85 resultados para Byrsonima - Extratos vegetais (Mutagênicidade)
Seaweeds are organisms known to exhibit a variety of biomolecules with pharmacological properties. The coast of Rio Grande do Norte has over 100 species of seaweeds, most of them not yet explored for their pharmacological potential. Sugars and phenolic compounds are the most studied of these being assigned a range of biological properties, such as anticoagulant , antiinflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant activities. In this work, we obtained methanolic extracts from thirteen seaweeds of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte (Dictyota cervicornis; Dictiopterys delicatula; Dictyota menstruallis; D. mertensis; Sargassum filipendula; Spatoglossum schröederi; Acanthophora specifera; Botryocladia occidentalis; Caulerpa cupresoides; C. racemosa; C. prolifera; C. sertularioides e Codium isthmocladum). They were evaluated as anticoagulant and antioxidant drugs, as well as antiproliferative drugs against the tumor cell line HeLa. None of the methanolic extracts showed anticoagulant activity, but when they were evaluated as antioxidant drugs all of extracts showed antioxidant activity in all tests performed (total antioxidant capacity, sequestration of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, ferric chelation and reductase activity), especially the algae D. mentrualis, D. cilliolata and C. prolifera, who had the greatest potential to donate electrons.In addition, the ability of iron ions chelation appears as the main antioxidant mechanism of the methanolic extracts of these seaweeds mainly for the extract of the C. racemosa seaweed, which reached almost 100% activity. In the MTT assay, all extracts showed inhibitory activity at different levels againts HeLa cells. Moreover, D. cilliolata (MEDC) and D. menstrualis (MEDM) extracts showed specific activity to this cell line, not inhibiting the viability of 3T3 normal cell line, so they were chosen for detailing the antiproliferative mechanism of action. Using flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and in vitro assays we demonstrated that MEDC and MEDM induced apoptosis in HeLa cells by activation of caspases 3 and 9 and yet, MEDC induces cell cycle arrest in S phase. Together, these results showed that the methanolic extracts of brown seaweed D. menstrualis and D. cilliolata may contain agents with potential use in combatting cells from human uterine adenocarcinoma. This study also points to the need for more in-depth research on phytochemical and biological context to enable the purification of biologically active products of these extracts
Several clinic evaluations have been possible with radiobiocomplexes labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc). Some natural and synthetic drugs are capable of to interfere on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as on the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. Authors have also reported about the toxicity of several natural products. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the Mentha crispa (hortelã) and of the Hypericum perforatum (hipérico) in different experimental models. On the labeling of red blood cells (RBC) and plasma and cellular proteins with 99mTc, both extracts were capable of to decrease the radioactivity percentage on the cellular compartment and on the fixation on plasma and cellular proteins. On the morphometry of the RBC, only the hortelã was capable to alter the shape and the perimeter/area ratio of the RBC. On the biodistribution of the radiobiocomplex sodium pertechnetate (Na99mTcO4), the hortelã increased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the kidney, spleen, liver and thyroid, meanwhile the hipérico decreased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the bone, stomach, lungs and thyroid, and increased the Na99mTcO4 distribution in the pancreas. On the bacterial cultures survival, the hipérico was capable of to protect the bacteria against the stannous chloride (SnCl2) effect. The hipérico did not alter the topology of plasmidial DNA and did not protect the plasmidial DNA against the SnCl2 action. Probably, the effects presented by both extracts could be due to chemical compounds of the extracts that could alter the morphology of the RBC and the plasma membrane ions transport, and/or by phytocomplexes that could be formed with different effects dependent on the biological system considered
