53 resultados para óxidos de Ferro


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The field of "Materials Chemistry" has been developing in recent years and there has been a great increase of interest in the synthesis and chemical and physical properties of new inorganic solids. New routes of synthesis and synthesis modified has been developed with the aim not only to optimize the processes in laboratory scale, but also on an industrial scale, and make them acceptable by current environmental legislation. The phenomenology of current solid state chemistry properties coupled with the high temperature superconductivity, ferromagnetism, porosity molecular and colors are evidence affected by the synthesis method, which in turn can influence the technological application of these materials. From this understanding, mixed oxides of nickel and zinc nanoparticulate were synthesized by microwave-assisted combustion route using three specific types of organic fuels employing the weight ratios 1:1/2 and 1:1 of cation metallic/fuel, in order to investigate the influence of such proportions to obtain the solids. The new fuels were chosen to replace, for example, urea or glycine that are the fuels most commonly preferred in this kind of synthesis. The powders without heat treatment were studied by Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and then calcined at 900°C. After heat treatment, the samples were characterized by analysis of X Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The modified synthesis route porposed was effective for obtaining powders. Both the alternative fuels chosen as the different weight ratios employed, influenced in the morphology and obtaining oxides


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The Rio do Peixe Basin represents a main basin of northeastern Brazil and pioneering work positioned the rocks of this basin in the Early Cretaceous. However, a recent study, based on integrated pollen analysis from three wells, found an unprecedented siliciclastic sedimentary section, in the region, of early Devonian age. Therefore, the present study aims a detailed petrographic and petrological analysis of this devonian section, in the Rio do Peixe Basin and proposes a diagenetic evolution, to understand the characteristics of the porous system, identify the main reservoir petrofacies with the main factors impacting on the quality of these rocks as reservoirs and a quick study on the provenance of this section. The petrographic study was based on samples obtained from subsurface and surface. The diagenetic evolution of petrofacies and its identification were based only on subsurface samples and the study of provenance was based on surface samples. The thin sections were prepared from sandstones, pelites and sandstones intercalated with pelites. The original detrital composition for this section is arcosean and the main diagenetic processes that affected these rocks occur in various depths and different conditions, which resulted in extensive diagenetic variety. The following processes were identified: early fracture and healing of grains; albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase; siderite; precipitation of silica and feldspar; mechanical infiltration of clay and its transformation to illite/esmectite and illite; autigenesis of analcime; dissolution; autigenesis of chlorite; dolomite/ferrous dolomite/anquerite; apatite; calcite; pyrite; titanium minerals and iron oxide-hidroxide. The occurrence of a recently discovered volcanism, in the Rio do Peixe Basin, may have influenced the diagenetic evolution of this section. Three diagenetic stages affected the Devonian section: eo, meso and telodiagenesis. This section is compositionally quite feldspathic, indicating provenance from continental blocks, between transitional continental and uplift of the basement. From this study, we observed a wide heterogeneity in the role of the studied sandstones as reservoirs. Seven petrofacies were identified, taking into account the main diagenetic constituent responsible for the reduction of porosity. It is possible that the loss of original porosity was influenced by intense diagenesis in these rocks, where the main constituent for the loss of porosity are clays minerals, oxides and carbonate cement (calcite and dolomite)


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The fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass is a thermochemical conversion process for production energy which have been very atratactive due to energetic use of its products: gas (CO, CO2, H2, CH4, etc.), liquid (bio-oil) and charcoal. The bio-oil is the main product of fast pyrolysis, and its final composition and characteristics is intrinsically related to quality of biomass (ash disposal, moisture, content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and efficiency removal of oxygen compounds that cause undesirable features such as increased viscosity, instability, corrosiveness and low calorific value. The oxygenates are originated in the conventional process of biomass pyrolysis, where the use of solid catalysts allows minimization of these products by improving the bio-oil quality. The present study aims to evaluate the products of catalytic pyrolysis of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) using solid catalysts as tungsten oxides, supported or not in mesoporous materials like MCM-41, derived silica from rice husk ash, aimed to reduce oxygenates produced in pyrolysis. The biomasss treatment by washing with heated water (CEL) or washing with acid solution (CELix) and application of tungsten catalysts on vapors from the pyrolysis process was designed to improve the pyrolysis products quality. Conventional and catalytic pyrolysis of biomass was performed in a micro-pyrolyzer, Py-5200, coupled to GC/MS. The synthesized catalysts were characterized by X ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, X ray fluorescence, temperature programmed reduction and thermogravimetric analysis. Kinetic studies applying the Flynn and Wall model were performed in order to evaluate the apparent activation energy of holoceluloce thermal decomposition on samples elephant grass (CE, CEL and CELix). The results show the effectiveness of the treatment process, reducing the ash content, and were also observed decrease in the apparent activation energy of these samples. The catalytic pyrolysis process converted most of the oxygenate componds in aromatics such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, etc


