37 resultados para 1995_03292156 TM-56 4502002
Recently the planar antennas have been studied due to their characteristics as well as the advantages that they offers when compared with another types of antennas. In the mobile communications area, the need for this kind of antennas have became each time bigger due to the intense increase of the mobile communications that needs of antennas which operate in multifrequency and wide bandwidth. The microstrip antennas presents narrow bandwidth due the loss in the dielectric generated by radiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due the generation of surface waves in the substrate. In this work some used techniques to minimize the disadvantages (previously mentioned) of the use of microstrip antennas are presented, those are: substrates with PBG material - Photonic Bandgap, multilayer antennas and with stacked patches. The developed analysis in this work used the TTL - Transverse Transmission Line method in the domain of Fourier transform, that uses a component of propagation in the y direction (transverse to the direction real of propagation z), treating the general equations of electric and magnetic field as functions of y and y . This work has as objective the application of the TTL method to microstrip structures with single and multilayers of rectangular and triangular patches, to obtaining the resonance frequency and radiation pattern of each structure. This method is applied for the treatment of the fields in stacked structures. The Homogenization theory will be applied to obtaining the effective permittivity for s and p polarizations of the substrate composed of PBG material. Numerical results for the triangular and rectangular antennas with single layer, multilayers resonators with triangular and rectangular patches are presented (in photonic and isotropic substrates). Conclusions and suggestions for continuity of this work are presented
In practically all vertical markets and in every region of the planet, loyalty marketers have adopted the tactic of recognition and reward to identify, maintain and increase the yield of their customers. Several strategies have been adopted by companies, and the most popular among them is the loyalty program, which displays a loyalty club to manage these rewards. But the problem with loyalty programs is that customer identification and transfer of loyalty points are made in a semiautomatic. Aiming at this, this paper presents a master's embedded business automation solution called e-Points. The goal of e-Points is munir clubs allegiances with fully automated tooling technology to identify customers directly at the point of sales, ensuring greater control over the loyalty of associate members. For this, we developed a hardware platform with embedded system and RFID technology to be used in PCs tenant, a smart card to accumulate points with every purchase and a web server, which will provide services of interest to retailers and customers membership to the club
The using of supervision systems has become more and more essential in accessing, managing and obtaining data of industrial processes, because of constant and frequent developments in industrial automation. These supervisory systems (SCADA) have been widely used in many industrial environments to store process data and to control the processes in accordance with some adopted strategy. The SCADA s control hardware is the set of equipments that execute this work. The SCADA s supervision software accesses process data through the control hardware and shows them to the users. Currently, many industrial systems adopt supervision softwares developed by the same manufacturer of the control hardware. Usually, these softwares cannot be used with other equipments made by distinct manufacturers. This work proposes an approach for developing supervisory systems able to access process information through different control hardwares. An architecture for supervisory systems is first defined, in order to guarantee efficiency in communication and data exchange. Then, the architecture is applied in a supervisory system to monitor oil wells that use distinct control hardwares. The implementation was modeled and verified by using the formal method of the Petri networks. Finally, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solution
Modern wireless systems employ adaptive techniques to provide high throughput while observing desired coverage, Quality of Service (QoS) and capacity. An alternative to further enhance data rate is to apply cognitive radio concepts, where a system is able to exploit unused spectrum on existing licensed bands by sensing the spectrum and opportunistically access unused portions. Techniques like Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) could help or be vital for such scenarios. Usually, AMC implementations rely on some form of signal pre-processing, which may introduce a high computational cost or make assumptions about the received signal which may not hold (e.g. Gaussianity of noise). This work proposes a new method to perform AMC which uses a similarity measure from the Information Theoretic Learning (ITL) framework, known as correntropy coefficient. It is capable of extracting similarity measurements over a pair of random processes using higher order statistics, yielding in better similarity estimations than by using e.g. correlation coefficient. Experiments carried out by means of computer simulation show that the technique proposed in this paper presents a high rate success in classification of digital modulation, even in the presence of additive white gaussian noise (AWGN)
Electrical Motors transform electrical energy into mechanic energy in a relatively easy way. In some specific applications, there is a need for electrical motors to function with noncontaminated fluids, in high speed systems, under inhospitable conditions, or yet, in local of difficult access and considerable depth. In these cases, the motors with mechanical bearings are not adequate as their wear give rise to maintenance. A possible solution for these problems stems from two different alternatives: motors with magnetic bearings, that increase the length of the machine (not convenient), and the bearingless motors that aggregate compactness. Induction motors have been used more and more in research, as they confer more robustness to bearingless motors compared to other types of machines building with others motors. The research that has already been carried out with bearingless induction motors utilized prototypes that had their structures of stator/rotor modified, that differ most of the times from the conventional induction motors. The goal of this work is to study the viability of the use of conventional induction Motors for the beringless motors applications, pointing out the types of Motors of this category that can be more useful. The study uses the Finite Elements Method (FEM). As a means of validation, a conventional induction motor with squirrel-cage rotor was successfully used for the beringless motor application of the divided winding type, confirming the proposed thesis. The controlling system was implemented in a Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
