40 resultados para Canteens (Establishments)
This work treats of a field research in restaurants of Natal. The principal objective of the research was to verify the companies they would be using some type of acting evaluation with base in no-financial perspectives, that if they assimilated to Balanced Scorecard proposal, in the dimension of the Learning and Growth. In the statistical treatment, the descriptive analysis was accomplished with part of the Descriptive Statistics. The crossed analysis was made with Cluster Analysis employment. It was reached the conclusion that would not be careful to affirm the exact percentile of the ones that they use them referred practices, because there is not an uniform use on the part of the establishments. It is admitted that, even in an informal way, intentionally or not, partly, the companies are been worth of some investigated methods. It is also concluded that the adoption of instruments of that nature can take the companies they advance her/it in competitiveness, strengthening to your continuity possibilities and of growth. The word-key of this healthy work Balanced Scorecard, Knowledge Organizacional, Evaluation of Acting, Strategy and Competitiveness
This research investigates the discursive constitution of identities; in spe-cial, it aim to problematize women identities constitution, pointing discursive prac-tices and power relations which involve them. The interviewed subjects had been adult women who had resumed their school trajectory, after certain period without frequenting educational establishments. Aware of that those identities can be per-ceived through the observations of the discursive practices, we question: which discursive practices and power relations involve and constitute those women? Which identity positionings they take through the discursive practices and power relations that include them and that are identified in their stories? Which linguistic marks characterize, in the speech of those women, forms of resistance in the con-stitution of identities? We intend to investigate the constitution of woman identities in the contemporanity; pointing discursive practices and power relations which in-volve women that converge to their identity constitution; exploring in the linguistic materiality effects of senses that emanate of the discursive practices and power relations which involve the collaborators in the identity constitution in private and public spaces. Research corpus is composed by stories of life granted by three women, collected through semidirected interview between 2004 and 2005. To ana-lyze the data, we base in authors as Pêcheux (1993; 2002), Foucault (1979; 1988; etc.), Butler (2003), Scott (1992; 1995), Hall (2000; 2004; 2005), Bauman (1999; 2005), among others that problematize questions as discourse, identity, social gender, power and its interfaces. The life stories had allowed to analyze: the gen-der identity constitution from discursive practices and relations of forces lived in the familiar scenery; assumed identity positionings from discursive practices in globalized urban contexts; power positions in the domestic and extradomestic sphere and new identity positionings
The objective of the present work is to verify the effects of Rural Social welfare in the family agriculture of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN. The study based on available bibliography on the theme, in secondary data and in a rising amostral accomplished in three municipal districts (Encanto, São Miguel and Riacho de Santana) of the microrregião. The universe of the study was the establishments of the family agriculture appeared in the Agricultural Census of 2006, in those municipal districts. The unit of considered analysis was the rural family, with the interviews being applied close to the farmers' families with and without retired rural. The sample was of 94 present families in the family establishments. The results demonstrate that the Rural Precaution reaches a significant covering degree in the rural area of the researched municipal districts, with an average of 1,57 beneficiaries for home in the families with retired. The data of the research attest that the family agriculture in the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN it has few favorable conditions for his/her development, once, besides the shortage of lands and of the climatic factor of the area, the returned public politics the family farmers' totality - like PRONAF and PAA -, it has been unable to give effective answers for the improvement of the life conditions in the rural way, have seen the minimum amount of families reached by those politics, be in function of the drawing or of the atmosphere where they are done. In this context, he/she stands out the importance of the Rural Precaution that, in function of the application of the constitutional devices that you/they guaranteed his/her universalization, it has been the only relevant public politics that, in fact, it has been reaching her/it all their beneficiary potentials. Given the general situation of the family agriculture of the microrregião and of the specific characteristics of the researched family establishments, the hypothesis was corroborated that the rural retirement doesn't contribute directly to the increase / making possible of the family agriculture. In spite of 57,4% of the families with retired have declared to use resources of the retirement in the costing of the rural activity carried out by the family, the annual medium value of the expense just located around 7,02% of the annual value of the retirements gained by the families in the year of 2010. Data the low levels in that the social reproduction of