Radiobiocomplexes are used in nuclear medicine to obtain images and to treat diseases. Blood constituents have been used as radiobiocomplexes. Natural or synthetic products can influence on the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m (99mTc), the morphology of red blood cells and on the stannous chloride (SnCl2) action on plasmid DNA. Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra are used in popular culture for treating diseases. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the extracts of Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on morphology of red blood cells of Wistar rats, on the topology of plasmids DNA and the action against the SnCl2 effects on the DNA of plasmids pBSK. On the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc it was verified that both extracts were capable to decrease significantly the radioactivity in the cellular compartment and in the insoluble fraction of plasma. Sambucus australis also decreased the labeling of insoluble fraction of blood cells with 99mTc. Both extracts did not alter the morphology of red blood cells. Moreover, it was verified that Sambucus nigra did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmid DNA, but decreased the effect of SnCl2 on plasmid DNA. These last results sugest a genotoxic effect and a protective action of Sambucus nigra extract against the SnCl2 action on plasmid DNA. This work was developed with the contribution of several Departments of biomedical area of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, of the UERJ, characterizing a multidisciplinary experimental research
Durante as últimas décadas, as indústrias farmacêuticas têm despertado grande interesse em óleos vegetais e vários extratos de planta por causa da sua baixa toxicidade e alta biodegrabilidade. O óleo de copaíba (Cop) é usado in natura na medicina popular como anti-inflamatório e antimicrobiano para tratar várias doenças, tais como inflamação da garganta, úlceras e infecções urinárias e pulmonares. Emulsões são sistemas dispersos termodinamicamente instáveis que consistem em dispersões de gotículas microscópicas em outro líquido imiscível. O objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar diferentes emulsões de Cop, determinar o EHL crítico deste óleo e avaliar a sua estabilidade, além de realizar estudos comparativos entre diferentes métodos de construção de diagramas de fases. As emulsões foram preparadas pelo método de inversão de fases variando as proporções de EHL de 4,7 a 16,7. A estabilidade foi determinada por vários métodos e os diagramas de fases foram produzidos pelo método de titulação usando diferentes procedimentos de agitação. As emulsões a base de Cop com EHL entre 12,7 e 15,7 foram as mais estáveis. As emulsões apresentaram boa estabilidade em curto e longo prazo, aspecto leitoso e baixos valores de índice de cremagem. Diferentes sistemas coloidais foram produzidos a partir dos diagramas de fases dependendo do processo de agitação. Baseado nesses métodos, o valor determinado de EHL do Cop foi 14,8, as emulsões permaneceram estáveis por mais de um ano e estes resultados indicam que o estudo das emulsões de Cop pode ser um promissor veículo de liberação tópica de fármacos e ativos cosméticos
The fat acid esters and tocopherolic derivatives are of great economic interest in many industries. The sunflower oil, which had its rich constitution in these composites, is a very interesting raw material source for the job in some sectors as bio-carburants, bio-lubrificants, bio-surfactants, dispersing agents, food industries, medicines and cosmetics. A system emulsified steady from this oil can wide be used in the therapeutical one, therefore it is of easy acceptance for the patient, for being pharmaceutical forms that allow a better medicine administration. The chemical composition characteristics, rich in unsaturad fat acid and tocopherolic derivatives, the sunflower oil, make of the emulsified systems contend this oil a proposal promising for formularizations of pharmaceutical and cosmetic use with antirust and photoprotection. The general objective of this work was to apply the HLB beddings to determine the sunflower oil critical HLB and, from this, to be able to evaluate the ideal mixture of the constituent of this system through the study of the ternary diagrams for the determination of the ratio of constituent that will generate the emulsion most steady
The regulation of the inflammatory response is essential to maintain homeostasis. Several studies have been performed to search new drugs that can contribute to avoiding or minimizing an excessive inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts of green algae Caulerpa mexican in models of inflammation. In mice, the model of peritonitis induced inflammatory zymosan pretreatment of mice with aqueous and methanol extracts of C. mexican was able to reduce cell migration to the peritoneal cavity. Treatment of mice with extracts of C. mexican also reduced the ear edema induced by xylene and exerted inhibitory action on the migration of leukocytes in inflammation-induced zymosan the air pouch, and timedependent for the extracts tested in the model of ulcerative colitis induced by DSS 3%, the extract methanol, but not the aqueous C. mexican, significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of colitis, as well as the production of proinflammatory cytokines in the culture of mouse colon, in the histological analysis there was a slight reduction of inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. We concluded that the administration of the extracts resulted in the reduction of cell migration to different sites as well as reducing the edema formation induced by chemical irritant. This study demonstrates for the first time the antiinflammatory effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts from green marine algae Caulerpa mexican
