22 resultados para Domínio modal


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We report a theoretical investigation of the magnetic phases and hysteresis of exchange biased ferromagnetic (F) nanoelements for three di erent systems: exchange biased nanoparticles, exchange biased narrow ferromagnetic stripes and exchange biased thin ferromagnetic lms. In all cases the focus is on the new e ects produced by suitable patterns of the exchange energy coupling the ferromagnetic nanoelement with a large anisotropy antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. We investigate the hysteresis of iron and permalloy nanoparticles with a square basis, with lateral dimensions between 45 nm and 120 nm and thickness between 12 nm and 21 nm. Interface bias is aimed at producing large domains in thin lms. Our results show that, contrary to intuition, the interface exchange coupling may generate vortex states along the hysteresis loop. Also, the threshold value of the interface eld strength for vortex nucleation is smaller for iron nanoelements. We investigate the nucleation and depinning of an array of domain walls pinned at interface defects of a vicinal stripe/AF bilayer. The interface exchange eld displays a periodic pattern corresponding to the topology of the AF vicinal substrate. The vicinal AF substrate consists of a sequence of terraces, each with spins from one AF subalattice, alternating one another. As a result the interface eld of neighboring terraces point in opposite direction, leading to the nucleation of a sequence of domain walls in the ferromagnetic stripe. We investigated iron an permalloy micrometric stripes, with width ranging from 100 nm and 300 nm and thickness of 5 nm. We focused in domain wall sequences with same chirality and alternate chirality. We have found that for 100nm terraces the same chiraility sequence is more stable, requiring a larger value of the external eld for depinning. The third system consists of an iron lm with a thickness of 5 nm, exchange coupled to an AF substrate with a periodic distribution of islands where the AF spins have the opposite direction of the spins in the background. This corresponds to a two-sublattice noncompensated AF plane (such as the surface of a (100) FeF2 lm), with monolayer-height islands containing spins of one sublattice on a surface containing spins of the opposite sublattice. The interface eld acting in the ferromagnetic spins over the islands points in the opposite direction of that in the spins over the background. This a model system for the investigation of interface roughness e ects. We have studied the coercicivity an exchange bias hysteresis shift as a function of the distance between the islands and the degree of interface roughness. We have found a relevant reduction of coercivity for nearly compensated interfaces. Also the e ective hysteresis shift is not proportional to the liquid moment of the AF plane. We also developed an analytical model which reproduces qualitatively the results of numerical simulations


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I thank to my advisor, João Marcos, for the intellectual support and patience that devoted me along graduate years. With his friendship, his ability to see problems of the better point of view and his love in to make Logic, he became a great inspiration for me. I thank to my committee members: Claudia Nalon, Elaine Pimentel and Benjamin Bedregal. These make a rigorous lecture of my work and give me valuable suggestions to make it better. I am grateful to the Post-Graduate Program in Systems and Computation that accepted me as student and provided to me the propitious environment to develop my research. I thank also to the CAPES for a 21 months fellowship. Thanks to my research group, LoLITA (Logic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications). In this group I have the opportunity to make some friends. Someone of them I knew in my early classes, they are: Sanderson, Haniel and Carol Blasio. Others I knew during the course, among them I’d like to cite: Patrick, Claudio, Flaulles and Ronildo. I thank to Severino Linhares and Maria Linhares who gently hosted me at your home in my first months in Natal. This couple jointly with my colleagues of student flat Fernado, Donátila and Aline are my nuclear family in Natal. I thank my fiancée Luclécia for her precious a ective support and to understand my absence at home during my master. I thank also my parents Manoel and Zenilda, my siblings Alexandre, Paulo and Paula.Without their confidence and encouragement I wouldn’t achieve success in this journey. If you want the hits, be prepared for the misses Carl Yastrzemski


