25 resultados para Ciências do ambiente


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The vast hidric wealth of Brazil gets its watersheds more susceptible to impacts that compromise the water quality, affecting the ecosystem stability of aquatic environments. The decrease in the quality of water resources also results in a decrease of its multiple uses, especially in tourist areas of the coast, where the continuous flow of people to these sites increases even further the probability of inappropriate behavior of both tourists and local residents. Studies regarding the microbiological communities are still scarce, especially on the free-living protozoa that play unique roles in the food chain of aquatic ecosystems. Due to the large role played by this group of microorganisms in aquatic environments, the present study aimed at identifying the genus and species of free-living protozoa present in two sections of the Pium River, east coast of Rio Grande do Norte, making an association between the its occurrence and trophic conditions of the environment in which they are, also checking the bioindicator capacity of these organisms in water quality. It also aimed to conduct a survey with students to identify the main difficulties regarding the knowledge of free-living protozoa and hydric transmission diseases in two public schools near the river studied in the Pium district, county of Parnamirim. The survey was analyzed by means of questionnaires at both schools. Students identified several activities developed Pium river, highlighting its multifunctionality and importance to the region. A total of 76 taxa of free-living protozoa was recorded, of these, 33 were ciliates, 19 flagellates and 24 sarcodia. The spatial and temporal patterns of these organisms to both points studied revealed the bioindicator potentiality of some effective species identified. However, knowledge about the free-living protozoa proved quite lagged, presenting misconceptions that show them as pathogenic organisms exclusively, totally disregarding their ecological role. In order to remedy the flaws existing in students in relation to the functional role of protozoa, workshops were planned on these microorganisms while also addressing issues related to hydric transmission diseases through lectures, recreational activities and interactive presentations. These practical activities of Science Education had the goal of bringing students the context of local water resources, aiming to promote a greater clarification regarding of the functional role of free-living protozoa in aquatic environments


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A progressiva diminuição de carga horária destinada às disciplinas baseadas em microscopia, os altos custos dos laboratórios e a necessidade de materiais multimídia que integrem a teoria com a prática e incentivem os alunos a estudar têm propiciado o desenvolvimento de atlas interativos e ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, que são, em geral, pouco adotados por professores e alunos. O presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem de Histologia, baseado na metodologia de design participativo e em princípios da ergopedagogia, no qual alunos e professores conduziram sua construção. Com base na avaliação do protótipo, concluiu-se que, embora os ambientes virtuais devam adequar-se às necessidades de aprendizagem, características dos alunos e ao contexto de uso, é preciso que os professores integrem estes recursos em suas práticas de ensino, para seu uso efetivo


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In this dissertation we propose a Teaching Unit of Physics to teach content through environmental discussions of the greenhouse effect and global warming. This teaching unit is based on a problem-methodological intervention from the application of the method of the Arch of Charles Maguerez. The methodological foundations of the thesis are embedded in action research and this is structured in five chapters: the first chapter deals with the Physical Environment (FMA) as a subject in Degree Courses in Physics in Brazil, bringing the concern of how this discipline has been taught. We started the first chapter explaining the reasons behind the inclusion of the discipline of Physical Environment in a Physics Degree Courses. Then we did a search on the websites of Institutions of Higher Education, to know of the existence or not of this discipline on curricular. We then analyzed the menus to see what bibliographies are being adopted and what content of Physics are being worked, and how it has been done. The courses surveyed were those of Federal and Federal Institutes Universities. Thus ended the first chapter. Given the inseparability between studies in Physics Teaching and studies on competencies, skills and significant learning, wrote the second chapter. In this chapter we discuss the challenge of converting information into knowledge. Initially on initial teacher training, because even if this is not our focus, the study is a discipline on the upper reaches, therefore, offered to future teachers. Then we talked about the culture of knowledge, where we emphasize the use of a teaching approach that promotes meanings taught by content and make sense to the student. We finished the third chapter, making some considerations on skills and abilities, in order to identify what skills and competencies were developed and worked during and after the implementation of Curriculum Unit. The third chapter is the result of a literature review and study of the radioactive EarthSun interaction. The subjects researched approach from the generation of energy in the sun to topics stain solar coronal mass ejections, solar wind, black body radiation, Wien displacement law, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, greenhouse effect and global warming. This chapter deals with material support for the teacher of the aforementioned discipline. The fourth chapter talks about the arc method of Charles Maguerez; Here we explain the structure of each of the five steps of the Arc and how to use them in teaching. We also show another version of this method adapted by Bordenave. In the fifth and final chapter brought a description of how the method of Arc was used in physics classes of Environment, with students majoring in Physics IFRN Campus Santa Cruz. Here, in this chapter, a transcript of classes to show how was the application of a problem-based methodology in the teaching of content proposed for Physics Teaching Unit from the environmental discussion about the greenhouse effect and global warming phenomena


