57 resultados para Geografia humana - Aspectos ambientais
Urban stormwater can be considered as potential water resources as well as problems for the proper functioning of the manifold activities of the city, resulting from inappropriate use and occupation of the soil, usually due to poor planning of the occupation of the development areas, with little care for the environmental aspects of the drainage of surface runoff. As a basic premise, we must seek mechanisms to preserve the natural flow in all stages of development of an urban area, preserving the soil infiltration capacity in the scale of the urban area, comprising the mechanisms of natural drainage, and noting preserving natural areas of dynamic water courses, both in the main channel and in the secondary. They are challenges for a sustainable urban development in a harmonious coexistence of modern developmental, which are consistent with the authoritative economic environmental and social quality. Integrated studies involving the quantity and quality of rainwater are absolutely necessary to achieve understanding and obtaining appropriate technologies, involving both aspects of the drainage problems and aspects of use of water when subjected to an adequate management of surface runoff , for example, the accumulation of these reservoirs in detention with the possibility of use for other purposes. The purpose of this study aims to develop a computer model, adjusted to prevailing conditions of an experimental urban watershed in order to enable the implementation of management practices for water resources, hydrological simulations of quantity and, in a preliminary way, the quality of stormwater that flow to a pond located at the downstream end of the basin. To this end, we used in parallel with the distributed model SWMM data raised the basin with the highest possible resolution to allow the simulation of diffuse loads, heterogeneous characteristics of the basin both in terms of hydrological and hydraulic parameters on the use and occupation soil. The parallel work should improve the degree of understanding of the phenomena simulated in the basin as well as the activity of the calibration models, and this is supported by monitoring data acquired during the duration of the project MAPLU (Urban Stormwater Management) belonging to the network PROSAB (Research Program in Basic Sanitation) in the years 2006 to 2008
This work aims to analyze the policy of economic promotion in the Brazilian cities of medium and great size (with population above of 50.000 hab.). The objective of the research is to launch light in the debate on the regional and municipal development, presenting the recent hypotheses supplied by literature. Of complementary form, had for specific objective presents the results of the Research of Basic Information of Cities - PIM, of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in two surveys carried through together to the Brazilian local governments (1999 and 2009). It analyzes the instruments of economic promotion used by local governments and the influence of the development variables, as the Local Human Index of Development (HID-L) and the Local Gross Domestic Product (GDP-L). The research sample that factors as HID-L and GDP-L has significant influence in economic promotion of cities and must be taken in account in the definition of the local strategies of development
This research aims to reconstruct the process of the recent expansion of the urban area of Mossoró (RN), particularly the dynamics of the Bela Vista neighborhood has been established as a new urban centrality. We start from the perspective that the process of urbanization as a result of the transformation of the capitalist system have profound impacts on the restructuring of urban space, which includes resetting and training of new urban centralities. The basic assumption accepts that recent economic changes have led to the adoption of new strategies for the location of large commercial equipment and services, contributing to urban expansion and redefinition of its centrality, leading to the formation of new urban centralities. The research strategy adopted consists of a case study oriented based on the analysis of qualitative information, but also incorporates quantitative information. Interviews with qualified informants were conducted, as well as field surveys, photographic documentation, in order to grasp the phenomenon observed. The survey results show that the Bela Vista neighborhood can be considered a new urban center, housing the specialized trade and service activities, as well as townhouses, which differentiates it from other areas of the city
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
O artigo apresenta a gestão dos resíduos sólidos no Brasil e seus rebatimentos na cidade de Natal/RN, verificando seus aspectos ambientais, econômicos e sociais. O fracasso da coleta seletiva revelado nos baixos índices de recuperação dos materiais; a baixa relevância da inclusão socioeconômica dos catadores que participam do programa assistencialista oficial; a inexistência de estratégias oficiais para que se minimize a quantidade de resíduos que se gera cada dia e o aumento exagerado dos gastos públicos, sobretudo com o tratamento dos resíduos no aterro sanitário, demonstram que a gestão de resíduos em Natal, conforme parâmentros da Política Nacional de Residuos Sólidos, objetiva o controle destes na cidade e a consolida- ção do tratamento finalista através do envio da quase totalidade dos resíduos coletados ao aterro sanitário