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The study aimed to analyze the nursing diagnoses of the nutrition domain from NANDA International in patients undergoing hemodialysis. This is a transversal study conducted in a university hospital in northeastern Brazil, with 50 hemodialysis patients. The data collection instrument was an interview form and a physical examination, in digital format, applied between the months of December 2013 to May 2014. Data analysis was divided into two stages. In the first, defining characteristics, related factors and risk factors were judged as to their presence by the researcher, according to the data collected. In the second stage, based on data from the first, diagnostic inference by experts was held. The results were organized in tables and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics for the diagnoses that showed higher frequencies than 50%. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee responsible for the research institution (protocol number 392 535), with Certificate Presentation to Ethics Assessment 18710613.4.00005537 number. The results indicate a median of 7 (± 1.51) nursing diagnoses of the nutrition domain per patient. Six diagnoses with greater frequency than 50% were identified, namely: Risk for electrolyte imbalance, Risk for unstable blood glucose level, Excess fluid volume, Readiness for enhanced fluid balance, Readiness for enhanced nutrition and Risk for deficient fluid volume. The defining characteristics, related and risk factors presented an average of 34.78 (± 6.86), 15.50 (± 3.40) and a median of 4 (± 1.93), respectively, and 11 of these components had statistically significant association with the respective diagnoses. Were identified associations between adventitious breath sounds, edema and pulmonary congestion with the diagnosis Excess fluid volume; Expressed desire to increase fluid balance with the nursing diagnosis Readiness for enhanced fluid balance; It feeds regularly, Attitude to food consistent with the health goals, Consume adequate food, expresses knowledge about healthy food choices, expresses desire to improve nutrition, expresses knowledge about liquid healthier choices and following appropriate standard supply with diagnosis Readiness for enhanced nutrition. It is concluded that the diagnosis of the nutrition domain related to electrolyte problems are prevalent in customer submitted to hemodialysis. The identification of these diagnoses contributes to the development of a plan of care targeted to the needs of these clients, providing better quality of life and advance in the practice of care


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The study aimed to analyze the field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection of NANDA International present in patients in the Intensive Care Unit. This is a crosssectional study in intensive care complex of a university hospital in northeastern Brazil. The research took place in two stages. The first step was to collect data through an interview form and physical examination, with 86 patients admitted to the unit, during the months of December 2013 to May 2014. Spreadsheets were built in Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Software in which were marked by the researcher of this study, the presence or absence of defining characteristics, related factors and risk factors of the 31 studied diagnoses. In the second stage, held between July and August 2014, the sheets were sent to three diagnosticians, previously trained to perform the diagnostic inference. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics for the diagnoses that showed higher frequencies than 50%, using IBM SPSS version 20.0 for Statistic Windows.O project was approved by the 440/414 and Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment number 22955113 .2.0000.5292. The results indicated the presence of 29 field of nursing diagnoses safety / protection in hospital clientele in the Intensive Care Unit, of which five were present in 100% of patients, namely: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk,risk of allergic response and risk of trauma. Diagnoses that presented more frequently than 50% were: Risk of infection, dry eye risk, poisoning risk, vascular trauma risk, impaired skin integrity, impaired dentition, bleeding risk, risk imbalance in body temperature, Risk perioperative positioning injury, impaired tissue integrity, peripheral neurovascular dysfunction Risk, Risk adverse response to contrast media with iodine, shock Hazard and Risk of aspiration. For these analyzes, we identified 35 risk factors, 11 defining characteristics and three related factors showed statistically significant association with the studied diagnoses. For diagnostics: Risk of contamination, injury risk, falls risk, allergic response risk, trauma Risk, Risk of infection, dry eye risk and risk poisoning there was no association with any of their risk factors. We conclude that most of the area of nursing diagnoses safety / protection feature is prevalent in critically ill patients, with special attention to the risk diagnoses. There was a significant association between these diagnoses and its components. It is noteworthy, therefore, that the lifting of this profile contributes relevant clues to the inference of the priority nursing diagnoses domain safety / protection in the study population, supporting the practice of nursing and stimulating knowledge on the subject.