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The environmental movement rises up strongly in the year 1972 with the Stocolmus Conference, in the middle of pressions concerning the environmental preservation, in consequence of the environmental catastrophes. In spite of the fact that, in Brazil, the environmental movement has is institutionalization with the 1988 Constitution, in a way that the councils became democratic spaces, and provided the society’s participation in the management of public policies. In this way, we propose a discussion about the participation and the exercise of the citizenship in the State Council of Environment of Rio Grande do Norte (CONEMA), focusing the glance about the decisory process, as from the expression of the social actors. For that, our research compilate documents of the meetings of the referring council, transcribing the main discussions about the environmental necessities which were important in the potiguar society, and checking how these agents defend their interest during the meetings. We understand, with these informations, the role of CONEMA/RN as a communicative mechanism between State and Society. With the analysis of the informations of the extraordinary meetings from 2007 to 2014, we concluded that the CONEMA is a council where the civil organized society takes part on the decisory process, despite the great influence of the representative actors of public power over the representative actors of civil society. The results of this research confirm the discrepancy between the participation of representative councilors of civil society in CONEMA/RN. The conclusion point out that the civil society representative don’t, yet, assimilate the citizen duty, the responsibility of it1s action, producing, in this way, damages for the legal structure of the potiguar environmental legislation, with serious consequences on the public policy implementation


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This study aimed to build a virtual learning environment for application of the nursing process based on the NANDA-I, NOC, NIC and ICNP® . Faced with problems related to learning of the nursing process and classifications, there is an urgent need to develop innovative teaching resources that modify the relationship between students and teachers. The methodology was based on the steps inception, development, construction and transition, and the software development process Rational Process Unifield. The team involved in the development of this environment was composed by researchers and students of The Care and Epidemiological Practice in Health and Nursing and Group of the Software Engineering curse of the Federal University Rio Grande do Norte, with the participation of the Lisbon and Porto Schools of Nursing, in Portugal. In the inception stage the inter research communication was in order to define the functions, features and tools for the construction process. In the preparation, step the planning and modeling occurred, which resulted in the creation of a diagram and a architectural drawings that specify the features and functionality of the software. The development, unit testing and integrated in interfaces of the modules and areas (administrator, teacher, student, and construction of the NP). Then the transition step was performed, which showed complete and functioning system, as well as the training and use by researchers with its use in practice. In conclusion, this study allowed for the planning and the construction of an educational technology, and it is expected that its implementation will trigger a substantial change in the learning of the nursing process and classifications, with the student being active agent of the learning process. Later, an assessment will be made of functional performance, which will enable the software development, with a feedback, correction of defects and necessary changes. It is believed that the software increment after the reviews, this tool grow further and help insert this methodology and every language under the educational and health institutions, promoting paradigmatic desired change by nursing.


