69 resultados para índices de ecologia de paisagem


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The Caatinga biome is rich in endemic fish species fauna. The present study the results of fish faunal surveys conducted in the hydrographic basin of Piranhas-Assu of the Brazilian Caatinga biome. The fish samples collected were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families (Characidae, Curimatidae, Auchenipteridae, Anostomidae, Prochilodontidae, Erythrinidae, Cichlidae, Sciaenidae, Heptapteridae, Loricariidae, Synbranchidae) and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic and five have been introduced from other basins. The order Characiformes was the most representative in number of species (46,35% ) followed by Perciformes (35,38%), Siluriformes (17,44%) and Synbranchiformes (0,5%). The Nile tilapia, Oreochomis niloticus, the only exotic species, was most expressive in number of individuals (24.92%) followed by the native species piau preto, Leporinus piau (18,77 %). Considering the relative frequency of occurrence of the 22 species, 13 were constant, five were accessory and four were occasional. This study investigated the reproductive ecology of an endemic fish black piau, Leporinus piau from the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. Samplings were done on a monthly basis from January to December 2009, and a total of 211 specimens were captured. The environmental parameters such as rainfall, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of water were recorded. The sampled population showed a slight predominance of males (55%), however females were larger and heavier. Both sexes of L. piau showed positive allometric growth, indicating a higher increase of weight than length. The first sexual maturation of males occurred at smaller size, with 16.5 cm in total length than females (20.5 cm). During the reproductive period, the condition factor and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of L. piau were negatively correlated. This species has large oocytes with a high mean fecundity of 54.966 with synchronous oocyte development and total spawning


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The reproductive ecology of fish plays a key role both for rational exploitation methods and for protective measures of natural stocks. The purpose of this study was to analyze the reproductive aspects of the damsel-fish, Stegastes fuscus, during October 2004 to September 2005, in the coastal rocky reefs of Búzios Beach, Nísia Floresta, RN. Fish were captured using hooks and hand nets, during low tide. Reproduction was determined using sexual ratio, mean length of first maturation (L50), absolute fecundity and macroscopic characteristics of gonads. The following parameters were related to gonadosomatic index (GSI): condition factor (CF), hepatosomatic index (HSI), rain fall and temperature. In relation to sex distribution, it was observed that 78% were females and 22% were males. The L50 was 6.2 cm for females and 7.0 for males. Average fecundity was 6832 oocytes. Results showed that S. fuscus had better body condition in the months prior to spawning, particularly during initial and intermediate stages of maturation. Five stages of gonadal maturation were identified through macroscopic analysis: immature, in maturation, mature, spent and resting. The HSI was inversely related to the GSI. This was possibly due to the reproductive cycle of this species which was associated to the dry period of this region. During this period, low rain fall and high temperatures provide an propitious reproductive condition for the study species


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Despite the importance of coral reefs to humanity, these environments have been threatened throughout the world. Several factors contribute to the degradation of these ecosystems. The Maracajaú Reef Complex, in Rio Grande do Norte state is part of the Coral Reefs Environment Preservation Area in northeastern Brazil. This area has been receiving an increasing influx of tourism and the integrity of the local reefs is a matter of concern. In this study, the reef macroalgae communities were studied and compared within two areas distinguished by the presence or absence of tourism activities. Two sample sites were chosen: the first one, where diving activities are intense; and the other, where these practices do not occur. Samples were collected at both sites within a quadrate of 625 cm2 of area randomly thrown 5 times along a 10 meters transect line. Richness, Shannon-Hill diversity and Simpson dominance indices were determined based on biomass data. Similarity between sites was analyzed with Bray-Curtis similarity and distance index. Fifty-eight macroalgae species were observed, including 7 Chlorophyta, 13 Phaeophyta and 38 Rhodophyta. In the non-disturbed site, 49 species were found, while at the disturbed site, there were 42 species. Dictyotaceae and Corallinaceae were the most representative families at the non-disturbed site, and Rhodomelaceae and Dictyotaceae at the disturbed site. The non-disturbed site presented a higher biomass and the greatest richness and diversity indices. In the disturbed site the dominance index was greater and Caulerpa racemosa was the dominant species. The dendogram based on similarity index showed two major clusters, and an isolated element at the center that corresponds to a sample from the disturbed site. In the first cluster, samples from the non-impacted site were predominant and fleshy brown algae were more conspicuous. The second cluster was composed primarily of samples from the impacted site, where C. racemosa and red filamentous and erect calcareous algae associations (turf forming) were observed covering large extensions. These associations are represented by groups of algae adapted to environments where disturbances are frequent. They can grow rapidly on substrate where benthic community was removed and do not allow the establishment of other species. The results of the present study show that tourism activity is an impacting factor that has been causing shifts in macroalgae communities in the Maracajaú Reef Complex


