47 resultados para AIDS (Doença) - Tratamento


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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) has undergone changes in terms of clinical and epidemiological presentation worldwide. Urbanization has been described in different regions of Brazil and the world, as well as in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. These changes have impacted in the clinical outcome of Leishmania infection. A new clinical entity called co-infection of HIV/Leishmania has been described as a consequence of overlapping areas of occurrence of VL and HIV / AIDS in different countries including Brazil. The aim of this study was to define the process of periurbanization of the LV and describe a case series of co-infection HIV / Leishmania in Rio Grande do Norte. A new demographic pattern of VL was detected, with an increase in the number VL adult male subjects. Analysis of spatial distribution of VL in the state of Rio Grande do Norte showed that in the past 20 years VL tends to occur in larger cities and therefore the highest risk disease is greater in the eastern and western regions. The first region included Natal, the state capital, where the process of suburbanization began in 1990, and more recently the city of Mossoró, the second largest state, where periurbanization began in the last five years. In 1990, the emergence of co-infection HIV/Leishmania in the state was observed. Case-control study revealed that the new clinical entity affects adult males, who acquired HIV through sexual intercourse, 40% of those with a preivous history of leishmania infection Relapse and death from LV is increased in HIV positive compared with HIV-negative patients matched by sex and age. This pattern is similar to the observed in Europe, except of the route of transmission, where in Europe occured concomitantly, by parenteral route in drug users. Analysis of spatial distribution identified overlapping new areas of occurrence of HIV / AIDS and LV potentially signaling to increased risk of this new clinical entity as described above. Therefore, epidemiological surveillance for co-infection HIV / Leishmania should be adopted in all areas of risk of VL. At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate drug resistance currently used in the treatment of VL, as well as parenteral transmission of L infantum/ chagasi in areas where drug dependence is a risk factor for HIV acquisition


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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The tradition and living in African-Brazilian religious spaces, called yards, reveal how dynamic the reproduction and exchange of knowledge are, and that through their worldview, reveal ways of dealing with health and disease. The yards are culturally rich territories, in which people shape concepts, practices, and beliefs about health, disease and forms of healing, passed on from generation to generation through oral tradition. With the advent of HIV/AIDS from the 80s, a new challenge is established in the community of the yards and in the individual trajectories of people affected by the disease, who since an early age participate in this religious practice. The objective of this research is the analysis on the stigma in living with HIV/AIDS in yards of Umbanda in Fortaleza-Ceará, considering the (re)production of social dramas experienced by the community in question. During the investigation we adopted two basic parameters: the first one considers the understanding of the reproduction of stigma (or deteriorated identity) in relation to HIV/AIDS in its socio-historical dimension and its effects in the investigated context (Goffman, 1988). And the second one refers to the creation and reproduction of social dramas as a social experience carried through learning, handling and symbolic performance, which is reproduced in four stages: rupture, crisis, corrective action and reintegration (Turner, 1971)


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This study focuses on the child within the hospital environment. Its purpose is to describe children s perceptions of their illness and time in hospital and to identify their main hardships during treatment. This study has a qualitative nature and is theoretically and methodologically supported by the creative and sensitive method developed by Cabral (1998), studies by Piaget, Vygotsky and Wallon on child development, and studies conducted by Pinto (2005), Collet (2004), Chiattone (2003), Silva (2002), Lima et.al (1999) on in-patient children. For this study, 13 children between the ages of 7 and 12 at a public hospital institution specialized in child care in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, were interviewed. As a criterion for taking part in this study the children would have to have been in hospital for over three days and be fully capable of physically and emotionally interacting with the researcher at the time the interview took place. Analysis drew on the study of the empirical material made up of interviews and a field diary where notes had been entered for the children s reactions, expressions and gestures. Results show that there is some understanding, on the part of these children, of their illness, with their parents as the main informants. They accept being in hospital because they need treatment, but they realize that life becomes different especially on account of the constraints resulting from the illness and the hospital itself. The main hardships during treatment are: lack of recreational activities in the evenings and on the weekends within the hospital environment; absence of family members, especially brothers and sisters; and lack of explanation on the part of health professionals regarding some procedures as these are being carried out. Our conclusion is that children perceive illness and the hospital environment as something that changes the rhythm of their lives bringing on them perturbations, fears and anxieties. Hence, we suggest that professionals working with in-patient children should be especially prepared to deal with these children and their parents, aiming at bringing down fears and anguishes, clear their doubts and, in addition, advise the parents in respect of their children s treatment while in hospital and after hospital discharge. The hospital environment should also be cheerful and colorful and have a toy room under the coordination of persons especially prepared for that purpose


