56 resultados para Algoritimos de computador


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In this work, we present the GATE, an approach based on middleware for interperceptive applications. Through the services offered by the GATE, we extension we extend the concept of Interperception for integration with several devices, including set-top box, mobile devices (cell phones), among others. Through this extension ensures the implementation of virtual environments in these devices. Thus, users who access the version of the computer environment may interact with those who access the same environment by other devices. This extension is just a part of the services provided by the GATE, that remerges as a new proposal for multi-user virtual environments creation.


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The traditional processes for treatment of hazardous waste are questionable for it generates other wastes that adversely affect people s health. As an attempt to minimize these problems, it was developed a system for treatment of hazardous waste by thermal plasma, a more appropriate technology since it produces high temperatures, preventing the formation of toxic pollutants to human beings. The present work brings out a solution of automation for this plant. The system has local and remote monitoring resources to ensure the operators security as well as the process itself. A special attention was given to the control of the main reactor temperature of the plant as it is the place where the main processing occurs and because it presents a complex mathematical model. To this, it was employed cascaded controls based on Fuzzy logic. A process computer, with a particular man-machine interface (MMI), provides information and controls of the plant to the operator, including by Internet. A compact PLC module is in charge of the central element of management automation and plant control which receives information from sensors, and sends it to the MMI


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In this work, we present a hardware-software architecture for controlling the autonomous mobile robot Kapeck. The hardware of the robot is composed of a set of sensors and actuators organized in a CAN bus. Two embedded computers and eigth microcontroller based boards are used in the system. One of the computers hosts the vision system, due to the significant processing needs of this kind of system. The other computer is used to coordinate and access the CAN bus and to accomplish the other activities of the robot. The microcontroller-based boards are used with the sensors and actuators. The robot has this distributed configuration in order to exhibit a good real-time behavior, where the response time and the temporal predictability of the system is important. We adopted the hybrid deliberative-reactive paradigm in the proposed architecture to conciliate the reactive behavior of the sensors-actuators net and the deliberative activities required to accomplish more complex tasks


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This work presents a suggestion of a security system of land automation having as objective main the creation of a system capable from easy method, supervise the installations of a building with the goal to preserver security personal and patrimonial necessities, aim at portability low cost and use easiness. Was designed an alarms central and access controller that has digital and analogical inputs for sensors and outputs for buzzer, telephonic dialing and electronic lock. The system is supervised by software that makes solicitations of information to the alarms central through the one computer's serial port (RS-232). The supervisory software was developed in platform LabVIEW with displays the received data on a graphical interface informing the sensors' current states distributed in the building and system events as alarns occurrences. This system also can be viewed through the Internet for people registered by the land security's system administrator


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This work presents a proposal for a voltage and frequency control system for a wind power induction generator. It has been developed na experimental structure composes basically by a three phase induction machine, a three phase capacitor and a reactive static Power compensator controlled by histeresys. lt has been developed control algorithms using conventional methods (Pl control) and linguistic methods (using concepts of logic and fuzzy control), to compare their performances in the variable speed generator system. The control loop was projected using the ADJDA PCL 818 model board into a Pentium 200 MHz compu ter. The induction generator mathematical model was studied throught Park transformation. It has been realized simulations in the Pspice@ software, to verify the system characteristics in transient and steady-state situations. The real time control program was developed in C language, possibilish verify the algorithm performance in the 2,2kW didatic experimental system


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In the two last decades of the past century, following the consolidation of the Internet as the world-wide computer network, applications generating more robust data flows started to appear. The increasing use of videoconferencing stimulated the creation of a new form of point-to-multipoint transmission called IP Multicast. All companies working in the area of software and the hardware development for network videoconferencing have adjusted their products as well as developed new solutionsfor the use of multicast. However the configuration of such different solutions is not easy done, moreover when changes in the operational system are also requirede. Besides, the existing free tools have limited functions, and the current comercial solutions are heavily dependent on specific platforms. Along with the maturity of IP Multicast technology and with its inclusion in all the current operational systems, the object-oriented programming languages had developed classes able to handle multicast traflic. So, with the help of Java APIs for network, data bases and hipertext, it became possible to the develop an Integrated Environment able to handle multicast traffic, which is the major objective of this work. This document describes the implementation of the above mentioned environment, which provides many functions to use and manage multicast traffic, functions which existed only in a limited way and just in few tools, normally the comercial ones. This environment is useful to different kinds of users, so that it can be used by common users, who want to join multimedia Internet sessions, as well as more advenced users such engineers and network administrators who may need to monitor and handle multicast traffic