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Ecomorphology is a science based on the idea that morphological differences among species could be associated with distinct biological and environmental pressures suffered by them. These differences can be studied employing morphological and biometric indexes denominated Ecomorphological attributes , representing standards that express characteristics of the individual in relation to its environment, and can be interpreted as indicators of life habits or adaptations suffered due its occupation of different habitats. This work aims to contribute for the knowledge of the ecomorphology of the Brazilian marine ichthyofauna, specifically from Galinhos, located at Rio Grande do Norte state. 10 different species of fish were studied, belonging the families Gerreidae (Eucinostomus argenteus), Haemulidae (Orthopristis ruber,Pomadasyscorvinaeformis,Haemulonaurolineatum,Haemulonplumieri,Haemulonsteindachneri), Lutjanidae (Lutjanus synagris), Paralichthyidae (Syaciummicrurum), Bothidae (Bothus ocellatus) and Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroidestestudineus), which were obtained during five collections, in the period time of September/2004 to April/2005, utilizing three special nets. The ecomorphological study was performed at the laboratory. Eight to ten samples of each fish specie were measured. Fifteen morphological aspects were considered to calculate twelve ecomorphological attributes. Multivariate statistical analysis methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster Analysis were done to identify ecmorphological patterns to describe the data set obtained. As results, H.aurolineatumwas the most abundant specie found (23,03%) and S.testudineusthe less one with 0,23%. The 1st Principal component showed variation of 60,03% with influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to body morphology, while the 2nd PC with 23,25% variation had influence of the ecomorphological attribute related to oral morphology. The Cluster Analiysis promoted the identification of three distinct groups Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes and Tetraodontiformes. Based on the obtained data, considering morphological characters differences among the species studied, we suggest that all of them live at the medium (E.argenteus,O.rubber, P.corvinaeformis,H.aurolineatum,H.plumieri,H.steindachneri,L.synagris) and bottom (S.micrurum,B.ocellatus,S.testudineus) region of column water.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The marine turtles biological characteristics and the impact they have been suffering in consequence of human activities have caused in the last decades the decrease of populations to unsustainable levels. All four of the species described in this paper are registered as endangered in a list by IUCN: Caretta caretta, Lepidochelys olivacea, Chelonia mydas, Dermochelys coriacea. The main causes of such impact include several fishing activities, mostly the surface longline. This paper discusses the monitoring of two foreigner longline fleet along the North East Brazilian coast between October of 2004 and September of 2005. Both operated in the West South Atlantic, one using the Chinese technique and the other the American. The American method s target species is the swordfish (Xiphias gladius), and it is characterized by using squid as bait, J 9/0 offset 5º hook, light sticks and night soaking. It also operates in shallower waters than the Chinese method. The source of information about the efforts and the catches came from onboard observers and were used to calculate the catching rate of turtles over 1000 hooks (CPUE). The American equipment caught more turtles (CPUE = 0,059; N= 103), mainly D. coriacea, while the Chinese longline caught mainly the L. olivacea and presented a CPUE= 0,018 (N= 89). The hooks were most frequently found attached to the mouth of C. caretta, C. mydas, and L. olivacea. The D. coriacea were most frequently caught by hooks externally attached to different parts of their body. There was no significant difference between the hook type catching and most turtles were still alive when released. The results suggest a greater potential of turtle catching by the American method. Besides the statistic tests have showed less interaction between the Chinese equipment and marine turtles, the catches of this fishing technique could have been underestimated due to miscommunication between the onboard observer and the vessel s crew plus the retrieve of the longline during night time


