70 resultados para Educação Aspectos políticos
In this study, we present a political evaluation of how SENAC/RN perceives PRONATEC, emphasizing all ideological principles, aims and theories that this institution reproduces and reinforces while playing this professional qualification program. We intended to reveal ideological aspects that inspire SENACs perception of PRONATEC, pointing the actual interests hidden by those aspects. Our starting question is: What ideologies, objectives and theories that are explicitly or implicitly reinforced by Senac in implementing PRONATEC? In the research, we consider the hypothesis that transferring the responsibility about PRONATEC from public to private institutions is something that impoverishes the professional formation process, once the program ends up subordinated to private institutions ideological, political and economic interests. The methodological approach chosen was the single case study. As data source, we used broad literature survey, official files of PRONATEC and SENAC, official information about the program and personal interviews. At the end of the research, we present elements that show some flexibility on PRONATEC due to SENACs interests, offering a superficial professional formation, commonly dissociated from a propaedeutic education, focusing on the need of adaptation e consensus of works around a society project. In this regard, despite PRONATEC is payed by public resources, its been used by SENAC as a fortifier of this institution on professional education market, in an hegemonic and neoliberal construction of a model of society.
Enfoca a educação continuada e a sua relao com a formao profissional do bibliotecrio. Seu objetivo refletir como integrar a capacitao contnua formao desse profissional no contexto brasileiro. Pois, aspectos de ordem terico-prticos apontam para a necessidade de maior incorporao de procedimentos metodolgicos no fazer bibliotecrio. Isto se d em funo de que as operaes empricas tm se tornado insuficientes para garantir a qualidade da informao gerada no mbito de sistemas de informao. Assim, com base em aes-reflexes a partir desse contexto, identificou-se que necessrio se faz adotar programas que possibilitem a capacitao desse profissional na formao-em-servio, para melhor qualificar o processo de gerao, transferncia e uso da informao________________________________________________________________________________ABSTRACT Focus the continuous education and its relation with the professional formation of the librarian. Its objective is to reflect as to integrate the continuous qualification to the formation of this professional in the Brazilian context. Therefore, theoretician-practical aspects of order point with respect to the necessity of bigger incorporation of research procedures in making librarian. This if of the one in function of that the empirical operations if have become insufficient to guarantee the quality of the information generated in the scope of information systems. Thus, on the basis of action-reflections from this context, it was identified that necessary if it makes to adopt programs that make possible the qualification of this professional in the formation-in-service, better to characterize the generation process, transference and use of the information
O contedo de cincias no Ensino Fundamental dos ciclos I e II ministrado por um professor polivalente com formao em Pedagogia. Sua formao deve possibilitar uma viso global do fenmeno educativo, o que implica a construo de conhecimentos mltiplos e contextualizados, porm com pouco aprofundamento. Este trabalho objetiva identificar as opinies e dificuldades de licenciandos de Pedagogia a respeito dos contedos de Cincias nos dois primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental, mediado por dois questionamentos: Com relao aos contedos de cincias ministrados no I e II ciclos, voc os considera fcil ou difcil? Sendo solicitado que justificasse sua resposta; De acordo com seus conhecimentos sobre cincias, cite as principais dificuldades que voc teria (tem/teve) em ensinar cincias nos ciclos I e II. Participaram do estudo 29 licenciandas da turma de Ensino das Cincias Naturais II do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Com relao ao questionamento referente considerao dos contedos de cincias, 52% das licenciandas consideraram fcil, 31% difcil e 17% no responderam a questo. Foram identificadas trs categorias de respostas: processo de elaborao do planejamento (20,5% fcil e 20,5% difcil), nvel de conhecimento dos alunos (7% fcil e 0% difcil) e natureza dos contedos abordados (14% fcil e 10,5% difcil). Foram classificadas trs categorias distintas em relao s dificuldades em ensinar cincias: natureza dos contedos abordados (50%), aspectos metodolgicos (25%), e conhecimento bsico (25%). A anlise dos resultados revelou que a principal dificuldade das licenciandas em Pedagogia quanto aplicabilidade do ensino de cincias nos primeiros ciclos do Ensino Fundamental esta diretamente relacionada falta de conhecimento bsico destes contedos, que somente foram estudados por elas no Ensino Bsico, indicando a necessidade de incorporao de abordagens de contedos de cincias no currculo do curso de Pedagogia.
