36 resultados para Discurso forense


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In this study we investigate the reference to other s discourse done it through the resource of direct cited discourse at background section in monographic texts produced by university students at the last phase of final work in their graduate Letras course. This work is guided in cited/related discourse studies in Bakhtin (2004), Authier-Revuz (1990, 1998, 2004), Maingueneau (1996, 2002), Charaudeau and Maingueneau (2004); in genre approaches developed by Bakhtin (2000); Maingueneau (1996, 2002); socio-discursive interaction (BRONCKART, 1999, 2003; SCHNEUWLY, 2004; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 2004) and Bazerman (2005); and also in presuppositions of Textual Linguistics presented by Charrolles (1988), Van Dijk (1997), Beaugrande and Dressier (1981), Koch and Travaglia (1993, 1995), Koch (2002, 2004) and Val (2000, 2004). We have established as aims to analyze and interpret meaning relations problems in how to articulate direct cited discourse with citing discourse and at the same time explain semantic implications that comes from that articulation that compromise text meaning, at background section in that monographic genre. The analysis, by qualitative and quantitative basis in eleven monographic works that form our corpus, gave us the opportunity to achieve and see that meaning relationships in the articulation of direct cited discourse with citing discourse show problems that may be categorized into three different groups: problems related to meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes before it, problems of meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes after it, and problems with of meaning relationships with citing discourse that come before it and at the same time with citing discourse that comes after it (i.e. in relation to both). These analysis also allow us assert that, these problems, just because they occur frequently, they affect the micro level text coherence, and they also compromise the text global meaning. The results show that students at Letras Course, even in the ending process of their course do not show the real domain in relation to some ways of direct cited discourse organization and working, and also how the ideas articulation work in the construction of relations between direct cited discourse and the citing discourse that can turn those students able to produce a text that enhance acceptable patterns


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This dissertation work is an effort to understand how the ideology and the power interferes in the signification of the speeches immersed in the context of the printed media concerning the drought in the Northeast of Brazil, weather occurrence that punishes 23 million of Brazilians, with all sort of problems. It also has specific concern about the everyday usage of the language and with the routines of the information production, without losing of sight the role of History in the formation of the identity of individuals and people. The research work is also developed in an interdisciplinary environment, applying to the formed corpus five articles from Folha de São Paulo , collected from January to July of 2005, the French Analysis method of the Speech and the theory of the polyphony of Bakhtin, in the Applied Linguistics area, accomplished with Communication beddings as the agenda-setting. The results ended to a good understanding about the ideology and power´s influence and chaining in the speeches formations as well as to comprehend peoples concept in an environment of almost-mediated interaction, bringing a media look about polyphony in the bakhtinian mold, besides showing how all these questions interferes with the half-barren the Northeast media´s vision on the subject


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This research studies the argumentative process developed by the Basis Educational Movement (MEB), using as corpus the booklet Viver é lutar , and other lesson plans of the Educational Rural Radio from Natal. It has as objectives reveal the argumentative strategies in the discursive production of MEB, exploring the meaning effects suggested by its production conditions, and the ideological positions defended, in addition to this, verify how the booklet and the radio classes dialogued in the argumentation of their theses. So, the study is guided by the Discourse Analysis presuppositions, by the Argumentation Theory, by the conceptions of Popular Education, as well as the conception language dialogical language conception, recurring to Bakhtin (1995). The research adopts the documental characteristic of qualitative nature with an interpretative basis. The analysis of the data permitted us to confirm that the pedagogical didactic material discourse of MEB was produced in a social-historical-ideological context in what the education was seen as a social liberation instrument, being able to transform the Brazilian people and the Brazilian unequal structure. The results reveal that the booklet and the classes assume a position remarkably in favor of the popular classes, structured by the argumentative techniques that intended to convince, and to persuade the auditorium. Thus, the argument was based initially on the convincing of youths and of adults for, afterwards, to construct a persuasion to the learners, in terms of referring to act on the reality to transform it, according to their desires of social justice