the great majority of the family establishments of the microrregião, the maintenance of the families is operated represents the main destiny of the resources precautions. It was also confirmed the hypothesis that the Rural Precaution constitutes the main monetary contribution of the families with retired. For more than 93% of the families with retired, the retirements doing 50% or more of the total of the family monetary income, and in the composition of the rural income of the families with retired and pensioners, the originating from income the rural retirements are equal to 65,24% of the total of the annual income obtained by the families. It is ended, because, that the rural precaution, given to the adversities for the development of the family agriculture, of the operational inefficacy of the public politics and of the few opportunities of generation of existent income in the local savings, it is the main responsible for the reduction of the poverty and, consequently, for the improvements of the conditions of life of the families of and with seniors in the rural way of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN
The hospitalization is an event that can attack any person, independent of gender, race, social and economical condition. Last year, the prevalence of hospitalization was 8.1 for 100 inhabitants and the average time of hospitalization was 8.5 days for each patient one in Natal city. Therefore, an important point is whether the attention to the patients during the permanence in these health establishments incorporates the health integral model suggested by the principles proposed by the National Health System in Brazil (SUS), with actions of promotion and protection by different kinds of professionals, beside those called convalescence. Then, the aim of this study was to evaluate the patient s oral health conditions hosted in public hospitals of the Natal city, looking for to establish its relationship with several risk factors by two dimensions: the characteristics of the hospitalization and the patient s general and economical conditions. We accomplished a cross-sectional study with 205 patients distributed among the hospitals Onofre Lopes, Giselda Trigueiro and Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel, looking for to know the socio-demographic characteristics, the food habits and of oral hygiene and the conditions of oral health, through the Visible Plaque Index and Gingival Bleeding Index. We observed that the conditions of the patient s oral health interned at public hospitals of reference of the municipal district of Natal is bad, existing accumulation of dental plaque and, consequently, a great number of patients with gingival bleeding. However, the time of hospitalization and its reason, the type of medicine used in this time and the toothbrush frequency were not configured as risk factors for this oral health condition
The objective was to contribute to a reading of the characteristics and diversity of production systems from bovine milk in the microregion Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte, discuss the social, economic, environmental and husbandry-related primary activity of milk production. We randomly selected 28 agricultural establishments that performed the activity of dairy bovine culture with subsequent applicat ion of a structured questionnaire during September and October 2011. Data were analyzed with application of measures of descriptive analysis and determination of the index rural development (IRD). The results showed that 53.57% of the interviewees were owners of the land, the median area of the properties amounted to 135 hectares, the median number of animals in the herd was 51 head, with minimum 11 and maximum of 350 heads establishments in the sample, 85.72% of establishments had maximum 23 cows in lactation, 100% performed manual milking with suckling calves, average productivity of 3.91 liters / cow / day, 92.86% of the interviewees did not produce silage and / or hay, 64.29% had no access to technical assistance, the average age of interviewees was 51 ± 10.85 years, 78.57% had only elementary education. The average of the IRD computed in the test sample amounted to 0.43 ± 0.11 on a scale 0-1. The sites were grouped into 04 classes, based on your IRD. The average IRD in each dimension was 0.43, 0.55 and 0.34, respectively for economic / husbandry, social and environmental. The determination of the rate of rural development - IDR found for the sample could add establishments hierarchically. It is necessary that the inclusion of best practices in herd management, bookkeeping zootechnical, technical assistance and reorganization practices in land and environmental preservation
The objective of this study was to characterize the socioeconomic profile of the family farmers who live and work in Brazilian rural space and highlight the importance of family agribusiness through the significant relation between some variables as the value of the total production, GDP share in total area of the establishments, agricultural production and farmer income, that show the important participation of these farmers in agricultural productivity and consequently on the economy of country. Therefore, this sector deserves a greater attention and more investment in the development of public policies that lead to a quality education in rural areas, availability of technical courses for farmers, technical assistance more efficient and effective, as well as funding more readily available