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Several studies have been developed regarding health risks associated with the recreational use of beaches contaminated with domestic sewage. These wastes contain various microorganisms, including Candida tropicalis, etiologic agent of both superficial infections such as systemic, as well as indicator of fecal contamination for the environment. In this context, the objective of this study was to characterize C. tropicalis isolates from the sandy beach of Ponta Negra, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, regarding the expression of in vitro virulence factors, adaptation to osmotic stress and susceptibility to antifungal drugs. We analyzed 62 environmental isolates of C. tropicalis and observed a great variation between them for the various virulence factors evaluated. In general, environmental isolates were more adherent to CEBH than C. tropicalis ATCC13803 reference strain, besides the fact they were also highly biofilm producers. In relation to morphogenesis, most isolates presented wrinkled phenotype in Spider medium (34 isolates, 54.8 %). When assessing enzyme activity, most isolates had higher proteinase production than C. tropicalis ATCC13803 reference strain. In addition, 35 isolates (56.4 %) had high hemolytic activity (hemolysis index > 55). With regard to C. tropicalis resistance to osmotic stress, 85.4% of the isolates were able to grow in a liquid medium containing 15% sodium chloride, corroborating to high survival capacity described for this yeast at marine environment. Finally, with regard to sensitivity to antifungal drugs, it was observed high resistance to the azoles tested, with the occurrence of the "Low-high" phenomenon and similar effect to the paradoxical growth which occurs to the echinocandins. For the three azoles tested we verified that 15 strains were resistant (24.2 %). Some strains were also resistant to amphotericin B (14 isolates, 22.6 %), while all of them were sensitive for the echinocandins tested. Therefore, our results demonstrate that C. tropicalis isolated from the sand of northeast of Brazil can fully express virulence attributes and showed a high persistence capacity on the coastal environment, in addition of being significantly resistant to most applied antifungals in current clinical practice. This constitutes a potential health risk to visitors of this environment, especially immunocompromised individuals and those with extreme age range.


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The changes ocurred in the world of capitalist labor, especially from the last decades of the 20th century, accentuated the process of manipulation and domination of the working class, materialized mainly through naturalization and / or trivialization of violence, conducted in the work environment. From this process, emerge the elements of bullying, that is, the embarrassing and humiliating practices which extend through time, degrading human race, and becoming fruitful object for study, debate and the intervention of the professionals of the Social Service area. Thus, we assume the perspective of analyzing the concepts and the work of social workers, whom work at people management area before the bullying in the workplace. We propose the following objectives: apprehend the settings of bullying, in the contemporary context of competitiveness and flexibility of work, as well as its implications for workers' health; characterize the background of this expression of violence at work in the municipality of Natal- RN; and analyze the powers and duties of the social worker in the process of prevention, identification and addressing of bullying in the context of work. This study consisted of a qualitative approach, based on the dialectical-critical method as soon as we adopt methodological procedures such as: theoretical knowledge, documental and field research, and performed using semi-structured interviews. The subjects of this research were nine (09) the Social Service professionals working in personnel management area, in five (5) institutions with legal and branches of different activities, located in Natal-RN. Even interviewed one (01) representative of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte Office (MPT-RN). The findings of this analysis indicate that bullying is a contemporary expression of "social question", which is presented as a demand for the Social-assistants – covered up and / or camuflage – under the guise of problems related to workers' health or mere conflicts of interpersonal relationships, that is, without any causal connection with the organization of work. The fear of losing job, not to be inserted in the labor market, and / or suffering reprisals, deepens the subject levels of the victims of bullying. Hence the importance of Social Workers are capable to understand the social reality, by preventing and combating the elements of bullying.


