58 resultados para Estratégia competitiva : Produção industrial : Indústria de transformação : Competitividade : Gestão


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The competitiveness of the trade generated by the higher availability of products with lower quality and cost promoted a new reality of industrial production with small clearances. Track deviations at the production are not discarded, uncertainties can statistically occur. The world consumer and the Brazilian one are supported by the consumer protection code, in lawsuits against the products poor quality. An automobile is composed of various systems and thousands of constituent parts, increasing the likelihood of failure. The dynamic and security systems are critical in relation to the consequences of possible failures. The investigation of the failure gives us the possibility of learning and contributing to various improvements. Our main purpose in this work is to develop a systematic, specific methodology by investigating the root cause of the flaw occurred on an axle end of the front suspension of an automobile, and to perform comparative data analyses between the fractured part and the project information. Our research was based on a flaw generated in an automotive suspension system involved in a mechanical judicial cause, resulting in property and personal damages. In the investigations concerning the analysis of mechanical flaws, knowledge on materials engineering plays a crucial role in the process, since it enables applying techniques for characterizing materials, relating the technical attributes required from a respective part with its structure of manufacturing material, thus providing a greater scientific contribution to the work. The specific methodology developed follows its own flowchart. In the early phase, the data in the records and information on the involved ones were collected. The following laboratory analyses were performed: macrography of the fracture, micrography with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) of the initial and final fracture, phase analysis with optical microscopy, Brinell hardness and Vickers microhardness analyses, quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis, by using X-ray fluorescence and optical spectroscopy for carbon analysis, qualitative study on the state of tension was done. Field data were also collected. In the analyses data of the values resulting from the fractured stock parts and the design values were compared. After the investigation, one concluded that: the developed methodology systematized the investigation and enabled crossing data, thus minimizing diagnostic error probability, the morphology of the fracture indicates failure by the fatigue mechanism in a geometrically propitious location, a tension hub, the part was subjected to low tensions by the sectional area of the final fracture, the manufacturing material of the fractured part has low ductility, the component fractured in an earlier moment than the one recommended by the manufacturer, the percentages of C, Si, Mn and Cr of the fractured part present values which differ from the design ones, the hardness value of the superior limit of the fractured part is higher than that of the design, and there is no manufacturing uniformity between stock and fractured part. The work will contribute to optimizing the guidance of the actions in a mechanical engineering judicial expertise


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The oil industry`s need to produce with maximum efficiency, not to mention the safety and the environment aspects, encourages the optimization of processes. It makes them look for a level of excellence in acquisition of equipment, ensuring the quality without prejudice security of facilities and peoples. Knowing the reliability of equipment and that this stands for a system is fundamental to the production strategy to seeks the maximum return on investment. The reliability analysis techniques have been increasingly applied in the industry as strategy for predicting failures likelihood ensuring the integrity of processes. Some reliability theories underlie the decisions to use stochastic calculations to estimate equipment failure. This dissertation proposes two techniques associating qualitative (through expertise opinion) and quantitative data (European North Sea oil companies fault database, Ored) applied on centrifugal pump to water injection system for secondary oil recovery on two scenarios. The data were processed in reliability commercial software. As a result of hybridization, it was possible to determine the pump life cycle and what impact on production if it fails. The technique guides the best maintenance policy - important tool for strategic decisions on asset management.


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The segment of the structural ceramics industry is one of the most important to the economy of Rio Grande do Norte. The supply chain makes a total of 206 companies that are distributed in 39 counties, concentrated in three regional centers: Seridó Apodi / Assu and great Natal. The ceramic industry in the state is around 80 million pieces per month, with 50,186 million of these tiles, which makes the Rio Grande do Norte one of the largest manufacturers of product in the Country. Different ceramic products can be manufactured by mixing two or more clays and accessory minerals. Mixtures acquire characteristics and form what is called the ceramic body. Refractory masses have a high melting point and thermal shock support. Its composition contains refractory clays with a little iron oxide and material fluxes. A line of semi-refractory ceramic products that stands out for its high added value are the bricks in ivory or red, used in building barbecues, fireplaces, wood stoves and braziers. The aim of this study was to use alumina-clay or silica- alumina-clay to the industrial RN, for the production of refractory bricks semi-refractory burning light. Clay and Kaolin were characterized for their chemical and mineralogical composition, immediately after ceramic bodies were made with different concentrations of the components, they were raised, pressed and sintered. After sintering the resulting products were characterized in terms of mechanical, thermal and dimensional than the characterization by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. After obtaining the results, we concluded that the studied clay can be used for the production of semi-refractory bricks


