36 resultados para Hospital de São marcos
The pressure ulcers (PU), also known as decubitus ulcers, are defined as injuries caused by the constant pressure exerted on a particular point of the body, causing impairment of blood supply with a decrease or interruption of tissue irrigation, causing occlusion of blood vessels and capillaries, ischemia and cell death. This is a descriptive study with longitudinal design, and panel type, with quantitative approach that aimed to examine the association between predisposing conditions (PC), intrinsic factors (IF) and extrinsic factors (EF) with the occurrence of PU, in hospitalized patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), pain clinical, surgical clinical and neurology wards of a university hospital. The study population was composed of all patients who were restricted to bed during the period from December 2007 to February 2008. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of HUOL / UFRN (No 135/07). The data-collection took place through a structured formulary of observation, data from medical records and physical examination of patients skins. The results were organized in SPSS 15.0 software, tabulated, categorized and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Of the 30 patients studied, 43.3% had been hospitalized in the pain clinical and surgical clinic wards, 20.0% in the ICU, 20.0% in the ICU / ward and 16.7% in neurology, being the length of hospitalization in those units of 7 to 18 days (63.3%) and from 19 to 30 days (36.7%), predominantly female and aged ≥ 60 years (60.0%). 19 PU were diagnosed in 43.3% of patients monitored, being 38.5% with one PU between 7 to 18 days and 46.2% with two or more between 19 to 30 days of hospitalization, showing significant relationship (ρ-value = 0029) between length of hospital stay and the number of PU. Was found an association of 35.7% of the PC (cardio-respiratory, hematological, metabolic and psychogenic), IF (age group, oedema, skin changes in humidity and change of body temperature) and EF (type of mattress and strength of body pressure) for all patients studied, statistically significant (ρ-value = 0001), between the average scores in patients with and without PU, with reason chance to 12.0 for the development of PU and there was moderate correlation ( r = 0618) in the presence of this association. Results show the influence of the multiplicity of factors and conditions on the occurrence of PU, which brings us to reflect on the assistance focused on prevention and reduction of these injuries which will encourage the reduction of hospitalization length, physical and psychological suffering, and the possibility of improving the clinical condition of the patient.
Nursing as a profession goes in search on quality of their care through new frameworks, trying to break postures of the health care system so fragmented in the care. To change professional practices, it is necessary to build their own knowledge grounded on Nursing Care System. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of nurses' knowledge on care systematization in nursing in the University Hospital Natal-RN. It is an analytical descriptive study carried out at the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal-RN, 2010, the sample was composed of 40 active nurses working in hospitalization units of the hospital, the inclusion criteria were being in the monthly scale sector and agree to participate in the study. The non-participant observation and another interview were used for collecting data, statistical analysis was descriptive and inferential with reliability test, Pearson test, chi-square and Fischer, the variables that correlated were analyzed in a model Multiple logistic , calculating odds ratio. The results were: predominance of female professionals (90%), predominantly in the age range 39-46 years (37.5%), nurses who have the undergraduate degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (80%), and who have expertise training as a minimal degree (62.5%). Among the surveyed, the knowledge showed significance with the graduation time (p = 0.018) and time working in HUOL (p = 0.036). The majority of the professionals surveyed do not know which organ is responsible for the SAE legislation (52.5%), aware of the steps needed to build the nursing diagnosis (92.5%), understand the characteristics of nursing planning (90% ). However the same professionals do not perform physical examination in patients (50.0%) did not classify the clinical findings (68.4%), and identify the problems encountered as a classification (13.2%). The planning of nursing care is carried out by verbal order of nurses (82.5%), 41% of the professionals assess only the intervention stage, in other words, the actions taken. Regarding the practical application of nursing records 53% of nurses do not realize records, 30.8% is incomplete, the other held notes (p = 0.003). The nurses know the nursing process (90% of appropriate responses), despite the actions defined by the theory are not applied in practice. Investigators believe the condition of the hospital teacher (22.5%) could positively affect the implementation of the SAE associated with the interest of professionals (20%). Of the respondents, 17.5% accept as truth the lack of facilities to assist the SAE implementation in the hospital. It was concluded that nurses know the theory that underlies the SAE and the nursing process, but do not develop the service know as well, there is need for action to boost the SAE implementation as practice of nurses in the hospital investigated
