32 resultados para Coordenação manual - Crianças


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Human cooperation is a hallmark of this species due to its wide extension to genetically unrelated individuals and complex division of labor. It is considered an evolutionary puzzle, because the theory of evolution by natural selection predicts that self-interested individuals tend to be selected. Different theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of cooperation, which the most important are kin selection and reciprocal altruism. Considering the evolutionary continuity between species, humans and other primates have several common traits that help to promote cooperation between individuals of these species. Two features, however, seem to be particularly humans: inequality aversion and preferences in relation to others. Although human cooperation is not necessarily related to morality, cooperative traits are the basis for moral tendencies. The development of human morality is a combination of early prosocial tendencies, cooperative skills displayed at different ages, social learning and cultural transmission of norms. The social stimulus seems to be particularly important in promoting cooperative behavior in children and adults. In order to study the influence of social stimuli, as verbal feedback, on children cooperation, a study was conducted with children in a public goods game. 407 children from public schools in Natal / RN, divided into 21 groups, between six and nine years, participated in eight rounds of this game. After each round, seven groups received praise for larger donations, seven groups have been criticized by smaller donations, and the other seven received no comment. Children cooperated more when criticized, without significant differences between sexes, although young children have cooperated more negative than older children. The results are likely related to the anticipation and avoidance of punishment associated with the feedback (although this did not occur), and greater sensitivity to the authority in younger children. Nevertheless, the cooperation decreased in all groups until the last day of play. The results suggest an early sensitivity to moral punishment, whose role in the maintenance of social relations must have been important in the evolution of cooperation in humans


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In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents


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In Brazilian scene the child labor is a serious and relevant theme regarding issues that involve infancy, arousing the interest and concerning of public and private institutions, and organized civil society. Thus, the child labor is forbidden by the law, considered that the child worker have a distinguished life experience, especially because it is demanded them the early mature of some skill, generating implications on their physical, emotional, cognitive, social and psychological development. Observing those issues, we proposed think the child labor, over and above those considered the worst forms of one and more found in literature, what lead us to think the child labor in the advertising. In that way, this research aimed to investigate the insertion and development conditions of children who work in advertisements, and the possible effects on their lives in the face of that insertion. Participated of this study: three advertising agencies, six video producers companies, one child model s agent and five children with their respective families. Those children were four boys and two girls, with ages between seven and eleven years old, which one that have accomplished four or more advertisements, in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte. Based on social-historical perspective, we used the semi-structured interview as methodological instrument, which underlays the comprehension of the data obtained in field research processes. This study revealed that when children are inserted in the advertising activities they are submitted to irregular and adverse work situations, what occurs in others productive activities mentioned in the literature. The data still exposed that the family is the main responsible to the children insertion in the advertisement work; moreover, there is an ambiguousness of wishes in relation of that activity. On the other hand, we realized that the legal content concerning to the child labor forbidding, carries contradictory aspects in face of the ECA s 149 article, that one, under some conditions, allows that a child take part in the activities of advertising context. This highlights the necessity of a rigorous evaluation of the children insertion in the advertising, in order to ensure the whole children and adolescents protection. This study put in evidence the complexity that involves the child labor in this context, mainly, due to the exposition and manipulation of the childish image on the media. Besides, we understand that the discussion on this subject should be stimulated and, therefore, enlarged this on over and above those considered the worst forms of child labor


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The interest for understanding the relationship of the child with its environment has increased in the whole world during the last few years. Several researchers, using Environmental Psychology as basis, have analyzed the implications of this relation for the child development and the organization of playful spaces. Being a place where children spend a great part of their time and develop many intellectual and social abilities, the school becomes one of the main focus of this research. This study investigated different sectors of the outdoor area of NEI -UFRN, during the recreation time, in which the use of space and the interaction between children were analyzed, through the observation of the child behavior (place-centered and individual-centered mapping). The results had disclosed that the school s outdoor area and its equipments presents a great range of choices possible to the children, however its occupation is not uniform: there are areas very used and others almost without use. Generally, this heterogeneity happens again in relation to the distribution of the interaction states in the sectors, the friendly associative behavior being the most present. The observation of children behaviors favored a better understanding of the use of the spaces, and contributed for discussion about the environment what these users really need for a healthy development, including differences in related to gender, age and daytime. In spite of the studied outdoor areas being vast, pleasant and varied, it needs a better distribution of its equipments and a plan that allows greater children participation in the place organization