We seek consistency empirical and analytical rigor to the concept of touristification in the course of the contemporary arrangements of subjectivity and urbanity stations through a landscape of social (dis)encounters between residents and foreigners living in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. In the last three decades the city has become a major destination country for national and international tourism, making tourism an important monitor of choreography in search of synchrony between cities and subjectivities, orchestrated by the cyclical crises and the relentless battle for systemic capitalistic expansion and survival. We proceed with an ethnographic and cartographic inspiration in Ponta Negra, where the waterfront redevelopment in 2000 conducted by the government, influenced the implementation of various establishments, services and practices related to the construction of Natal s major industry hub of tourism and entertainment. We proposed an arch-genealogy of touristification inspared on Michel Foucault analytical perspective, increased by authors in confluence or in different theoretical and methodological approaches, among which stand out Karl Marx, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. The reflections that initially turned to the advancement of the sphere of consumerism as the issue capable of articulating the developmental trajectory of the capitalist system and the practice of tourism, promoting some effects (un)desirable in the conflictual dynamics of the condition of the district of Ponta Negra, territory each again (re) produces the designs to meet the consumption by affluent portion of the population and foreign, encountering social exclusion and inclusion differentiated a growing trend. We go forward with an analysis of the "liberation of desire" phenomenal features of the process of producing subjective, providing a breakdown of the recent world s financial crisis initially, but proved social and political crisis also, through a plot derived from the operation of real estate speculation, which Natal is mainly caught through touristification, showing the outlines of a generalized crisis in establishing a new order buoyed by the emergence of a context "biopolitical" since it is a major route that uses the capital to survive and expand, while guiding the process of "strategic beautification" held in Ponta Negra, problematized by us. We conclude by assessing the appropriateness of proposing on further analysis to explore the establishment of a "new social ontology in terms of interference touristification ongoing and the constitution of a "new order" local/global, away from that characterize a system's capitalist overcoming, try to give emphasis in the current stage of the radicalization of a capitalistic utopia
Analisa a inserção da população jovem em assentamentos rurais, tomando como referência o Assentamento Hipólito, no município de Mossoró, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN). O contato com alguns jovens assentados levou à inquietação frente à problemática situação por eles descrita, em relação aos seus cotidianos e às suas perspectivas, o que aponta para o entendimento de que faltam políticas públicas, ou estas não estão sendo adequadas para a população em estudo. As políticas de juventude são, além de recentes, ainda muito escassas; sobretudo, quando se trata da juventude rural. Nessa perspectiva, procura rastrear a trajetória dos jovens no referido Assentamento, visando a uma melhor percepção da inserção social destes na condição de assentados, com a atenção voltada para as suas relações com o seu meio, e com o poder público (local, estadual e federal), as condições de vida, as perspectivas de futuro e as ações governamentais, frente às suas demandas. Os resultados dessa análise apontaram para a ausência de políticas públicas condizentes com a realidade dessa parcela da população, reforçando, mediante a precariedade das condições de vida em que se encontra, o argumento de que a luta pela terra não se encerra com a conquista desta. Pois a consolidação dessa posse vai depender da luta posterior em prol de melhores condições econômicas e sociais. Reforça ainda a necessidade de reconhecer a capacidade potencial dos sujeitos coletivos, na avaliação de seus problemas e necessidades, e fomentar a participação social e política dos trabalhadores, na conquista de seus direitos e na construção de sua cidadania. E ainda que a participação efetiva da juventude é fundamental a qualquer processo de transformação social. Portanto, os jovens rurais são atores inegavelmente importantes quando se pretende entender a dinâmica dos assentamentos rurais no seu contexto maior
The study presents an approach on planning, sociospatial transformations and public touristic policies implemented between 2000 and 2010 in Caicó, encompassing people from the government, private sector and the population of the municipality and informal traders who use the leisure facilities and services arranged in place. As the main goal, the research intends to analyze the performance of public and private sectors correlated to the touristic activity in Caicó city and their reflections in the process changes sociospatial. The dissertation is structured in order to carry out an investigation into the role of public policies to the development of a location with touristic potential, in this case, the municipality of Caicó; to investigate public policies implemented in the touristic industry of Rio Grande do Norte, particularly the actions of PRODETUR-Nordeste focused on the development of the tourism in the countryside, affecting particularly the region of Seridó region and the municipality of Caicó, and, finally, to check the main changes sociospatial verified in Caicó between 2000 and 2010. Cultural issues and certain natural beauties can be seen as attractions that can attract