A emergência na necessidade de se manejar os resíduos sólidos urbanos leva as administrações públicas em países centrais e periféricos a utilizarem modelos de gestão de resíduos bastante similares. A gestão dos resíduos nos países centrais é caracterizada pela eficiência na execução dos serviços (limpeza, coleta, transporte e destino final), uso de aparatos tecnológicos na execução de ditos serviços e forte tradição na separação dos materiais recicláveis a ser destinados para a reciclagem. Nos países periféricos, a gestão tradicional (coletar e descartar resíduos em lixões à céu aberto) vem sendo substituída pela gestão moderna, sobressaindo-se o controle dos resíduos em detrimento das estratégias de prevenção. Também, destaca-se a presença de trabalhadores informais que coletam e separam materiais, destinando-os à reciclagem. A partir do levantamento à referência bibliográfica especializada e na consulta a documentos oficiais e produzidos por entidades diversas, o presente artigo analisa as similitudes na gestão dos resíduos sólidos em países centrais e periféricos. A busca pela modernização nos serviços dos resíduos sem levar em conta as recomendações de documentos como a Agenda 21 caracteriza a gestão dos resíduos em países centrais e periféricos pelo ambientalismo econômico, no qual as ações de controle dos resíduos são justificadas pelos aspectos ambientais e sociais dessa gestão
The objective of the current piece of research is to reflect upon the diverse changes that have occurred in the social and spatial dynamics of the Macaíba fair in the period between 1960 and 2006. During the second half of the 19th century, Macaíba had in the commerce one of this principle economic base a contribution for which the city became one of the main commercial warehouses of the East coast of the Rio Grande do Norte region. This helped lead to the growth of Macaíba s fair, which proved to be one of the most important existing in the state until the 1970 s. In the last two decades of the 20th century, certain elements represented challenges to the fair at Macaíba. These challenges stimulated substantial changes in the fair s dynamics which include the growth and expansion of the commercial and service sector, primarily though supermarkets; consolidation among the commercial and distribution networks, represented by the Central Office of Supply of the Rio Grande do Norte S/A (Ceasa/RN), by the wholesale and refrigeration companies; and the modernization of transportation methods, which permitted an expanded reach for these networks. Even with all these changes, the fair continues to be one of the strongest aspects of the city being the center of resistance against the surge of new forms of commerce and consumption in the city (notable the supermarkets) and the diffusion of other aspects of globalization. The fair has economic importance, as it offers a popular marketplace for the commercialization of very different products and a means for supplying goods to the residents of the city and the rural communities of Macaíba and the surrounding municipalities; and socio-cultural importance in that the fair is a place where popular tradition is expressed, a place where a great number of parallel activities occur, a place for meeting again and again, of conversations, of manifestations of culture and art, and of socialization in all of its dimensions
This work exposed desired to investigate the function of evolution of closed allotment, of market of the earth and of forms of extraction of the lace of earth, in the processes capitalist production of urban space in Nova Parnamirim, community of Parnamirim/RN. This tendentious urbanization were marked for an expressive increase of number of horizontal and vertical closed residences joint ownership concerning at social groups more privileged financial position. Go after, set off, a temporal investigation, based in the forms of appropriation of space in the middle intermediate by action of the several producers agent of capitalist capital. This way, make necessary understand the past of local structure earth, in order that to make possible analyze the beginning of the process. Not enough, appealed the publics institutions as immobile notary s office and secretary municipal for to collect the more important information, and in the field through of application of formulary together the population of ward, in order that of examine the motivation of residential establishment inside. Make this, confirmed that the actual spatial organization of ward of Nova Parnamirim started of two allotments: the Vale do Pitimbú Park and Eucaliptos Park, both divided in several little allotments. Before of begin the ward, allotments reproduced set off from that native has been consigned during the 80, 90 decade s and begin the actual