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Considérant que le Brésil est un pays considéré comme «non- lecteurs», nous avons essayé de trouver des solutions pour inverser cette situation d'exclusion sociale à travers des campagnes et des projets. Le slogan était le moyen de la propagande a proposé à cet effet. En étant un peu éclairante, il a été considéré qu'ils étaient peut-être inséré dans un contexte idéologique, en passant, qui faisait alors partie de l'objet d'études en question et, en conséquence, l'objectif était d'étudier comment, dans niveau discursif, les relations sociales de l'idéologie et du pouvoir dans ces dessins slogans verbaux et des campagnes publicitaires pour encourager la lecture. Nous avons utilisé comme instrument de collecte de données en 2007 slogans projets (sept) et l'intensification des campagnes de publicité dans les années 1995 à 2006, peu après la création de la descendance en 1992, où son fonctionnement a été analysé et discours idéologique, en cherchant à identifier les états effets de sens proposé. Nous avons utilisé pour soutenir la perspective de recherche d'analyse du discours de l'école française, affiliée à Pêcheux. Afin de sens les effets sens des tests a été fait une semi-ouverte aux enseignants qui traitent directement avec l'enseignement de la lecture de l'Institut de l'Enseignement Supérieur du Président-Kennedy, situé à Natal / RN. On été appliqués 100 questionnaires, parmi lesquels 60 d‟entre eux utilisés pour l‟analyse. La recherche a démontré par l'analyse, que la façon d'encourager les gens à lire se déplace à travers le modèle principal de la compréhension de la lecture à laquelle les slogans ont été utilisés, en les intégrant dans un discours dominant, qui ne contribue pas de manière significative à l'augmentation le nombre de lecteurs dans le pays. Grâce à l'analyse des slogans et la réception des sujets de recherche, nous nous rendons compte de la diversité et l'idéologie sont présents en elles, révélant tout le temps, la compréhension de la lecture comme une surface pratique, ne mettre en lumière certaines de ses fonctions Importantes au sein d‟um contexte éducatif plus large


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This work investigates features that speakers use to introduce different voices during retextualization of a literary work. It presents events revealing different resources used, characterizing the discursive heterogeneity, recognized through various brands such as quotation marks, italics, etc. The material analyzed, ie, the corpus of this research, consists of 65 essays from the reading of a literary work - Jealous of Card, Moacyr Scliar - produced by students of the 8th year of high school while in the classroom. The data revealed that the resource most used by students was the indirect discourse, although there also occurred the use of other resources such as free indirect discourse and modalizations in fewer redactions. Notably, the autonym connotation was noted through the use of quotation marks, and the use of parentheses. The recurrence of the parentheses seem to be justified by the need to make clearer sentences that could raise questions to the reader, since the protocol request retextualization established a thirty lines of text, which would certainly limit the possibilities of expansion of the text


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En plein XIXe siècle, Nísia Floresta Brasileira Augusta a écrit sur deux voyages faits en Europe. Quelques années plus tard, cette norte-rio-grandense a livré au public ses récits de voyage : Itinéraire d un voyage en Allemagne (1857) et Trois ans en Italie Suivis d un Voyage en Grèce (1864/1872). Malgré les particularités qui entourent chacun de ces récits, un aspect y est fortement présent : les marques autobiographiques. Notre travail a comme principal objectif enquêter comment se manifeste ce discours autobiographique. A partir de l‟Analyse du Discours, nous avons travaillé quelques positionnements sur certaines oeuvres littéraires, comme par exemple, le fait qu‟elles aient plus d‟un genre. Ce qui se passe dans les récits de voyage de Nísia Floresta est semblable, car au-délà de raconter le passage de Nísia par ces lieux, nous pouvons trouver des caractéristiques qui appartiennent à l‟écriture fragmentaire, autobiographique et épistolaire. Devant les propositions indiquées par Philippe Lejeune, nous avons pu confirmer que ces récits de Nísia font partie de l‟écriture autobiographique. Sous l‟optique de quelques théories, nous avons parcouru des points intéressants qui enveloppent ces récits et, de cette façon, nous avons voyagé avec Nísia Floresta par l‟Allemagne et ultérieurement par l‟Italie et Grèce, en connaissant ainsi, pas seulement un peu plus sur ces lieux, mais beaucoup de confidences sur cette écrivain potiguar, qui a ouvert son coeur au plublic


