33 resultados para Mão-de-obra qualificada, migração


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This article presents a study on the research of the factors that affect the competitiveness of cheese produced in a craft in the Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte in the perception of rural producers. His theory is based on factors of competitiveness and definitions of craft production. This research was performed in the important area of production and marketing of cheeses from the state. The methodology used was exploratory research descriptive type survey. The research field of 213 returned questionnaires validated. those interviewed were rural producers of artisanal cheese, with properties distributed in the districts located in the region. The results showed the production of artisanal cheese in Seridó / RN's main points of difficulty to compete: the great marketing in the informality, workforce has low skills and education, has little technical assistance, low acceptance by technological innovations and absence of integration between producers which creates low productivity and qualification of the production chain


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According to great concern between the developed industrial activities and resultant impacts over the environment, an association of several factors have occurred, procedures to the efficient management of the rotation between economical development and the environment have been improved. A research in field have been realized inside building sites of companies in order to provide knowledge about the implemented and accomplish actions according to the resolution from CONAMA nº307. Trough the interview among the representations of the companies and photographic survey in loco, such as, what makes the companies implement this management, reutilization and recycling, transport and disposition. The present study had as objective: analyze the insertion of the used tools to residuals management, proposing improvements, in a way that it can be easily identified during the procedures execution in the building sites of the building companies of the city of Natal/RN. To reach the goal, in the first place a revision of the pertinent literature was performed; there for, it can be seen the relation between residues management and environment sustainability, once it happens in a continued way it may prevent the waste and reduces the risk that the activities way bring to the employees, community and environment; once found the great difficult faced with regard to labors, material, equipment, project, planning, costumer s interference, furnisher. And still, it could be verified wich materials generate greater indexes of residues in the works and the main occurrences of waste and loss. However a greater transparency is needed coming from the high administration in the commitment with the continued actions, to make it so, there must be a cultural change inside the company. There for there will be a greater productivity and quality of the under taking such as costumer s satisfaction


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Particularly in Braziland in Rio Grande do Norte, companies manufacturing red ceramic, play an important role as agents of development to study the region Seridó- RN, specific place for carrying out the research. It is observed in this region a concentration of red ceramic industries of small size, which, despite its importance in the ceramic, they are unable to enjoy or use the new forms of administrative management and technological advances designed and offered by universities, centers of research and projects of governments, remained almost entirely outside the progress and modernization, technological and administrative. These companies still have outdated technology, and management processes, providing quality problems and standardization of end products. Upon these conditions are the companies going through crisis and struggling to survive alone and without assistance. The region of Seridó-RN, lets make a detailed case study of red ceramic companies in the region proposed from the existing theoretical and actual lifting of the condition of the product manufacturing red ceramic, allowing through this overview of the implementation of collect samples of raw materials, allowing the study of each ceramic industry that contributed to the participation of the research, which was determined parameters such as: analysis of the physical, chemical and technological properties of raw materials, characterization of the processes used, raising the technological resources considering equipment, machinery, supplies, raw materials and facilities available and its organization by type of products from companies involved in this study. The methodology consists of the following steps: collection of raw material, crushing and screening, characterization of raw materials (liquid limit, chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, differential thermal analysis, sieve analysis), mixing, forming, cutting, drying and burning of ceramic bodies and bodies of evidence. The results showed that it was clay with distinct characteristics with respect to plasticity. With respect to the different compositions of mixtures of ceramic masses, we conclude that the ceramic properties showed a direct proportionality with increasing fraction of the clay not plastic. However, the compositions of the masses studied proved to be the most appropriate for the types of simulated clay for use in ceramics. Adopted in the ceramic processing made it possible to obtain products the resulted in consistent properties, and in some cases even exceeding the requirements of technical studies and standard-Brazilian clays to obtain ceramic products such as tiles, bricks and tiles to floor. Based on the discussions from the results obtained in the various processing steps of this work, one can draw conclusions according to the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of raw materials, the properties of ceramic products burned and analysis. This work may be used by other researchers, private companies and governmental organizations, undergraduate students and graduate, can develop studies and future research to: develop projects to modify the furnaces; mapping projects develop and rationalize the exploitation of raw materials ;promoting reforestation and forest management; develop reduction projects and recovery of waste; develop training projects in manpower sector, and develop security projects, improving the conditions of work in the area pottery