Quasi-experimental study, with prospective data, comparative with quantitative approach, performed in a reference hospital, aiming to identify the effectiveness of the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and McGill Pain Questionnaire, used simultaneously, to evaluate a group of patients with oncologic pain (Experimental Group); to identify the effectiveness of the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) to evaluate a group of patients with oncologic pain (Control Group); to identify the resolution of pain according to prescribed medication, considering the result of the rating scales, and to compare it between the two groups of patients in the study. The population consisted of 100 patients, with both the experimental and control groups being composed of 50 people, with data collected from February to April 2010. The results show that in the experimental group, 32% of the patients were aged 60 to 69, 80% were female; 30% had a primary tumor in the breast, 58% had metastasis, and on 70% the disease was localized. In the first pain evaluation, 26% identified it as light; 46%, moderate; and 28%, severe; with an average of 5.50. In the second pain evaluation, 2% reported no pain; 70%, light; 26%, moderate. and 2%, severe, with an average of 3.30. On those with moderate pain, 60% used non-opioid medicine, 25% under severe pain were medicated with non-opioids and 41.67% with weak opioids. Regarding the Pain Management Index (PMI), 44.0% were rated as "-1". In the control group, 28% were aged 40 to 49, and 54% were male; 20% had primary tumor in the breast and genital-urinary system, consecutively; 56% presented metastasis; on 64% the disease was localized. In the first pain evaluation, 14% considered it light; 42%, moderate; and 44%, severe; with an average of 6.26. In the second pain evaluation, 18% did not signal pain; on 38% pain was light; 40%, moderate; and 4%, severe; with an average of 3.0. Regarding medicine therapy, 71.43% with moderate pain used non-opioids, 22.73% with severe pain used non-opioids and 27.27% weak opioids. Considering PMI, 42% were rated "-1"; and 42%, rated "0". We conclude that, despite the importance of pain as the 5th vital sign, it is still under-identified and under-treated by professionals. Nevertheless, studied oncologic patients had a tendency to report pain more easily when evaluated with the NRS instrument than with the combined use of NRS and MPQ. We believe, however, that the combination of these two instruments represents a more effective evaluation of pain, as it allows comprehension of its quantitative and qualitative aspects. We recommend, however, the replication of this study on a larger population, for a longer span of time, and consequently generating more evaluations, so this can confirm or deny the hypothesis that NRS and MPQ can, together, better evaluate pain on the oncologic patient
T he aim of this study is to analyze the view of nurses about nursing records in the patient chart, in perspective of the record of humanized care. This is a case study, with qualitative approach. For its achievement, was sought and granted authorization from the direction of the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL) and the Ethics Committee in Research of HUOL as Statement No. 422/10. During data collection, interviews were conducted with 20 nurses of the institution. The data analysis was based on the theoretical framework of Minayo to thematic content analysis, grounded in authors who work with themes, nursing records and quality care. With the empirical material, we constructed a framework of analysis, which was identified four categories thus nominated, "Reading and learning from those who register," "nursing records and quality of care," "the essence of nursing records" and "intention and action on the record of the subjective aspects of the patient." The results show that the records are insufficient, even in the case of the procedures performed with the patients often do not inform about the aspects that deal with the subjectivity that surround it, and admit that the records do not represent a parameter for evaluating the quality of care at least at that institution. In summary, the respondents recognize the importance of valuing subjectivity of the patient in their treatment, yet admit to neglect this aspect as significant for comprehensive health care, humane and quality
