73 resultados para Comunicação sem fio


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This paper presents an evaluative study about the effects of using a machine learning technique on the main features of a self-organizing and multiobjective genetic algorithm (GA). A typical GA can be seen as a search technique which is usually applied in problems involving no polynomial complexity. Originally, these algorithms were designed to create methods that seek acceptable solutions to problems where the global optimum is inaccessible or difficult to obtain. At first, the GAs considered only one evaluation function and a single objective optimization. Today, however, implementations that consider several optimization objectives simultaneously (multiobjective algorithms) are common, besides allowing the change of many components of the algorithm dynamically (self-organizing algorithms). At the same time, they are also common combinations of GAs with machine learning techniques to improve some of its characteristics of performance and use. In this work, a GA with a machine learning technique was analyzed and applied in a antenna design. We used a variant of bicubic interpolation technique, called 2D Spline, as machine learning technique to estimate the behavior of a dynamic fitness function, based on the knowledge obtained from a set of laboratory experiments. This fitness function is also called evaluation function and, it is responsible for determining the fitness degree of a candidate solution (individual), in relation to others in the same population. The algorithm can be applied in many areas, including in the field of telecommunications, as projects of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. In this particular work, the presented algorithm was developed to optimize the design of a microstrip antenna, usually used in wireless communication systems for application in Ultra-Wideband (UWB). The algorithm allowed the optimization of two variables of geometry antenna - the length (Ls) and width (Ws) a slit in the ground plane with respect to three objectives: radiated signal bandwidth, return loss and central frequency deviation. These two dimensions (Ws and Ls) are used as variables in three different interpolation functions, one Spline for each optimization objective, to compose a multiobjective and aggregate fitness function. The final result proposed by the algorithm was compared with the simulation program result and the measured result of a physical prototype of the antenna built in the laboratory. In the present study, the algorithm was analyzed with respect to their success degree in relation to four important characteristics of a self-organizing multiobjective GA: performance, flexibility, scalability and accuracy. At the end of the study, it was observed a time increase in algorithm execution in comparison to a common GA, due to the time required for the machine learning process. On the plus side, we notice a sensitive gain with respect to flexibility and accuracy of results, and a prosperous path that indicates directions to the algorithm to allow the optimization problems with "η" variables


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The use of wireless sensor and actuator networks in industry has been increasing past few years, bringing multiple benefits compared to wired systems, like network flexibility and manageability. Such networks consists of a possibly large number of small and autonomous sensor and actuator devices with wireless communication capabilities. The data collected by sensors are sent directly or through intermediary nodes along the network to a base station called sink node. The data routing in this environment is an essential matter since it is strictly bounded to the energy efficiency, thus the network lifetime. This work investigates the application of a routing technique based on Reinforcement Learning s Q-Learning algorithm to a wireless sensor network by using an NS-2 simulated environment. Several metrics like energy consumption, data packet delivery rates and delays are used to validate de proposal comparing it with another solutions existing in the literature


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Modern wireless systems employ adaptive techniques to provide high throughput while observing desired coverage, Quality of Service (QoS) and capacity. An alternative to further enhance data rate is to apply cognitive radio concepts, where a system is able to exploit unused spectrum on existing licensed bands by sensing the spectrum and opportunistically access unused portions. Techniques like Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) could help or be vital for such scenarios. Usually, AMC implementations rely on some form of signal pre-processing, which may introduce a high computational cost or make assumptions about the received signal which may not hold (e.g. Gaussianity of noise). This work proposes a new method to perform AMC which uses a similarity measure from the Information Theoretic Learning (ITL) framework, known as correntropy coefficient. It is capable of extracting similarity measurements over a pair of random processes using higher order statistics, yielding in better similarity estimations than by using e.g. correlation coefficient. Experiments carried out by means of computer simulation show that the technique proposed in this paper presents a high rate success in classification of digital modulation, even in the presence of additive white gaussian noise (AWGN)