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The "paulistas", or be, the pioneers of the town of São Paulo of Piratininga, were hired by the Portuguese Crown as instrument of repression and social control between the centuries XVII and XVIII, were involved in conflicts of the Captainships of the North of the State of Brazil after expulsion of the West of Indian Company. That moment corresponds to the beginning of the conquest of the sertão , and of the consequent resistances offered by the Indians of the interior of the continent that barred the Portuguese colonial project. The colonial sertão was understood as all area outside of the Portuguese jurisdiction, in contrary condition to the Sugary zone. In such events, the labor of the "paulistas" was employed by the rights to his abilities in traversing the weeds. With that, we are going to detach the participation of the "paulistas" during and after the called "Guerra dos Bárbaros" in the captainship of Rio Grande, as well as the output of that space from the establishment of the groups that were mobilized for the conflict


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Understanding the behavioral activities of freshwater shrimp in captivity is of paramount importance for the appropriate management of the species. In Brazil, the shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii is currently the most widely used species in the freshwater shrimp culture due to its high potential for cultivation and good market acceptance. Thus, the present study aimed to describe and characterize the behavioral activities of M. rosenbergii in monosex and in mixed (male and female) (manuscript 1, 2 and 3) populations and the growth performance of this species in restrictive feeding conditions and in different feeding management (manuscript 4 and 5, respectively) . Juvenile and adult shrimps were collected from ponds of the Aquaculture Station - Unidade Especializada em Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Macaíba/RN and then transferred to the Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão LECC (Laboratory for Shrimp Behavioral Studies) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). For each treatment , eight aquaria of 250 L (50 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm) were used in a closed recirculating water system with artificial lighting, constant aeration , continuous filtration through a biochemical and biological filter (canister filter), and fine sand as substrate . The water quality was monitored daily. The lab consisted of two rooms with artificial lighting system , controlled by a timer with dark / light cycle of 12:12 h . In manuscript 1, the behavioral categories of the species were presented through an ethogram, which described 31 behaviors, subdivided into general and agonistic behaviors. Manuscript 2 compared the behavioral profile of shrimps in male and in female monosex and mixed populations over 24 hours in laboratory. In three types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex) of populations during the light and dark phases of the 24 hour cycle, the shrimps showed higher occurrence of cleaning behavior. Manuscript 3 examined the influence of the color of the shelter on the frequency of its use and behavioral activities of shrimp in mixed, in male monosex and in female monosex populations over 24 hours. We observed that the shrimp M. rosenbergii burrow more frequently during the light phase in male monosex and mixed populations; they also tend to choose the black shelters. Female monosex populations tend to use red and orange shelters. In manuscript 4, we evaluated in laboratory the behavioral activities and growth performance of juvenile shrimps under food restriction. We observed that a mild food restriction may be used since there is no loss concerning the growth of the animals; feeding management on alternate days , compared to daily management can be financially productive both reducing labor costs and reducing the amount of feed used . Manuscript 5 evaluated the behavior of shrimps in monosex and in mixed populations, as well as the latency of reach the food according to feed offer (tray or food dispersal) . Our results indicate that animals adjust to both types of feed offer food dispersal as much as tray, but they spend more time to reach the feed when it is offered in trays (feeders). Comparing culture types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex), the latency to reach the food was lower for female monosex population. The data obtained in this study demonstrate the importance of identifying different pressures and environmental stimuli on the behavioral responses of this species. This knowledge would support management improvement to optimize the levels of animals‟ welfare, resulting in a better zootecnical performance


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Attempts to explain child labor, for the most part, have been reduced to the economic aspect, looking to establish a causal relationship between work and poverty. Without disregarding this aspect, we intend to approach this phenomenon considering other aspects that could be contributing towards its maintenance. We seek, above all, to articulate it with the concepts of disciplinary power and ideology. The present study, therefore, tries to consider these aspects with the intention of learning the reasons that the mothers and the teachers produce concerning child labor in the cultivation of vegetables. We elected these participants because we considered that child labor has been reinforced by the disciplinary institutions and proponents of ideology, the family and the school, here represented, respectively, by the mothers and the teachers. To affect this study, we created focused groups with the mothers whose children are students and work in the cultivation of vegetables in Gramorezinho (neighborhood situated in the northern part of Natal, RN) and with the teachers of the neighborhood school (Escola Lourdes Goudeiro). The discussion of the participants was handled according to the perspective of discursive practices, attempting to articulate them with the notions of ideology and disciplinary power. In general, we perceived how much ideology and discipline are immersed in the discursive practices of the participants. Whereas, even though in some moments the reference to work as being something that takes time from the child to study and play is apparent, the participants attribute great importance to child labor. Both for the teachers and for the mothers, work is something that can free the children from laziness, from becoming criminals and from using drugs. It too constitutes an important alternative to idleness and to the permanence of the child in the streets