The stability of synchronous generators connected to power grid has been the object of study and research for years. The interest in this matter is justified by the fact that much of the electricity produced worldwide is obtained with the use of synchronous generators. In this respect, studies have been proposed using conventional and unconventional control techniques such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, and adaptive controllers to increase the stabilitymargin of the systemduring sudden failures and transient disturbances. Thismaster thesis presents a robust unconventional control strategy for maintaining the stability of power systems and regulation of output voltage of synchronous generators connected to the grid. The proposed control strategy comprises the integration of a sliding surface with a linear controller. This control structure is designed to prevent the power system losing synchronism after a sudden failure and regulation of the terminal voltage of the generator after the fault. The feasibility of the proposed control strategy was experimentally tested in a salient pole synchronous generator of 5 kVA in a laboratory structure
A challenge that remains in the robotics field is how to make a robot to react in real time to visual stimulus. Traditional computer vision algorithms used to overcome this problem are still very expensive taking too long when using common computer processors. Very simple algorithms like image filtering or even mathematical morphology operations may take too long. Researchers have implemented image processing algorithms in high parallelism hardware devices in order to cut down the time spent in the algorithms processing, with good results. By using hardware implemented image processing techniques and a platform oriented system that uses the Nios II Processor we propose an approach that uses the hardware processing and event based programming to simplify the vision based systems while at the same time accelerating some parts of the used algorithms
The planar circuits are structures that increasingly attracting the attention of researchers, due the good performance and capacity to integrate with other devices, in the prototyping of systems for transmitting and receiving signals in the microwave range. In this context, the study and development of new techniques for analysis of these devices have significantly contributed in the design of structures with excellent performance and high reliability. In this work, the full-wave method based on the concept of electromagnetic waves and the principle of reflection and transmission of waves at an interface, Wave Concept Iterative Procedure (WCIP), or iterative method of waves is described as a tool with high precision study microwave planar circuits. The proposed method is applied to the characterization of planar filters, microstrip antennas and frequency selective surfaces. Prototype devices were built and the experimental results confirmed the proposed mathematical model. The results were also compared with simulated results by Ansoft HFSS, observing a good agreement between them.
In the last decade, the renewable energy sources have present a major propulsion in the world due to several factors: political, environmental, financial and others. Within this context, we have in particular the energy obtained through wind, wind energy - that has highlighted with rapid growth in recent years, including in Brazil, mostly in the Northeast, due to it s benefit-cost between the clean energies. In this context, we propose to compare the variable structure adaptive pole placement control (VS-APPC) with a traditional control technique proportional integral controller (PI), applied to set the control of machine side in a conversion system using a wind generator based on Double-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). Robustness and performance tests were carried out to the uncertainties of the internal parameters of the machine and variations of speed reference.
This work proposes a new technique for phasor estimation applied in microprocessor numerical relays for distance protection of transmission lines, based on the recursive least squares method and called least squares modified random walking. The phasor estimation methods have compromised their performance, mainly due to the DC exponential decaying component present in fault currents. In order to reduce the influence of the DC component, a Morphological Filter (FM) was added to the method of least squares and previously applied to the process of phasor estimation. The presented method is implemented in MATLABr and its performance is compared to one-cycle Fourier technique and conventional phasor estimation, which was also based on least squares algorithm. The methods based on least squares technique used for comparison with the proposed method were: forgetting factor recursive, covariance resetting and random walking. The techniques performance analysis were carried out by means of signals synthetic and signals provided of simulations on the Alternative Transient Program (ATP). When compared to other phasor estimation methods, the proposed method showed satisfactory results, when it comes to the estimation speed, the steady state oscillation and the overshoot. Then, the presented method performance was analyzed by means of variations in the fault parameters (resistance, distance, angle of incidence and type of fault). Through this study, the results did not showed significant variations in method performance. Besides, the apparent impedance trajectory and estimated distance of the fault were analysed, and the presented method showed better results in comparison to one-cycle Fourier algorithm