century, resigning a complicated urban structure earth, dynamized by exploration of a promising residential area. Leashed of this, confirmed the installation of logic of segregation and auto-segregation conducted by an immobile market which exclude the poor class and absorb rich class, motivate by perspective of obtaining of urban lace of earth by immobile promoter. However, perceived that the growth this market was promoted by migration of groups of capital, interior of state and others regions of country. Not distant, horizontal and vertical closed residences represent production forms of a new form of residence, corresponding the pattern architectonic as socioeconomics, strengthened by ideal of security, quality of life, necessity of reclusion and of proximity of Natal. Is in the capital which this individual found possibilities of attend satisfactory minimum of yours necessity in relation a consumption of bens and specialized and specifics services. Before this qualitative perceive that the social and spacial differential of Nova Parnamirim was the responsible by soil and habitation valorization of ward, that reinforce the promotion of segregation and of auto-segregation, and consequently, of capitalist reproduction of urban space
The question of evaluating the fight against poverty in a given society is very complex task, considering the range of factors that permeate, such as education, culture and economy itself. Come hence the relevance of the theme and its constant presence in discussions on the fruits of public policies, institutional structure and economic development which are the guiding elements of this work, and noted that seeks to highlight the social demographics and most important, the most significant trends and issues pertaining to her. The assessment was initially made in all the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte doing a verticalilzação to the municipalities Caicó, Pau dos Ferros, Ipueira and Taboleiro Grande. Highlighting the role of a social policy through government programs, such as the Bolsa Familia Program (PBF), which creates the possibility of changes in the socio demographic profile given the importance that the action of this public policy has in shaping the regional economic reality As well as social programs and actions of the government here reported that generate mobility of people and new social demands, such as rural retirements, the benefit of continuing provision (BPC), the Program for the Eradication of Child Labor (PETI) that put on the market of population living on the margins of various forms of consumption. Accordingly, the socio economic profile of the state shows a significant improvement in their social indicators, vital education and redistribution of income, due to the significant improvement in life expectancy in the fall of school drop-out rate and the drop in indicators of Proportion Poor and destitute of the state. Where the fall in the proportion of poor and indigent is strongly associated with an increase in income, from social programs. With this transfer and redistribution of income can be gauged that occurs a strengthening of local economies and an engagement of families with the conditionalities of social programs and PETI Bolsa Familia. Our research concludes that simply raising the rents caused by transfers, presents relevant impacts on the education of young people in beneficiary families. There is no doubt that the programs of transfer income, no facing the social field, representing a mechanism to decrease the most perverse ills of poverty, social and economic inequality that is hungry. For a significant portion of the Brazilian population living below the poverty line, programs for the transfer of income are expressed directly in improving the material conditions of life and indirectly in improving self-esteem of women and all family members receiving encouraging yet the integration family. Experiments have shown that improvements in health and nutrition can be obtained through the implementation of adequate social policies like the programs of transfer income, while social inclusion and economic does not become full
La recherche sur secteur non-formel de l économie et la dynamique des territoires dans les plages de la ville de Natal/RN, a le but de la compréhension des espaces de ces territoires ainsi que leurs caractéristiques; le rapport des acteurs sociaux et l existence de politiques dirigées direct ou indirectement vers ce secteur de l économie et ses territoires. Pour celà, on donne emphase au scénario économique moulé par le système de production et reproduction dans la mondialisation, ce qui, parmis d autres actions aq l inetrférence sur le marché du travail, lequel subit constamment des transformations importantes cherchant à suivre les changements en niveau global, en devenant, pour ainsi dire, un marché chaque fois plus exigeant et, conséquemment, sélectif. Moyennant la réalité économique et politique vécue, il augmente le nombre de chômeurs dans le pays suscitant, à tort et à travers, la croissance du secteur non-formel de l économie avec ses inombrables travailleurs qui occupent les plus différents segments parmi lesquels les travaux autonomes, ici représentés par les camelots, les propriétaires de baraques, les propriétaires de kiosques ; etc. Pour atteindre ce but, on a cherché les reférenciels théorico-scientifiques ayant pour base la connaissance empirique à travers les inombrables cas d études matérialisés au moyen de donnés primaires et sécondaires. Finalement, on est sûr de ce que les travailleurs du secteur non-formel complèmentent la chaîne repoductive, ils créent et recréent des territoires avec des contenus variés qui sont indispensables pour la croissance et le développement social