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The objective of this exploratory descriptive quantitative study was to analyze the behaviors in the detection, treatment and followup of the pregnant woman with syphilis, by health professionals that conduct the pre-natal consultation in the Family Health Strategy, as to the adherence to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. The study was conducted in nine municipalites of the Trairi region in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Data were collected during the months of July through September 2007, by means of a questionnaire with a population of 53 health professionals, 30 nurses and 23 physicians. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results were organized in three major items: knowledge of the health professionals about the symptomatology of syphilis and their actions in the detection of the disease; actions in the treatment of the pregnant woman with syphilis; and the actions of followup of the desease. We identified that 81,2% of the professionals have knowledge about the symptomatology of syphilis in the pregnant woman;79,2% request the VDRL exam in the adequate intervals and approximately 50% conduct the treatment in conformity with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. For the followup care of the infected woman, 79,2% request a monthly VDRL examination, 69,8% explain the disease to the pregnant woman, and 20,7% affirm that they conduct a proper reception to the woman.We conclude that the majority of the health professionals have knowledge of the detection, treatment and followup of the pregnant woman with syphilis. However, the actions of some professionals diverge from the conduct procedures recommended by the Ministry of Health, as to the requesting of the examinations, medication prescription and notification of the iesease. This indicates the need for improved


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Tuberculosis is considered one of the most ancient human diseases, cases were registered 3900 years before Christ, and it is currently regarded as a serious public health problem in the world due to several factors such as income mismanagement, precarious standard of life and some sort of prejudice comprised by the word tuberculosis. Taking this into consideration, it was developed a descriptive and exploratory study aiming at analyzing the social representations of tuberculosis made by its patient from the Unidades de Saúde da Família (Family Health Units a public health program) in Campina Grande City PB, in relation to the decentralization of the policies that administrate the disease. It was interviewed 34 tuberculosis patient that were being treated from 2007 to 2008. The age group of the interviewees varied from 10 to 60 years old, but most of them were between 36 and 60 years old (58,8%, n=20), some were young adult and adult (21 35 years old), with 11 (32,3%) respondents, and, less frequent, children and teenagers (11 20 years old), with 03 (8,8%) participants. Data was collected through semi-structured interview. The questions that guided the research were elaborated based on the operational recommendations of DOTS strategy; that is: access to laboratory examinations; medication guarantee; directly observed treatment. Besides that, the experiences of the patient were considered in their relation with the family and the different social groups. The analysis of the discursive material was submitted to the Analyse Lexicale par Context d un Ensemble de Segments de Texte software - ALCESTE 4.7. Data interpretation showed five categories for the social representations of the tuberculosis patient that participated in DOTS strategy: 1) the accessibility of the health assistance service; 2) the patient perspective of the disease; 3) the change in the operation of the productive life; 4) the signals and symptoms of the tuberculosis disease; 5) the rearrangement and mechanisms used to face the disease. The Central Nucleus reveals that tuberculosis is a transmissible disease that can be prevented by people through educational practices, health promotion, active search for symptomatic respiratory and control of the carriers communication; these mechanisms should be incorporated to the routine of all participants of the family health groups. The Intermediate Elements, based on quotidian life, as well as the individual experiences of the tuberculosis patient, reveals prejudiced attitude and beliefs that lead to isolation and restriction of interpersonal relationship. Peripheral Elements were constituted by themes that showed the patient feelings of indignation because of the social barriers they had to face in the Family Health Units during the treatment. These elements demonstrate a negative perspective of the representation concerning the accessibility, i.e. inadequate structure of the health service; long distance to the Health Centre, this factormakes it difficult for the patient to continue the treatment; scheduling delay; and limited service regarding other requests (doctor, dentist etc). One expects to contribute for the construction of a new perspective of the health question between the different agents who make the assistencial institutions and formation of professionals, either in central or local scope