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The expansion of shrimp farming has caused a series of environmental impacts, often as a result of lack of planning and adequate management. Organic aquaculture has emerged as an alternative to conventional shrimp farming, and differently, aims at the economical, ecological and farming potential of other organisms, such as fishes, oysters and seaweeds. The present study aimed at evaluating the biological diversity and abundance of the ichthyofauna associated to Litopenaeus vannamei organic culture at PRIMAR farm (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The sampling period consisted of four culture cycles (1, 2, 3, and 4) accomplished in four grow-out ponds (V1, V7, V2, and V4) in 2005. The first two culture cycles were carried out during the rainy season, and the last two cycles, during the dry season. Environmental (temperature, salinity, transparency, and rainfall), biodiversity (diversity and uniformity and abundance indexes) of the ichthyofauna, and shrimp productivity data were collected throughout these four culture cycles. The results obtained for the environmental variables showed that both salinity and transparency oscillated in a significant way (p < 0.001) between culture cycles. In relation to the abundance of the ichthyofauna, fifty four species associated to the organic culture of Litopenaeus vannamei were collected and identified at PRIMAR. For the biodiversity criterion, larger species richness (S = 46) and uniformity (E = 0.59 ± 0.16) were observed during cycles 3 and 4 than in cycles 1 and 2 (S = 41 and E = 0.15 ± 0.12). A positive and significant correlation was obtained for the transparency with diversity and uniformity of fish species between cycles 1 and 2 (wet season) and cycles 3 and 4 (dry season) (p < 0.017 - Shannon Index; p < 0.008 - Pielou Index, respectively). A correlation could not be established between shrimp productivity and fish biomass. However, fish biomass decreased from cycles 1 and 2 to cycles 3 and 4, concomitant with an increase in shrimp productivity, most probably due to a higher (from 58.0% to 71.0%) shrimp survival. Regarding the culture potential of the ichthyofauna, three species (Mugil curema, Mugil liza and Chaetodipterus faber) were identified as potential farming alternatives, either singly or in consortium with Litopenaeus vannamei. A fourth species (Centropomus undecimalis) was indicated as an alternative for single culture or in consortium with other fish species. In conclusion, the large diversity of estuarine fishes associated to Litopenaeus vannamei farming observed at PRIMAR clearly indicated the ecological feasibility for organic aquaculture in northeastern Brazil


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The dams are limnic ecosystems of great importance for its multiple uses, among them, water supply for the public and to culture of artisanal fish are most relevant. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics and the phytoplankton community in two chosen sites (Point 1 littoral zone of point source; Point 2 pelagic zone of non-point source) of the Minister João Alves dam, which is also known as Boqueirão de Parelhas/RN. This represents the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton species in order to understand any possible alterations of the water quality and the phytoplankton composition in relation to the water quality originating from the impact of the tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, culture. The study period also encompasses temporal variations exhibited in two seasons of an annual cycle, one during the dry season (Oct, Nov and Dec of 2008 and Jan of 2009), and the other rainy season (Mar, Apr, May and June of 2008) to extend the observation. The physicalchemical parameters, such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, concentration of dissolved oxygen were measured in situ and the values of the inorganic nutrients (nitrate, ammonium and orto-phosfato) and chlorophyll in the laboratory. The quali-quantitative analyses of the phytoplankton had been carried through sedimentation technique and the enumeration of the random of 400 cells, colonies and filaments counted using Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber. The results of pH varied widely from the acidic to alkaline range with the minimum of 5.8 (± 0.8) and the maximum of 9.2 (± 0.7-0.8), at point 1 and 2. The dissolved oxygen content was higher in the rainy period than that in the dry period. The maximum electrical conductivity was of 1409 μScm-1 in point 1 and 431 minim of μScm-1, in point 2. There was a considerable alteration in the levels of inorganic nutrients such as nitrate-nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen and orthophosphate during the two cycles of study period. Phytoplankton assemblages presented a picture of alternate dominance among species Cyanobacteria, Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The trophic state index diagnosed to the category of mesotrophic, which is based on the values of chlorophyll, total phosphorus and Secchi-disc measurements. The wind driven turbulence of the water column and the fresh inflow of water (flushing and dilution) during rainy season acted as constraint and did-not allow an exaggerated growth of the species of cyanobacteria. On the basis of the present we conclude that the culture of tilapias in cage-culture fails to produce pollution load that could compromise the quality of the water of the dam, probably be due to small dimension of the culture in relation to the size, volume of the water and the reservoir capacity support its own environment