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This work presents the development of a prototype of an intelligent active orthosis for lower limbs whit an electronic embedded system. The proposed orthosis is an orthopedical device with the main objective of providing walking capacity to people with partial or total loss of lower limbs movements. In order to design the kinematics, dynamics and the mechanical characteristics of the prototype, the biomechanics of the human body was analized. The orthosis was projected to reproduce some of the movements of the human gait as walking in straight forward, sit down, get up, arise and go down steps. The joints of the orthosis are controlled by DC motors equipped with mechanical reductions, whose purpose is to reduce rotational speed and increase the torque, thus generating smooth movements. The electronic embedded system is composed of two motor controller boards with two channels that communicate with a embedded PC, position sensors and limit switches. The gait movements of the orthosis will be controlled by high level commands from a human-machine interface. The embedded electronic system interprets the high level commands, generates the angular references for the joints of the orthosis, controls and drives the actuators in order to execute the desired movements of the user


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This work presents a description of models development at DigSILENT PowerFactoryT M program for the transient stability study in power systems with wind turbine. The main goal is to make available means to use a dynamic simulation program in power systems, widely published, and utilize it as a tool that helps in programs results evaluations used for this intent. The process of simulations and analyses results starts after the models setting description phase. The results obtained by the DigSILENT PowerFactoryT M and ATP, program chosen to the validation also international recognized, are compared during this phase. The main tools and guide lines of PowerFactoryT M program use are presented here, directing these elements to the solution of the approached problem. For the simulation it is used a real system which it will be connected a wind farm. Two different technologies of wind turbines were implemented: doublyfed induction generator with frequency converter, connecting the rotor to the stator and to the grid, and synchronous wind generator with frequency converter, interconnecting the generator to the grid. Besides presenting the basic conceptions of dynamic simulation, it is described the implemented control strategies and models of turbine and converters. The stability of the wind turbine interconnected to grid is analyzed in many operational conditions, resultant of diverse kinds of disturbances


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The modern society depends on an efficient communications system able to of transmitting and receiving information with a higher speed and reliability every time. The need for ever more efficient devices raises optimization techniques of microstrip devices, such as techniques to increase bandwidth: thicker substrates and substrate structures with EBG (Electromagnetic Band Gap) and PBG (Photonic Band Gap). This work has how aims the study of the application of PBG materials on substrates of planar structures in microstrip, more precisely in directional quadrature couplers and in rat-race and impedance of transformers. A study of the planar structures in microstrip and substrates EBG is presented. The PBG substrates can be used to optimize the radiation through the air, thus reducing the occurrence of surface waves and the resulting diffraction edge responsible for degradation of radiation pattern. Through specific programs in FORTRAN Power Station obtained the frequencies and couplings for each structure. Are used the program PACMO - Computer Aided Design in Microwave. Results are obtained of the frequency and coupling devices, ranging the frequency band used (cellular communication and Wimax systems) and the permittivity of the substrate, comparing the results of conventional material and PBG materials in the s and p polarizations.


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O Laboratório de Sistemas Inteligentes do Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Automação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN -tem como um de seus projetos de pesquisa -Robosense -a construção de uma plataforma robótica móvel. Trata-se de um robô provido de duas rodas, acionadas de forma diferencial, dois braços, com 5 graus de liberdade cada, um cinturão de sonares e uma cabeça estéreo. Como objetivo principal do projeto Robosense, o robô deverá ser capaz de navegar por todo o prédio do LECA, desviando de obstáculos. O sistema de navegação do robô, responsável pela geração e seguimento de rotas, atuará em malha fechada. Ou seja, sensores serão utilizados pelo sistema com o intuito de informar ao robô a sua pose atual, incluindo localização e a configuração de seus recursos. Encoders (sensores especiais de rotação) foram instalados nas rodas, bem como em todos os motores dos dois braços da cabeça estéreo. Sensores de fim-de-curso foram instalados em todas as juntas da cabeça estéreo para que seja possível sua pré-calibração. Sonares e câmeras também farão parte do grupo de sensores utilizados no projeto. O robô contará com uma plataforma composta por, a princípio, dois computadores ligados a um barramento único para uma operação em tempo real, em paralelo. Um deles será responsável pela parte de controle dos braços e de sua navegação, tomando como base as informações recebidas dos sensores das rodas e dos próximos objetivos do robô. O outro computador processará todas as informações referentes à cabeça estéreo do robô, como as imagens recebidas das câmeras. A utilização de técnicas de imageamento estéreo torna-se necessária, pois a informação de uma única imagem não determina unicamente a posição de um dado ponto correspondente no mundo. Podemos então, através da utilização de duas ou mais câmeras, recuperar a informação de profundidade da cena. A cabeça estéreo proposta nada mais é que um artefato físico que deve dar suporte a duas câmeras dedeo, movimentá-las seguindo requisições de programas (softwares) apropriados e ser capaz de fornecer sua pose atual. Fatores como velocidade angular de movimentação das câmeras, precisão espacial e acurácia são determinantes para o eficiente resultado dos algoritmos que nesses valores se baseiam