Nowadays the acquisition of sustainable elements and concepts in construction has been increasingly discussed, improved and incorporated to buildings, since the sector directly interferes in the urban space and environment, representing environmental impact. In order to make a sustainable building (Green Building) it is vital to incorporate less damaging constructive practice, starting from the project until the operation of the enterprise, that means to consider an integrated process of conception, implementation, construction and operation. The more effective sustainable principles participation in architecture happens at the projecting step through minimal environment impact solutions. Among the issues varieties that goes with sustainability proposal of the buildings project, there were added to this work the elements that are directly attached to bioclimatic architecture, more specifically the climate variation, ventilation, lighting and sunlight, that directly affect the project conception. It is important to put in evidence that architecture role goes far beyond the simple activity of building spaces; it is the sequence of political, economic, social and cultural elements, having the users as the main apparatus to its materialization. Thereby this professional dissertation consists of an architecture draft for a professional and technological school in the Rio Grande do Norte State, this dissertation is based on the analysis of previous experience and the bioclimatic principles that implicate in building on hot and dry, hot and humid climates, and the use of strategic solutions that aim the optimization of natural light and ventilation
El presente trabajo discute la Educacin para la Ciudadana en la Educacin Superior, destacando los desafos y las potencialidades de la Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (UERN); que organiza su accin poltica y pedaggica conforme a las exigencias de la actual poltica educacional para este nivel de educacin. Analiza la relacin de sta con la Educacin Bsica a partir del estudio del Proyecto Pedaggico del Curso de Ciencias Sociales discutiendo la educacin para la ciudadana y la formacin ciudadana de los futuros profesores de la educacin bsica en consonancia con la LDB 9.394/96, con las Directrices Curriculares Nacionales para los cursos de Docencia y adems para programas y polticas de orientacin para la educacin superior que resultaron de la conquistas de los movimientos sociales y que son propuestos por medio de las siguientes secretaras: Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetizao e Diversidade (SECAD) y Secretaria de Educação Superior (SESu). La reflexin incluye el estudio de tales temticas en el eje de temas emergentes que organizan el debate educacional, sobretodo en Amrica Latina, y los desafos de las universidades que actan en el contexto de la periferia en la desconstruccin del dominio simblico del colonialismo cultural y la construccin de la globalizacin alternativa y contra hegemnica a la globalizacin neoliberal. El estudio evidencia que la idea de ciudadana en la sociabilizacin contempornea presenta una ambigedad poltica consecuente de los procesos de globalizacin creciente siendo necesario que la perspectiva de la educacin para la ciudadana adoptada en la formacin de los profesionales de a educacin sea re politizada a partir de la nocin de ciudadana colectiva y multicultural apoyada en los principios de democracia y justicia social, construida en las interfaces de la educacin escolar y prcticas educativas en lo entorno social, y en los espacios políticos de organizacin y movilizacin colectiva en torno de las conquistas por los derechos civiles, sociales, políticos y culturales, y la inclusin de temas y valores emergentes en la educacin que interligados e interdependientes, garanticen su efectividad
We had as the problem of analysis in this research: what are the assumptions, principles and general content that based the Sistema Nacional de Avaliao da Educação Superior (SINAES). We started from the hypothesis that the general content of SINAES is essentially based on the assumptions and principles of a control/regulatory perspective of evaluation and a summative epistemology, objectivist and quantitativist, constituted by members who prioritize testing and classification of courses and institutions based on market values. The overall goal was to make a political evaluation of SINAES and the specific objectives were: a) apply the concepts of politics evaluation and meta-evaluation, b) identify the role of international organizations in education reform in the 1990s and its impact on superior education in Brazil c) redeem the concept of evaluation, especially in the field of studies in education; and d) investigate the evaluation policies of Brazilian superior education leading to SINAES. As for the technical procedures for collecting and analyzing data, the research was made with bibliography and documents, considering that it was developed by bibliographic sources and official publications. It was developed by crossing sources: texts or documents remitted to others; it was also concentrated: on the role of international organizations in educational and State reforms (in the 1990s); on the policies of evaluation of the Brazilian