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The Dissertation aimed to advance the geological knowledge of the Barcelona Granitic Pluton (BGP). This body is located in the eastern portion of the Rio Grande do Norte Domain (RND), within the São José do Campestre subdomain (SJC), NE of the Borborema Province. The main goal was to understand the geological evolution of the rocks of the pluton and the tectonic setting of magma generation and its emplacement. The BGP has an assumed Ediacaran age and outcropping area of approximately 260 km2, being composed of three varied petrographic/textural facies: (a) porphyritic biotite monzogranite; (b) dykes and sheets of biotite microgranite; (c) dioritic to quartz-dioritic enclaves. The rocks of the BGP have the following structures: (i) a NE-SW and NW-SE directed magmatic fabric (Sγ), accompanied by a magmatic lineation (Lγ) with gentle dip to NE-SW and NW-SE. In the southern portion, there is the concentric pattern of this foliation with medium to high dip, and (ii) a solid state foliation, in part mylonitic (S3+), mainly on the eastern edge with slightly plunging to west. The integration of structural and gravity data permitted to interpret the emplacement of the BGP as controlled by the transcurrent shear zones systems Lajes Pintadas (LPSZ) and Sítio Novo (SNSZ), both of dextral strike-slip kinematics. Mineral chemistry data show that the amphibole form the porphyritic biotite monzogranite facies is hastingsite with moderate Mg / (Mg + Fe) ratios, indicating crystallization under moderate to high ƒO2 and cristallization pressure of around 5.0-6.0 kbar. The biotite tends to be slightly richer in annite molecule and plots in the transitional field from primary biotite to reequilibrated biotite. In discriminant diagrams of magmatic series, the biotite behave like those of subalkaline affinity, consistent with the potassium calc-alkaline / sub-alkaline geochemical affinity of the hosting rock. The opaque minerals are primarily magnetite, with some crystals martitized to hematite indicating relatively oxidizing conditions during magma evolution that originated the BGP. Zoning in plagioclase, K-feldspar and allanite crystals suggest fractional crystallization process. Lithogeochemical data suggest that the facies described for the BGP have similar magma source, usually plotting in the fields and trends of the subalkaline / high potassium calc-alkaline series.


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The ediacaran plutonic activity related to the Brasilian/Pan-African orogeny is one of the most important geological features in the Borborema Province, represented along its extension by numerous batholiths, stocks, and dikes.The object of this study, the Serra Rajada Granitic Pluton (SRGP), located in the central portion of the Piranhas-Seridó River Domain is an example of this activity. This pluton has been the subject of cartographic, petrographic, geochronological and lithogeochemical studies and its rocks were characterized by two facies. First, the granitic facies were described as monzogranites consisting of K-feldspar, plagioclase (oligoclase - An23-24%), quartz and biotite (main mafic) and opaque minerals such as titanite, allanite, apatite, and zircon as accessories. Alteration minerals are chlorite, white mica and carbonate. Second, the dioritic facies consist of rocks formed by quartz diorite containing plagioclase (dominant mineral phase), quartz and K-feldspar. Biotite and amphibole are the dominant mafic minerals; and titanite, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite are the accessories. However, previous geological mapping work in the region also identified the presence of other lithostratigraphic units. These were described as gneisses and migmatites with undifferentiated amphibolite lenses related to the Caicó Complex (Paleoproterozoic) and metasedimentary rocks of the Seridó Group (Neoproterozoic) composed of paragneiss with calc-silicate lenses, muscovite quartzite and biotite schist (respectively, the Jucurutu formations, Equador and Seridó), the host rocks for the SRGP rocks. Leucomicrogranite and pegmatite dikes have also been identified, both related to the end of the Ediacaran magmatism and colluvial- eluvial and alluvial deposits related to Neogene and Quaternary, respectively. Lithogeochemical data on the SRGP granite facies, highlighted quite evolved rocks (SiO2 69% to 75%), rich in alkalis (Na2O+K2O ≥ 8.0%), depleted of MgO (≤ 0.45%), CaO (≤ 1.42%) and TiO2 (≤ 0.36%) and moderate levels of Fe2O3t (2.16 to 3.53%). They display transitional nature between metaluminous and peraluminous (predominance of the latter) with sub-alkaline/monzonitic (High K calcium-alkali) affinity. Harker diagrams show negative correlations for Fe2O3t, MgO, and CaO, indicating mafic and plagioclase fractionation. REE spectrum shows enrichment of LREE relative to heavy REE (LaN/YbN = 23.70 to 10.13), with negative anomaly in the Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.70 to 0.23), suggesting fractionation or accumulation in the feldspars source (plagioclase). Data integration allows to correlate the SRGP rocks with those described as Calcium-Alkaline Suite of equigranular High K. The crystallization conditions of the SRGP rocks were determined from the integration of petrographic and lithogeochemical data. These data indicated intermediate to high conditions of ƒO2 (mineral paragenesis titanite + magnetite + quartz), parent magma saturated in H2O (early biotite crystallization), tardi-magmatic processes of fluids rich in ƒCO2, H2O and O2 causing part of the mineral assembly to change (plagioclase carbonation and saussuritization, biotite chloritization and opaques Sphenitization). Thermobarometrical conditions were estimated based on geochemical parameters (Zr and P2O5) and CIPW normative minerals, with results showing the liquidus minimum temperature of about800°C and the solidus temperature of approximately 700°C. The final/minimum crystallization pressure are suggested to be between 3 and 5 Kbar. The presence of zoned minerals (plagioclase and allanite) associated with lithogeochemical data in bi-log diagrams for Rb vs. Ba and Rb vs. Sr suggest the role of fractional crystallization as the dominant process in the magmatic evolution of SRGP. U-Pb Geochronological and Sm-Nd isotope studies indicated, respectively, the crystallization age of biotite monzogranite as 557 ± 13 Ma, with TDM model age of 2.36 Ga, and εNd value of -20.10 to the crystallization age, allowing to infer paleoproterozoic crustal source for the magma.