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Considering the Brazilian current context, where many children are in institutional shelter waiting for adoption, the aim of this study was to know the meaning that sheltered children (whose families had already lost their custody or were in the process of losing it, at the moment of the field work) gave to their adoption condition. The research was carried out with three children in the shelter where they lived, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The field work took six months approximately. In order to meet the objective of this research, individual procedures were structuralized using figures and drawing material. With these procedures the children could speak directly or indirectly about the application of the legal measure of institutional shelter, about their lives before the application of this legal measure and what happened since then, and their original families and future perspectives. The content of the procedures was tape recorded and registered in the field work diary. The analysis of the corpus occurred with the Thematic Content Analysis, considering the theoretical methodological perspective of the Net of Meanings approach. The analysis of the corpus showed the ambiguity of the children, who consider good to live in the institution where they are, recognizing the responsibility of the original caregivers for their sheltered condition and, at the same time, they miss their relatives and wish to be with them. The subjects recognize the perspective of adoption and imagine it in a positive way. However, when the children were questioned about what could happen to them in the future, they said that they did not know, expressing uncertainty concerning their destinations


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This dissertation aims to answer the question: What are the specifics of psychoanalytical clinic with children in neurosis and psychosis and its consequences for the treatment direction? It constitutes a theoretical study based on Freud, Lacan and the current productions of Lacanian psychoanalysts about the clinic with children. It presents some clinical vignettes. To answer this question, were constructed four chapters. The chapter The subject constitution treats the psychoanalysis subjectivity, based on a structure from the relationship with the Other. Key concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis are shown, necessary to understand what becomes present in clinic with children. The second chapter, The clinic of neurosis, reveals the structure of the subject in its oedipal mooring held by the Name-of the-Father, that separates the mother-child dual relationship. The child neurosis is the effect of psyche constitution and the symptoms are an interpretation of what child picks up from parents and helps him/her on the passage through the Oedipus. The analyst is there to help him/her through this path. The next chapter is entitled The clinic of psychosis. In psychosis the non-occurrence of the Name-of-the-Father is concerned. The subject is stuck in duality with the mother, and becomes what fills the Other s gap. To protect themselves, they have to be in incessant work. The analyst will be a child s partner in daily work already carried out by him/her. The last chapter, The consequences for the treatment direction, shows that the standard analytic treatment works well to the clinic of neurosis. To psychosis it s not true. Psychoanalysts thought about a different way of psychotic children treatment: the practice held in a multiprofessional team work. The practice shared by many has been a team strategy applied to the institutional practice that aims to attenuate the invasive character of the Other, facilitating the partnership between the analyst and the child in treatment and the Other contention


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This research aimed to understand how children mean the right to play. For that, assumes that the children composed a social category generational, with children experiencing their own skills, the result of the mediated relationship with the social and its transformative capacity. Adding to that, they are subject of duties with competence to means your own condition. After a long history of repression and an intense political struggle, the Doctrine of Integral Protection is inaugurated in Brazil and the Citizen (1889), which regulates the fundamental rights of all children and adolescents. Among these rights is the right to play. However, it is sufficient to provide by law, it is necessary to break with the diminishment of the play activity, still present in our society, watching it as a structuring activity of the subject and ensuring the enforcement of this right. Considering the child as the central focus of research, the research was conducted in a public school education. The subjects were six children of six years old, enrolled in 1st year of elementary school. The procedures employed for constituting the corpus of the research were: observation of children at school meetings and dialogue, monitoring of play resources such as drawings, cartoons and representative images of child rights. Also, the parents were interviewed with the goal to enlarge the understanding the context of the child. With the thematic content analysis, we raise two areas: play and children's rights. The results showed that children, however don‟t have a systematized knowledge about child rights , they understand that any elements are important for the children and your development, being the play the most recurrent, followed by education and family. The right to play configure as a necessity of the child, that even if she does not understand conceptually as a right, she feels the importance of living of the play activity