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Neste estudo foram investigadas a diversidade, a composição, e as diferenças no uso do espaço (hábitat e microhábitat) e do alimento em uma comunidade de lagartos habitantes da serapilheira de um fragmento de Mata Atlântica, do Estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Para a observação e/ou coleta dos espécimes, foram utilizados os métodos de busca ativa e armadilhas de queda (pit-fall traps) sem cerca-guia. Para análises de diversidade e da existência de diferenças de diversidade entre os hábitats e microhábitats, utilizou-se o índice de Shannon. A largura dos nichos espacial (hábitat e microhábitat) e alimentar foi avaliada, utilizando-se o índice de diversidade de Simpson. A similaridade entre as áreas foi averiguada utilizando-se o índice de Jaccard. Para avaliar o grau de sobreposição quanto ao uso do espaço (hábitats e microhábitats) e do alimento pelas espécies, foi utilizada uma versão da equação de MarcArthur & Levis. Foram obtidas vinte e três espécies de lagartos, pertencentes a nove famílias; destas, dezenove foram obtidas no interior da mata e nove na borda. Para o interior da mata as espécies mais abundantes foram Kentropyx calcarata, Dryadosaura nordestina, Enyalius catenatus e Gymnodactylus darwinii. Na borda da mata as espécies mais abundantes foram Tropidurus hispidus, T. semitaeniatus, Ophiodes striatus e Ameiva ameiva. Quanto à utilização dos recursos, os resultados mostraram que espécies filogeneticamente próximas nem sempre utilizam de maneira semelhante os recursos disponíveis. A dieta em geral foi composta por artrópodes. Tropidurus hispidus e T. semitaeniatus se mostraram especialistas no consumo de Himenoptera (Formicidae), que estiverem presentes em 100% dos seus estômagos. Ophiodes striatus teve como principal alimento caramujos (Gastropoda) e aranhas com 60% cada; sendo Gastropoda mais abundante para esta espécie


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Historically, ever since the pre-Darwinian naturalists interspecific competition was considered the main force responsible for structuring ecological communities. This interpretation lost strength in the late 70s and throughout the 80s giving room for other views, which consider other factors such as predation, parasitism and the phylogenetic inertia more important. Studies on changes in the trophic niche of a species are still uncommon in general and especially in amphibians. Species considered generalist might actually be a group of individual specialists, or individuals that specialize in a particular category of prey during a period of scarcity of resources, thus reducing intraspecific competition. This work studied the community structure of litter amphibians and trophic variation along the dry and rainy seasons in a population of Leptodactylus macrosternum. Sixteen-litter frog species were studied for their diet. Two central assumptions were tested: 1a) if the community is structured in the niche trophic level, and 1b) if there is a significant difference in the use of food resources by different species (i.e. if the community is structured), the observed structure is the result of ecological interactions or just the current phylogenetic inertia of species. Finally, 2) if there is variation in food resource use between seasons for L. macrosternum. The community showed a structure with respect to the use of food resources, and this structure persisted after taking into account the phylogenetic relationships among species. The diet of Leptodactylus macrosternum varied with the seasons, with a significant degree of individual specialization for the dry season. Patterns of a local community are important to understand its dynamics, and this may play a role in larger- scale processes. Therefore, the studies in community ecology are fundamental to understand and eventually restoring degraded areas