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The study is about the non-insertion of the Social Assistant in the work market of Natal/RN, emphasizing the perception those Social Assistants have about this problem. We try to analyze the relation that those workers figure out about their non-insertion in the work market and their professional formation. The problem is related to the present unemployment rates in our society, which results of the changes that have affected the world of work as a whole in the wake of the Productive Restructuring and State Reformation supported by the neo-liberalism ideological system. We realize that these factors have deeply affected the configurations of the work market in general; especially those related to professions whose challenges multiply obstacles not only to the insertion of new workers, but to their staying in their job. We note that the reality of the work market has been built up on the decrease of the work force opportunities and the increase of the selectivity criteria to insertion of new workers. In consequence, unemployment rates increase everywhere, regardless of place, profession or education level of the workers. Work and management changes have brought about new challenges to professional formation. The presence of neo-liberalism productive and market logic demands a more adequate professional formation to work market from their candidates to a job. Due to the numberless difficulties workers face nowadays to enter the world of work, society itself and workers in general begin to question the profession of their choice, the kind of formation they have got, and frequently they lay the blame of their professional difficulties on it. This result has come out from the research we did with some social assistants not inserted in the professional work market in Natal/RN. The research reveals too that those unemployed professionals see their difficulties connected to their professional formation and they happen to say that the main challenge they face today is to get acknowledgment to the significance and importance of their profession


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The process of globalization which has characterized today s Brazilian economic development is determining in the restructuring of productive capital, influencing the development of an economic model, founded on greater competition and use of technology. As a consequence of that, there has been a certain disorganization of the economy, the growth of social inequalities and the lack of structuring of the labor market and the social security system. This has favored a rapid growth of the urban informal economy in Brazil. In Rio Grande do Norte state, the Greater Natal area is the main production center. This is where this study found 58 informal textile industries. In the research, the organizational structure of these industries, characterized by intensive use of labor vis-à-vis the use of capital, problems with putting production in the market place, although links with the formal sector were evident, is analysed. The research also focuses on the relationship labor x capital, the nature and volume of the industrial activity in the 58 industries, their proprietors and 120 employees


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El Agreste Potiguar es el territorio de Rio Grande do Norte en que más se produce yuca. La formación de ese territorio asociase a la ganadería y al cultivo de algodón y de cultivos de autoconsumo, de entre los cuales, la yuca. En lo concerniente, específicamente al cultivo de la yuca, esa planta siempre ha sido sumamente importante para la subsistencia de los agrestinos , sobre todo, de los pobres. Hasta la década de 1980, la yuca era cultivada en pequeñas parcelas de tierra y era destinada a la fabricación de harina, que juntamente con el frijol, era la base de la alimentación de los trabajadores agrestinos. Además, era bastante útil para la producción de ración para el ganado. A partir de esa década, la actividad mandioquera (cultivo de la yuca con la transformación de ésta en harina y en otros derivados) desencadenada en el Agreste Potiguar empieza a pasar por un proceso de modernización, siendo implementadas transformaciones técnicas y en las relaciones de trabajo, bajo la lógica capitalista. Dentro de esa lógica, el cultivo de la yuca pasa a ser hecho con el uso de máquinas y de abonos químicos; la transformación en harina es actualmente realizada en manufacturas y en industrias de harina, que vienen siendo, cada vez más, marcadas por instrumentos técnicos movidos a electricidad, disminuyendo la necesidad de mano de obra; y la yuca no es más cultivada por los productores con el objetivo primordial de garantizar su subsistencia, pero sí con el de atender a la demanda por materia prima de las manufacturas y de las industrias de harina. De este modo, el objetivo del trabajo es comprender la dinámica de la actividad mandioquera en el Agreste Potiguar, considerando el uso pasado y actual del territorio, la modernización de esa actividad y su contribución al desarrollo del territorio en cuestión. Como procedimientos metodológicos, adoptamos la realización de investigaciones bibliográficas, empíricas (entrevistas y conversaciones) y el análisis de datos secundarios. Finalmente, sabiéndose que el proceso de modernización estudiado sigue la lógica capitalista, concluimos el trabajo afirmando que la modernización de la actividad mandioquera no viene contribuyendo al desarrollo territorial del Agreste Potiguar.