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The counseling on HIV/Aids consists in a prevention strategy that contributes to increase the diagnosis of HIV and start earlier the treatment. The counseling has as pillars the emotional and educational support, risks evaluation that aim at the adoption of safe practices and the individual s responsibility for his own health. To accomplish these results, it is necessary that health workers understand counseling as a unique educational moment that stimulates the user s critical-reflection when it comes to his role as an active subject in this process. This study aimed to analyze the counseling on HIV/Aids conducted by the professionals of the Testing and Counseling Center (CTA), based on the educational perspective of Paulo Freire . This is a descriptive qualitative study with a critical reflexive design based on the principles of Action-Science. All the professionals acting as counselors in the Joao Pessoa, PB CTA, eight in total, took part in the study. Data were collected during the month of March, 2011, through non participative observation and semi-structured interviews with a critical-reflexive focus, analyzed according to the tenets of the critical-reflexive methodology, and discussed taking into consideration the Paulo Freire s pedagogy and pertinent literature. It was observed that most of the professionals expressed the work philosophy of CTA as the diagnosis and prevention of the disease, associated with the utilization and demonstration of condoms. However, upon observation of their counseling sessions, these ideas were not converted in actions. Educational themes were not covered and the condom wasn t offered at any time. The counseling actions focused on the provision of information and filling out the paper forms which are necessary for attendance. The sessions were conducted with brief dialogues and little opportunity for the users to expose or complement their thoughts and needs. The professionals mentioned as facilitating conditions for counseling, the team interaction and physical structure. The difficulties focused on the users low cognition, the large demand for attendance, aspects related to the service organization, and the counselors absences and delays. After reflecting about the actions observed in the counseling, the majority of professionals admitted the need to modify their practice in the incorporation of educational principles for the achievement of a broader prevention, and seemed to be willing to work in this perspective. In conclusion, although the counselors show ideas consistent with the purposes of CTA, these ideas are limited when it comes to the understanding of the meaning of prevention in HIV/Aids. Taking into consideration that they express a certain comprehension and act differently during the counseling, they demonstrate a lack of bond between the theories in use and the proposed ones, in accordance with the contribution of the action-science theory. The counseling, as an educative practice, doesn t materialize in the counseling itself and the orientation for reflection is not given during the attendance. These findings suggest the need to include the process of reflection in the execution of the actions of counseling, so that these practices are guided by reflexive practice, aiming at transforming the way of thinking and acting into a more educational perspective toward a more democratic and holistic assistance.


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In recent years, the biosafety has been made possible a new look which are based the conceptions of health and illness process, as well as human needs. This new vision is focused on health vigilance that is referenced specifically in this study to the worker s health. The health of workers is essential for the prevention and control of epidemics and outbreaks of diseases as well as emerging and reemerging diseases. The present study wants to show the importance of biosafety measures for health workers, showing them through the concepts in their daily work. It is also to direct the use of biosafety measures in the care of oncology and hematology patients care, because of its infection susceptibility. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the conceptions of health workers in the biosafety pratice to the patients in oncological and hematological treatment in an oncological institution in Natal / RN, as well as make a socio-demographic profile of these workers and to know their difficulties to adequate biosafety measures. METODOLOGIA: The research is exploratory descriptive with qualitative approach, using the technique of oral history. The use of this technique is justified for the possibility of analyze the conceptions of health workers in the face of biosafety measures. From the definition of analysis categories that have emerged in the study. The categories were: daily work, education, occupational risk and onco-hematological care. The research population was the health workers who provide care to patients in oncological and hematological treatment. The study was conducted in the League against Cancer, in Natal / RN, specifically in the unit Luiz Antonio Hospital. Data collections were conducted from June to August of 2011 and were interviewed sixteen employees who assist in oncology and hematology. Structured interviews were conducted in three shifts, given the prospects of expanding the possibilities of analysis of the biosafety concepts. After data collection, the interviews were analyzed qualitatively by the technique of oral history. This genre, thematic oral history is a modern resource used for preparation of documents, files and studies concerning the social experience of people and groups with the construction of a script prior to the interview moment (MEIHY, 2002). ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION: It was made a reflection about the concepts and practices of professionals who take care of patients in oncology and hematology as well as its relation to biosafety measures. The speech of employees revealed that the adoption has been very supportive of these standards, although some have been highlighted gaps in the understanding of employees in relation to biosafety and the proposed categories. CONCLUSION: The analysis of information showed that biosafety has been cited by employees as an immeasurable benefit to safety and occupational health. And the strengths marks in their understanding were: the excellence of care and safety in occupational diseases risk reduction and infections resulting from their work activities, despite some difficulties in adopting appropriate biosafety standards