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The composition of ichthyofauna discarded by trawling shrimping, their reproductive status and feeding ecology were studied on the beaches of Basin Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Fish were collected monthly in the year of 2012. During biometrics, portions of the digestive tract and of gonads were removed, fixed in formalin 10% and Bouin, respectively, for be submitted to histological processing by the techniques of hematoxylin-eosin. Stomach content analyzes were performed using the methods of Frequency of Occurrence and Volumetric and was calculated the repletion index. Throughout the study period were recorded a total of 49 species. The fish assemblages differed between sections monitoring, with the highest abundance, biomass and indices of richness and diversity in sections B, D and C. Already the excerpt A, showed higher values for dominance and equitability. In the cluster analysis according to the faunal similarity was observed the formation of three groups: group I formed by excerpts B and D, group II by excerpt C and group III formed by excerpt A. The assessment of reproductive stage revealed that the fish assemblages discarded by trawling are composed mainly of juveniles. Regarding the feeding ecology, the species Larimus breviceps, Menticirrhus littoralis and Pomadasys corvinaeformis characterized as carnivorous with tendency to carcinofagia. Already Conodon nobilis characterized as carnivorous with tendency to piscivory, but all proved generalist-opportunistic with increase of feeding activity during drought. The dendrogram of grouping of the species developed based on the food items used shows the formation of four groups: Group I consists of species that feed mainly of "gastropod" and "sediment"; group II of "teleost fish"; the group III of "crustacea" and group IV of "echinodermata" and "bivalve". The anatomical and histological characteristics of the digestive tract were consistent with the dietary habits of the analyzed species. In this context, the Costa Branca of Rio Grande do Norte can be considered a feeding site and recruitment for juveniles, which, opportunistically, utilize resources associated with the background


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A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) é a desordem endócrina mais comum em mulheres com idade reprodutiva. Seu diagnóstico é firmado através do consenso de Rotterdam na presença de dois dos seguintes critérios: anovulação crônica, sinais clínicos e/ou bioquímicos de hiperandrogenismo e presença de micropolicistos nos ovários. Na SOP, além das características específicas da síndrome é comum a presença de marcadores de risco cardiovascular aumentado como dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial, resistência à insulina e obesidade central Objetivos: Analisar a acurácia diagnóstica da circunferência da cintura (CC), relação cintura-estatura (RCEst), razão cintura-quadril (RCQ) e índice de conicidade (Índice C) para detecção de fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) e síndrome metabólica (SM) em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP). Metodologia: Foi realizado estudo transversal envolvendo 108 mulheres na faixa etária de 20-34 anos, com diagnóstico de SOP de acordo com o consenso de Rotterdam. Foram considerados parâmetros clínicos, antropométricos e bioquímicos de avaliação do risco cardiovascular. A análise dos dados foi desenvolvida em duas etapas, conforme descrito a seguir. Fase 1: análise da acurácia dos pontos de corte previamente determinados na literatura nacional para CC, RCEst, RCQ e Índice C, para predição de FRCV; Fase 2: determinação de pontos de corte dos índices antropométricos supracitados, específicos para mulheres com SOP, para discriminação de SM, através da análise da curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic). Resultados: Com base nos achados da fase 1 do estudo, a RCEst foi o marcador que apresentou correlações positivas significativas com o xi maior número de FRCV (pressão arterial, triglicerídeos e glicemia após teste oral de tolerância à glicose), além de correlação negativa com HDL-colesterol. Os demais marcadores antropométricos se correlacionaram positivamente com pressão arterial, enquanto CC e RCQ apresentaram correlação positiva também com triglicerídeos. Todos os indicadores antropométricos apresentaram taxas de sensibilidade superiores a 60%, com destaque para a RCEst que apresentou sensibilidade superior a 70%. Na fase 2 da pesquisa observamos que a CC, RCEst e RCQ apresentaram desempenho semelhante na predição de SM, sendo superiores ao Índice C. Os valores de ponto de corte dos índices antropométricos para discriminar SM foram: CC = 95 cm; RCEst = 0,59; RCQ = 0,88; e Índice C = 1,25. Utilizando esses pontos de corte as taxas de sensibilidade e especificidade da CC e RCEst foram superiores às observadas para RCQ e Índice C. Conclusões: Nossos dados enfatizam a importância da avaliação antropométrica no rastreamento do risco cardiovascular em mulheres com SOP, destacando-se a relevância da RCEst na predição de FRCV clássicos e a necessidade de considerar pontos de corte específicos para mulheres com SOP para discriminação de SM