The characterization of the nursing diagnoses in prostatectomized patients is important to provide an unique nursing language, facilitating the communication between professionals and patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the nursing diagnoses of patients in the immediate prostatectomy postoperative period. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study, developed at the surgical-clinic of Onofre Lopes University Hospital, in the Natal City RN - Brazil. The sample was composed of 50 patients included by the criteria: have presented a diagnosis of a benign prostatic hyperplasia or a prostate cancer, have been subjected to a prostate surgery at the mentioned hospital, and have been in the immediate postoperative period at the moment of the data collection. The exclusion criteria were: haven t been in an appropriate physical and mental condition, have presented a brain vascular disease, a lung disease, an advanced liver disease, a heart disease or a extensive coronary artery disease. The data collection instruments were: the script of an interview and physical examination. The data collection period was between November 2010 and April 2011. The data were organized in two phases: the diagnostic process and the construction of the database. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte The results showed that most patients came from the countryside, was living with partners, had an average of 67.78 years, was pensionerthose with low schooling, Catholic and often did not perform preventive examinations of prostatic disease. The patients showed an average of 9.48 nursing diagnoses, defining characteristics 21.70 and 20.72 related or risk factors per patient. We identified 30 nursing diagnoses, of which 7 were above the 75 percentile: Risk of falls, Impaired ambulation, Risk of infection, Self-care deficit bath / hygiene and dress up and Risk for deficient fluid volume. The top six nursing diagnoses were in all patients, and therefore could not apply any statistical test. The others ND were associated with their defining characteristics and related or risk factors. We conclude that the nursing diagnoses identified in this study contribute to the progress of the nursing care to the prostatectomized patients in post-surgery period, allowing the deployment of nursing actions for the effective resolution of identified problems
This research had as its guiding question: what theoretical and structural milestone of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte? The objectives of this study were: Analyze theoretical and structural milestones of graduation nursing curriculum of public universities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; Identify the theoretical milestone and training models that guide the structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities studied; Analyze the training concepts of curriculums from the voices of the coordinators of the courses. This is a qualitative study, analytical, with discussions of the documentary and empirical research. Ten teachers participated who act as coordinators of the graduation courses in nursing or academic advisors, in UFRNCentral Campus in Natal and Health Sciences College (Facisa), in Santa Cruz-and on UERN -Campus Caicó, Mossoró and Pau dos Ferros. The information collected by interview was analyzed by sociology or symbolic cartography of Boaventura de Sousa Santos. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the UERN by the CAAE: 03610912.7.0000.5294. All the participants signed the Free Consent and clarified Term The results and discussion were presented in four scientific articles. The first article, titled the Pedagogical projects in nursing analysis in the light of the symbolic cartography, features the use of cartographic method in the researches and in the study of nursing curriculums. In the article The Analysis of theoretical-philosophical, structural and referential milestones in nursing curriculums, these milestones are renowned in curriculums of UERN and UFRN. The main challenges faced in the implementation of supervised internship in nursing provide a reflection on the difficulties that the internship supervisors present, especially with the relationship between education/service and the articulation theory/practice. In the last article are discussed the changes in nursing training from the former student profile, who won a boost from the curricular changes proposed by the national curriculum guidelines. The study concluded, by the analysis of theoretical and structural milestones of nursing curriculum courses of public universities of Rio Grande do Norte, that there is an explicit intention to train nurses for the health system and a search on innovative teaching projects in accordance with the national curriculum guidelines for the area of nursing. The thesis defended in this investigation was that the curriculum of public institutions of higher education in nursing in the State of Rio Grande do Norte advanced from a training focusing on biologicist model, flexneriana guidelines, for teaching able to articulate the health with the social, political and cultural issues
This study aimed to analyze stress on nursing staff of intensive care at the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes. The study sample consisted of thirty-eight (38) nursing professionals, including technicians and nurses working in the ICU of the hospital Data were collected between September to November 2011 in two stages.The first was the application of the Lipp Stress Symptoms Inventory (LSSI), which allowed us to measure the stress phase in which each team member was. After that, data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and analyzed according to the 2010 inventory guidelines proposed by the author. After this analysis it was possible to complete the second phase of the research, which consisted of a semi-structured interview designed for those workers who were in the second phase of stress, resistance. Data analysis was based on Bardin 2004 content analysis, enabling the creation of categories based on grouping the ideas present