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Subject s identity is constituted in the relation with the other, which is characterized by dialeticity, and is configured as an identification and/or recognize movement, and strangeness and/or distance. In social interactions, people with whom subject relates himself assign meanings to him and, from these, the subject will ressignify, producing sense about himself. In other words, is through these interactions that subjects organizes themselves, recognize what is yours, and acquire the sense about themselves. It can be highlighted, too, the social-historic context s importance in the self-constitution process, whereas, from this, the subject produces particular forms of perception about reality charged with cultural meaning. Thus, the self-conception, the manners of thinking, of being, of relates, of take position against experiences, coming from values internalization, roles and related, are permeated by the manner witch the others relates themselves with the subject. However, when the relation with the other happens to be in a violent way, like in children sexual abuse, there are implications in the subjects constitution, whereas violates his physical and psychological integrities, as well as the rights of dignity, respect and even healthy physical, psychological and sexual developments. Therefore, this work aims to investigate how the identity process is constituted in children victims of sexual abuse. As specific aims the research proposes: 1) to characterize the relations between child and abuser, before and after the abuse act; 2) to identify images that the subjects, abuse victims, have about themselves and; 3) to identify the features of subject s relation with their own body. Toward this aims, procedures involving drawings, painting, collage, photography, activities with cardboard, colored pens, glue and tissue snips. The research took place at the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center, where there is the treatment of children who suffered of rights violation, which includes sexual abuse. The research subjects were 3 girl children, between 6 and 10 years old, victims of sexual abuse. The corpus analyses was done through Thematic Content Analysis, structured in three meaning nucleus: 1) self-reference without the explicit attendance of other s discourse; 2) self-reference with the explicit attendance of other s discourse; 3) The other abuser. The analysis indicates that children, research subjects, have deteriorated images about themselves, about their bodies, which is consistent with the studies in the children and adolescents sexual violence field. In the other hand, were identified, too, self-references with positive values in the cases with mention about their way-of-being, which can be read as important to subject s development. About the other s discourse towards the subjects, were identified positive observations and found that these can contribute to subject s self-image reorganization. The contribution of negative comments, on the other hand, was showed in a more clear and incisive form in subject s constitution. There is, yet, an overvaluation of the other s discourse, so the meanings attributed toward them by the other are internalized, overshadowing the self-appreciation. To conclude, it can be highlighted that the need of psychological accompaniment of the children victims of sexual abuse, based on the possibility of this trauma experience elaboration, trying to overcome, as well as can be expected that this research s results contributes to the practices of professionals who work with subjects who have their rights violated


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This research has as main proposal to verify how the virtue of generosity, considered as one of the important aspects of moral development on children, shows itself in children between four and six years old in institutional welcome condition. Toward this aim, knowledge in Human Development Psychology, specifically Jean Piaget and his contemporary collaborators, were associated to philosophic knowledge, with emphasis in Kant and Aristotle. The research took place in an institutional welcome service in the town of Natal-RN, between February and May of 2009, witch is responsible to offer care to children from zero till six years old. As procedure were used: the rulebased game Memory Game ; the childhood story One note fight ; and observations of the institution s everyday. The corpus analysis was done by the Thematic Content Analysis method. In general, in the daily observations, children showed themselves more co-operative and generous than in the executed procedures, mainly when the matter subject was other´s well-being. The duty, Kantian perspective, was overcome by the Aristotelian sumo bem, classified as generous act of afford to other what is not posted as right, however guaranteed by solidarity