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Wavelet coding has emerged as an alternative coding technique to minimize the fading effects of wireless channels. This work evaluates the performance of wavelet coding, in terms of bit error probability, over time-varying, frequency-selective multipath Rayleigh fading channels. The adopted propagation model follows the COST207 norm, main international standards reference for GSM, UMTS, and EDGE applications. The results show the wavelet coding s efficiency against the inter symbolic interference which characterizes these communication scenarios. This robustness of the presented technique enables its usage in different environments, bringing it one step closer to be applied in practical wireless communication systems


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The increasing demand for high performance wireless communication systems has shown the inefficiency of the current model of fixed allocation of the radio spectrum. In this context, cognitive radio appears as a more efficient alternative, by providing opportunistic spectrum access, with the maximum bandwidth possible. To ensure these requirements, it is necessary that the transmitter identify opportunities for transmission and the receiver recognizes the parameters defined for the communication signal. The techniques that use cyclostationary analysis can be applied to problems in either spectrum sensing and modulation classification, even in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments. However, despite the robustness, one of the main disadvantages of cyclostationarity is the high computational cost for calculating its functions. This work proposes efficient architectures for obtaining cyclostationary features to be employed in either spectrum sensing and automatic modulation classification (AMC). In the context of spectrum sensing, a parallelized algorithm for extracting cyclostationary features of communication signals is presented. The performance of this features extractor parallelization is evaluated by speedup and parallel eficiency metrics. The architecture for spectrum sensing is analyzed for several configuration of false alarm probability, SNR levels and observation time for BPSK and QPSK modulations. In the context of AMC, the reduced alpha-profile is proposed as as a cyclostationary signature calculated for a reduced cyclic frequencies set. This signature is validated by a modulation classification architecture based on pattern matching. The architecture for AMC is investigated for correct classification rates of AM, BPSK, QPSK, MSK and FSK modulations, considering several scenarios of observation length and SNR levels. The numerical results of performance obtained in this work show the eficiency of the proposed architectures


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Education is one of the oldest activities practiced by man, but today it is still performed often without creating dialogues and discussions among all those involved, and students are passives agents without interactivity with teachers and the content approached. This work presents a tool used for providing interactivity in educational environments using cell phones, in this way, teachers can use technology to assist in process of education and have a better evaluation of students. The tool developed architecture is shown, exposing features of wireless communication technologies used and how is the connection management using Bluetooth technology, which has a limited number of simultaneous connections. The details of multiple Bluetooth connections and how the system should behave by numerous users are displayed, showing a comparison between different methods of managing connections. Finally, the results obtained with the use of the tool are presented, followed by the analysis of them and a conclusion on the work


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Nowadays wireless communication has emerged as a tendency in industry environments. In part this interest is due to the ease of deployment and maintenance, which dispenses sophisticated designs and wired infrastructure (which in industrial environment often prohibitively expensive) besides enabling the addition of new applications when compared to their wired counterparts. Despite its high degree of applicability, an industrial wireless sensor network faces some challenges. One of the most challenging problems are its reliability, energy consumption and the environment interference. In this dissertation will discuss the problem of asset analysis in wireless industrial networks for the WirelessHART standard by implementing a monitoring system. The system allows to carry out various activities of independent asset management manufacturers, such as prediction of battery life, maintenance, reliability data, topology, and the possibility of creating new metrics from open and standardized development libraries. Through the implementation of this tool is intended to contribute to integration of wireless technologies in industrial environments.


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Information extraction is a frequent and relevant problem in digital signal processing. In the past few years, different methods have been utilized for the parameterization of signals and the achievement of efficient descriptors. When the signals possess statistical cyclostationary properties, the Cyclic Autocorrelation Function (CAF) and the Spectral Cyclic Density (SCD) can be used to extract second-order cyclostationary information. However, second-order cyclostationary information is poor in nongaussian signals, as the cyclostationary analysis in this case should comprise higher-order statistical information. This paper proposes a new mathematical tool for the higher-order cyclostationary analysis based on the correntropy function. Specifically, the cyclostationary analysis is revisited focusing on the information theory, while the Cyclic Correntropy Function (CCF) and Cyclic Correntropy Spectral Density (CCSD) are also defined. Besides, it is analytically proven that the CCF contains information regarding second- and higher-order cyclostationary moments, being a generalization of the CAF. The performance of the aforementioned new functions in the extraction of higher-order cyclostationary characteristics is analyzed in a wireless communication system where nongaussian noise exists.