in the interviewees' statements. It was found that the study population was mostly female (78.9%) aged from 30 to 39 years (50%), married (52.3%) and with dual-employment (65.7%). The most predominant phase, according to the Lipp inventory, was the stress resistance, present in 44.7% of the team and having as most predominant physical symptoms the constant feeling of physical exhaustion, verified in 16.8% of the participants, and psychological, the excessive irritability and emotional sensitivity in 26.3%. Regarding the qualitative data it was possible to establish three categories and four subcategories, with the following categories: the stressors of the workplace, overwork and the interpersonal relationships of the nursing staff in the ICU. And as subcategories: Routine care in the ICU; Pressures and Individual Charges; double journey: professional reflections on daily life, the night shift nursing staff and the body suffers, the manifestations of stress; deficient communication between team members. Thus, this study allowed the visualization of the stress phenomenon on nursing staff of the Teaching Hospital Onofre Lopes as a kaleidoscope of thoughts, feelings and experiences perceived by these professionals in different areas of their lives. It was also verified that the strengthening of the stress theme among nursing professionals need to be exploited and stimulated in several nursing areas of discussion so these workers are encouraged to take better care of themselves so they can take care of others health
The venous ulcer is an epidemiological problem of high prevalence, causing disability and dependence. Assess the tissue impairment level of patients with venous lesions, within a nursing referential, is relevant for the implementation of a directed assistance to specific clientele. Thus, this work aims to characterize the health status regarding the integrity the lower limbs skin of patients with venous ulcers, according to the of tissue integrity outcome indicators from the Nursing Outcomes Classification. A cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in Natal - Rio Grande do Norte. The sample consisted of 50 participants, selected through consecutive sampling. Data collection occurred through a interview and physical examination form and a operational definitions tool for indicators of the nursing Tissue Integrity outcome directed to patients with venous ulcer, applied from February to June 2012. Data analysis was done by descriptive statistics and nonparametric tests (Spearman, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests). The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee with protocol 608/11 and Presentation Certificate to Ethical Consideration No. 0038.0.294.000-11. The results were presented using three scientific articles derivatives of research. It was found that the indicators show moderate impairment, light and not impaired, as the median. The respondents had an average of 59.72 years, 66% female, 50% were retired, 60% with a partner, 44% had arterial hypertension, 26% allergies, 20% diabetes mellitus, 96% were sedentary, 14% drank alcohol and 6% were smokers. There was a statistically significant correlation of low intensity between age and hydration (p=0.032; rs=-0.304) and skin desquamation (p=0.026; rs=-0.316), family income and necrosis (p=0.012; rs=-0.353); Ankle Brachial Index and tissue perfusion (p=0,044; rs=-0,329); Diabetes Mellitus and texture (p=0.015) and tissue perfusion (p=0.026); allergy and texture (p=0.034), physical activity and hydration (p=0.034), smoking and thickness (p=0.018), and alcohol consumption and exudate (p=0.045). We conclude that the patients had light to moderate impairment, indicating a good state of health on the integrity of the skin of the lower limbs, according to the indicators of the outcome of tissue integrity Classification Nursing Outcomes valued in the present study. It is believed that the evaluation of impairment tissue using a self-nursing system and its relation with socioeconomic, clinical and risk factors are unique tools in the care planning and in the wound healing
This research has aimed at studying the perception of University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) s workers on the environmental management plan of RSSS. They have been interviewed 250 workers: doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, and cleaners. It was used an exploratory and descriptive research of the type Survey, which aims at obtaining of data or information on characteristics, actions or opinions of any group of people. The questions of the questionnaire were of the kind objective", formulated in a model "scale", analyzed in according to the positioning of the interviewee. The wastes of health service have high potential for environmental impact in the activities from HUOL. Actions or environmental protective policy can improve the image of HUOL. They have been detected divergences on the rigor in application of law of ANVISA. The HUOL s workers unaware of the law of ANVISA and they have little or no knowledge about the practices of environmental control, public health and, they do not know the Environmental Management System ISO 14001. They have divergent views on the degree of importance of ISO 14001. There is not a Waste Management Plan for Health Service and / or is not disclosed for most of HUOL