This study was developed in the northern coast of the city of Macau, a total area of 88,52 km², located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. It presents relatively plain surface, with interlaced of streams and gamboas, characterized by contributions of oceanic water, flooding areas of swamps. Altogether, the climatic and topographical conditions provide an ideal environment for the development of saline activity. Inserted in the geologic context of the Potiguar Basin, the region presents favorable conditions for the production of hydro-carbons. It still presents natural conditions for shrimp breeding and artisanal fishing. This work analyzes the transformations occurred in the land use, using air photographs of 1978, Landsat 5 ETM Images of 1988, 1998 and 2008. A secular analyzes was carried through the dynamics of the use of the territory and the transformations occurred in the landscape due to the increment of the productive activities. In the survey of the data for study of the area, it was verified that little alteration occurred in the 30 years. The saline activity that was present since the year of 1978 having an increase of about 5% in thirty years; the shrimp breeding activity that had its presence in the decade of 1990, presented a high growth in the land use, therefore in 1998 it presented 0.45% and currently it presents 6.59%. In the field it was observed that great areas used previously for the saline activity, today it is prepared for shrimp breeding and that the areas of petroleum exploration occupy salt mines, beaches and trays. In 1988 it presented a percentage of 0, 07% and currently it occupies 0.46%, having grown 50% in the last 10 years. Although the variation of the occupation of the area has been little expressive, shrimp breeding showed a growth of 1,200% in only 10 years. In regards to petroleum activity, there wasn t any demonstration of an increasing impact in the land use in the area of study in 26 years of exploration
The present dissertação had as objective to study the ambient management in the Farms Saint Rita, Tahim Agropesca and Agropesca Rigomoleiro, in the Great River of the North. For this we use as theoretical tool some fundantes concepts of geographic science, the space, and as concepts auxiliary of ambient management, of estuaries as the half natural one and of manguezais as ecosystem. The study if it gave taking in consideration a model of flow of activities of a typical farm following the way of the residues produced since the beginning until its final destination, in a suitable script of SCHERER (1999). The considered flow established a sequence activities where it is identified the material of entrance, the process of management, the residues of exit and the destination of the residues to the long one of the phase of culture of the shrimp. From it was there had been elaborated a series of managemental pictures with the data raised in the three farms, of different transports and concludes that the ambient management of these farms does not follow the formal standards of a system of typical ambient management. Collating with the system of considered by norm ISO14000 the study it disclosed that all the companies are in a situation of not conformity and that the impacts on the environment continue being many significant ones. However, it is possible to implant norm ISO14000 because some procedures implanted for the farms are correct of the point of view of the ambient management
This essay: The perception environmental of the Passo da Pátria dwellers in Natal-RN has as its goal, investigate the perception of the dwellers in an degraded environment in ways of urbanizing, at the Potengi River riverine. This is an area in zone environmental risk, which year after year was even forgotten by the municipality, but which attracted a huge estranger public because of its facility in access urbanized areas in Natal at the same rate of its natural riches from the mangue and the sea. Front to problems of economical nature as scarce job offers, its habitants build their dwellings without any kind order or social protection, occupying an inadequate space for the well keeping of the urban environmental equilibrium. The analyzed community is exposed to water floods, tropical diseases, and to criminal problems like gangsters and drug dealers. We propose in such essay observe the connivance of the dwellers with the natural environment and their expectations o citizen transformations. This essay has as its bases the studies of Tuan (1983), Nunes (2000) and principally in Wilhem Reich (1998) in who we found our concept of perception, that here plays like an important analytical category to confront our corpus. Our first chapter debates the concept of place, not in an historical materialistic vision, but within an phenomenological survey; the second chapter presents the impacts of the urbanization in the community perception, and in the third one is analyzed the perception of the Passo da Pátria community. Based in this analyzes we confirmed that the conditions of living of the dwellers are extremely dangerous; but, the most of them do not see such dangers, even saying that are well living in its community