superior education (1980s and 1990s); on the proposal of the Comisso Especial de Avaliao (CEA); on the Law No. 10.861/2004; on the documents of CONAES; on the Decree No. 5.773/2006, and the MEC Regulatory Ordinances No. 4/2008 and No. 12/2008. It did not stop in the so called purely technical aspects, but in the ideological field itself. The research found that international organizations, notably the World Bank, played a political, intellectual and financial role determinant to the field of education, a fact that reflects in the legal framework. It was also found that the politics of evaluation of the superior education is historically marked by conflict, represented by two distinct perspectives of different natures and emphases. On one hand, the focus is on control / regulation, favoring efficiency, productivity and competitiveness benchmarking and prioritizing the punctual performance and measurement. On the other, it seeks to transform academic perspective in primarily formative / emancipatory, in order to support more institutional improvement. It was concluded that the CEA presented a conception evaluation predominantly formative and emancipatory, which emphasized the idea of system, centered around the institution and repudiated the rankings practices. In the post-formulation period, however, some of its principles were fragmenting and, gradually, the institution was giving way to the courses and the Exame Nacional de Desempenho de Estudantes (ENADE) grew in prominence. With the creation of the Conceito Preliminar de Cursos superiores (CPC) and of the ndice Geral de Cursos da Instituio de Educação Superior (IGC), it was redemeed the practice of evaluation as measurement and control, under the principles of efficiency and productivity. So, SINAES that seemed like a progressive evaluation method has assumed a setting that close resembles the Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC-Provo). Nevertheless, the survival of institutional formative evaluation, in the superior education evaluation policies, still an issue in dispute
This study has as a goal to establish a relationship between public sidewalk characteristics of Lagoa Nova District (neighborhood), in Natal and the kind of citizens whose constructions and maintenance layouts reflects. It‟s understood here as public sidewalk, specifically, the place reserved for passers-by traffic, located between public lots and vehicles pavements. It‟s a concern to make a brief survey about the occupation of this particular region and a detailed description over physical characteristic of its sidewalks that shows several obstacles for passers-by accessibility, trying to find possible factors that explain the problematic format , once, at the first sight, most of accessibility of passers-by is compromised. It‟ also, searched, local population thoughts regarding occupation notions about this environment, just like as cultural, political and economical aspects that might influence upon snatching these hybrid places located between private and public border line. It‟s confirmed that the nowadays sidewalks‟ shapes is not only citizenship reflection or a lack of it but shows it as an active agent related with the construction of this set of fundamental rights and duties vital for harmonical co-living local citizens
This work aims give evidence of that The hope principle, the philosophical system devised by the German philosopher Ernst Bloch, in which hope assumes an ontological character, offers cognitive support that allows overcoming the void imposed by nihilism today, especially in the field of education. But while it offers cognitive support, it also presents a need that is fulfilled by an educational proposal based on a not-yet-conscious being. An education based on hope has four essential pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to live together and, most of all, immerging into in the seas of uncertainty. In times when school is a promoter of certainties at the expense of uncertainties, education must not forsake the notion of the unpredictable and immeasurable, nor the need to find ways to enable better understanding of aspect related to the not-yet-be. The employed theoretical and methodological elements in this work paint a corpus through an interactive process in which layers of additional texts are subjected to analysis
This study aims to analyze how IFRN s process of interiorization contributes to endogenization of local and territorial development, more precisely in terms of graduates absorption into the labor market, form of inclusion and increase of income and welfare. The research premise is that the policy of interiorization and expansion of professional and technology education, by decentralizing opportunities, create a differential for the educational and professional trajectory of part of the graduates. This training, however, retain a relative connection with the productive potentialities in the coverage territories. This study includes a review of the literature on education and labor market and a discussion about the role of technical and professional formation for the local development versus the logic of the free market, considering the expansion of public spending for this purpose. For this study two sets of