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The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) methods applied to the lifting of oil present as an area with growing demand technical and scientific in view of the optimizations that can be carried forward with existing processes. This dissertation has as main objective to present the development of embedded systems dedicated to a wireless sensor network based on IEEE 802.15.4, which applies the ZigBee protocol, between sensors, actuators and the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), aiming to solve the present problems in the deployment and maintenance of the physical communication of current elevation oil units based on the method Plunger-Lift. Embedded systems developed for this application will be responsible for acquiring information from sensors and control actuators of the devices present at the well, and also, using the Modbus protocol to make this network becomes transparent to the PLC responsible for controlling the production and delivery information for supervisory SISAL


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This thesis proposes the specification and performance analysis of a real-time communication mechanism for IEEE 802.11/11e standard. This approach is called Group Sequential Communication (GSC). The GSC has a better performance for dealing with small data packets when compared to the HCCA mechanism by adopting a decentralized medium access control using a publish/subscribe communication scheme. The main objective of the thesis is the HCCA overhead reduction of the Polling, ACK and QoS Null frames exchanged between the Hybrid Coordinator and the polled stations. The GSC eliminates the polling scheme used by HCCA scheduling algorithm by using a Virtual Token Passing procedure among members of the real-time group to whom a high-priority and sequential access to communication medium is granted. In order to improve the reliability of the mechanism proposed into a noisy channel, it is presented an error recovery scheme called second chance algorithm. This scheme is based on block acknowledgment strategy where there is a possibility of retransmitting when missing real-time messages. Thus, the GSC mechanism maintains the real-time traffic across many IEEE 802.11/11e devices, optimized bandwidth usage and minimal delay variation for data packets in the wireless network. For validation purpose of the communication scheme, the GSC and HCCA mechanisms have been implemented in network simulation software developed in C/C++ and their performance results were compared. The experiments show the efficiency of the GSC mechanism, especially in industrial communication scenarios.


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The development of wireless sensor networks for control and monitoring functions has created a vibrant investigation scenario, covering since communication aspects to issues related with energy efficiency. When source sensors are endowed with cameras for visual monitoring, a new scope of challenges is raised, as transmission and monitoring requirements are considerably changed. Particularly, visual sensors collect data following a directional sensing model, altering the meaning of concepts as vicinity and redundancy but allowing the differentiation of source nodes by their sensing relevancies for the application. In such context, we propose the combined use of two differentiation strategies as a novel QoS parameter, exploring the sensing relevancies of source nodes and DWT image coding. This innovative approach supports a new scope of optimizations to improve the performance of visual sensor networks at the cost of a small reduction on the overall monitoring quality of the application. Besides definition of a new concept of relevance and the proposition of mechanisms to support its practical exploitation, we propose five different optimizations in the way images are transmitted in wireless visual sensor networks, aiming at energy saving, transmission with low delay and error recovery. Putting all these together, the proposed innovative differentiation strategies and the related optimizations open a relevant research trend, where the application monitoring requirements are used to guide a more efficient operation of sensor networks