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The demographic and epidemiological transition process caused by a declining in birth rates and in mortality, also changes occurred in morbidity and mortality is represented by the increasing of the aging population and the raising of chronic diseases. These diseases are characterized by multiple etiologies, risk factors, long latency period, a prolonged evolution, non-infectious origin and it has association with functional impairment and disability. Thus, elderly with chronic non-communicable disease has priority because they belong to a vulnerable group to get affection of comorbidities in aging, with increased demand and spending on health services. This study is aimed to analyse the understanding of elderly people with chronic non comunicable disease in the medium complexity service as a contribution to the improvement of health care in the city of Natal / RN. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a quantitative approach, carried out at the Specialized Center for Elderly Health Care and at the Pescadores Hospital. The population was composed of 4,180 persons with a sample of 124 elderly aged above 60 years, attended in these medium complexity services. The instrument, a structured form, adapted from a questionnaire for monitoring risk and protective factors for chronic disease of the Ministry of Health. To collect data was was used the interview form containing demographic data, habits, health status and health care services. The results were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Science, version 18.0, analyzed by simple statistics. It was found that most seniors were female, predominantly between 70 and 74 years old, married, with a brown skin tone and Catholic religion, more than half had incomplete basic education, family income between one to two minimum wages and living with their families. Regarding the interviewers lifestyle, 94.4%, of them ate chicken and 97.6%, fruits, it was observed a reduction in smoking, alcoholism habits and physical activity according to the increasing age, 58.1 and 18.5% had insomnia18,5 % used sleeping pills. The elderly (51.6%) reported using services in times of sickness, seeking primary care at first (30.6%), 52% did not receive referral and was looking for free demand (38.7%). The most reported morbidity was hypertension, followed by musculoskeletal disorders. Regarding the difficulties in seeking health services, the delay in treatment and the waiting line were the most cited by the elderly. Almost all of them reported no activities to promote health in these services and those who received individual counseling on chronic diseases. Almost always, the health professionals who care of them, were mostly doctors followed by nurses. Based on the results presented, it is considered that the health services of medium complexity must undergone a more continuous dialogue with other attention level and focus on actions of health promotion and prevention. It is also recommended the necessity for qualified professionals to delivery health care to elderly and the implementation of protocols by a multidisciplinary health team, intending to provide better and continous care for the elderly with chronic diseases. The healthcare professionals who served them, were mostly physicians, followed by nurses. Through the results presented, it is considered that the medium complexity healthcare services need to perform a more continuous dialogue with the other levels of attention focusing attention to the health promotion and prevention actions. It is also recommended the necessity for qualified professionals to delivery healthcare for the elderly, in addition, a protocol implementation for the multidisciplinary health care team, to provide better care, and also the care continuity to elderly with chronic diseases


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This study thus sought to examine knowledge about TB and attitudes of patients families in disease treatment in Primary Health Care in Natal- RN. To this end, a cross-sectional study was undertaken through a questionnaire with families of patients diagnosed with TB and follow up by APS from Natal. The study subjects were recruited from a non-probabilistic way, by convenience, contemplating a sample of 50 families. Among the criteria considered for inclusion of subjects, older than 18 years were considered, as well as residing with the TB patient and in Natal and availability to participate in the research. Data collection was performed by own researcher and an assistant, through a questionnaire with families of patients diagnosed with TB following the double independent digitalization of data. In the analytical phase, was initially conducted an exploratory phase and univariate data, with description of the position measurements (mean, median, mode) and dispersion (confidence interval and standard deviation). In bivariate analysis, it was conducted an intersection of dependent variables of knowledge e and changes of attitude dichotomous, with each of the independent variables, using contingency tables and calculating the chi-square test and, when appropriate, the Fisher exact test. In 2x2 tables, calculated the odds ratio (OR) with confidence intervals of 95% (95% CI). From the selected sample, 43 (86%) subjects were female, average age and median respectively of 46.64 and 46.50 years, 25 (50%) had elementary school. The knowledge expressed by family members about TB was considered satisfactory. However, the lack of interest of the family (54%) in seeking information about tuberculosis; the wrong way of reply in relation to the organism causing the disease (64%); the water content (62%) and contaminated food (54% ) as a means of spreading TB was a weakness identified in the investigation. Regarding the time of transmission, 90% of respondents indicated not know or answered wrong. From investigated independent variables, only two were associated with lack of knowledge of TB, and they did not have religion (OR: 0.146, 95% CI: 0.027 to 0.800) and income below 1, 7 minimum wages (OR: 0.155, 95% CI: 0.029 to 0.813). Thus they seem to exercise a protective effect on this outcome. As for the changes in attitude, most of the found variables had no association with statistical significance, except no internet access (OR: 0.212, 95% CI: 0,048-0, 935). Most attitudes were positive in relation to TB patient. Results have demonstrated weaknesses in TB care, which has taken on a more individual and welfare character. Data not only express health outcomes produced by health services, but also the political and social situation of the families that are affected by TB