information and data have been collected primarily, with qualitative and quantitative nature. The research with qualitative focus, entitled Pesquisa de Avaliao da Expanso (PAEX), is constituted by series of open interviews applied to institutional representatives, with the purpose of knowing aspects of the interiorization repercussion in the local development process. The research designed to quantity analysis, entitled of the Pesquisa de Acompanhamento de Egressos (PAE), have been put in practice by applying online questionnaire with closed questions to IFRN s former students, aiming to know the form of insertion of the graduates in the labor market and the formation capacity of increasing the welfare, among other things. Empirical data and information fully confirmed the hypothesis of this study, for they really demonstrated that the expansion policy decentralizes opportunities and constitutes an important differential for the professional trajectory of a significant portion of the graduates. However, the graduates employability in the labor market in their territories of coverage is below expectations, due to structural problems of the local economy related to scarcity of jobs, difficulty in wage growth and in professional development. Complementarily, it has been observed institutional difficulties related to the recent implantation process of the policy of professional and technical education in the various campuses of the Institution
The literature about the Geography teaching has shown that most male and female teachers of this subject go on guiding their teaching practice based on the traditional Geography fundamentals, whose main characteristic consist in the description of places. The incorporation of scientific standards that change the old principles and concepts have not been happening, unless in a punctual way. The overcoming of the traditional Geography, related to the aspects accepted by the scientific field have not happened in Brazil yet, not only because of certain obvious obstacles, as the literature has been pointed out but also by symbolic obstacles, which block the incorporation of the new, of the non habitual action. One of those obstacles that motivated the accomplishment of this study was the social representations that are theoretically studied here under the perspective developed by Serge Moscovici. Then, the focus of this doctorate study is concentrated in the apprehension of the content and structure of the social representation of teaching of Geography and its relation with the habitus that gives form and social visibility to the ones who are teachers of that subject in Teresina. The consecution of this work was especially based on the Pierre Bourdieus praxiology, mainly on the concepts of social field, habitus and capital, as well as the theory of social representations, specifically on the approach of central nucleus developed by Jean-Claude Abric and Jean-Claude Flament. The initial hypothesis pointed out the existence of a Geographers primary habitus built through the development process of the geographic science field in Brazil, as a basis of production of a social representation of teaching geography . That representation, however, would act as a symbolic obstacle to the incorporation of the new scientific contents and pedagogical practice, which require from the teacher investigative and questionable attitude in the presence of the reality and contents approached in the classroom. That initial hypothesis laid on the theoretical purpose that it has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1997), which states that there is a narrow relationship between the habitus and social representation. The study was developed with male and female teachers of Geography from public schools of Teresina. The methodology involved the use of a questionnaire, the free-word association technique and deep interviews. The achieved results showed the presence of a complex process of representational construction and its articulation with a habitus produced by the synthesis of several situational and cultural referents, from among of them we can point out an insertion in a social field of practice exclusively related to the teaching and the reproduction of a professoral teaching (SILVA, 2003), built through the school development process, which those male and female teachers were exposed. The initial hypothesis that considered the local reproduction of a primary habitus of the Geography was denied, therefore, it was verified that there is not in Teresina the production/reproduction of the structures, rules and practice of the national scientific field, in which this subject is inserted. Hence, the incorporation of the new patterns of the geographic scientific knowledge is difficult because of the inexistence of a scientific habitus, that is, mental schema systems that would let the teachers mentioned above connect themselves appropriately to the science and its practices. So, it has gotten a social representation of teaching geography based on contents strictly related to the reproduction of structures, mental schema from the educational field which attach themselves to the hegemonic pedagogical practices in the national scope