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The disposal of sewage sludge is a growing problem face up to management of sanitary sevices. Otherwise, because its making process characteristic, the Ceramic Industry can tolerate the presence of this wastes as raw material. This study has as object to confirm the use of the sewage sluge in the Ceramic Industry like a sustentable alternative for its disposal. Futhermore, this study quests to evaluate the maximum proportion for incorporation of sludge wich result in technically and enviromentally suitable bricks. For found this proportion, the research consisted of (1) making of bricks in full scale, adde up 0%, 5%,10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,30%, 35% e 40% sludge, with size 220x105x45 mm, hand-molded by rammer and baked by industrial kiln; and (2) tecnical and enviromental evaluation of this bricks, according to Brazilian norms. The raw material uses were two distinct clays come from Goianinha/RN and sewage comes from a septic system tank and pumped into tank vehicle, of Natal/RN. The technical evaluation allowed to conclude the addiotion of the sludge brings about signifcant lost of mass and the water absorption grew up according to increase of sludge: every sludge-amended clay bricks absorved more water than control group. Thus, the compressive strength was signicantly decreased because the increase of sludge: bricks with 5% sludge added lost 45% of strength achieved at control group; the bricks made with 10 and 20% lost almost 70% of bigger strength. With up to 25% sludge added to the bricks, the streght decreased over 90%. Concerning heavy metal leaching, the two maximum proportion wich have tecnical approval, it means bricks sludge added with 15 and 20%, can say there is no risk of enviromental contamination using those bricks. This way, in this work context, it can to conclude the maximum proportion atends the technical and enviromental criterion is 20%


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This research has as an empirical universe, the productive territory of red ware in the Seridó region of Rio Grande do Norte. In the last years this territory has gone through a process of appropriation that has been substantially changing the environmental and social dynamism of the place. However, the industry of red ware has been focusing in some areas, mainly, in the county of Parelhas and Carnaúba dos Dantas. From this point of view, the aim of this work consists in analyze the use of these areas by the red ware industry and the transformations occurred with the expansion of the number of industries and the productivity raise, that requires bigger amounts of earthenware and wood, resources that are low in referred territory. As the result of this process, the suitable alternative has been to acquire inputs in other Rio Grande do Norte counties, as well as in Paraíba counties. To reach the proposed objective, the methodology of this work was consisted of bibliographic and empirical research, regarding the occupation that this activity covers in the Seridó region. From the information obtained during the research, it can be stated that the inputs to the production execution in the red ware industry are acquired in the geographic nearby lands. The analysis of the stages of the production(acquisition of raw material, production and commercialization) showed that the activity acts in a continuous area, having as principal consumer market other northeastern states and the state of Pará. The present study revealed that the pottery activity is set as untenable, because of non-stopping use of the argil and wood, resources that are vanishing from the area, which consume causes a many problems such as deforestation and erosion. Besides, the sale of productive lands for the red ware industries makes harder its good use by the familiar agriculturists in the development of agriculture and cattle raising activity, which for many times is the main economic activity of the place. The precariousness reveals in the constant accidents at work, that most of them are neglected by the local authorities, without any penalty to the industries. Therefore, the industry of red ware in Seridó uses the territory as a resource, leaving its environmental problems that my compromise the quality of life of the actual and future generations