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The ludic therapy in a Phenomenological-Existential perspective is conceived as a psychotherapeutic process in which, the listening and talking, mediated by playing activities, allow the child to deal with their grief/suffering. This study is based on the need to broaden the understanding of this modality of clinical intervention by emphasizing the speech of the protagonists in the process: children in therapy. The objective was to understand the ludic therapy from the children s perspective, knowing the meanings assigned to the therapeutic process, to the psychologist and to the involvement of the children in clinical consultations. The main ideas that underlie this research are presented in three theoretical chapters covering, respectively, the suffering of children and the demand for psychotherapy, the Phenomenological-Existential clinical psychology, and the psychotherapy for children, in Brazil, under this theoretical-methodological approach. The study was qualitative, on a phenomenological basis, and included six children as participants, aged between six and ten years, undergoing ludic therapy for at least six months, and referred by their own therapists. In the research s corpus construction, individual meetings were held and mediated by tools to support expressiveness (ludic and pictures/figures boxes), added by the storytelling of an incomplete story about a child s visit to the therapy session, and the request for the elaboration of a message to be passed to a child who will go to see a psychologist. The analysis of the data was based on a variant of the phenomenological method proposed by Amedeo Giorgi. The results reveal a lack of knowledge by the children about the psychologist s activities. Thus, the children develop fantasies about this intervention modality because of lack of information. These observations are consistent with the historical meanings assigned to clinical psychology, involving ideas of normality and guilt. The meanings associated with the motives for a referral to a psychologist highlight the conflict "be a problem versus having a problem" and an elitist conception of clinical psychology. Children understand the characteristics of the therapeutic process, such as the specifics of the therapist-client relationship and the notion of freedom. They also demonstrate remarkable pleasure in the therapeutic process. Finally, it was concluded that the meanings attributed to the ludic therapy by the children are consistent with that proposed in the literature about the children s psychotherapy process in the Phenomenological-Existential perspective. Moreover, the relevance of both the children s experience in the therapeutic setting and the meanings of these proceedings understood by the children are highlighted by the listening to the protagonists in the ludic therapeutic process. The comprehension of these aspects and their transference from the clients experience to the reflective field, promote advances in the understanding of child psychotherapy and indicate the need for further studies with children using this approach.


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The intention of the present study was to analyze the adequacy of the playground of elementary schools, according to the point of view of the child student, direct user of this type of environment, what estimated its critical in respect to these spaces and aimed at to contribute for its improvement. Many studies have analyzed the quality of the physical environment available for activities of leisure in specific places for children, focusing in the influence of the physical space in the interpersonal relationships and the comfort and satisfaction generated by the physical characteristics of these spaces. Concern with scholar environment, specially the interest on playgrounds, has been subject of recent studies; however, little attention has been given to the opinion of the user-child in relation to this school environment. In this inquiry of the playground of two state schools of 1ª to 4ª series of elementary school in the city of Piracicaba, SP, was used: assystematics observations, photographic register of the studied environments, interviews with child-users and behavioral mapping. The main subjects resulting from the analysis of the interviews content were: adaptation, density and interpersonal relationships, and infantile confinement. The results revealed the unsatisfactory conditions of the courtyards, in respect to person-environment relationship. The children demonstrated to be critical, creative and responsible when answering questions related to the quality of the school courtyard. This finding confirms previous studies and leads to the conclusion that the child, as the direct user, should be included as an excellent source of consultation in the planning of the constructed environment


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The intention of this study was to identify the school conception (conceptions) in the discourse of poor children. There were inquired two groups of subjects: the first was composed of children that inserted precociously themselves into the work market and must to go to school because they take part in one of the governmental programs, called, minimum income programs. The second will be composed of children that live in the poorest district in Natal/RN city. And don´t have obligatoriness to go to school. Thus, thematics like precocious work, minimum income program, capitalism, neoliberalism was aproached in our discussion. We also intended to make a illustrate with Pinochio Adventures fable, because its conception school is similar like real official discourse school from everybody. In cited narrative, the character Gepeto didn t know what s a truth child but knows that exist a place in city where his maledoll Pinochio would be one the school. Thus, this institution was destine by the justice and politics from Gepetos s city how children right. Pinochio, in the book s end, to be transformed himself in a truth child because learned in school responsible and goodness behaviors. To uphold our inquiry we used the Content Analysis and socio-historical perspectives. The result showed that the children know that exist differents schools: yours and other, to rich class. Their school is admited like good, it is a study place, it isn´t disorders place; and also make propotional to social ascencion. The children s discourses is similar to capitalism s discourse