Licania rigida Benth., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch, and Couepia impressa Prance (Chrysobalanaceae family) plants have long been used medicinally by the people from Northeastern Brazil. Crude extracts and infusions of these plants have been applied in the treatment of several conditions such as diabetes and rheumatism, degenerative diseases with involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of this study was to evaluate the aqueous, ethanolic, and hydroethanolic leaves extracts antioxidant capacity of these species, using several in vitro assay systems (reducing power, DPPH● scavenging, the β-carotene linoleate model system and lipid peroxidation inhibition in rat brain homogenate, using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances - TBARS). The oral acute toxicity of aqueous extracts was also evaluated in vivo. Results revealed that these extracts possess a potent reducing power and DPPH scavenging ability, as well as the ability to prevent TBARS formation in rat brain homogenate in a concentration-dependent manner. Regarding in vivo oral acute toxicity of the aqueous species extracts, no toxic effects were observed upon evaluating physiological, hematological and biochemical parameters. The presence of high levels of phenolics and flavonoids was determined mainly in the ethanol extract. However, the C. impressa hydroethanolic extract, fractionated with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate for analysis by NMR 1H, showed more efficient results than the reference antioxidant Carduus marianus. The classes of organics compounds were determined were phenolics in the fraction of ethyl acetate and terpenes in chloroform and hexane fractions. The ethil acetate fraction had the highest content of flavonoids and increased scavenging capacity of DPPH●, possibly by the presence of phenolic compounds. Therefore, a detailed investigation of the phytochemical composition and in vivo study of the C. impressa hydroethanolic extract is suggested to characterize the active compounds of the species
Nowadays, when accidents with oil tanker or shore tanks occur and there is oil spill, some arrangements are made in order to repress and to fix the situation. For the containment, barriers or detours are usually made of synthetic materials such as polyurethane foam. In order to clear water away, techniques like in loco burning, biodegradant agents, dispersant agents and sorbent materials application are used. The most of the sorbent materials are also synthetic and they are used because it is easy to store them and their availability in market. This dissertation introduces the study of vegetable fibers of pineapple leaf fibers (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.), cotton fibers (Gossypium herbaceum L.), kapok fibers (Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.), curauá fibers (Ananas erectifolius L.B. Sm.) and sisal fibers (Agave sisalana Perrine) related to their capacity of sorption of oil in case of accidental spill in the ocean. This work evaluates the substitution possibility of synthetic materials by natural biodegradable materials with less cost
In this work a solar drying system for food dehydration was developed. It is a direct exposition drying apparatus that uses solar energy to heat the circulating air. First, the construction and assembly of this apparatus was described, in which was used scrap wraps of used tires for thermal insulation, allowing the reuse of solid waste, being an ecologically correct recycling option. After, the results obtained in experiments for cashew drying showed the thermal and economical feasibility of the proposed solar drying system, focusing on the process of flour production and in its chemical characterization. It was also demonstrated the social importance of this production for socially excluded people, since the value added to this fruit, in relation to its in nature form, may represent an option for job and income generation. The main features of the proposed dryer are its low cost and its easy fabrication and assembly process. After cashew drying, the obtained product was processed into flour by using a knife mill and it was added crushed rapadura to reduce the rancid taste caused by tannin