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The aim of this study was to assess the acute and chronic effects of zinc in serum iron profile of children aged 6-9 years in relation to nutritional status and dietary intake. The study participants were 11 children regardless of sex, aged 6-9 years. They were selected from three public schools of the city of Natal, Brazil. Body mass index was used to assess nutritional status. In order to determine the patterns of childhood growth and ideal weight we used the standards of the World Health Organization. The dietary intake assessment was based on information from a three-day prospective food survey. The variables were energy intake, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron and zinc. All children underwent an intravenous administration of zinc (IVAZn) before and after oral administration of zinc (OAZn) (5 mg Zn / day) for three months. We measured serum iron, hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein, before and after the use of oral zinc. The analysis of hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein was performed using standard methods of clinical laboratory. Zinc levels and serum iron were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The project was evaluated and approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Results: All children had normal weight. The consumption of energy, fat, fiber, calcium and iron were below recommended levels. However, the levels of protein and carbohydrates were high. Protein and zinc increased significantly after OAZn. Carbohydrate and protein were elevated in the blood. After OAZn, both protein and zinc increased, being statistically significant. Conclusion: The potential inhibitory effect of physiological or pharmacological doses of zinc on the profile of serum iron was observed in children with healthy weight and aged between 6 and 9 years. This negative effect of zinc did not affect the levels of hematocrit or hemoglobin, and therefore did not cause anemia. This was a multidisciplinary study, involving researchers from medicine, nutrition and pharmacy. This met the requirements of multidisciplinarity of the Post Graduate Program in Health Sciences of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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Considering the constant evolution of technology in growth and the need for production techniques in the ceramics area to move forward together, we sought in this study, the research and development of polymeric precursor method to obtain inorganic ceramic pigments. Method that provides quality to obtain the precursor powders of oxides and pigments at the same time, offers time and cost advantages, such as reproducibility, purity and low temperature heat treatment, control of stoichiometry. This work used chromium nitrate and iron nitrate as precursors. The synthesis is based on the dissolution of citric acid as a complexing agent, addition of metal oxides, such as ion chromophores; polymerization with ethylene glycol and doping with titanium oxide. Passing through precalcination, breakdown, thermal treatments at different temperatures of calcination (700 to 1100 oC), resulting in pigments: green for chromium oxide deposited on TiO2 (CrTiO3) and orange for iron oxide deposited on TiO2 ( FeTiO3). Noticing an increase of opacity with increasing temperature. Were performed thermal analysis (TG and ATD) in order to evaluate its thermodecomposition. The powders were also characterized by techniques such as XRD, revealing the formation of crystalline phases such as iron titanate (FeTiO3) and chrome titanate (CrTiO3), SEM, demonstrating formation of rounded particles for both oxides and Spectroscopy in the UV-Visible Region, verifying the potential variation and chromaticity os pigments. Thus, the synthesized oxides were within the requirements to be applied as pigments and shown to be possible to propose its use in ceramic materials


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Currently, vegetable oils have been studied for bio-lubricants base that fits the new environmental standards. Since, in a world full of finite natural resources, mineral oils bring consequences to the environment due to its low biodegradability and toxicity, also it is important to consider that synthetic oils have a high cost The aim of this work is to obtain a biolubricant additived with oxide nanoparticles (ZnO and CuO) for better resistance to friction and wear, which is not toxic to the environment and have better adherence under boundary lubrication. The methodology consisted in the synthesis of bio-lubricants (soybean and sunflower base) by epoxidation reaction. Then, some physical-chemical analysis in bio-lubricants are made to characterize theses lubricants, such as, density, acidity, iodine value, viscosity, viscosity index. Later, the lubricants were additive with nanoparticles. The tribological performance was evaluated by the equipment HFRR (High Frequency Reciprocating Rig) consisting of a wear test ball-plan type. The characterization of wear analysis was performed by SEM / EDS. The results show that bio-lubricants may be synthesized by reaction of epoxidation with good conversion. Tribological point of view, the epoxidized oils are more effective than lubricant additived with the oxide nanoparticles, they had lower coefficients of friction and better rate of film formation in the study. However, because they are environmentally friendly, bio-lubricants gain the relevant importance in tribological field