The work however presented try to make an analysis of the relation urban-agricultural in the context of the process of metropolization of Natal. On the basis of this approach searched to argue the estruturation of the Brazilian urban space and the relation with the agricultural one, evidencing an academic debate little contemplated, in view of that the space transformations guided by Brazilian industrialization had earned as endorsement a mere urban direction, fact that neglected factors more complex than they for the urban-agricultural relation in the context of the urbanization and, more recently, of the metropolization. Another important factor in the construction of the work was the contextualization of the urbanization of the Rio Grande do Norte, as well as of the metropolization of Natal, where if the significant presence of an agricultural reality made an analysis of the configuration metropolitan in the present time displaying that also remains and reproduces the metropolis, fact that conditions and justifies the treatment of the reality metropolitan for the bias of the urban-agricultural relation. The approach of this relation was directed for the agricultural nestings of the Region Metropolitan of Natal (RMN), understood as fragments agricultural in the context of the metropolis, in view of that a tenuous correspondence of these nestings with the metropolis in the direction of its integration was observed. As methodology one used bibliographical survey in periodic and books and collected secondary data-collecting next to the IBGE and to the INCRA and still were directed a field research where interviews next to the seated ones had been carried through. In this direction, one evidenced that the metropolization also absorbs and even though it reproduces the ruralidade that if verifies in the RMN finishing for mining the idea of an urban one that it excludes the agricultural one. In the case of the RMN, we have agricultural and the urban one exactly if conforming in one space that is metropolitan
This study was intended to investigate how the urban form has been influencing the changes in the climate of the city and make a correlation between the climate and the thermal sensation of the users of open spaces. The research was developed in the district of Petrópolis in Natal/ RN whose occupation has been almost consolidated. Among other reasons, this district was selected because it was planned considering the environmental aspects of comfort. The methodologies used are based on KATZSCHNER (1997) and OLIVEIRA (1988) studies, which suggest the drawing and analysis of maps of the area under study, including topography, height of the buildings, land use, green areas, and types of soil pavement, as well as measurement of the environmental variables: air temperature, relative humidity, direction and wind speed for a comparative study. As part of this, study local users of the district were interviewed about their thermal sensations in open spaces. For the statistical analysis, data was collected at 10 distinct points characterized by BUSTOS ROMERO (2002), being 8 within the district and 2 at different places (outside the district), at climatologic stations, in 3 periods (August/2000, January/2002 and June/2002), for 4 consecutive days for each measurement (from Sunday to Wednesday) at the time of lower and higher temperatures in the city, 6:00 am and 1:00 pm, respectively. At the same time interviews were carried out with users of the open spaces in the area, totaling 171 valid formularies. The urban form showed a rather leveled topography, great diversity of land use and height of the buildings, with the existence of an area mostly occupied with high buildings, very little green area and soil practically impermeable. The statistical analysis showed high temperature and humidity levels. The wind direction is predominantly Southeast with extremely variable speeds. When the data from this district is compared with the data from other areas in the city and its outskirt, it was observed that this district is hotter and less ventilated than the others; besides, most users said that they felt uncomfortable in the local environmental conditions. The results of the analysis generated a zoning for the district with recommendations for soil occupation. The profile of the user was defined regarding the thermal comfort, as well as some discussion about the comfort parameters, including the proposal of limiting areas of temperature and humidity for the thermal comfort in the open spaces