workers. It has not carried out audits or defined the goals and objectives. Besides, it has not been identified legal requirements, and there has not been communication about the service is performed or has been made a critical analysis and no control of documents the environmental management plan. The HUOL have not had a committee of environmental management. The direction of HUOL has not been organized courses, training and recycling of waste on environmental control of the health service. On a scale from 01 to 05, the level of aware level concerning to the waste management from health services of the workers, so is at the threshold between 01 and 02. For the reversal of this situation, the first and urgent step is the creation and institutionalization the environmental management committee of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes
This thesis deals with the factors affecting customer satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation in the health care sector. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) of quality and loyalty antecedent factors and it is conducted a survey with a sample of 109 customers of a hospital on the ambulatory in Natal city, a capital of a Northeastern State of Brazil. It is carried descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings related to satisfaction are that quality factors of doctor professionalism, clerical staff efficiency, consultancy room comfort, time to provide the medical consultancy but also hospital localization are the most significant factors affecting satisfaction. Regarding personal full loyalty, satisfaction with the hospital and affective commitment are the main factors yet for partial loyalty image and calculate commitment play the main role. For recommendation satisfaction, image and brand are the main factors. The overall model used fairly explains the satisfaction, loyalty and recommendation outcomes with varying factors regarding each final purpose, e.g. loyalty or recommendation
This thesis shows concepts and models related to customer satisfaction measurement, focusing in detail on patients satisfaction evaluations in a policlinic sector of a hospital located in Natal RN. To reach this aim, two hundred and fifty one patients of this hospital were interviewed. The methodology approach includes a theoretical basis through a review and study of previous research on the topic, governmental initiatives and management systems which deal with excellence and need more reports concerning customers perceptions about satisfaction. Furthermore, it was included some models of nationals index about customer satisfaction. The Norwegian model was used in this thesis. The use of this approache, together with a multiple regression analysis, led to results that shows the factors which affect patients satisfaction in a policlinic sector. They are four as following: The evaluation of physician attendance; its results; simplicity of accessibility when health services are needed; and both support and tranquility given by the hospital. The study results can support researches of a conceptual model to determinate the aspects which affect the patient s satisfaction and could be a contribution to a development of a national costumer satisfaction index
Several methods of mobile robot navigation request the mensuration of robot position and orientation in its workspace. In the wheeled mobile robot case, techniques based on odometry allow to determine the robot localization by the integration of incremental displacements of its wheels. However, this technique is subject to errors that accumulate with the distance traveled by the robot, making unfeasible its exclusive use. Other methods are based on the detection of natural or artificial landmarks present in the environment and whose location is known. This technique doesnt generate cumulative errors, but it can request a larger processing time than the methods based on odometry. Thus, many methods make use of both techniques, in such a way that the odometry errors are periodically corrected through mensurations obtained from landmarks. Accordding to this approach, this work proposes a hybrid localization system for wheeled mobile robots in indoor environments based on odometry and natural landmarks. The landmarks are straight lines de.ned by the junctions in environments floor, forming a bi-dimensional grid. The landmark detection from digital images is perfomed through the Hough transform. Heuristics are associated with that transform to allow its application in real time. To reduce the search time of landmarks, we propose to map odometry errors in an area of the captured image that possesses high probability of containing the sought mark