Climacteric is the name of the period of the human life that it is going from the 40 years old, approximately, until the 65 years old. Though, for besides a biological phase of the woman's life, the climacteric is an object of the social world that is rendered to different apprehensions and readings on the symbolic plan. In this study, it was looked for to know the social representations, that health' professionals acting in the programs of the climacteric and the users of those same services, build in respect of that purpose. Besides, it tried to be seen that the social hegemonic representation that guides the actions and the agents' attitudes in the practices of attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric in the extent of the investigated institutions. The data were collected through interviews, questionnaire, focal discussion group and direct observation. The observation field was constituted by the three institutions that develop the attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric phase, in the city of Natal. A gender perspective was also been adopted, sought to evidence as the cognitive structures that assure the masculine power reproduction, pronounce to the social representations to build a sense to the investigated purpose. It was verified that the social representations of the climacteric are built mainly around the semantic fields old age and disease. For the health professionals, the meaning of the simbol old age carries the marks of the indentified system of the middle class employed, but also, of the feminine habitus that guides them to have an ethical and aesthetic apprehension of their own body. The climacteric, in that way, is seen as a difficult phase , a painful event that scares . For the women attended by those professionals, the sign old age means feeling emphasis from the biological climacteric aspects, in other words, the sensations and signs that forbid the body to accomplish certain linked basic life functions. Along the whole course of this thesis, it was verified that the climacteric is a complex phenomenon that needs to be faced as such. While cultural phenomenon, it is urgent to look for means to help to combat the centrality of the professional representations that face the climacteric as old age and disease, particularly in the field of health
Cette tude propose une lecture du sport d endurance, prenant comme perspective thorique l imaginaire radical et considrant les dimensions socio-historiques e subjectives de la pratique de courses de longue distance. D abord, l chantillon la recherche a t compos de huit sujets-atltes du groupe de courreurs de rue Sport Vida. Ainsi, em mme temps que nous faisons une analyse socio-historique de cette pratique sportive, nous considrons l ensemble des aspects scio-culturels et poursuivons la recherche avec comme objectif de comprendre les sens qui lui sont attribus par les sjuets-atltes, au-del de l aspect conomique et de la consommation. Nous observons que, mme si l alttismo qui est pratiqu a des aspects competitifs (economiques), les atltes crent d autres sens pour continuer a pratiquer ce sport, comme les amitis, tre ensemble avec les amis. Ils rompent avec la logique dterministe du sport dpasser la limite du corps, vaincre n importe quel prix, dpasser les collgues -, en cherchant des moments de solidarit, un sport sans violence et affectif. Nous percevons nanmoins des contradictions dans le discours de quelques atltes quand confessent que le plus important est l amour du sport, les amitis, mais rclament du manque de sponsorts et d appui pour pouvoir s entrainer tranquillement. Cette recherche a aussi montr que dans la pratique de ce sport, les atltes construisent une obstination, sachant le sacrifice qu il impose au corps, mais cela se transforme en plaisir, excitation et recherche d motions fortes. Valeurs thiques sont aussi construites et valorises dans l atltisme, ce qui est observ lorsque que les sujets-atltes critiquent avec vemence a propos de l usage de substances chimiques par les sportifs. En choisissant l imaginaire radical comme principale inspiration thorique pour cette recherche, il devient vident que le sport peut tre ressignifi, partir du moment que cet imaginaire est potencialis dans l enseignement de l ducation physique, porvocant chez les lves une rflexion critique sur la socit et sur le sport, qui passe tre redimensionn vers la solidarit, avec dmocratie et autonomie. Enfin, l tude a rvl que le sport d endurance est capable de crer des liens sociaux et structurer des relations partir de cette pratique