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Cette étude a été fondée sur la reconaissance, la description et l'analyse du circuit spatial de la production de l activité des fabriques des casquettes dans la région du Seridó Potiguar. L activité des fabriques des casquettes est située dans les villes de Caicó, Serra Negra do Norte e São José do Seridó, qui forment le pôle de fabriques de casquettes, composé de soixante-quatre (64) unités de fabrication, le deuxième plus grand producteur de casquettes au Brésil. Dans la condition de base géographique, l'opérationnalisation du concept de circuits spatiales de la production a été essentielle à la compréhension de l'utilisation du territoire et de l'indivisibilité de l'espace, du fournisseur de matières premières au consommateur final, comprenant les étapes des matières premières, la main-d'oeuvre, le stockage, les transports, le commerce et la consommation dans la période actuelle, dans laquelle les instances de la production, la circulation, la distribution et de la consommation sont spatialement diffus. Sur la base de l'identification et de la localisation de ces étapes et des principaux acteurs impliqués dans la activité des fabriques de casquettes, une configuration de circuit spatial de la production a été élaborée, en s'interprétant l'utilisation des territoires par les instances productives. L'interprétation des étapes de production a identifié que les entreprises liées à l'Association Seridoense des Fabricants de Casquettes agissent plus efficacement sur le territoire que celles nonassociées, alors que toujours elles investissent dans des nouveaux équipements, en augmentant sa puissance technique pour se renforcer avant un marché si compétitif comme celui des casquettes. En examinant la contribution de la fabrication des casquettes à l'utilisation actuelle des territoires de la coupe, nous avons appris que les activités complémentaires et des matières premiéres nécessaires à sa réalisation se trouvent dans leur environnement géographique. Ainsi, la proximité spatiale entre les étapes de la fabrication des casquettes fait entrevoir la matérialité du territoire, conférée dans la coexistence des techniques passées et présentes, et l'ensemble des actions effectuées par un certain nombre de travailleurs sociaux qui collaborent à la création du circuit spatial de la production de l activité des fabriques des casquettes. Cette étude a confirmé que les fabriques des casquettes sont organisées sous la forme de cellules de production, continues ou discontinues, dont les équipements et les machines à coudre industrielles obéissent à la logique d'une production de plus en plus standardisée. Ce circuit spatial de la production contribue à l'utilisation actuelle des territoires de Caicó, Serra Negra do Norte et de São José do Seridó car il amplifie le mouvement du commerce et des relations entre les lieux, à travers la dynamique des flux des personnes, des biens et des produits, en constante circulation, guidées par la division du travail entre les étapes productives


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This paper aims to analyse and discuss the labour in hospitality industry, specially the hospitality trade in Ponta Negra Natal/RN, Brazil, since the tourism has increased in the city, by investigating if the tourism field is suitable for public politics programs and labour qualification. The choice for Ponta Negra is because it has become the focus of tourism development in Natal. The research was developed by using qualitative approach of investigation, by means of some procedures such as: bibliographic and empirical researches, by using questionnaires with workers and recruiting personnel of hotels, always following a theory and a reflexive descriptive attitude. This dissertation involves eight chapters: Neoliberalism and labour; Economical and spatial restructuring of Rio Grande do Norte; Public politics concerning tourism area; Tourism, graduation and qualification in hospitality industry; Qualification for tourism hospitality; Hotels: territorialization and unterritorialization; Social qualification reality of people involved in hospitality activities in Ponta Negra, Natal/RN, Brazil; and Final considerations and recommendations. Therefore, this paper intends to contribute for understanding professional qualification in hospitality trade, confronting the needs that the service requires, and mainly, in the tourism sector, which is increasing in our city, Natal


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Energy is a vital resource for social and economic development. In the present scenario, the search for alternative energy sources has become fundamental, especially after the oil crises between 1973 and 1979, the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986 and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. The demand for the development of new alternative energy sources aims to complement existing forms allows to meet the demand for energy consumption with greater security. Brazil, with the guideline of not dirtying the energy matrix by the fossil fuels exploitation and the recent energy crisis caused by the lack of rains, directs energy policies for the development of other renewable energy sources, complementing the hydric. This country is one of the countries that stand out for power generation capacity from the winds in several areas, especially Rio Grande do Norte (RN), which is one of the states with highest installed power and great potential to be explored. In this context arises the purpose of this work to identify the incentive to develop policies of wind energy in Rio Grande do Norte. The study was conducted by a qualitative methodology of data analysis called content analysis, oriented for towards message characteristics, its informational value, the words, arguments and ideas expressed in it, constituting a thematic analysis. To collect the data interviews were conducted with managers of major organizations related to wind energy in Brazil and in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The identification of incentive policies was achieved in three stages: the first seeking incentives policies in national terms, which are applied to all states, the second with the questionnaire application and the third to research and data collection for the development of the installed power of the RN as compared to other states. At the end, the results demonstrated hat in Rio Grande do Norte state there is no incentive policy for the development of wind power set and consolidated, specific actions in order to optimize the bureaucratic issues related to wind farms, especially on environmental issues. The absence of this policy hinders the development of wind energy RN, considering result in reduced competitiveness and performance in recent energy auctions. Among the perceived obstacles include the lack of hand labor sufficient to achieve the reporting and analysis of environmental licenses, the lack of updating the wind Atlas of the state, a shortfall of tax incentives. Added to these difficulties excel barriers in infrastructure and logistics, with the lack of a suitable port for large loads and the need for reform, maintenance and duplication of roads and highways that are still loss-making. It is suggested as future work the relationship of the technology park of energy and the development of wind power in the state, the influence of the technology park to attract businesses and industries in the wind sector to settle in RN and a comparison of incentive policies to development of wind energy in the Brazilian states observing wind development in the same states under study.