tourist demand, taking into consideration the awakening increasingly more evident quest by the tourist for knowledge of the peculiarities of the region. Several authors have worked in this view, pointing to the cultural aspects of the region as elements that are able to boost the touristic activity. The questions raised in this study was based on a literature, based mainly on authors like Beni, Dias, Cruz, Azevedo and Morais. To obtain the necessary data in the analysis, the methodological procedures used in intensive direct observation, using interviews, applied together with the public representatives who are acting as leaders of the political actions related to tourism in the municipality and members of the private sector related to tourism services such as lodging establishments, food and travel agency and, finally, the local people and informal traders benefited directly or indirectly, with the touristic resources and structure. These research agents were investigated by means of structured forms such as support for analysis. Was detected in the survey that the leisure facilities and services installed in the last decade in the city of Caico has a priority the population of the municipality, is necessary to emphasize that the residents interviewed perceive the importance of these tools for tourist activity. It was also found that the public sector is the main responsible for the observed changes. Therefore, proved to be relevant to study the role public private sector partnerships and population influences, considering that this analysis may contribute to the work of researchers, public administrators and businessmen, may serve as a norteador for planning and development of tourism in the city of Caico
This work is a study of strategic management of catering establishments in the tourist route from Natal, through the study of the strategic profile of the manager and the level of satisfaction with the quality of services offered. Identifies the strategic profile prevalent in the studied sector, measures the level of customer satisfaction with services and associate the two constructs to distinguish the services of strategic profile. Uses population of 33 restaurants, built for convenience, from a list composed establishments associated with the Brazilian Association of Bars and Restaurants - ABRASEL, Veja magazine Christmas food and drink 2011/2012 and information from the natives. It presents statistical methodology used for descriptive bivariate analysis complemented by quantitative data. The quantitative characteristics of the population shows non-normality checked by the Shapiro-Wilks. Used the Kruskal-Wallis test for the realization of the association of variables and the Mann-Whitney test to perform post-test. It shows the strategic profile prevalent in the sector of restoration in Natal is the analyzer, although other types were detected. Notes that the level of satisfaction with the quality of service is getting a high score approximately 5 points in a 6-point Likert scale. Demonstrates that the client can tell the quality of services between the different strategic profiles. Identifies distinction between services provided by prospector profile compared to other profiles, indicating the size as the tangible aspects that presents noticeable difference. Certifies that these variables affect the environment of the restaurant in the building of strategic profile and reflect on the service provided. Concludes that the quality of services provided by catering establishments is influenced by the type of establishment and strategic profile of the study of this relation to establishments offering development opportunities and improving the quality of their services
The environmental management in the health establishments is a reality still little explored in the health sector in Brazil, especially concerning its wastes. The management of wastes of health services is established in the valid legislation through the National Council of Environment and Sanitary Vigilance Agency (358/2005 and 304/2004 respectively). The present work is about a descriptive work about the environmental health in the health services. The used criterion was to diagnose the environmental management in twelve establishments of health inserted in the three levels of complexity of the Unique Health System (Sistema Ùnico de Saúde SUS). Among the sub criteria used the waste management is the one of bigger concern. The one referring to the water quality is considered good. The analysis of data reveals that 66% of the establishments got a poor environmental ranking, 17% critical and 17% appropriate, showing that the health establishments in the three levels of complexity of the SUS need urgent structural, environmental and educational interventions
This research intended to study the process of production of the rural space in the municipal district of Little Ceará-Mirim, looking for to identify the transformations in him happened, above all in the last thirty years. Since the beginning of your historical formation, the area in study had as element modelador and transformer of the physiognomy of your territory the culture canavieira that printed in your economy and in your society marks of a powerful nobility. The sugar-cane is covered of a cyclical character facing acme phases and decadence, as the one that it happens at the present time. Simultaneously, the sphere rural cearimirinense is going by changes by the implantation of modern companies gone back to the papaya production destined to the internal market and more precisely to the external market. Of this context they also consist the supplying farms of this same product. In the group of the