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The present study aims to evaluate the potential use of bagasse ash from sugar cane (CBC) as a flux, replacing phyllite and/or feldspar in standard industrial mass production of enameled porcelain, verifying the possibility of the CBC contribute to the overall reduction of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the ceramic mass. To this end, as a result of the research, we characterized the raw material components of the standard mass (clay, phyllite, kaolin, feldspar, quartz and talc) and the residue of BCC, by testing by XRF, XRD, AG, DTA and ATG. Specimens (CDP) were manufactured in the dimensions of 100 mm x 50 mm x 8 mm in uniaxial matrix under compaction pressure of 33 MPa, assembled in batches of 3 units subsequently sintered at temperatures of 1150°C to 1210°C by varying the Rating Scale at 10°C, heating and cooling ramp of 50°C/min and 25°C/min, with levels of 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 8 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min and 60 min. analyzing the results of the physical properties of water absorption (WA), linear firing shrinkage (LFS), dilatometric analysis (DTA), flexural strain (SFT) and SEM of the sintered bodies in order to verify the adequacy of CDP to ISO 13006, ISO 10545, NBR 13816 standards; NBR 13817 and NBR 13818. The study showed that the formulations that best suit the requirements of the standards are:. G4 - which was applied in 10% of replacing the CBC phyllite, sintering temperature 1210 ° C for 10 min and porch, and F3 - with application of 7.5% of CBC to replace the feldspar in the sintering temperatures of 1190°C, 1200°C and 1210°C for 10 min and porch. These formulations showed better performance regarding the formation of primary and secondary mullite, with considerable reduction of cracks and pores, meeting the prerequisites of standards for glazed porcelain. The results shows that the use of the CBC as a flux in the preparation of porcelain mass meets standard parameters for the manufacture of the product, and thereby can reduce environmental impact and the cost of production. Therefore, it is recommended to use this residue in the ceramics industry, due to its industrial, commercial and collaborative viability for sustainability.


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REGIS, Josiana Florencio Vieira ; CAMPOS, Ana Celia Cavalcanti Fernandes. A gestão do conhecimento e a inovaçao tecnológica como insumo básico para a vantagem competitiva das empresas. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE GESTÃO DO CONHECIMENTO, 8., 2009, Sao Paulo. Anais eletrônicos... Sao Paulo: SBGC, 2009. Trabalho oral.


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Os shoppingcenters são grandes instituições repletas de empresas quecompetem entre si formas de como melhor satisfazer as necessidade dosclientes. Sendo assim, cada empresa utiliza-se de estratégias com o intuito deatingir a maior parcela de compradores possíveis sem comprometer suaexistência e sua vantagem competitiva. Este estudo está baseado na teoria dasestratégias competitivas genéricas de Porter (1980; 1985) o qual estabeleceem seu modelo que todas as empresas existentes no mercado possuam pelomenos uma das três abordagens estratégicas (diferenciação, liderança emcusto e enfoque). Desta forma, este trabalho identifica de que maneira estádistribuída as estratégia competitiva nas empresas de shoppingcenters deNatal/RN. Primeiramente buscou-se levantar a relação das estratégias destasempresas com a teoria proposta por Porter (1985) e sua alocação de acordocom os agrupamentos resultantes da combinação das estratégias. Nestemomento, foram aplicados questionários com 89 gerentes de lojas de shoppingcenters que resultou após análises estatísticas em cinco agrupamentos comabordagens válidas. Em seguida foram selecionadas as empresas quepossuíam maior afinidade com cada agrupamento e que melhor representavamos resultados dispostos em cinco clustersacerca da teoria proposta e nestaamostragem foi aplicada entrevista com os gerentes. Os resultados obtidos com as entrevistas validaram a análise dos dados encontrados nosquestionários anteriormente aplicados estando em conformidade com aproposta teoria. Identificou-se também duas modalidades de empresas queutilizavam simultaneamente mais de uma estratégia competitiva (meio-termo),sendo uma dentro e outra fora do modelo proposto pelo autor. Embora omodelo das estratégias competitivas genéricas tenha sido instituído comaspectos voltados as organizações industriais, os resultados obtidos nestetrabalho validaram a aplicação desta teoria em empresas comercias deshopping centers que vem se adequando para obter resultados financeirosmais satisfatórios e melhor posicionamento em relação à concorrência