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Los cambios sociales y culturales que caracterizan el mundo contemporáneo sorprendieron estudiosos de todas las áreas. Los avances tecnológicos principalmente en el área de transmisión de informaciones revolucionaron las nociones de tiempo y espacio. Nuevos medios de comunicación, favorecidos principalmente por la llegada de Internet, abrieron espacios de expresión para ciudadanos deseosos de ser oídos. Aún coexistiendo con los medios de comunicación tradicionales, los nuevos espacios representan una oportunidad de libertad de expresión, de interacción sin mediaciones y de construcción de contenidos independientes. Movimientos sociales se organizan a través de estos nuevos medios de comunicación y desarrollan un activismo que comienza en forma virtual y se extiende a movilizaciones presenciales. Castells (2009) llama de auto comunicación de masas a ese proceso de producir y difundir informaciones que antes era propiedad exclusiva de los medios de comunicación tradicionales. Natal, fue escenario de la gestación y articulación virtual de un movimiento denominado Fora Micarla cuyo objetivo ha sido lograr el impeachment de la alcaldesa de la ciudad, Micarla de Souza. Aunque el objetivo principal no fue alcanzado, el movimiento formó parte de los procesos de cambio social que llevaron los ciudadanos al ciberactivismo. El Fora Micarla se constituye también como un cambio social en sí mismo al colaborar en la consolidación de la identidad colectiva de un grupo de jóvenes universitarios en busca de justicia social. El Twitter fue el principal canal de expresión del grupo y responsable por la rápida expansión de las movilizaciones. El Abordaje Sociológico y Comunicacional del Discurso (ASCD) ha aportado el marco teórico de referencia utilizado en esta investigación. La Comunicación para el Cambio Social (GUMUCIO, 2008) y la Sociología Aplicada al Cambio Social (SACO, 2006) así como los estudios del sujeto y de las identidades (BAJOIT, 2006) forman la base de la ASCD para un estudio más completo de las prácticas discursivas. Considerando que el objeto de estudio son las manifestaciones discursivas de los usuarios simpatizantes del Movimiento Fora Micarla , y que la ASCD es un brazo del Análisis Crítico del Discurso, se hace necesario un análisis lingüístico de los textos. La Gramática Sistémica Funcional, a través del Sistema de Evaluación desarrollado por Martin and White (2004), ofrece los recursos para evaluar las manifestaciones por medio de tuítes de los integrantes del movimiento. La representación de los actores sociales (VAN LEUWEEN, 1998) complementa el análisis discursivo crítico de la ASCD. El empoderamiento ciudadano se materializa por medio de los cambios conquistados a través de los nuevos medios


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Considering articles written for Fernando Pessoa in 1912 about The new Portuguese poetry , where he already proclaimed the appearance of the Super-Camões, poet that would be able to revolutionize Portuguese literature e, concomitantly, to make resurging from rubble the Portuguese nation; we understand that, decades before the writing of Message, the poet was already armed with a Will of Power , expression of Friedrich Nietzsche that incorporate the idea of resurgence to the man like creator of news values. Fernando Pessoa believed to make his poetical word, the epic, restoring word of the ideas of Messianism and Fifth Empire as the pushing force of the new Portuguese largeness. However, we look for to investigate the conditions of Malaise that surround the universe of the poem and that restrict its capacity of action on the reality in its return, a time that the space destined in modernity to the poet and to his poetry hindered him of a devoted and positive action, We select therefore theorist like Sigmund Freud e Walter Benjamin


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O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como as representações discursivas do locutor e dos alocutários são construídas no discurso de renúncia ao mandato de senador, proferido por Antonio Carlos Magalhães (ACM), na 62ª sessão deliberativa ordinária, em 30/5/2001. A perspectiva teórica que adotamos situa-se no campo da Linguística do Texto, com foco na abordagem da Análise Textual dos Discursos ATD (Adam, 2011). A noção de representação discursiva apresentada pela ATD constitui um dos aspectos da dimensão semântica do texto e baseia-se parcialmente nos trabalhos de Grize sobre a esquematização (1990, 1996). Complementamos as categorias de análise com contribuições que nos permitem detalhar a expressão linguística, textual, e discursiva das representações discursivas (Neves, 2006; Castilho 2010; Rodrigues, Passeggi, Silva Neto, 2010; Rodrigues et al. 2012; Passeggi, 2012). O enfoque metodológico é qualitativo, descritivo e interpretativista (Minayo, 1994; Trivinõs; 1987; Gil, 2002). Os procedimentos de análise utilizam as categorias semânticas de referenciação, predicação, modificação (de referentes e predicações), localização espacial e temporal, conexão e comparação. A representação discursiva do locutor (ACM) é constituída pelo conjunto de representações mais específicas, expressas nas referenciações e nas suas modificações: vítima; político; sigla; baiano, nordestino; presidente do senado; senador confiante; condenado. ACM, como protagonista, assume sempre a sua voz no discurso, manifesta seus pontos de vista e posiciona-se como sujeito ativo, consciente da importância do seu papel político e social, que o torna alvo e vítima das ações dos adversários. Complementando essa referenciação, as predicações e suas modificações se expressam através de verbos de ação, em especial, verbos na 1ª pessoa do singular que marcam o tempo presente, real e conclusivo de ações que constroem um cenário positivo para si mesmo. A localização temporal e espacial, indica as ações realizadas pelos participantes nas diversas etapas temporais selecionadas pelo texto, articuladas a três espaços principais: o Senado Federal, o Brasil e, naturalmente, a Bahia. Por sua vez, conectores adversativos (sobretudo, mas ), explicativos e condicionais acompanham e estruturam o ritmo argumentativo do discurso de renúncia de ACM


