters, based on guidelines established by CETESB, and seven members of Metal Toxicity index-IT. These waters are framed in the classification between GOOD and BAD showing AQI 41.34 minimum and a maximum of 76.23. Virtually all seven metals analyzed were below the detection limits of ICP-OES giving IT a water equal to one when they are absent and 0 when there are levels of trace metals
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The present study is about the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs associated with the ABONG in Natal city, state of Rio Grande do Norte, referring to the work conditions, claims and professional responses in front of the capital restructuration circumstances. The group of socio-historical transformations, as a result of the after-1970 dynamic capitalism, conducts a process of new configurations in the relationship between State and society that directly affect the social question nowadays, destroying social rights historically conquered for the workers. In this context, the ONGs assume a strategical social function of the social question, contributing with the change of responsibilities with the social from the State to the third sector. This social movement causes changes to the Social Work since this is one of the professions that act on the immediate expressions of the social question. After a qualitative research based on a theoricalmethodological critical and dialectical perspective, it was possible to discover some contradictions, details and tendencies of the professional exercise of the Social Worker in ONGs. Summarizing, the results of the research show that: a) it was detected a tendency of precarization, instability, insecurity, no-articulation, no-profissionalization of the professionals in the work conditions; b) demands are associated with a moment of the capital re-ordering, where new professional exigencies and responsibilities are related with capital necessities in the period of structural crisis; c) limits and contradictions are present in a professional daily work mainly in function of the characteristics of gestation and functioning of the ONGs; d) the professionals that were interviewed show significant difficulties in a articulation between the professional daily work in organizations and the totality of the social processes, limiting the capability of doing critics to the requisitions imposed by the capital