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There are ores of clay in Piauí State that are used for red structural ceramics, which are naturally contaminated with calcareous vein. This is one thing that impedes its exploration in an adequate way, especially for tile production. The present work aims at verifying the influence of the calcareous contents in the technological structural ceramics area, seeking to determine a maximum permissible calcareous proportion/contents in the ceramic mass using the patterns of the local industry production. For the consecution of this paper, it was characterized the clay and calcareous material by FRX, DRX, TGA and DTA. It was also configurated by extrusion and burnt in the temperatures of 850°C, 900°C, 950°C and 1000°C pieces of the corpus with 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20% of calcareous proportion. After that, it was carried out technological samples of linear retraction, water absortion, apparent porosity, specific apparent mass and mechanic resistance. The results showed the possibility of using calcareous in the ceramic mass and in some cases the technological properties got better


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The red ceramic industry is recognized as of major importance in Piauí State. The State capital, Teresina, is the greatest producer of this material ( production about 18 million peaces), which is used mainly for masonry sealing blocks. One of the most frequent problems in this kind of products is the efflorescence. This work has the main objective of studying the influence of gypsum addition on non-glazed tiles, by using the local industry production standards. The raw materials were characterized by FRX, DRX, TGA, DTA and AD. Extruded test specimens were made with the addition of 1, 3 and 5% of gypsum in the ceramic paste, burned at 850oC, 950oC and 1050oC and submitted to further technological tests and microestrutural analysis by the scanning electron microscope. In order to accelerate the aging of bodies of evidence, they were immersed in successive water baths and posterior drying. The reference ceramic paste showed tendency to efflorescence formation after drying and consolidated efflorescence after burning, but no affecting the technological results


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The industrial production of ornamental rocks and the burning of coffee husk generate waste that is discarded into the environment. However, with the study of the incorporation of these residues in ceramic products, may be found an alternative to reducing environmental impacts and detrimental effects on human health caused by its indiscriminate disposal of waste in nature. Thus, this work aimed to study the addition of ashes of the coffee husk and granite residue in matrix of red ceramic. The raw materials were dry milled and sieved to mesh 100. To characterize the raw materials were carried out analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), particle size analysis (PSA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Six formulations were prepared where the clay content was kept constant (70%wt) and ashes contents and granite residue varied from 10, 15, 20 and 30%. Dilatometrics analyzes were performed at four selected formulations, containing them: 100% clay (A100); 70% clay and 30% ashes (A70C30); 70% clay and 30% granite residue (A70G30); and 70% clay, 15% granite residue and 15% ashes (A70G15C15). The samples were prepared by uniaxial compaction with pressure of 25 MPa, and fired at temperatures of 800°C, 850ºC, 900ºC, 950ºC, 1000ºC and 1100°C. Assays were performed to determine the linear shrinkage of burning (LSB), water absorption (WA), apparent porosity (AP), density (D) and tensile bending. Also were performed analyzes of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the samples fired. The formulations incorporating granite residue and/or ashes reached the required limits of water absorption according to NBR 15270-1 and NBR 15310 and tensile bending according to classical literature (SANTOS, 1989) necessary for the production of tiles and ceramic block for masonry sealing


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The present work aimed the elaboration of an environmental study focused on the hotel sector in order to present an analysis of the environmental aspects of Ponta Negra Beach, in Natal, RN, Brazil and also the aspects of the small and medium hotels existing in this area. By means of this work, it is possible to elaborate a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management which can attend to the exigencies required by NBR ISO 14001: 2004, as well as to present economical viability and possibility to be implemented in a way that hotels may converge to the sustainable environmental development of the tourism in Ponta Negra Beach. The research methodology presents itself divided into three items: execution of the environmental characterization of Ponta Negra Beach, by way of technical visits and interpretation of satellite images and cartograms of the main environmental characteristics of the region; execution of the work already made concerning the development, application and interpretation of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of each hotel, considering the hotels and the period of data collection, these used in evaluation, research instrument and a description of the procedure utilized for the analysis of the collected data and the utilized methodology for the elaboration of a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management. In a general way, it has been concluded that the practices executed by hotels in Ponta Negra Beach are impact-like and harmful to the environment. The simple implementation of analysis procedures and control of the environmental aspects could suggestively contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts promoted by the hotel section at this beach and in the nearby areas. It had been noticed that the study contributed to the sensitization of managers concerning the environmental problems since, in many other times, the detected problem was, in fact, the non-acquaintance about the environmental aspects and impacts from those hotels administrators, because of the lack of surveys and studies about the theme. It had also been noticed the arousing of a possible environmental attitude from some managers