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The Shelters are responsible for caring for children and adolescents whose families or guardians are temporarily unable to fulfill his role as care and protection. The activities to be developed by psychologists in these services are greatly important for the elaboration and development of political- pedagogical project of the same, and for reasons pertaining to the present and future of children and adolescents received judgments. The psychologist puts up the challenge of contributing to a better care of children, also cooperating with the implementation of the new care standards of childcare. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the professional psychologist in assistance to children and adolescents in 13 Shelters in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/RN. For both set out to make visits to the institutions to know how it is organized the field work of the psychologist, his routine work and activities developed. Nine psychologists interviewed according to a semi-structured interview script. The data analysis is supported by the theoretical aspects of dialectical materialism historical and theme content analysis was used. Results were presented from three angles: psychologists and institutional framework; activities, resources and methods of work; psychologists and legal frameworks of the Institutional Hospitality. The study points out the recent entry of the psychologist in Shelters, combined with considerable turnover of these professionals. This work has been organized through the Individualized Service Plan, prioritizing the return to family of origin. Moreover, in general, perform joints with the service network, reporting, individual consultations and follow-adoption processes . Staff members, however, feel a lack of specific and continuing training on special protection, including due to the distance between the proposed theory and practice. It was thus observed a movement of psychologists distance themselves from welfare or repressive practices, however the structural difficulties of services and lack of continuing education appear to limit the development of a performance focused on the transformation of the reality of children and adolescents treated and their families


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In this thesis I discuss the role of the psychologist as a university professor and as intellectual from a specific context and also from a specific query. The context is the city of Teresina, capital city of Piauí state, which is peripheral in Brazil s northeast region. The defiance here is to build a critical psychological tradition that will deal with the challenges imposed by the reality of poverty and socio-economic backwardness of the region. The greatest difficulty is the lack of a public institution of learning that carries out instruction, research and extension with commitment to social transformation, and with the production of a psychological knowledge that is able to understand local reality. I take it that the undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] is the only one in Teresina that can take over such mission. The query is confronting violence against children and adolescents that defies us to ethically and politically commit to solidarity toward fragile human beings in need of adult involvement in order to survive this daily inhumanity. The involvement of psychologists from Teresina in this must result from a social commitment and a technical competence to deal with prevention and therapeutic consideration toward the victims. This dissertation is divided into three parts: the first is a study on the curriculum and the performance of psychologists, which revises the academic output in Brazil and envisages new queries to the theme, such as the role of teaching inside the curriculum, and presents social security (including Medicare) as the privileged field in which Brazilian psychologists perform. The second part contains a study on the concepts of childhood, adolescence and violence, which presents a consideration on the strategies to confront violence against children and adolescents. In the last part I discuss the role of the psychologist as teacher and intellectual in the context undergraduate course in Psychology at UESPI [State University of Piauí] from the commitment to the protection of children and adolescents


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This study presents the issue of sexual violence against children and adolescents in the city of Natal RN from a critical approach over the work carried out at the Delegacia Especializada em Defesa da Criança e Adolescente DCA, with the perspective towards guaranteeing their rights. It is constituted of an analysis under a theoretical-methodological focus, both quantitative and qualitative, taking as a premise the sexual violence against children and adolescents in its social, legal, historical, cultural and economical dimensions that are behind this issue. The established course between knowledge and methodology involved: a conceptual analysis of the sexual violence, a research in the official records of the Public Power, the application of questionnaires with the coordinators of social projects and programmes, the accomplishment of interviews with key institutional actors and mothers of victimized children and adolescents, besides the analysis of quantitative indicators from the data made available by the DCA. The research took place within the Delegacia Especializada em Defesa da Criança e Adolescente, and also took for reference the information from institutions that develop actions directed towards children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse. Through this study, the strategies and the contradictions existing in the struggle against sexual violence towards children and adolescents implemented by the Public Power were learnt, the need for a greater articulation was identified to guarantee their rights and it also allowed for the tracing of a panorama of the sexual violence against children and adolescents in the period from 2001 to 2004 in the city of Natal-RN