El estudio Historia y educacin de mujeres indgenas que quedan em Misso do Sahy pretende comprender, a travs de recerdos y memorias, la transmisin de costumbres y prcticas educativas de un grupo de mujeres en sus relaciones con la familia, la escuela y la religin. El enfoque terico-metodolgico utilizado fue la Historia Oral, un enfoque que oferece la oportunidad de trabajar con la historia de mujeres y la memoria, tratando de reconstruir algunas de las experiencias de estas mujeres que tienen la custodia de las historias y los conocimientos transmitidos por los antepasados, como activistas en las actividades de la Comunidad, los partidos políticos, en la direccin de las asociaciones de la comunidad y los mantenedoras de la iglesia. La encuesta se realiz en el Distrito de Misso do Sahy, un asentamiento franciscano instalado en 1697 y abolida en 1863, em el territorio de Las Jacobinas, la ciudad de Senhor do Bonfim, en el norte de Bahia. El estudio demostr que todava hay uma fuerte presencia de la prctica de los Padres Franciscanos, los creadores del pueblo, tambin mostr que las orientaciones religiosas han contribuido significativamente a fortalecer el papel de la mujer en Misso do Sahy como madre y esposa. Este estudio tambin mostr que el sesgo afecta a las ms jvenes remanescentes que - ni india ni negra - todavia son victimas de discriminacin, un hecho que quizs tiene su origen el desconocimiento de la identidad de estas mujeres. Varios autores han contribuido en este estudio: Halbwachs (2006), Bosi (1994) y Pollak (1989) contribuy a la construccin del estudio de la memoria, Perrot (1988, 2006, 2007) y Del Piore (2007) proporcionaron la base para la historia de la mujer; Machado y otros autores regionales (1993, 2007), Loureno Pereira da Silva (1906, 1915), Adolfo Silva (1971), Edith Davis (1997), Joseph Davis (2001), Da Paz (2001, 2004), Oro (2008) , Santos (2007), Araujo (2002) y (2008 Vieira Filho) contribuyeron a la construccin de una historiografa de la zona de la investigacin. Cronistas Frei Martinho de Nantes (1979) y Frei Venancio Willeke OFM (1994), adems de terico Norbert Elias (1993), de Michel de Certeau (1994) y Philippe Aries (1981), que presentan elementos importantes para el anlisis de las pruebas.
We understand that the successful old age is not confined only in the analysis of quantitative aspects concerning the economic situation of the subject that gets old, but this special way of aging is related to other values, such as dignity, happiness, self-esteem, willingness, autonomy, independence, social involvement with family and friends, among others. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the human aging process, considering the history of life of ten seniors who fit the profile of successful old age, seeking to identify elements that contribute to educational thinking in order to get a successful aging. In this perspective, we argue in this study, the idea that we need to learn to engage in experiences that more than providing satisfaction and well-being in the moment in which we conducted, serve as a potentiating to a successful old age. Thus, throughout this thesis we question: what are the present indicative in the histories of life of elderly people, considered successful, which may contribute to an education that people experiencing their age more satisfactorily. This is a qualitative study, that took as universe a methodological oral history, in which we used as a technique of research a semistructured interview as a part of their life history, with emphasis on consideration of the following categories: diary routine, with emphasis on social harmony in the family, at work and in friendship groups of leisure and physical activity, self-knowledge and the learning experiences throughout life. To get the objectives outlined, as well as lectured on the categories analyzed, we support our reflection on the theory of the course of life, which includes human aging as a historical and cultural contextual reality. Our research revealed, among other things, that successful aging is coupled to an active lifestyle, where the involvement in physical activities, recreational and social experiences throughout life is important for increasing self-esteem, autonomy and joy of living, conditions that enable successful old age. Our study also revealed that the educationfor successful old age is linked with the consumption along the life, educational activities which broaden the possibilities of social interaction between people, even among different generations, since the interaction is important to learn and accept our possibilities and limits.
This investigation proposes to analyze the teaching practice in the Child Education, considering the childhood and the Child Education conceptions declared by the teachers. It was opted as methodological approach the qualitative conception of research, marking a critical perspective of the subjects, and their relations in the educational processes. It was privileged as instruments of construction of the data, the observation of the practices of the teachers developed in the ordinary day, the semistructured interviews, and the documental analysis to complement information, through the developing report of the students, done by the teachers in the end of the teaching year. This way, from the understanding of the childhood in a social perspective, and historically constructed, considering the concrete children insertion in the social reality and the child as a whole subject and by rights, it was developed the interpretative analysis of the data. The investigated reality showed that the childhood conceptions linked to the comprehension of child and child development, declared by the teachers, subjects of the research, have been associated, in some aspects, to the present thought of thinking and acting in relation to the small child, evidencing, consequently, several limitations of pedagogical order, and the demanding evidence of a bigger development of the teachers about the question.