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Surveys carried out in many Brazilian cities have shown that the CDW Construction and Demolition Waste, in some cases, represent more than 50% of the mass of urban solid residue. Municipalities have struggled to manage in an effective way huge quantities of CDW generated every day and solve the problem of the illegal dumping in an inadequate area, which compromise the quality of life of the population as a whole, thus causing serious problems concerning social-environmental and sanitary. This paperwork was meant it carry out environmental diagnosis of the management and the final destination of the CDW in the city of Parnamirim/RN. The methodology used in this work constituted in the bibliographical research, conducted to give support and fundaments to the subject in question, identification of the main places of legal and illegal dumping, identification of the environmental impacts caused by the irregular deposition of the CDW, valuation of quantity and quality of the CDW and perception according to the Environmental Legislation. The necessary data for the elaboration of this study were carried out through the appliance of questionnaires with open and closed questions, applied to 14 (fourteen) Real Estate developer companies associated with SINDUSCON/RN and 05 companies that deal with the transportation and collection of CDW, formal and informal interviews, exploitational visits and photographical records. The collected data went through a statistic treatment being organized into tables and graphs. The main results obtained from this research show that the interviewees hold a medium knowledge of the specific Environmental Legislation; do not have an effective model of environmental management, resorting to only reusing CDW; that the reusing of CDW is not substantial, as much as the possibility of recycling has a minimal consideration. It was also verified that a considerable percentage of interviewees affirmed to send CDW to illegal and inadequate locations. It is expected that such study can be used as an important tool to subsidize the public administration in the pursuit of solutions which could bring benefits to society and the environment


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The methodology Balanced Scorecard (BSC) focuses on the major critical issues of modern organizations, whether with or without profit. The measurement of the effective performance of the latter is by evaluating the successful implementation of organizational strategy. The aim of this paper is to present the development of a system of performance measurement strategy for a nonprofit organization, whose object of study is the Associação de Apoio as Comunidades do Campo - AACC, in the context of the BSC methodology of Kaplan and Norton. The methodology of this case study is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative, and diagnose the coherence of the Strategy Map in an organization, based strategic planning from 2010 to 2012. Initially conducted a literature review covering the main aspects of strategy maps and performance evaluation involving the translation of the BSC and strategy evaluation. The main results of the proposed approach refers to evaluation of overall scores for each dimension of the BSC methodology, financial, customer, internal processes, learning and growth. These results are able to help the organization evaluate and revise their strategy and, in general, to adopt management methods more accurately. Data collection is centered on interviews with semi-structured questionnaire. The findings highlight on balancing and alignment of strategic objectives, low causality map, strategic communication insufficient and fragmented. For interviewees organizational culture is the biggest impediment to structuring a management model based on indicators and strategic process should be initiated by non-financial indicators gradually. The performance indicators of the AACC/RN portray more meritocracy operational procedures of social projects in the context of the Strategic Map determined in a shortterm over the long term. However, there is evidence of improved performance management and strategic taken as a basis of planning as both the strategic map structured. Therefore, the nonprofits need to adopt a form of management that enables planning, setting objectives and targets that provide the continuity of its activities, and generating instruments that can measure the financial performance and non-financial, in order to develop strategic actions for growth and sustainability


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The precision and the fast identification of abnormalities of bottom hole are essential to prevent damage and increase production in the oil industry. This work presents a study about a new automatic approach to the detection and the classification of operation mode in the Sucker-rod Pumping through dynamometric cards of bottom hole. The main idea is the recognition of the well production status through the image processing of the bottom s hole dynamometric card (Boundary Descriptors) and statistics and similarity mathematics tools, like Fourier Descriptor, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Euclidean Distance. In order to validate the proposal, the Sucker-Rod Pumping system real data are used