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Currently, the growing aging population challenges the society and public health policies, for increased longevity need to be associated with quality of life. Adequate physical and social environment are key factors for the welfare of the elderly, particularly the housing environment - this thesis understood as the home (dwelling unit) and its surroundings (close proximity). In addition, Brazilian legislation in this sector indicates the importance of the elderly remain at home and in the family. In addition, Brazilian legislation in this sector indicates the importance of the elderly remain at home and in the family. Based on this framework mortar, the thesis was starting questions: How do you live the elderly population aged 80 and over which is served by the Health Family Strategy of the Unified Health System? That social and environmental conditions of the place of residence act more directly on their quality of life? How do these people get housing conditions experienced? The research aimed to investigate how the residential environment (social and physical) influence everyday activities and quality of life of the elderly. Exploratory qualitative study highlighting the home visits, developed based on multimethod strategy. The empirical study was conducted in the city of Cabedelo-PB, Nov/2013 to Feb/2014. Participants were 36 elderly people (31 women and 5 men) aged between 80 and 99 years, little education, who live 39 years in the area (average). In the research first stage were applied questionnaires for socio-demographics and livability of the residence and the surroundings. In the second stage we used semi-structured interview and a tour accompanied in the neighborhood (with those who have accepted to do so). Throughout work it was kept a diary by the researcher and held naturalistic observations of the behavior of the elderly. Quantitative data were described using descriptive statistics, and information from the interviews were analyzed through the Collective Subject Discourse technique. Among the key ideas that emerged from them are: the representation of home, neighborhood support and related issues dyad independence / autonomy. The study showed that the elderly develop strong attachment to the place where he lives, the importance of it for your health and the desire to stay there. Thus, despite experiencing many barriers (more physical than the social), at the place where they live, they say they are satisfied, even when unfavorable conditions are evident. Concluding that as the houses are environmentally more docile, simple changes ensure autonomy, independence and mobility for the elderly. In turn, the barriers of the urban environment show it more difficult to deal with, making this space inhospitable to most survey participants, a condition that hinders your physical activities and social participation, and negatively influence their quality of life.


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VANTI, Nadia. Links hipertextuais na comunicação científica: análise webométrica dos sítios acadêmicos latino-americanos em Ciências Sociais. Porto Alegre, 2007. 292 f. Tese (Doutorado em Comunicação e Informação) – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, 2007.


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In a hospital environment, these bacteria can be spread by insects such as ants, which are characterized by high adaptability to the urban environment. Staphylococcus is a leading cause of hospital infection. In Europe, Latin America, USA and Canada, the group of coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) is the second leading cause of these infections, according to SENTRY (antimicrobial surveillance program- EUA). In this study, we investigated the potential of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as vehicle mechanics of Staphylococcus bacteria in a public hospital, in Natal-RN. The ants were collected, day and night, from June 2007 to may 2008, in the following sectors: hospitals, laundry, kitchen, blood bank. The ants were identified according to the identification key of Bolton, 1997. For the analysis of staphylococci, the ants were incubated in broth Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) for 24 hours at 35 º C and then incubated on Mannitol Salt Agar. The typical colonies of staphylococci incubated for 24 hours at 35 ° C in Tryptic Soy Agar for the characterization tests (Gram stain, catalase, susceptibility to bacitracin and free coagulase). The identification of CoNS was performed through biochemical tests: susceptibility to novobiocin, growth under anaerobic conditions, presence of urease, the ornithine decarboxylation and acid production from the sugars mannose, maltose, trehalose, mannitol and xylose. The antimicrobial susceptibility examined by disk-diffusion technique. The technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to confirm the presence of mecA gene and the ability to produce biofilm was verified by testing in vitro using polystyrene inert surface, in samples of resistant staphylococci. Among 440 ants, 85 (19.1%) were carrying coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) of the species Staphylococcus saprophyticus (17), Staphylococcus epidermidis (15), Staphylococcus xylosus (13), Staphylococcus hominis hominis (10), Staphylococcus lugdunensis (10), Staphylococcus warneri (6), Staphylococcus cohnii urealyticum (5), Staphylococcus haemolyticus (3), Staphylococcus simulans (3), Staphylococcus cohnii cohnii (2), and Staphylococcus capitis (1). No Staphylococcus aureus was found. Among the isolates, 30.58% showed resistance to erythromycin. Two samples of CoNS (2.35%), obtained from the ant Tapinoma melanocephalum collected in the post-surgical female ward, S. Hominis hominis and S. lugdunensis harbored the mecA gene and were resistant to multiple antibiotics, and the specie S. hominis hominis even showed to be a biofilm producer. This study proves that ants act as carriers of multidrug-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococci and biofilm producers and points to the risk of the spreading of pathogenic microorganisms by this insect in the hospital environment