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The constant search for biodegradable materials for applications in several fields shows that carnauba wax can be a viable alternative in the manufacturing of biolubricants. Carnauba wax is the unique among the natural waxes to have a combination of properties of great importance. In previous studies it was verified the presence of metals in wax composition that can harm the oxidative stability of lubricants. Considering these factors, it was decided to develop a research to evaluate iron removal from carnauba wax, using microemulsion systems (Me) and perform the optimization of parameters, such as: extraction pH, temperature, extraction time, among others. Iron concentration was determined by atomic absorption and, to perform this analysis, sample digestion in microwave oven was used, showing that this process was very efficient. It was performed some analysis in order to characterize the wax sample, such as: attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR), thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and melting point (FP). The microemulsion systems were composed by: coconut oil as surfactant, n-butanol as cosurfactant, kerosene and/or heptanes as oil phase, distilled water as water phase. The pH chosen for this study was 4.5 and the metal extraction was performed in finite experiments. To evaluate Me extraction it was performed a factorial design for systems with heptane and kerosene as oil phase, also investigating the influence of temperature time and wax/Me ratio, that showed an statistically significant answer for iron extraction at 95% confidence level. The best result was obtained at 60°C, 10 hours contact time and 1: 10 wax/Me ratio, in both systems with kerosene and heptanes as oil phase. The best extraction occurred with kerosene as oil phase, with 54% iron removal


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The wet oxidation of organic compounds with CO2 and H2O has been demonstrated to be an efficient technique for effluent treatment. This work focuses on the synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of Fe-MnO2/CeO2, K-MnO2/CeO2/ palygorskite and Fe/ palygorskite toward the wet oxidative degradation of phenol. The experiments were conducted in a sludge bed reactor with controlled temperature, pressure and stirring speed and sampling of the liquid phase. Experiments were performed on the following operating conditions: temperature 130 ° C, pressure 20.4 atm, catalyst mass concentration of 5 g / L initial concentration of phenol and 0.5 g / L. The catalytic tests were performed in a slurry agitated reactor provided with temperature, pressure and agitation control and reactor liquid sampling. The influences of iron loaded on the support (0.3; 7 and 10%, m/m) and the initial pH of the reactant medium (3.1; 6.8; 8.7) were studied. The iron dispersion on the palygorskite, the phase purity and the elemental composition of the catalyst were evaluated by X-Ray Difraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray Flourescence (XRF). The use of palygorskite as support to increase the surface area was confirmed by the B.E.T. surface results. The phenol degradation curves showed that the Fe3+ over palygorskite when compared with the other materials tested has the best performance toward the (Total Organic carbonic) TOC conversion. The decrease in alkalinity of the reaction medium also favors the conversion of TOC. The maximum conversion obtained from the TOC with the catalyst 3% Fe / palygorskite was around 95% for a reaction time of 60 minutes, while reducing the formation of acids, especially acetic acid. With products obtained from wet oxidation of phenol, hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone, catechol and oxalic acid, identified and quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography was possible to propose a reaction mechanism of the process where the phenol is transformed into the homogeneous and heterogeneous phase in the other by applying a kinetic model, Langmuir-Hinshelwood type, with evaluation of kinetic constants of different reactions involved.