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Chronic venous disease (CVD) is evident among the chronic diseases and affects the elderly population and primarily is responsible for leg ulcers in this population. The use of dressings in the care of a venous ulcer is a fundamental part of the treatment for healing, however, evidence to assist in choosing the best dressing is scarce. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with hydrogel in the healing of venous ulcers using search methods, synthesis of information and statistical research through a systematic review and meta-analysis. Randomized controlled trials were selected in the following databases: CENTRAL; DARE; NHS EED; MEDLINE; EMBASE; CINAHL. Beyond these databases three websites were consulted to identify ongoing studies: ClinicalTrials.gov, OMS ICTRP e ISRCTN. The primary outcomes were analyzed: complete wound healing, incidence of wound infection and the secondary were: changes in ulcer size, time to ulcer healing, recurrence of ulcer, quality of life of participants, pain and costs of treatment. Four studies are currently included in the review with a total of 250 participants. The use of hydrogel appears to be superior to conventional dressing, gauze soaked in saline, for the healing of venous leg ulcers; 16/30 patients showed complete healing of ulcers (RR 5,33, 95%CI [1,73,16,42]). The alginate gel was shown to be more effective when compared to the hydrogel dressing in reduction of the wound area; 61,2% (± 26,2%) with alginate e 19,4% (± 24,3%) with hydrogel at the end of four weeks of treatment. Manuka honey has shown to be similar to the hydrogel dressings in percentage of area reduction. This review demonstrated that there is no evidence available about the effectiveness of the hydrogel compared to other types of dressings on the healing of venous leg ulcers of the lower limbs, thus demonstrating the need of future studies to assist health professionals in choosing the correct dressing.


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The relationship between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases is a reality in the current days. The knowledge about the role of periodontal disease as a risk factor to cardiovascular disease from dentistry and physicians is very important to try to eliminate this risk factor. The aim of this work was to investigate, using a questionary, if physicians and dentistry are aware about this relationship and if they think that it is important. These forms were distributed in 4 groups: cardiologists (n=90), physicians from other specialist (POS) (n=110), periodontists (n=35) and dentistry from other specialist (DOE) (n=85). We had a loss off 32,4% of the total sample due to a lack of response of some professionals. Our results showed that all cardiologists, all dentists and 68,2% of POE said that they had gotten information about the relationship between periodontal and cardiovascular disease, and just 6 POS don t believe that this relationship can occur. When questioned if, even when a periodontal disease is diagnosed, there is a habit to treat or orient the patient for treatment, 29,5% of cardiologists answered no, 25,5% of POE also answered that they did not orient and only 1 DOE answered that he did not treat nor orient. All periodontists said that treat their patients when periodontal disease was identify. The physicians seem not to find important the relationship that exist between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases and the dentistry have shown a good knowledge about this subject. Maybe, if physicians and dentistry work together, the incidence of cardiovascular disease decreases