establishments in the rural landscape here analyzed, they still interfere the mixed farms, the ones that practice agriculture, the ones that were devoted to the livestock, as well as the farms and the ranches. Another innovation is the caprinocultura developed in modern molds, using the system voisin of pasture rodízio being constituted in a pioneering experience in Brazil. Of that reality they announce other elements, to example of the establishments, being configured as new forms of use of the soil. In the perspective of turning them productive, the challenge resides of overcoming the difficulties in them existent. The reality of the space in screen is replete of lacks in all the instances. It is inferred that the municipal district possesses an enormous potential, however the performance of the administrative components is seen as deficient. He becomes urgent that the municipal public power promotes changes, mainly in what it respects to the social area, with a better attendance to the rural communities, for them to act positively in the process of the development of this municipal district
This study aims at analysing the (re) prodction of urban space in the south sone of Natal city, in particular the influence of the shopping-centers in this process. In this respect, it also analyses the changes of habits and constumes for part of the society, when those entreprizes were built in better-off areas of the south zone Natal as well as the transformations in the surroundings of the thre main shopping-centers. A sother commercial establishments of the same size, two out of the three main shopping-centers in the city are targered towards the better-off population. However, if compared to the others, one these has, for some time, sought to target a lower in come population. In spite of being an important element in the (re)production of urban space as well as in the cities modern commercial sector, these large commercial entreprizes reinforce capitalisms contradctions in so far as they constitute semi-public space whit an exclusionary and segregatory vatune
Nowadays we can observe in Natal city, the development of the structure and the health s private service. However, the spatial distribution of these services will be marked by an uneven distribution on the places, what will be in according with the conditions offered by the same in each historical period. Accordingly, the objective of this job is analyze the use of the territory by the health s private service and the dynamics that promotes in Natal city in the technical scientific information period. Thus, seeking to search this goal, realized literature, documentary, empirical, considering the process of development and the spatial distribution of the health s private service in the city. From a topology we can observe that prevails in the city a service s concentration at all levels of complexity in only a few neighborhoods, being Tirol and Petrópolis, which are neighborhoods that have high densities of engineer system, bigger fluidity, and the best level salaries of the city, which present a greater number of these establishments. However, equal this concentration has occurred a dispersion of these services to other neighborhoods, as for example Lagoa Nova which is presenting the same attractiveness in the view of attributes territorial, begins to protect services presenting the same profile like the firsts. However, the city has a significant demand to this kind of service found in these neighborhoods, some events provided the emergency of another type of market of health s private service, that are those created to attend guests with a lower purchasing power, which will have their establishments in the same way selectively distributed in some areas of the city, which will not be the same pursued by the other, showing how selective is the installation of an enterprise guide by the logic of capitalism reproduction. So, the imperative of spatial selectivity presented by the health s private sector exposes an use of the differential territory for these services
This work studies the territorial dynamics of the trade modern retailer in the North Zone of Natal/RN, undertaken by the expansion of that following of the tertiary section in the researched space. For so much, we accomplished bibliographical and documental research during whole the process of construction of the work and the field research based close to in interviews the responsible for the establishments of the modern retail and application of questionnaires with the residents and consumers of the area in subject. Leaving of the understanding that the territory is used by the society producing the movement of capitalist reproduction in the places, we inferred that the expansion of the modern retail in the North Zone has been promoting a new dynamics in your territory, fact that has been valuing the space and attracted investors to the place. Therefore, we organized the study in this dissertation in three chapters: the first, "North Zone: use and occupation of the soil ", brings us the process of historical and social formation of the North Zone inserted in the context of the urban expansion of Natal; the second chapter, " Expansion of the tertiary section: the growth of the modern retail trade in the North Zone", makes direct reference to the tertiary section and the expansion of the I trade modern retailer; and finally, the third surrender, " The territorial dynamics and the modern retail trade in the North Zone of Natal", in which we expose all the results of the field research, looking for to understand the territorial dynamics that the expansion of the modern retail trade has been producing in the study area