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Rare earth elements have recently been involved in a range of advanced technologies like microelectronics, membranes for catalytic conversion and applications in gas sensors. In the family of rare earth elements like cerium can play a key role in such industrial applications. However, the high cost of these materials and the control and efficiencies associated processes required for its use in advanced technologies, are a permanent obstacle to its industrial development. In present study was proposed the creation of phases based on rare earth elements that can be used because of its thermal behavior, ionic conduction and catalytic properties. This way were studied two types of structure (ABO3 and A2B2O7), the basis of rare earths, observing their transport properties of ionic and electronic, as well as their catalytic applications in the treatment of methane. For the process of obtaining the first structure, a new synthesis method based on the use of EDTA citrate mixture was used to develop a precursor, which undergone heat treatment at 950 ° C resulted in the development of submicron phase BaCeO3 powders. The catalytic activity of perovskite begins at 450 ° C to achieve complete conversion at 675 ° C, where at this temperature, the catalytic efficiency of the phase is maximum. The evolution of conductivity with temperature for the perovskite phase revealed a series of electrical changes strongly correlated with structural transitions known in the literature. Finally, we can establish a real correlation between the high catalytic activity observed around the temperature of 650 ° C and increasing the oxygen ionic conductivity. For the second structure, showed clearly that it is possible, through chemical processes optimized to separate the rare earth elements and synthesize a pyrochlore phase TR2Ce2O7 particular formula. This "extracted phase" can be obtained directly at low cost, based on complex systems made of natural minerals and tailings, such as monazite. Moreover, this method is applied to matters of "no cost", which is the case of waste, making a preparation method of phases useful for high technology applications


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The effect of finite size on the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic particles systems is a recurrent subject. One of the aspects wide investigated is the superparamagnetic limit where the temperature destroys the magnetic order of ferromagnetic small particles. Above the block temperature the thermal value of the magnetic moment of the particle vanishes, due to thermal fluctuations. The value of the blocking temperature diminishes when the size of the particle is reduced, reflecting the reduction of the anisotropy energy barrier between the uniform states along the uniaxial axis. The increasing demand for high density magnetic media has recently attracted great research interest in periodic arrangements of nanometric ferromagnetics particles, approach in the superparamagnetic limit. An interesting conjecture is the possibility of stabilization of the magnetic order of small ferromagnetic particles (F) by interface coupling with antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. These F/AF systems may also help to elucidate some details of the effect of exchange bias, because the effect of interface roughness and the paper of domain walls, either in the substrate or the particle, are significantly reduced. We investigate the magnetic phases of small ferromagnetic particles on a antiferromagnetic substrate. We use a self-consistent local field method, incorporating the interface field and the dipole interaction between the spins of the ferromagnetic particle. Our results indicate that increasing the area of the interface favors the formation of the uniform state. Howere above a critical height value appears a state non-uniform is formed where the spins of in the particle s free surface are rotated with respect to the interface spins direction. We discuss the impact of the competition between the dipolar and interface field on the magnetic charge, that controls the field of flux leakage of the particle, and on the format of the hysteresis curves. Our results indicate that the liquid magnetic charge is not a monotonically increasing function of the height of the particle. The exchange bias may display anomalous features, induced for the dipolar field of the spins near the F/AF interface


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Perovskite-like ceramic materials present the general formula ABO3, where A is a rare earth element or an alkaline metal element, and B is a transition metal. These materials are strong candidates to assume the position of cathode in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), because they present thermal stability at elevated temperatures and interesting chemical and physical properties, such as superconductivity, dieletricity, magnetic resistivity, piezoelectricity, catalytic activity and electrocatalytic and optical properties. In this work the cathodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with the perovskite structure of La1-xSrxMnO3 (x = 0.15, 0.22, 0.30) and the electrolyte composed of zirconia-stabilized-yttria were synthesized by the Pechini method. The obtained resins were thermal treatment at 300 ºC for 2h and the obtained precursors were characterized by thermal analysis by DTA and TG / DTG. The powder precursors were calcined at temperatures from 450 to 1350ºC and were analyzed using XRD, FTIR, laser granulometry, XRF, surface area measurement by BET and SEM methods. The pellets were sintered from the powder to the study of bulk density and thermal expansion