There is still a lot to be said about the relationship between culture, cognition and language. Within an embodied cognition perspective to language, it may be understood that the senses generated and used in discourse are built and negotiated not only linguistically, since they also involve stereotypes, schemes, frames, etc. These cognitive structures, in turn, would emerge from subjects experiences and interactions with a sociohistorically constituted environment. With that in mind, what would happen if someone had an altered view in the perception of such environment? The objective of this master s thesis was to understand the process of meaning construction, aiming at the activation of frames, in the discourse of people who have been diagnosed as schizophrenic and have been hospitalized, that is, individuals who have their socio-environmental perception affected. With that aim in mind, a speech corpus was generated with three schizophrenic patients from Professor Severino Lopes Psychiatric Hospital. The data were collected and analyzed qualitatively, based on the theoretical and analytical premises of Cognitive Linguistics, more specifically, of Simulation Semantic perspective. Therefore, it was possible to identify aspects related to meaning construction processes in the discourse of schizophrenic patients, understanding that language is integrated with cognition and culture. Therefore, the alteration in the way experiences are perceived by schizophrenic patients affect the linguistic production of these subjects. Finally, if we take into consideration that the mental disturbance caused by schizophrenia results in a change in perception of reality by these individuals, we can infer an implication of such factors in language and, subsequently, the interference of such issues in the meaning construction processes in the discourse of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia
Insanity was victim of several arbitrary acts perpetrated on behalf of the science. Psychiatric reform constitues an important movement which has attempted to rescue dignity and humanity in the treatment of mental disorder patients. Some countries have advanced in the implement of substutive models that work on the construction of a new social place for madness. The model of attention to mental health in Brazil has also suffered extensive modifications due to the wearing out of the psychiatric hospital model. In Santos, a town in the State of Sao Paulo, we have found a landmark in the development of an anti internment politics, through the creation of a dail care service, including psychosocial assistance. It is in this context that it has been founded in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, the NAPS and CAPS ( Nucleus and Centres of Psychosocial Attention), municipal strategies that put into effect the law # 10.216/2001, which estabilishes the gradual extinction of psychiatric hospitals. This work has the purpose of carrying out a study about the historical process of psychiatric reform implantation in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, emphasizing the actors involved in process, their trajectory, achievements, improvements, and the movement s perspectives of achieving the ideal of reinstating mental disorder patients. In order to accomplish this purpose, it was necessary to understand the process occurred at the Municipal Secretary s Office for Health, since 1992, for it was the impelling experience towards the reflections about the psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The instruments used for this work were documentary analysis, through reports, legislation and handbooks, as well as the staments of people involved in this process. Through the statements analysis, we attempted to estabilish the social actors identity, their perception, emphasizing congruences and incongruences concerning the history of psychiatric reform in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It is also analyzed the contribution of Psychology in this process, which has become a protagonist in the struggle for the rights of mental disorder patients
The high blood pressure is a multifactorial chronic disease which possesses emotional and social features in the illness appearance and evolution and in the adherence to the treatment which involves a decision-making through patient so that he or she process the necessary changes on harmful living habits. Adhesion, traditionally, it is referred to the patient to answer to the doctor orientations or of other health professional, about the appearance to the appointment with a doctor, about the use of medicine or lifestyle changes and maintaining this adhesion is the main problem to be overcame. It is expected the adhesion will ever be a continual, stable and satisfactory action, disregarding the complexity of subjectivity processes which permeate the sicken. This research aimed to investigate the difficulties which the person with high blood pressure has to adhere to the treatment, from the signification processes which give sense to the actions dealing with the adhesion. The study was carried out with 48 users of assistance program to the high blood pressure patient from Hospital Universitário from Natal RN, between 40-65 age. The answers were submitted to a double analysis process: 1) answer systematization in categories and codes and admission in statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science), for generation of descriptive statistics; 2) Sense and signification analysis which permeated the deepener statement and interpretatively. The greater difficulties found are present on low-salt and law-calorie diets, in the dealing with everyday feeling and stress, being these factors cited as direct motive to the high blood pressure, regardless of interviewee s sex. It is observed there is not adhesion, but adhering, as an experienced everyday process. This work contributes with its results, assessing the used strategies by program with the aim of increasing the adhesion rates