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The Brejuí Mine, situated in the municipality of Currais Novos (RN), was responsible for the local economy growth between the years of 1943 and 1990, causing the interest of miner's working class to its urban center. After the end of scheelita extraction, the mine became a "theme park", in 2004. The company left its mark on the city by building several monuments in reference to the mining activity and the company's founder, Tomaz Salustino. However, there are no written records that describe such activities on its early years, nor their pioneers in the mining subject. Therefore, it is important to investigate the miner’s memories and ask if, along the more than five decades that lasted the heyday of mining, an identity linked to the profession was built; the extent to which workers make reference to this history as membersand what are the symbols that are being triggered in the development of a working class identity. Further, I investigate what memory was mad concerning the pioneers, mostly farmers attracted by miner work. To do so, I make use of audiovisual archival resources and oral records of the interlocutors that were filmed in the preparations of the documentary “Lembranças de velhos garimpeiros". We have noticed that, in the script of the official history of the Brejuí Mine, the "boss" figure overlaps the workers and that the forms patronage, originated from the rural world, followed punctuating the social relations in the mine. Today, with the resumption of the mining activity, it is possible that the strengthening of the working class and the Seridó miner identity desire reborn.


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The aim of this study was to propose a Performance Evaluation System for outsourced employees of the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte to supply the lack of evaluative instruments. According to Provision of Services Contract nº050/2010 and nº055/2011 of FURN with SAFE LOCAÇÃO DE MÃO DE OBRA LTDA ME, it is the hired company to promote periodic functional performance evaluation of the outsourced employees, but this is not done. The performance evaluation process serves to evaluate if the employees are making their tasks according to the organizations’ objectives and goals, besides that helps to find service failures and capacity of employees demands, thus contributing to improve work conditions and the global performance of the organizations. To elaborate the proposal of evaluation, it was chosen an action research with the participation of all stakeholders, employees and managers from UR. On data collect, first, outsourced employees and management servers were interviewed, in order to raise existing perceptions about performance evaluation aspects. From these data and the work routine observation, a proposal of performance evaluation was elaborated, that was appreciated, criticized and adjusted by the actors involved (employees and managers) to the final formulation of the instrument. This study also presents the necessary steps to the implementation of the Performance Evaluation System. The proposed Performance Evaluation System can be applied to the FURN assuming this process, after modification of contract terms and the approval by the ADCON. It also can serve as an example to others units that works with the provision of outsourced services, enabling so the performance evaluation to be part of the management policy of all people working in FURN.


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Avaliação de usabilidade é um processo importante durante o desenvolvimento de um software, seja ele para um sistema web ou mobile. No caso de um sistema mobile, o custo é bastante oneroso, tanto no que se refere à mão de obra especializada, como de recursos tecnológicos utilizados, tornando essa avaliação de usabilidade ainda mais importante. Além disso, as versões webdos sistemas SIG da UFRN já estão consolidadas e com uma grande aceitação, fazendo com que suas versões mobile tenham, ainda mais, a preocupação de lançar um produto de boa qualidade para manter essa credibilidade dos sistemas SIG , tanto na UFRN, como nas demais instituições que utilizam esses sistemas. Com este trabalho, buscou-se identificar algumas diretrizes de interface que possam ser utilizadas no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile, mais especificamente o SIGAA Mobile, de modo a facilitar o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades voltadas para estes sistemas. Para isso, foi realizada uma avaliação de usabilidade no Portal do Aluno do SIGAA Mobile Android, tomando como base padrões de interface já existentes na literatura. Posteriormente, foi aplicado um questionário com os usuários do sistema para coletar as opiniões e sugestões dos mesmos. De posse de todos esses dados coletados, foi possível definir algumas diretrizes de interface a serem seguidas como recomendações no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile.