43 resultados para Irrigação por aspersão


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Magnetic targeting is being investigated as a means of local delivery of drugs, combining precision, minimal surgical intervention, and satisfactory concentration of the drug in the target region. In view of these advantages, it is a promising strategy for improving the pharmacological response. Magnetic particles are attracted by a magnetic field gradient, and drugs bound to them can be driven to their site of action by means of the selective application of magnetic field on the desired area. Helicobacter pylori is the commonest chronic bacterial infection. The treatment of choice has commonly been based upon a triple therapy combining two antibiotics and an anti-secretory agent. Furthermore, an extended-release profile is of utmost importance for these formulations. The aim of this work was to develop a magnetic system containing the antibiotic amoxicillin for oral magnetic drug targeting. First, magnetic particles were produced by coprecipitation of iron salts in alkaline medium. The second step was coating the particles and amoxicillin with Eudragit® S-100 by spray-drying technique. The system obtained demonstrated through the characterization studies carried out a possible oral drug delivery system, consisting in magnetite microparticles and amoxicillin, coated with a polymer acid resistant. This system can be used to deliver drugs to the stomach for treatment of infections in this organ. Another important finding in this work is that it opens new prospects to coat magnetic microparticles by the technique of spray-drying.


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This thesis was devoted to the development of innovative oral delivery systems for two different molecules. In the first part, microparticles (MPs) based on xylan and Eudragit® S- 100 were produced and used to encapsulate 5-aminosalicylic acid for colon delivery. Xylan was extracted from corn cobs and characterized in terms of its physicochemical, rheological and toxicological properties. The polymeric MPs were prepared by interfacial cross-linking polymerization and spray-drying and characterized for their morphology, mean size and distribution, thermal stability, crystallinity, entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release. MPs with suitable physical characteristics and satisfactory yields were prepared by both methods, although the spray-dried systems showed higher thermal stability. In general, spraydried MPs would be preferable systems due to their thermal stability and absence of toxic agents used in their preparation. However, drug loading and release need to be optimized. In the second part of this thesis, oil-in-water microemulsions (O/W MEs) based on mediumchain triglycerides were formulated as drug carriers and solubility enhancers for amphotericin B (AmB). Phase diagrams were constructed using surfactant blends with hydrophiliclipophilic balance values between 9.7 and 14.4. The drug-free and drug-loaded MEs presented spherical non-aggregated droplets around 80 and 120 nm, respectively, and a low polydispersity index. The incorporation of AmB was high and depended on the volume fraction of the disperse phase. These MEs did not reduce the viability of J774.A1 macrophage-like cells for concentrations up to 25 μg/mL of AmB. Therefore, O/W MEs based on propylene glycol esters of caprylic acid may be considered as suitable delivery systems for AmB


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Analyze, in patients with primary hyperhidrosis (PH) who was undergone to videothoracoscopic sympathicotomy, the degree of vascular denervation after surgical transection of the thoracic sympathetic chain by measuring ultrasonografic parameters in carotid and vertebral arteries. Methods: Twenty-four patients with PH underwent forty-eight endoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy and were evaluated by duplex eco-doppler measuring systolic peak velocity (SPV), diastolic peak velocity (DPV), pulsatility index (PI) and resistivity index (RI) in bilateral common, internal and external carotids, besides bilateral vertebral arteries. The exams were performed before operations and a month later. Wilcoxon test was used to analyse the differences between the variables before and after the sympatholisis. Results: T3 sympathicotomy segment was the most frequent transection done (95,83%), as only ablation (25%) or in association with T4 (62,50%) or with T2 (8,33%). It was observed increase in RI and PI of the common carotid artery ( p<0,05). The DPV of internal carotid artery decreased in both sides (p<0,05). The SPV and the DPV of the right and left vertebral arteries also increased (p<0,05). Asymmetric findings were observed so that, arteries of the right side were the most frequently affected. Conclusions: Hemodynamic changes in vertebral and carotid arteries were observed after sympathicotomy for PH. SPV was the most often altered parameter, mostly in the right side arteries, meaning significant asymmetric changes in carotid and vertebral vessels. Therefore, the research findings deserve further investigations to observe if they have clinical inferences


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Colon-specific drug delivery systems have attracted increasing attention from the pharmaceutical industry due to their ability of treating intestinal bowel diseases (IBD), which represent a public health problem in several countries. In spite of being considered a quite effective molecule for the treatment of IBD, mesalazine (5-ASA) is rapidly absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and its systemic absorption leads to risks of adverse effects. The aim of this work was to develop a microparticulate system based on xylan and Eudragit® S- 100 (ES100) for colon-specific delivery of 5-ASA and evaluate the interaction between the polymers present in the systems. Additionaly, the physicochemical and rheological properties of xylan were also evaluated. Initially, xylan was extracted from corn cobs and characterized regarding the yield and rheological properties. Afterwards, 10 formulations were prepared in different xylan and ES100 weight ratios by spray-drying the polymer solutions in 0.6N NaOH and phosphate buffer pH 7.4. In addition, 3 formulations consisting of xylan microcapsules were produced by interfacial cross-linking polymerization and coated by ES100 by means of spray-drying in different polymer weight ratios of xylan and ES100. The microparticles were characterized regarding yield, morphology, homogeneity, visual aspect, crystallinity and thermal behavior. The polymer interaction was investigated by infrared spectroscopy. The extracted xylan was presented as a very fine and yellowish powder, with mean particle size smaller than 40μm. Regarding the rheological properties of xylan, they demonstrated that this polymer has a poor flow, low density and high cohesiveness. The microparticles obtained were shown to be spherical and aggregates could not be observed. They were found to present amorphous structure and have a very high thermal stability. The yield varied according to the polymer ratios. Moreover, it was confirmed that the interaction between xylan and ES100 occurs only by means of physical aggregation


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This dissertation aims to understand the importance of the National School Feeding as a strategy for ensuring the promotion of food and nutrition security in the municipality of Macaíba / RN, taking into account the implementation of the Law School Feeding, 11,947, 2009. The program was extended to all public basic education, youth and adults, in addition to ensuring that 30% of transfers from FNDE, were intended for the purchase of products from family farms. The survey was conducted with 160 students from public schools and farmers nesting Quilombo dos Palmares II, who produce on their land vegetables, fruits and cereals for their own consumption, for sale in local markets, in addition to providing for PNAE. The reciprocity between neighbors, such as mutual aid and sharing of common goods was noticeable in this group of farmers, since it was necessary to meet weekly deliveries of products to schools. As students, we applied a test of acceptability in two schools located in rural and in urban areas, to learn the opinion of ourselves in relation to school food consumed. It was concluded that to be most effective program in the region, there must be a better match in school menus, so that it can be attractive to students and to ensure greater use of fresh food, the main ingredient of same, practice of nutrition education in schools, to teach students the importance of food to health. In relation to local management, noted the need for adjustments bureaucratic as hiring staff for the departments, in order to be more agile in releasing payments to farmers, in addition to hiring assistants general services for schools, one Since the cooks exert dual role, the cooking while being responsible for cleaning the entire school environment. Government investments in the rural sector would be extremely valuable for farmers, since they need financial resources to purchase inputs, irrigation projects for gardens, availability of land for planting, transportation to facilitate the delivery of its products to schools and technical assistance more frequently


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The thought of Eloy de Souza is studied (1873-1959), that left a significant intellectual production in the journalistic, cultural and politicial scope on the Northeast and the dilemmas of the droughts. Through the method of content analysis, his journalistic and literary speech is investigated, looking at to understand the elaboration and/ or reiteration of categories, of representations and of values; it is verified how was conceived the constitution of the political thought and which is it´s principal slopes; the parliamentary speech, present in his interventions is analyzed in plenary session, participation in commissions and in his projects, particularly in the thematic area of the droughts. It is verified that his work is built in a political and ideological perspective inserting the bourgeoisie landowner's interests and Northeastern commercial and of it´s political strata, inside the historical block of agro-industry power that has as irradiation focus the area of the coffee represented politically by the oligarchies person from São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In that sense, two crucial categories emerge: the droughts and the country, as the Northeastern and Brazilian man's synthesis, with their resistance capacity and adaptation, and their creative effort in an adverse enviroment, that Eloy de Souza started to insert in his political speech. However, the vision that he passes of the "country suffer", expresses a certain idealization of a lifestyle that corresponds to a traditional dominance, that he want´s to be reproduced. Although it looked for the solution for the drought through the modernization of the economy by the adoption of advanced methods as the irrigation, his concern went back to the conservation of the economical and cultural political hegemony of that elite. Thus, his inquietude with the process of integration of the subordinate sections, justifies his consensual speech, harmonic as organic intellectual of the agrarian-commercial bourgeoisie of the Brazilian Northeast


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This work has as an objective analyze the efficiency of producers costs of the irrigation Project Baixo-Açu , and identify the determining factors of this efficiency. To achieve these targets it was estimated, in a first stage, a frontier of costs by the method, non parametric of Data Envelopment Analysis-DEA, and measured the stakes of efficiency producers. On the second stage, it was utilized the Tobit regression pattern, estimating an inefficiency function of costs, and were indentified the associated factors of resources waste. Among the results found it was noticed the existence of a high waste of resources, that represent more than 54% of effective cost. Among the factors with the highest wastes are: energy, herbicides, defensives and chemical fertilizers. In a general way, the producers presented low efficiency level and, only, two, of seventy-five researched, achieved the frontier of costs minimization. These results reveal, in a certain way, that the producers in irrigated fruit growing in the project Baixo-Açu don t seek to minimize the production costs. It was still noticed, that the reduction of resources waste, and this way the inefficiency of costs, is associated with the agriculturalist education, his experience in agriculture, his access to the technical assistance and credit


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The market-assisted land reform (RAAM) has been constituted as an alternative of agrarian reform funded by the Programa Nacional do Crédito Fundiário (PNCF). It is a policy of acquisition, distribution and use of Earth ideologically disseminated and funded by the World Bank in the context of productive insertion of landless workers. Accordingly, this study seeks to analyze the trajectory of rural settlements financed by this policy, seeking to understand what factors promote or limit the process of rural development of those settlements. To do so, take as a reference case study of the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz, in the municipality of Maxaranguape in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. From the methodological point of view, bibliographical and documentary research were used, in addition to visits to the settlement and semi-structured interviews with the settlers, trade union leaders, consultants and technicians linked to the project. Assuming the reports of respondents, initially constructs the hypothesis that informal and formal institutions present in the Assentamento da Fazenda Paz were unable to effectively coordinate the actions of the agents. The results obtained showed the existence of a very complex undertaking, with a total area of 607 hectares and 80 families settled, endowed with good quality water and irrigation infrastructure, with assets of approximately R$ 5 million reais. Experience experienced by the settlers understood the development of complex systems of production and marketing of fruits and vegetables, with an emphasis on the cultivation of papaya in an area of 45 hectares based on modern irrigation system and extensive use of technology. Collective management of production, marketing, revenue and costs stood out as a major challenge for the settlers and their representative organisations, i.e. the Community Association and the cooperative. From this observation it was possible to identify two moments on the trajectory of the project: the first, between 2007-2011, considered by respondents as successful, in which the integration of public policies and abundant input of revenue from the commercialization of the fruits da Paz, mainly through the sale of papaya and pineapple in national and international markets, allowed an average remuneration of R$ 800.00 reais to R$ 1,000 reais seated/monthIn addition to the production of vegetables and other types of products for sale and consumption; the second, from 2012, characterized as a failure, due to the discontinuity of the cultivation, production and marketing of fruits based on the collective bargaining model deployed. Important factors explain the discontinuity of the project, including the model of agriculture implemented, difficulties related to the management of production, marketing and finance the venture, in addition to the breach of trust between the Board of the cooperative and the associates and the distancing of the governmental organizations more directly responsible for the project. It is therefore concluded that we must to rethink rural development as a multidimensional phenomenon, requiring a broad engagement between State and society under the foundations of a territorial development contract


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The pressure ulcers (PU), also known as decubitus ulcers, are defined as injuries caused by the constant pressure exerted on a particular point of the body, causing impairment of blood supply with a decrease or interruption of tissue irrigation, causing occlusion of blood vessels and capillaries, ischemia and cell death. This is a descriptive study with longitudinal design, and panel type, with quantitative approach that aimed to examine the association between predisposing conditions (PC), intrinsic factors (IF) and extrinsic factors (EF) with the occurrence of PU, in hospitalized patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), pain clinical, surgical clinical and neurology wards of a university hospital. The study population was composed of all patients who were restricted to bed during the period from December 2007 to February 2008. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL / UFRN (No 135/07). The data-collection took place through a structured formulary of observation, data from medical records and physical examination of patients skins. The results were organized in SPSS 15.0 software, tabulated, categorized and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Of the 30 patients studied, 43.3% had been hospitalized in the pain clinical and surgical clinic wards, 20.0% in the ICU, 20.0% in the ICU / ward and 16.7% in neurology, being the length of hospitalization in those units of 7 to 18 days (63.3%) and from 19 to 30 days (36.7%), predominantly female and aged ≥ 60 years (60.0%). 19 PU were diagnosed in 43.3% of patients monitored, being 38.5% with one PU between 7 to 18 days and 46.2% with two or more between 19 to 30 days of hospitalization, showing significant relationship (ρ-value = 0029) between length of hospital stay and the number of PU. Was found an association of 35.7% of the PC (cardio-respiratory, hematological, metabolic and psychogenic), IF (age group, oedema, skin changes in humidity and change of body temperature) and EF (type of mattress and strength of body pressure) for all patients studied, statistically significant (ρ-value = 0001), between the average scores in patients with and without PU, with reason chance to 12.0 for the development of PU and there was moderate correlation ( r = 0618) in the presence of this association. Results show the influence of the multiplicity of factors and conditions on the occurrence of PU, which brings us to reflect on the assistance focused on prevention and reduction of these injuries which will encourage the reduction of hospitalization length, physical and psychological suffering, and the possibility of improving the clinical condition of the patient.


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Infrastructure works are included in strategic areas for the social development. For that matter that all of the investments are very important for the social development. When the population has enough water and an acceptable quality, and it includes a wastewater gathering and its treatment, the whole society became less susceptible to the water diseases. Even the Water Supply and the Sewage depend for its perfect operation of reservoirs, or of the accumulation of water to provide the popular necessity, either due to retention or for the treatment wastewarer. These structures present very specific environmental conditions, because the microclimate created around them, like high environmental humidity and for the existence of many harmful substances for the concrete, such as chloride ions presents in water. The reservoir that compose the System of Water Supply of Natal were built between 1970s and 1980s, a period whom the technical and scientific community did not have in-depth studies about the reinforced concrete mechanism of deterioration. Therefore, these reservoirs have been suffered accelerated deterioration progress, and they have been shown many pathological manifestations strikingly visible. In front of all these problems this academic work aims to identify the generally conditions of conservation of all the reservoirs components of the Water Supply System of Natal. This academic work objectives to develop a recuperation plan for use in these reservoirs, in this academic work it was achieved all the survey of pathological manifestation existing in each reservoir. It was made with local visits, photographic recorders of all manifestations viii and realization of in loco tests. The other step consisted in a application of GDE/UnB metodolgy reformulated by Fonseca (2007). In the step of local visits in each reservoir it was evaluated carbonation depth, by spreading a phenolphthalein solution with 1% of concentration; evaluation of contamination of chlorides, by spreading silver nitrate solution with 1% of concentration, and evaluation of width cracks. After the conclusion of all the testings, it was established that all reservoir, studied in this academic work, have showed an advanced deteriorating condition. It´s presents prevalent pathological manifestations as unacceptable cracks, spots, efflorescence and reinforcement corrosion, and in some cases, chlorides contamination. After the conclusion of the testings and its concatenation it was able to implementing, using GDE/UnB methodology, the order of the restoration its service life and initial safety conditions


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The scarcity of farmland, reducing the supply of irrigation water and lack of technologies for conservation, makes the globalized world facing serious difficulties in the production of food for its population. The most viable outlet for this dilemma is the dissemination of technologies, economically viable and available to the whole population, for dehydration of perishable foods produced. This paper presents a solar dryer of direct exposure to the production of dried fruit, made from recycled polyethylene drum of 200 liters, used for storing water or trash. The drum was sectioned in half in its longitudinal axis and has its halves together forming a trough-like structure. It describes the processes of construction and assembly of solar dryer proposed, whose main characteristic its low cost, and was designed for use by people with low income, for processing fruits widely available in our region (mango, banana, guava, cashew, pineapple, tomato and others) in dried fruit and flour, contributing significantly to increase the life of these foods. The nuts and flours can be used for own consumption and for marketing jobs and income generation. Tests were conducted to diagnose the feasibility of using solar dryer for the various types of tropical fruits. Were also compared parameters such as drying times and thermal efficiency obtained with the prototype found in the specialized literature in food dehydration. The drying times in the dryer were obtained competitive with those obtained in other models of dryers LMHES developed


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The production of petroleum is frequently accomplished with great volumes of water, that it is carried of the underground with the oil. It is a challenge of the present century the development of technologies that allow the use of waste water for purposes that consume great amounts of water and don't demand as rigid as the one of the drinking water requirements. The solar distillation has been configuring as an alternative of clean technology for desalination of brine and saline. Besides causing the minimum possible damage to the environment, it takes advantage of an abundant and free energy source: the solar energy. That study aims to develop a Solar Distillator for treatment of the produced water of the oil wells, to obtain an efluent to use in agriculture and vapor generation. The methodology for collection, conservation and analysis of the physical-chemical parameters obeyed the norms in APHA (1995). The sampling was of the composed type. Experiments were accomplished in the solar distillation pilot and simulation in thermostatic bathing. The operation was in batch system and for periods of 4, 6 and 12 h. The developed Distillator is of the type simple effect of two waters. It was still tested two inclination angles for covering; 20º and 45º. The Distillator presented minimum of 2,85 L/m2d revenues and maximum of 7,14 L/m2d. The removals of salts were great than 98%. The removal of TOC in the simulation was great than 90%. In agreement with the data of energy and mass balance, it was verified that the developed solar Distillator presented compatible revenues with those found in literature for similar types. It can be inferred that the obtained distilled water assists to the requirements CONAMA in almost all the points and could be used for irrigation of cultures such as cotton and mamona. As the distilled water has characteristics of fresh water it can be used in the generation of vapor


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Global warming due to Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, especially CO2, has been identified as one of the major problems of the twenty-first century, considering the consequences that could represent to planet. Currently, biological processes have been mentioned as a possible solution, especially CO2 biofixation due to association microalgae growth. This strategy has been emphasized as in addition to CO2 mitigation, occurs the production of biomass rich in compounds of high added value. The Microalgae show high photosynthetic capacity and growth rate higher than the superior plants, doubling its biomass in one day. Its culture does not show seasons, they grow in salt water and do not require irrigation, herbicides or pesticides. The lipid content of these microorganisms, depending on the species, may range from 10 to 70% of its dry weight, reaching 90% under certain culture conditions. Studies indicate that the most effective method to promote increased production of lipids in microalgae is to induce stress by limiting nitrogen content in the culture medium. These evidences justify research continuing the production of biofuels from microalgae. In this paper, it was studied the strategy of increasing the production of lipids in microalgae I. galbana with programmed nutritional stress, due to nitrogen limitation. The physiological responses of microalgae, grown in f / 2 with different concentrations of nitrogen (N: P 15,0-control, N: 5,0 P and N: P 2,5) were monitored. During exponential phase, results showed invariability in the studied conditions. However the cultures subjected to stress in stationary phase, showed lower biomass yields. There was an increase of 32,5% in carbohydrate content and 87.68% in lipids content at N: P ratio of 5,0 and an average decrease of 65% in protein content at N: P ratios of 5, 0 and 2.5. There were no significant variations in ash content, independently of cultivation and growth phase. Despite the limitation of biomass production in cultures with N: P smaller ratios, the increase of lipid accumulation highest lipids yields were observed as compared to the control culture. Given the increased concentration of lipids associated to stress, this study suggests the use of microalgae Isochrysis galbana as an alternative raw material for biofuel production


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Availability of good quality water has been reduced vertiginously, over the last decade, in the world. In some regions, the water resources have high concentration of the dissolved salts, these characteristics of the water make it s use impossible. Water quality can be a limitation for irrigated agriculture, principally in regions of arid or semiarid climate where the water resources are generally saline and are exposed at high evaporation ratio. For that reason, precipitation of the salts occurs near the soil surface and those salts themselves cumulate in the vegetal tissue, reducing the soil fertility and crop production. The adoption of tolerant crop to the water salinity and soil salinity, adaptable to the climatic conditions is other emergent necessity. This work had the goal of studying the effects of four salinity levels of the irrigation water salinity and use of mulch, dried leaves of Forest mangrove (Acacia mangiumWilld), in cultivated soil with amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus, BRS Alegria variety), in greenhouse. It was utilized the transplant of plants to PVC columns, containing 30 kg of silty loam soil, 10 days after emerging, with space of 50 x 50 cm between lines. Treatments were composed by combination of four levels of salinity (0.147; 1.500; 3.000 e 4.500 dS m-1), obtained by addition NaCl (commercial) to irrigation water and soil with and without protection, by mulch. A factorial system 4 x 2 was used with four repetitions, totalizing 32 parcels. The concentrations of nutrients in soil solution have been evaluated, in the dry matter of the vegetal tissue (roots, stem, leaves and raceme residue), at the end of the vegetative cycle. The use of soil protection reduced time for the beginning inflorescence of plants, at the same time, the increase of the salinity delayed this phase of amaranth development. The use of the mulch effectively increased the height, stem diameter, area of the larger leaf, humidity and dry matter content and amaranth grain production. The vegetal species showed salinity tolerance to experimented levels. The adopted treatments did not affect the pH values, exchangeable cation contents, electrical conductivity of soil solution (EC1:5) and saturated extract (ECSE), and Ca+2, Mg+, Fe+2 and Mn+2 contents, in the soil solution. The increase of the salinity concentration in the irrigation water inhibited the mineralization process of the organic matter (OM) and, consequently, the efficiency in the it´s utilization by plants, at the same time, produced increase in the values of the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and potassium adsorption ratio (PAR), in the soil solution. Therefore, the use of the mulch did not affect the first three parameters. The protein and nutrient contents: K+, Ca+2, P, Mg+2 e Cu+2, in amaranth grains, were improved by tillage condition. The raceme residues showed chemical/nutritional composition that makes advantageous its application in animal ration. In this context, it follows that amaranth tolerate the saline stress, of the irrigation water, until 4.500 dS m-1, temperature and relative humidity of the air predominant in the experimental environment


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This work study of solar distillation feasibility in effluent of petroleum industry: produced water, making possible your reuse for irrigation of oleaginous cultures or fodder crops or in steam generation, as well the transport phenomena involved. The methodology for development of this project was to characterize the effluent to be treated and to accomplish physical and chemical analysis in the distilled, to build distillation equipment, concomitant operation of both equipments and implementation of data processing and economical evaluation. The methodology used for all parameters is outlined in APHA (1998) and sampling of the type compound. The feeding of distillation equipment was performed with treated effluent from UTPF of Guamaré. The temperature was monitored throughout the distillers and during the time of operation. The distillers feed occur, as a rule, for sifon. The distillers were operated by a period of 17 months between July 2007 and February 2009, in which 40 experiments were performed. The radiation and temperature datas were acquired in the INPE s site and the temperature inside of the distillers was registered by DATALOGGER Novus. The rates of condensation (mL / min) were determined by measuring of the flow in a graduate test tube of 10 mL and a chronometer. We used two simple solar effect distillers of passive type with different angles in coverage: 20 ° and 45 °. The results obtained in this study and the relevant discussions are divided into six topics: sample characterization and quality of distilled; construction of distillers; operation (data, temperature profile), climatic aspects, treatment of data and economical analysis. Results obtained can be inferred that: the energy loss by the adoption of vessel glass was not significant, however, complicates the logistics of maintenance the equipment on a large scale. In the other hand, the surface of the tub with a glass shield on the equipment deterioration, both devices showed similar performance, so there is not justified for use of equipment 450. With regard to the climatological study it was verified that the Natal city presents monthly medium radiation varying in a range between 350 and 600 W/m2, and medium of wind speed of 5 m / s. The medium humidity is around 70% and rainfall is very small. The regime of the system is transient and although it has been treated as a stationary system shows that the model accurately represents the distillers system's 20 degrees. The quality of the distilled with regard to the parameters evaluated in this study is consistent with the Class 3 waters of CONAMA (Resolution 357). Therefore we can conclude that solar distillation has viability for treat oilfield produced water when considered the technical and environmental aspects, although it is not economically viable