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This study presents our research on the discourse of the grotesque in digital media, specifically in two blogs. We rely on the theoretical-conceptual and methodological discourse analysis of the French School. We analyzed a set of posts in the following blogs: Eu Sou Ryca and Cleycianne, and we did it based on some propositions on the discourse of the grotesque by Mikhail Bakhtin (1999a), Muniz Sodré and Raquel Paiva (2002), Wolfgang Kayser (2003) and Mary Russo (2000). The expressions of the grotesque analyzed in the blogs Eu Sou Ryca and Cleycianne result predominantly in humorous effect, obtained by means of irony and parodization, which calls for ridicule and relegation, through a strong tension between the beautiful and the ugly, the socially acceptable and the aberration, the taste for the strange and the aesthetically striking. The grotesque appears initially as a significant feature of ornamental paintings found in Roman caves in the late fifteenth century, and today it can be seen permeating from sculptures, paintings, literary works, talk shows for television, videos hosted in cyberspace, specifically in the collective domain of weblogs. This work seeks to analyze how the discourse of the grotesque constitutes the humorous process in its insertion in cyberspace


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This work was formulated in order to study the use of words in a specific sphere of human communication - the world of music. From a selection of compositions by Luiz Gonzaga (1912 -1989) and partners, the research goes in search of the identity(ies) of the migrant from Brazilian Northeast's "sertão". The work uses a discursive analysis based on a theoretical framework strongly supported by Mikhail Bakhtin's reflections and whose thread is the theme of migration discussed by Zygmunt Bauman. Thus, this qualitative and interpretivist research focuses on a particular type of text, originating from a specific sphere of human communication that is roughly known as "lyrics" ("words of songs")


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In this dissertation, we analyze the constitution and functioning of the humorous discourse in discursive genre cartoon from the recognition and analysis of the techniques of humor used to get the desired effects of meaning. We used the theoretical and methodological assumptions of French Discourse Analysis henceforth (AD) for the research. Specifically on the techniques of humor, we rely on authors like Possenti (1998) and Propp (1992) to see how these procedures are present in the cartoons and make the discourse of humor. To achieve this goal, ten (10) cartoons were analyzed dealing with episodes relating to the management of the mayor Micarla de Souza in the city of Natal, RN. These cartoons were published in the newspaper Tribuna do Norte during the year 2012. The research falls within the field of study of Applied Linguistics and is qualitative, interpretive nature. In the first part, we did a rescue of the foundations of discourse analysis, discussing the concept of interdiscourse, then we carry on about the notion of gender discourse from the perspective of AD, and the genre itself cartoon as we work with the cartoon as a discourse genre, and finally, we deal with this humor discourse in cartoons. We then developed some analyzes to illustrate the postulate that all text is founded upon certain conditions of enunciation; that the relationship between the cartoons and interdiscourse is a constitutive relationship that brings out certain cartoons/ discourses and not others, and especially what humor techniques are used strategically by the cartoonist, whose discursive decisions cause certain effects of meaning. The results of this paper find that discursive relations are relations of subjects and meanings, that the discourse of cartoon is built from other sayings and discourses, and that certain textual and discursive procedures/techniques, as parody, irony, lowering the other, the ambiguity and displacement are mobilized in the text to generate the possible effect of the comic, thus building the humor discourse of the cartoons analyzed