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On the last years, several middleware platforms for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) were proposed. Most of these platforms does not consider issues of how integrate components from generic middleware architectures. Many requirements need to be considered in a middleware design for WSN and the design, in this case, it is possibility to modify the source code of the middleware without changing the external behavior of the middleware. Thus, it is desired that there is a middleware generic architecture that is able to offer an optimal configuration according to the requirements of the application. The adoption of middleware based in component model consists of a promising approach because it allows a better abstraction, low coupling, modularization and management features built-in middleware. Another problem present in current middleware consists of treatment of interoperability with external networks to sensor networks, such as Web. Most current middleware lacks the functionality to access the data provided by the WSN via the World Wide Web in order to treat these data as Web resources, and they can be accessed through protocols already adopted the World Wide Web. Thus, this work presents the Midgard, a component-based middleware specifically designed for WSNs, which adopts the architectural patterns microkernel and REST. The microkernel architectural complements the component model, since microkernel can be understood as a component that encapsulates the core system and it is responsible for initializing the core services only when needed, as well as remove them when are no more needed. Already REST defines a standardized way of communication between different applications based on standards adopted by the Web and enables him to treat WSN data as web resources, allowing them to be accessed through protocol already adopted in the World Wide Web. The main goals of Midgard are: (i) to provide easy Web access to data generated by WSN, exposing such data as Web resources, following the principles of Web of Things paradigm and (ii) to provide WSN application developer with capabilities to instantiate only specific services required by the application, thus generating a customized middleware and saving node resources. The Midgard allows use the WSN as Web resources and still provide a cohesive and weakly coupled software architecture, addressing interoperability and customization. In addition, Midgard provides two services needed for most WSN applications: (i) configuration and (ii) inspection and adaptation services. New services can be implemented by others and easily incorporated into the middleware, because of its flexible and extensible architecture. According to the assessment, the Midgard provides interoperability between the WSN and external networks, such as web, as well as between different applications within a single WSN. In addition, we assessed the memory consumption, the application image size, the size of messages exchanged in the network, and response time, overhead and scalability on Midgard. During the evaluation, the Midgard proved satisfies their goals and shown to be scalable without consuming resources prohibitively


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Due to the constantly increasing use of wireless networks in domestic, business and industrial environments, new challenges have emerged. The prototyping of new protocols in these environments is typically restricted to simulation environments, where there is the need of double implementation, one in the simulation environment where an initial proof of concept is performed and the other one in a real environment. Also, if real environments are used, it is not trivial to create a testbed for high density wireless networks given the need to use various real equipment as well as attenuators and power reducers to try to reduce the physical space required to create these laboratories. In this context, LVWNet (Linux Virtual Wireless Network) project was originally designed to create completely virtual testbeds for IEEE 802.11 networks on the Linux operating system. This paper aims to extend the current project LVWNet, adding to it the features like the ability to interact with real wireless hardware, provides a initial mobility ability using the positioning of the nodes in a space coordinates environment based on meters, with loss calculations due to attenuation in free space, enables some scalability increase by creating an own protocol that allows the communication between nodes without an intermediate host and dynamic registration of nodes, allowing new nodes to be inserted into in already in operation network


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This work aims at modeling power consumption at the nodes of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). For doing so, a finite state machine was implemented by means of SystemC-AMS and Stateflow modeling and simulation tools. In order to achieve this goal, communication data in a WSN were collected. Based on the collected data, a simulation environment for power consumption characterization, which aimed at describing the network operation, was developed. Other than performing power consumption simulation, this environment also takes into account a discharging model as to analyze the battery charge level at any given moment. Such analysis result in a graph illustrating the battery voltage variations as well as its state of charge (SOC). Finally, a case study of the WSN power consumption aims to analyze the acquisition mode and network data communication. With this analysis, it is possible make adjustments in node-sensors to reduce the total power consumption of the network.


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A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of distributed devices in an area in order to monitor physical variables such as temperature, pressure, vibration, motion and environmental conditions in places where wired networks would be difficult or impractical to implement, for example, industrial applications of difficult access, monitoring and control of oil wells on-shore or off-shore, monitoring of large areas of agricultural and animal farming, among others. To be viable, a WSN should have important requirements such as low cost, low latency, and especially low power consumption. However, to ensure these requirements, these networks suffer from limited resources, and eventually being used in hostile environments, leading to high failure rates, such as segmented routing, mes sage loss, reducing efficiency, and compromising the entire network, inclusive. This work aims to present the FTE-LEACH, a fault tolerant and energy efficient routing protocol that maintains efficiency in communication and dissemination of data.This protocol was developed based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and suitable for industrial networks with limited energy resources