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Extensive studies using molecular markers on butterflies have shown how a highly fragmented landscape may result in the reduction of gene flow among patches of habitat and, consequently, increase genetic differentiation among populations. However, little is known about Heliconius geographical structure and the effects of fragmentation on the connectivity of populations. Furthermore, findings on the effects of the population structure on the dynamics of mimicry evolution in Heliconius butterflies need to be tested in H. erato and H. melpomene specimens found in other locations other than Central and northern South Americas. For the present study, we had two motivations: (1) compare the population structure of H. erato and H. melpomene given the highly fragmented Brazil s Atlantic Forest habitat; and (2) studying population structure of co-mimics could give us insights into the dynamics of mimicry evolution. For this, we analysed the spatial structure and connectivity of eight populations of Heliconius butterflies, in a total of 137 H. erato specimens and 145 H. melpomene specimens, using nine microsatellites loci, 1144 AFLPs markers and 282 mitochondrial DNA sequences. In general, both species exhibited evidence of population subdivision but no isolation by distance indicating some extent of genetic differentiation among populations. Contrary to Kronforst & Gilbert s (2008) Costa Rican Heliconius, H. melpomene exhibited more genetic differentiation than H. erato based on nuclear markers. However, for mitochondrial DNA, H. erato populations showed more genetic differentiation than H. melpomene. Our results corroborate to other studies on Heliconius butterflies concerning the pronounced population subdivision and local genetic drift found in this genus. Nevertheless, the pattern of this differentiation varies significantly from the pattern found in studies conducted in Central America, where H. erato is generally more differentiated and structured than H. melpomene, based on nuclear markers. This different pattern may reflect different evolutionary histories of Heliconius species in Northeastern Brazil s Atlantic Forest


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The habitat loss and fragmentation are considered the main threats to the biodiversity. These threats operate at the landscape level, which drives the need to manage entire landscapes, not just its components. Although systematic monitoring of the Atlantic Forest biome has been ongoing since the late eighties, current data on forest fragmentation for the sub-region of Pernambuco are practically nonexistent. This study aimed to map out, with high spatial resolution, the remnants of Atlantic forest in Rio Grande do Norte, and conduct a landscape level analysis. The results show that the landscape is highly fragmented, where about 13.6% to 17% of biome remains. Most of the fragments is less than 10 ha, while a few fragments have area larger than 100 ha. Although the high degree of fragmentation, the average distance between fragments found was small (128 m), this estimate is lower than has been observed for the biome (1440m). There is evidence that abrupt changes in the quantification of landscape structure can occur when one observes the fragmentation at high spatial resolution. The results presented here can be used in management actions, in order to make the scenario more conducive to maintaining biodiversity.


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In northeastern Brazil, Octopus insularis is the most commercially important cephalopod species and its capture has been performed for several years by the lobster fishermen in the region. In order to obtain information about the reproductive biology, 1108 specimens were collected between November 2009 and September 2011 in the landings and fish markets of Rio do Fogo (RN). For each specimen the mantle length (CM) and total fresh weight (PT) were recorded. Gonads of 264 males and 295 females were examined macroscopically and histologically to assess sexual maturation and determine reproductive indices. Four reproductive stages were determined for males (immature, maturing, mature and post-mature) and females (immature, early maturing, late maturing and mature). The average of eggs recorded in the female s gonads was 93.820 and 39 was the average of spermatophores found in male Needham s complex. Spermathecae with sperm were found in females with 69 mm CM (immature). Males and females become sexually mature at 64.41 and 98.50 mm of CM, respectively. The weight at sexual maturity was 270 g for males and 630 g for females. The values of the size and weight at sexual maturity found in this study show that males mature at smaller sizes than females. For both sexes the maturation peaks occurred in February and November 2010 and also in September 2011. The periods of maximum reproductive activity lasted about 3 months and it seems to occur every 7 10 months. Only one spent female (stage V) was found and the number of mature females was low. Presumably, mature females migrate to deep waters with complex habitat to protect the offspring, indicating that fishery by snorkeling with maximum depth of 15 meters is not reaches this part of the stock. Finally, it is noticeable the importance of the establishment of management strategies for the exploitation of O. insularis different of the ones used for O. vulgaris, once the species have distinct biological features