Solid substrate cultivation (SSC) has become an efficient alternative towards rational use of agro industrial wastes and production of value-added products, mainly in developing countries. This work presents the production and functional application results of phenolic extracts obtained by solid substrate cultivation of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and guava (Psidium guajava L.) residues associated to soy flour and bioprocessed by Rhizopus oligosporus fungus. Two experimental groups were tested: (1) 9g of fruit residue and 1g of soy flour (A9 or G9); (2) 5g of fruit residue and 5g of soy flour (A5 or G5). After SSC, 100ml of distilled water was added to each Erlenmeyer flask containing 10g of bioprocessed material in order to obtain the phenolic extracts. Samples were taken every two days for total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity evaluation by DPPH test during 12-day cultivation. The 2-day and 10-d ay extracts were selected and concentrated by ebullition until 1/10 of original volume was reached. After that, both non-concentrated and concentrated extracts were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica and a-amylase inhibitory capacity. It was observed an inverse relationship between total phenolic concentration (TPC) and antioxidant capacity during the cultivation. Besides that, the concentrated pineapple samples after two days were able to inhibit both pathogens tested, especially S. aureus. Guava concentrated extracts after 2 days showed expressive inhibition against S. enterica, but negative results against S. aureus growth. When it comes to a-amylase inhibition, A9 extracts after 2 days, both concentrated or not, completely inhibited enzyme activity. Similar behavior was observed for G9 samples, but only for concentrated samples. It was shown that concentration by ebullition positively affected the enzymatic inhibition of G9 and A9 samples, but on the other side, decreased antiamylase activity of A5 and G5 samples
The developments in formulating drilling fluids to apply in petroleum fields are based on new technologies and environmental challenges, where the technical performance of a developed drilling fluid is used to produce a minimum environmental impact, showing great economy in costs. It is well known that the potential use of oil-based drilling fluids is limited because these fluids when discharged in the sea do not disperse as much as water-based ones and may form waterproof films in the seabed, having a profound effect on plants and animals living in this environment. The current works have been made in investigating fluids called pseudofluids, which are synthetic ester-based, n-paraffin-based and other fluids formed from inverse emulsion. In this research the principal parameters involved in inverse emulsion process were studied, in laboratory scale, using esters as main component. Others commercial drilling fluids were used as comparative samples, as well as samples from laboratory and field where these drilling fluids are being applied. Concentrations of emulsifier and organophilic clay, which are viscosity donor, were varied to verify the influence of these parameters, in different oil/water ratios (55/45, 60/40, 65/35, 70/30, and 75/25). The salt concentration (NaCl) is an indicative parameter of stability and activity of an esterbased fluid. In this research the salt concentration was varied in 10,000, 20,000, and 50,000 ppm of NaCl. Some rheological properties of the produced fluids were studied, such as: initial gel, plastic viscosity, yield point, and apparent viscosity. Through the obtained rheological measures, the existence of two systems could be verified: fluid and flocculated. It could be noticed that the systems were influenced, directly, by the oil/water ratio and emulsifier, organophilic clay and NaCl concentrations. This study showed the viability to use an ester obtained from a regional vegetable product babaçu coconut oil to obtain an efficient and environmental safe drilling fluid
The food industry is interested in natural products. Anthocyanins are phenolic antioxidants of great importance with health-relevant applications. Several studies have linked the intake of fruits and vegetables with reduced risk of chronic degenerative diseases because of its antioxidant properties. This study aimed to compare different strategies for obtaining natural pigments from red jambo (Syzygium malaccence) and analyze its functional potential. Two different strategies were studied: (1) solid-liquid extraction (SLE) in reactor with controlled parameters, (2) powder obtention. The investigation of the functional potential was conducted taking into account the total phenolic content (TPC), the antioxidant activity (AA), the total anthocyanins concentration (TA) and α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition. The best extracts obtained by SLE showed TPC of 174.15 mg GAE/100g, AA of 3.56 μmol Trolox eq/g and TA of 133.59 mg cyd-3-glu/100 g. The best results for the second strategy were TPC of 1024.22 mg GAE/100 g, AA of 29.03 μmol Trolox eq/g and TA of 1193.41 mg cyd-3- glu/100 g. It was observed moderate amylase inhibition (26.30%) and high glucosidase inhibitory activity (97.47%). Skin extracts showed, in general, superior results when compared to whole red jambo, with superior values for dehydrated products. Based on our result, red jambo can be considered as a rich source of phenolic antioxidants, as well on amylase and glucosidase inhibitors
Algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) is a typical legume from arid and semi arid regions, which is composed by sugar-rich pods and high protein seeds. Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites recognized as potent bioactive compounds, found in several vegetables.Therefore, the objective of this work is to characterize the algaroba flour in terms of its physicalchemical composition, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, a-amylase and a-glycosidase inhibition, as well as to analyze its organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three experimental groups were investigated (seeds, seeds and pod together and only pod), which were prepared by oven drying and posterior grinding. Water and ethanol extracts (70, 80, 100% v/v) were prepared and used for functional studies. Organic compounds were detected by using HPLC equipment coupled to mass spectrometer. Results show important physical-chemical differences among the experimental groups, seeds, seeds and pod together and only pod. The algarroba seed flour is high in protein (49.49%) and fat (3.10%), while the pod flour is especially rich in sugar (60.3% to 67.9%). Algaroba phenolics are concentrated in pod flour, mainly in water extracts (1.30 mg GAEQ/100g sample). All seed extracts showed high DPPH activity and maximum antioxidant activity was registered for ethanol 80% extracts (19.81 μM Trolox/g sample). The ABTS activity ranged from 9.73 to 12.74 μM Trolox/g sample. Nearly all the extracts were able to inhibit α-amylase activity mildly (30.50% to 48.80%), while the maximum α-glycosidase inhibition was observed for pod water extracts (81.03%). Algaroba water extracts proven to be especially rich in organic compounds, observed by the high number of chromatographic peaks. Results demonstrate that algaroba is a potential candidate for further investigations concerning its possible functional applications
Copper is one of the most used metals in platingprocesses of galvanic industries. The presence of copper, a heavy metal, in galvanic effluents is harmful to the environment.The main objective of this researchwas the removal ofcopperfromgalvanic effluents, using for this purpose anionic surfactants. The removal process is based on the interaction between the polar head group of the anionic surfactant and the divalent copper in solution. The surfactants used in this study were derived from soybean oil (OSS), coconut oil (OCS), and sunflower oil (OGS). It was used a copper synthetic solution (280 ppm Cu+2) simulating the rinse water from a copper acid bath of a galvanic industry. It were developed 23and 32 factorial designs to evaluate the parameters that have influence in theremoval process. For each surfactant (OSS, OCS, and OGS), the independent variables evaluated were: surfactant concentration (1.25 to 3.75 g/L), pH (5 to 9) and the presence of an anionic polymer (0 to 0.0125 g/L).From the results obtained in the 23 factorial design and in the calculus for estimatingthe stoichiometric relationship between surfactants and copper in solution, it were developed new experimental tests, varying surfactant concentration in the range of 1.25 to 6.8 g/L (32 factorial design).The results obtained in the experimental designs were subjected to statistical evaluations to obtain Pareto charts and mathematical modelsfor Copper removal efficiency (%). The statistical evaluation of the 23 and 32factorial designs, using saponifiedcoconut oil (OCS), presented the mathematical model that best described the copper removal process.It can be concluded that OCS was the most efficient anionic surfactant, removing 100% of the copper present in the synthetic galvanic solution
The study of a promising alternative for the treatment of produced water from the oil industry envisaging its reuse was the focus of this work. Millions of liters of water are generated per day, containing heavy metals in low concentrations (< 0,15 mg/L for Pb, <0,04 mg/L for Cd, <0,04 mg/L for Ni). The technology applied to extract these metals from aqueous phase was the solvent extraction and the extratants used were vegetable oils originated from coconut oil. They can be used in natural form or as derivatives, known as MAC - Mixture of Carboxílics Acids. The determination of the heavy metal con¬centrations in a complex matrix was made by using the atomic absorption spectrometry technique (AAS). On the bench tests using synthetics aqueous solutions containing metals, vegetable oils showed no power to extract the metals studied. The extractant MAC was selective for the Pb> Cd> Ni, in the concentration of 8% in the same organic phase. In this condition, the lower efficiency of extraction obtained was 92% for the Pb, 69% for the Cd, in the range of pH ranging from 6 to 8. An experimental planning was conducted for continuous tests. The device used was called MDIF Misturador-Decantador à Inversão de Fases and the aqueous phase was produced water from Pólo Indutrial de Guamaré/RN . No correlation between the studied variables (concentration of metal, concentration of extratant and agitation in the mixing chamer) could be obtained, because of possible factors which occurred as: variation in the composition of the studied sample, phenomena of precipitation and complexation of metals in the reservoir of feed, solubility of extratant