Este projeto propõe desenvolver e implementar um controlador para o sistema de refrigeração da tocha indutiva a plasma térmico. Este processo é feito a partir da medição da temperatura através de um sensor do sistema de refrigeração. O sinal produzido será enviado para uma entrada analógica do microcontrolador da família PIC, que utilizando os conceitos de lógica fuzzy, controla a velocidade de um motor bomba. Este é responsável por diminuir ou aumentar o fluxo circulante de água que passa pela bobina, pelo corpo da tocha e pelo flange de fixação, deixando-os na temperatura desejada. A velocidade desta bomba será controlada por um inversor de frequência. O microcontrolador, também, acionará um ventilador caso exceda a temperatura de referência. A proposta inicial foi o desenvolvimento do controle da temperatura da bobina de uma tocha indutiva a plasma, mas com algumas adequações, foi possível também aplicar no corpo da tocha. Essa tocha será utilizada em uma planta de tratamento de resíduos industriais e efluentes petroquímicos. O controle proposto visa garantir as condições físicas necessárias para tocha de plasma, mantendo a temperatura da água em um determinado nível que permita o resfriamento sem comprometer, no entanto, o rendimento do sistema. No projeto será utilizada uma tocha de plasma com acoplamento indutivo (ICPT), por ter a vantagem de não possuir eletrodos metálicos internos sendo erodidos pelo jato de plasma, evitando uma possível contaminação, e também devido à possibilidade do reaproveitamento energético através da cogeração de energia. O desenvolvimento da tecnologia a plasma na indústria de tratamento de resíduos vem obtendo bons resultados. Aplicações com essa tecnologia têm se tornado cada vez mais importantes por reduzir, em muitos casos, a produção de resíduos e o consumo de energia em vários processos industriais
The scarcity of natural resources and the search for alternative energy sources promote a rapid change in the energy world. Among the renewable energy sources, solar energy is the most promising, presenting technology of greatest growth rate nowadays. Researchers around the world are seeking ways to facilitate their progress, developing technologies with higher efficiency and lower cost. As a contribution to global progress, this master thesis proposes the development of a strategy of maximum power tracking based on perturbation and observation method for photovoltaic systems. The proposed control strategy is based on active power balance of the system, with a reduced number of sensors. It also allows the PV system to act as a regulator of the power quality at the point of commom coupling (PCC), compensating the harmonic distortion and power factor of the current netw
Atualmente há uma grande preocupação em relação a substituição das fontes não renováveis pelas fontes renováveis na geração de energia elétrica. Isto ocorre devido a limitação do modelo tradicional e da crescente demanda. Com o desenvolvimento dos conversores de potência e a eficácia dos esquemas de controle, as fontes renováveis têm sido interligadas na rede elétrica, em um modelo de geração distribuída. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia de controle não convencional, com a utilização de um controlador robusto, para a interconexão de sistemas fotovoltaicos com à rede elétrica trifásica. A compensação da qualidade de energia no ponto de acoplamento comum (PAC) é realizada pela estratégia proposta. As técnicas tradicionais utilizam detecção de harmônicos, já neste trabalho o controle das correntes é feita de uma forma indireta sem a necessidade desta detecção. Na estratégia indireta é de grande importância que o controle da tensão do barramento CC seja efetuado de uma forma que não haja grandes flutuações, e que a banda passante do controlador em regime permanente seja baixa para que as correntes da rede não tenham um alto THD. Por este motivo é utilizado um controlador em modo dual DSM-PI, que durante o transitório se comporta como um controlador em modo deslizante SM-PI, e em regime se comporta como um PI convencional. A corrente é alinhada ao ângulo de fase do vetor tensão da rede elétrica, obtido a partir do uso de um PLL. Esta aproximação permite regular o fluxo de potência ativa, juntamente com a compensação dos harmônicos e também promover a correção do fator de potência no ponto de acoplamento comum. Para o controle das correntes é usado um controlador dupla sequencia, que utiliza o princípio do modelo interno. Resultados de simulação são apresentados para demonstrar a eficácia do sistema de controle proposto
The control of industrial processes has become increasingly complex due to variety of factory devices, quality requirement and market competition. Such complexity requires a large amount of data to be treated by the three levels of process control: field devices, control systems and management softwares. To use data effectively in each one of these levels is extremely important to industry. Many of today s industrial computer systems consist of distributed software systems written in a wide variety of programming languages and developed for specific platforms, so, even more companies apply a significant investment to maintain or even re-write their systems for different platforms. Furthermore, it is rare that a software system works in complete isolation. In industrial automation is common that, software had to interact with other systems on different machines and even written in different languages. Thus, interoperability is not just a long-term challenge, but also a current context requirement of industrial software production. This work aims to propose a middleware solution for communication over web service and presents an user case applying the solution developed to an integrated system for industrial data capture , allowing such data to be available simplified and platformindependent across the network
The continuous gas lift method is the main artificial lifting method used in the oil industry for submarine wells, due to its robustness and the large range of flow rate that the well might operate. Nowadays, there is a huge amount of wells producing under this mechanism. This method of elevation has a slow dynamics due to the transients and a correlation between the injected gas rate and the of produced oil rate. Electronics controllers have been used to adjust many parameters of the oil wells and also to improve the efficiency of the gas lift injection system. This paper presents a intelligent control system applied to continuous gas injection in wells, based in production s rules, that has the target of keeping the wells producing during the maximum period of time, in its best operational condition, and doing automatically all necessary adjustments when occurs some disturbance in the system. The author also describes the application of the intelligent control system as a tool to control the flow pressure in the botton of the well (Pwf). In this case, the control system actuates in the surface control valve