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Situated on Applied Linguistics (PENNYCOOK, 1998; MOITA LOPES, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009), this thesis, which is inscribed in a qualitative-interpretative approach of a critical analysis perspective , lies on the speech of social responsibility and the way like that is employed in seeking for legitimacy and prestige within the neopentecostal brazilian religious field, more specifically of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. The general goal of this research is t reflect upon the speech on social responsibility and the rethoric of selfpromotion of the Universal Church through the role of social actors in the making of his her identities, materialized in the newspaper Folha Universal. In order to achieve that, we have conjugated, in this research, social and discursive analysis. On the linguistic-discursive approach, the research is based on the Critical Analysis of Discourse (ACD), specially in Fairclough (2001, 2003, 2006), a proposal that provides theoretical-methodological tools to investigate the language beyond the linguistic structures , that is, the discourse, social practices in which it occurs and more ample structures. Theoretical assumptions were also used of Sistemico-Functional Linguistics(LSF), matching with categories of the Transitivity System of Halliday (1994, 2004), of the forms of representation of social actors in the socioeconomic perspective by Van Leeuwen (1997, 2008) and of the Appraisal system by Martin and White (2005). As we develop the argumentation on thesobre social role of religion in this thesis, we make use of the authors such as Freston (1994), Oro (1997, 2003), Campos (1996, 1999), Mariano (1999), Meneses (2008), among several ones. We have also used a series of concepts and categories coming from the field of communication and marketing on the business social responsability and social marketing . In this area, we take as references the contributions of Bueno (2003), Fossá and Sartoretto (2003) and Zenone (2006). The corpus of the work is framed by news taken at the newspaper Folha Universal, in which are given the social responsibility actions of the church . The timeframe used was on the editions of 2010 thru 2012. Results found at he analysis of the News lead to semantic features of Assessment of Affection, Judgment and Appreciation, many times followed by Gradation, and the Attribution, one of the subsystems of the Attachment, are evidence of positive assessments for the Universal Church and its agents and make up rethorical elements which provide structure for the discourse of the Universal Church at the newspaper Folha Universal consisted of its image (style) of social responsibility . Results show that the most frequente social actors of the discourse are, on one hand, the Universal Church itself and its volunteers, famous (actors, actresses, presenters), politicians and authorities, on the other hand, the population which was helped by the Church social projects . The first group seems to be Always activated, however the second one, most of the time rather passive. These are also represented by assimilation in most of the occurrences, however the other ones by individualization and nomination entitled by honorification, except for the volunteers that are represented either as an individual, or as a group


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The focus of this qualiquantitative research is the phenomenon we are denominating Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte, which contemplates short verse texts from the oral tradition, sung and presented on stage by women in communities on the south coast of the northeastern Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte. This tradition harkens to the medieval romance of the Iberian Peninsula (CASCUDO, 2001; GURGEL, 1999; GALVÃO, 1993; MAGALHÃES, 1973; ROMERO,1977). The objective of this research is to: identify what characterizes the genre Drama of Rio Grande do Norte; situate this genre within a systemization of genres from the oral tradition in Rio Grande do Norte; investigate the interpersonal relationships of power and solidarity through the role of the women in the discourse, how they see themselves and others, pointing out which elements of the world they evaluate and to identify representations of the feminine in the discourse. The theory of Genre and Register of Martin and Rose (2008) and Generic Structure Potential of Hasan (1989, 1996), which has as a base the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994) among others, offers a theoretical framework for the characterization of the genre through the identification of stages and phases configuring its typology the individual schematic structure and its topology its relation to other phenomena in the oral tradition. Other groupings were mapped of the ‗Macrogenre , from the model of Martin and Rose (2008) as a continuum on two axis: between the poles of how the genre circulates orally x in writing, and recited/individually x staged/collectively; as well as mapping the samples with relation to power using the same model, but with the poles of individual voice x collective voice on an axis between increased power and diminished power. Eleven texts described as Narratives and one Anecdote were selected for the analysis of Attitudes, and Negotiations of power. Through the quantification of semantic discursive resources in the discourse systems of Appraisal (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) and of Negotiation (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), as well as reflections about humor (EGGINS; SLADE, 1997) we identified the Attitudes and the Negotiations of interpersonal roles. The quantification is based on the theories of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2010), using WordSmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Our results show that the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte is characterized as a Macrogenre in the Community of Oral Stories, in the Family of Street Theatre/Games, composed of five genre types: Narratives, Praise, Complaints, Anecdotes, and Exemplum. The Macrogenre is characterized by its being circulated orally, staged collectively and the texts analyzed configure in differing degrees of power between men and woman. In synthesis we observe that through humor, the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte functions to offer a space for women to voice, comment, judge and orient about social conditions in their communities, such as alcoholism, domestic violence, inequalities before the law etc., as well as circulating positive appreciations of rural/coastal culture and judgments about the behavior of members of the speech community, the role of women being to establish and reinforce norms. We anticipate possible benefits of the addition of the genre analyzed in literacy projects in the schools of Rio Grande do Norte