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The aim of this study was determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus spp. from patients with periodontal disease and periodontally healthy, correlate them with factors to host, local environment and traits of the diseases. To this, thirty adults from 19 to 55 years old were selected. They had not periodontal treatment and no antibiotic or antimicrobial was administered during three previous months. From these individuals, sites periodontally healthy, with chronic gingivitis and/or periodontitis were analyzed. Eighteen subgingival dental biofilm samples were collected through sterile paper points being six from each tooth randomly selected, representing conditions mentioned. They were transported to Oral Microbiology laboratory, plated onto Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) and incubated at 370C in air for 48 h. Staphylococcus spp. were identified by colonial morphology, Gram stain, catalase reaction, susceptibility to bacitracin and coagulase activity. After identification, strains were submitted to the antibiotic susceptibility test with 12 antimicrobials, based on Kirby-Bauer technique. To establish the relation between coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CSN) presence and their infection levels and host factors, local environment and traits of diseases were used Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests to a confidence level of 95%. 86,7% subjects harbored CSN in 11,7% periodontal sites. These prevalence were 12,1% in healthy sites, 11,7% in chronic gingivitis, 13,5% in slight chronic periodontitis, 6,75% in moderate chronic periodontitis and in sites with advance chronic periodontitis was not isolated CSN, without difference among them (p = 0,672). There was no significant difference to presence and infection levels of CSN as related to host factors, local environm ent and traits of the diseases. Amongst the 74 samples of CSN isolated, the biggest resistance was observed to penicillin (55,4%), erythromycin (32,4%), tetracycline (12,16%) and clindamycin (9,4%). 5,3% of the isolates were resistant to oxacilin and methicillin. No resistance was observed to ciprofloxacin, rifampicin and vancomycin. It was concluded that staphylococci are found in low numbers in healthy or sick periodontal sites in a similar ratio. However, a trend was observed to a reduction in staphylococci occurrence toward more advanced stages of the disease. This low prevalence was not related to any variables analyzed. Susceptibility profile to antibiotics demonstrates a raised resistance to penicillin and a low one to methicillin. To erythromycin, tetracycline and clindamycin was observed a significant resistance


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The tissular destruction found in periodontal diseases is caused mainly by components of the host that have its production stimulated by the products of the microorganisms present on the plaque. Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs), a class of enzymes involved both in physiologic and pathologic extracellular matrix degradation are considered the main responsible for the characteristic tissular loss in periodontal disease, and the understanding of how this happens can have a series of beneficial implications for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this illness. The aim of this work was to study the immunohistochemical expression of MMP-1, MMP-2, and MMP-9 in fragments of gingival biopsies with clinical diagnose of periodontal disease. MMP-1 has expressed significantly more than the others MMPs in gingivitis both in the epithelium (p=0,0008) and connective tissue (p=0,0049). In periodontitis, both MMP-1 and MMP-9 has expressed significantly more than MMP-2 in the epithelium (p<0,0001) and in the connective tissue (p=0,0002). MMP-1 and MMP-9 presented more expression in periodontitis than in gingivitis but MMP-1 only in the connective tissue (p=0,03) and MMP-9 in the epithelium (p=0,003) and in the connective tissue (p=0,04). In conclusion, these results indicate that the MMP-1 presents high expression in every stages of the periodontal diseases, and increases its expression in the connective tissue when the gingivitis evolves to periodontitis. Therefore, it may have an important role in connective tissue degradation and bone loss observed in disease, since early, in gingivitis, until late stages, in periodontitis, of the periodontal disease. MMP-9 has expressed more in periodontitis than in gingivitis, both in epithelium and in connective tissue. It means that this enzyme may have some importance in the progression of gingivitis to periodontitis by acting in bone resorption observed in this desease


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The present study evaluated the influence of non-surgical periodontal treatment on the levels of C- reactive protein (hsCRP) in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) in pretransplant. We conducted a controlled and randomized trial to evaluate the periodontal condition and plasma concentrations of hsCRP, albumin and transferrin in 56 dialysis patients divided into two groups: experimental and control. The study was conducted at the dental clinic of Family and Community Health s Unit (USFC), located in Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), from December 2010 to November 2011. Severe periodontitis was the type of periodontal disease more common, affecting 78.6% of patients. Periodontal conditions, evaluated through the means of probing depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding index and plaque index, proved to be uniform for both groups at the initial examination. There were no differences in levels of inflammatory markers between the two groups. The analysis of the concentrations of hsCRP allowed classifying study participants as at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. After completion of periodontal treatment in the experimental group, there was a statistically significant reduction of the mean of all periodontal parameters assessed; however this improvement of periodontal health was not accompanied by changes in the levels of hsCRP, albumin and transferrin in the evaluation time. Given this, the periodontal treatment did not promote the reduction of systemic inflammatory burden and risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with CRF