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Materials consisting of perovskite-type oxides (ABO3) have been developed in this work for applications in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type (SOFC). These ceramic materials are widely studied for this type of application because they have excellent electrical properties, conductivity and electrocatalytic. The oxides LaMnO3, LaFeO3, LaFe0.2Mn0.8O3 e La0.5Fe0.5MnO3 were synthesized by the method of microwave assisted combustion and after sintering at 800°C in order to obtain the desired phases. The powders were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and voltammetric analysis (cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves). The results obtained by XRF technique showed that the microwave synthesis method was effective in obtaining doping oxides with values near stoichiometric. In general, powders were obtained with particle size less than 0.5 μm, having a porous structure and uniform particle size distribution. The particles showed spherical form, irregular and crowded of varying sizes, according to the analysis of SEM. The behavior of the oxides opposite the thermal stability was monitored by thermogravimetric curves (TG), which showed low weight loss values for all samples, especially those of manganese had its structure. By means of Xray diffraction of the samples sintered at 800°C was possible to observe the formation of powders having high levels of crystallinity. Furthermore, undesirable phases such as La2O3 and MnOx were not identified in the diffractograms. These phases block the transport of oxygen ions in the electrode/electrolyte interface, affecting the electrochemical activity of the system. The voltammetric analysis of the electrocatalysts LF-800, LM-800, LF2M8-800 e L5F5M-800 revealed that these materials are excellent electrical conductors, because it increased the passage of electrical current of the working electrode significantly. Best performance for the oxygen reduction reaction was observed with iron-rich structures, considering that the materials obtained have characteristics suitable for use in fuel cell cathodes of solid oxide type


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Orthoferrites AFeO3 (A = rare earth) are an important class of perovskite oxides that exhibit weak ferromagnetism. These materials find numerous applications as chemical sensors, cathodes for fuel cells and catalysis, which make them interesting from the standpoint of science and technology. Their structural, electrical and magnetic properties are dependent on many factors such as the preparation method, heat treatment conditions, chemical composition and replacement of cations in sites A and/or B. In this paper, LaFe1-xMnxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) orthoferrites-type was prepared by Pechini method and Microwave-assisted combustion reaction in order to evaluate the influence of synthesis route on the formation of oxide, as well as the effect of parcial replacement of iron by manganese and heat treatment on the magnetic properties. The precursor powders were calcined at 700°C, 900°C, 1100°C and 1300°C for 4 hours and they were characterized by the techniques: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X ray diffraction (XRD), Refinement by Rietveld method, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Reduction temperature programmed (RTP) and Magnetic hysteresis measurements performed at room temperature. According to the XRD patterns, the formation of perovskite phase with orthorhombic structure was observed for the systems where 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 and rhombohedral for x = 1. The results also showed a decrease of lattice parameters with the parcial replacement of iron by manganese and consequently a reduction in cell volume. The hysteresis curves exhibited weak ferromagnetism for the systems prepared by both synthesis methods. However, a dependence of magnetization as a function of dopant content was observed for samples produced by Pechini method. As for the systems prepared by combustion reaction, it was found that the secondary phases exert a strong influence on the magnetic behavior


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To overcome the challenge of meeting growing energy demand in a sustainable way, biodiesel has shown very promising as alternative energy can replace fossil fuels, even partially. Industrially, the biodiesel is produced by homogeneous transesterification reaction of vegetable oils in the presence of basic species used as catalysts. However, this process is the need for purification of the esters obtained and the removal of glycerin formed after the reaction. This context, the alternative catalysts have that can improve the process of biodiesel production, aiming to reduce costs and facilitate its production. In this study, the AlSBA-15 support with Si / Al ratio = 50 was synthesized, as like as the heterogeneous catalysts of zinc oxide and magnesium supported on mesoporous AlSBA-15 silica, in the concentrations of 5, 10, 15 and 30 %, relative to the support. The textural properties and structural characterization of catalysts and supports were determined by techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled to the chemical analyzer, adsorption / desorption of N2, thermal analysis (TG / DTG), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Characterization results indicated that the support AlSBA-15 retained the hexagonal ordered after the incorporation of zinc oxide and magnesium oxide in the holder. For heterogeneous catalysts, ZnO-AlSBA-15, that was observed the presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles dispersed in the surface and interior channels of the mesoporous and microporous support. The catalytic activity was evaluated by the transesterification reaction of sunflower oil via methylic route, and some reaction parameters were optimized with the most active catalyst in biodiesel production by sunflower oil. For the series of heterogeneous catalysts, the sample with 30 % ZnO supported on AlSBA-15 showed a better conversion of triglyceride to methyl esters, about 95.41 % of reaction conditions: temperature 175 °C, with molar ratio of 42:1, stirring at 200 rpm and under a pressure of 14 bar for 6 h. The catalyst MgO-AlSBA-15 showed no catalytic activity in the studied reactions