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The ediacaran plutonic activity related to the Brasilian/Pan-African orogeny is one of the most important geological features in the Borborema Province, represented along its extension by numerous batholiths, stocks, and dikes.The object of this study, the Serra Rajada Granitic Pluton (SRGP), located in the central portion of the Piranhas-Seridó River Domain is an example of this activity. This pluton has been the subject of cartographic, petrographic, geochronological and lithogeochemical studies and its rocks were characterized by two facies. First, the granitic facies were described as monzogranites consisting of K-feldspar, plagioclase (oligoclase - An23-24%), quartz and biotite (main mafic) and opaque minerals such as titanite, allanite, apatite, and zircon as accessories. Alteration minerals are chlorite, white mica and carbonate. Second, the dioritic facies consist of rocks formed by quartz diorite containing plagioclase (dominant mineral phase), quartz and K-feldspar. Biotite and amphibole are the dominant mafic minerals; and titanite, opaque minerals, allanite, zircon and apatite are the accessories. However, previous geological mapping work in the region also identified the presence of other lithostratigraphic units. These were described as gneisses and migmatites with undifferentiated amphibolite lenses related to the Caicó Complex (Paleoproterozoic) and metasedimentary rocks of the Seridó Group (Neoproterozoic) composed of paragneiss with calc-silicate lenses, muscovite quartzite and biotite schist (respectively, the Jucurutu formations, Equador and Seridó), the host rocks for the SRGP rocks. Leucomicrogranite and pegmatite dikes have also been identified, both related to the end of the Ediacaran magmatism and colluvial- eluvial and alluvial deposits related to Neogene and Quaternary, respectively. Lithogeochemical data on the SRGP granite facies, highlighted quite evolved rocks (SiO2 69% to 75%), rich in alkalis (Na2O+K2O ≥ 8.0%), depleted of MgO (≤ 0.45%), CaO (≤ 1.42%) and TiO2 (≤ 0.36%) and moderate levels of Fe2O3t (2.16 to 3.53%). They display transitional nature between metaluminous and peraluminous (predominance of the latter) with sub-alkaline/monzonitic (High K calcium-alkali) affinity. Harker diagrams show negative correlations for Fe2O3t, MgO, and CaO, indicating mafic and plagioclase fractionation. REE spectrum shows enrichment of LREE relative to heavy REE (LaN/YbN = 23.70 to 10.13), with negative anomaly in the Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.70 to 0.23), suggesting fractionation or accumulation in the feldspars source (plagioclase). Data integration allows to correlate the SRGP rocks with those described as Calcium-Alkaline Suite of equigranular High K. The crystallization conditions of the SRGP rocks were determined from the integration of petrographic and lithogeochemical data. These data indicated intermediate to high conditions of ƒO2 (mineral paragenesis titanite + magnetite + quartz), parent magma saturated in H2O (early biotite crystallization), tardi-magmatic processes of fluids rich in ƒCO2, H2O and O2 causing part of the mineral assembly to change (plagioclase carbonation and saussuritization, biotite chloritization and opaques Sphenitization). Thermobarometrical conditions were estimated based on geochemical parameters (Zr and P2O5) and CIPW normative minerals, with results showing the liquidus minimum temperature of about800°C and the solidus temperature of approximately 700°C. The final/minimum crystallization pressure are suggested to be between 3 and 5 Kbar. The presence of zoned minerals (plagioclase and allanite) associated with lithogeochemical data in bi-log diagrams for Rb vs. Ba and Rb vs. Sr suggest the role of fractional crystallization as the dominant process in the magmatic evolution of SRGP. U-Pb Geochronological and Sm-Nd isotope studies indicated, respectively, the crystallization age of biotite monzogranite as 557 ± 13 Ma, with TDM model age of 2.36 Ga, and εNd value of -20.10 to the crystallization age, allowing to infer paleoproterozoic crustal source for the magma.