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This work presents the design and construction of an X-Y table of two degrees of freedom, as well as the development of a fuzzy system for its position and trajectory control. The table is composed of two bases that move perpendicularly to each other in the horizontal plane, and are driven by two DC motors. Base position is detected by position sensors attached to the motor axes. A data acquisition board performs the interface between a laptop and the plant. The fuzzy system algorithm was implemented in LabVIEW® programming environment that processes the sensors signals and determines the control variables values that drive the motors. Experimental results using position reference signals (step type signal) and straight and circular paths reference signals are presented to demonstrate the dynamic behavior of fuzzy system


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Amongst the results of the AutPoc Project - Automation of Wells, established between UFRN and Petrobras with the support of the CNPq, FINEP, CTPETRO, FUNPEC, was developed a simulator for equipped wells of oil with the method of rise for continuous gas-lift. The gas-lift is a method of rise sufficiently used in production offshore (sea production), and its basic concept is to inject gas in the deep one of the producing well of oil transform it less dense in order to facilitate its displacement since the reservoir until the surface. Based in the use of tables and equations that condense the biggest number of information on characteristics of the reservoir, the well and the valves of gas injection, it is allowed, through successive interpolations, to simulate representative curves of the physical behavior of the existing characteristic variable. With a simulator that approaches a computer of real the physical conditions of an oil well is possible to analyze peculiar behaviors with very bigger speeds, since the constants of time of the system in question well are raised e, moreover, to optimize costs with assays in field. The simulator presents great versatility, with prominance the analysis of the influence of parameters, as the static pressure, relation gas-liquid, pressure in the head of the well, BSW (Relation Basic Sediments and Water) in curves of request in deep of the well and the attainment of the curve of performance of the well where it can be simulated rules of control and otimization. In moving the rules of control, the simulator allows the use in two ways of simulation: the application of the control saw software simulated enclosed in the proper simulator, as well as the use of external controllers. This implies that the simulator can be used as tool of validation of control algorithms. Through the potentialities above cited, of course one another powerful application for the simulator appears: the didactic use of the tool. It will be possible to use it in formation courses and recycling of engineers


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Apresentamos um sistema implementado em Linux® com o intuito de proteger redes contendo estações de trabalho Windows® contra agentes maliciosos. O sistema, denominado LIV - Linux® Integrated Viruswall, agrega características existentes em outras soluções e acrescenta novas funcionalidades. Uma das funcionalidades implementadas é a capacidade de detecção de estações de trabalho contaminadas tendo como base a análise do tráfego de rede. Outra é o uso de uma técnica denominada compartilhamento armadilha para identificar agentes maliciosos em propagação na rede local. Uma vez detectado um foco de contaminação, o LIV é capaz de isolá-lo da rede, contendo a difusão do agente malicioso. Resultados obtidos pelo LIV na proteção de uma rede corporativa demonstram a eficácia da análise do tráfego de rede como instrumento de detecção de agentes maliciosos, especialmente quando comparada a mecanismos tradicionais de detecção, baseados exclusivamente em assinaturas digitais de códigos maliciosos


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Navigation based on visual feedback for robots, working in a closed environment, can be obtained settling a camera in each robot (local vision system). However, this solution requests a camera and capacity of local processing for each robot. When possible, a global vision system is a cheapest solution for this problem. In this case, one or a little amount of cameras, covering all the workspace, can be shared by the entire team of robots, saving the cost of a great amount of cameras and the associated processing hardware needed in a local vision system. This work presents the implementation and experimental results of a global vision system for mobile mini-robots, using robot soccer as test platform. The proposed vision system consists of a camera, a frame grabber and a computer (PC) for image processing. The PC is responsible for the team motion control, based on the visual feedback, sending commands to the robots through a radio link. In order for the system to be able to unequivocally recognize each robot, each one has a label on its top, consisting of two colored circles. Image processing algorithms were developed for the eficient computation, in real time, of all objects position (robot and ball) and orientation (robot). A great problem found was to label the color, in real time, of each colored point of the image, in time-varying illumination conditions. To overcome this problem, an automatic camera calibration, based on clustering K-means algorithm, was implemented. This method guarantees that similar pixels will be clustered around a unique color class. The obtained experimental results shown that the position and orientation of each robot can be obtained with a precision of few millimeters. The updating of the position and orientation was attained in real time, analyzing 30 frames per second