178 resultados para Homens


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Memory and anxiety are related phenomena. Several evidences suggest that anxiety is fundamental for learnining and may facilitate or impair the memory formation process depending of the context. The majority of animal studies of anxiety and fear use only males as experimental subjects, while studies with females are rare in the literature. However, the prevalence in phobic and anxiety disorders is greater in women than in men. Moreover, it is known that gender maybe influence benzodiazepine effects, the classic drugs used for anxiety disorders treatment. In this respect, to further investigate if fear/anxiety aspects related to learning in female subjects would contribute to the study of phobic and anxiety disorders and their relationship with learning/memory processes, the present work investigates (a) the effects of benzodiazepine diazepam on female rats performance in a aversive memory task that assess concomitantly anxiety/emotionality, as the interaction between both; (b) the influence of estrous cycle phases of female rats on diazepam effects at aversive memory and anxiety/emotionality, and the interaction between both and (c) the role of hormonal fluctuations during estrous cycle phases in absence of diazepam effects in proestrus, because female rats in this phase received or not mifepristone, the antagonist of progesterone receptor, previously to the diazepam treatment. For this purpose, the plus maze discriminative avoidance task, previously validated for studies of anxiety concomitantly to learning/memory, was used. The apparatus employed is an adaptation of a conventional plus maze, with two opens arms and two closed arms, one of which presenting aversive stimulation (noise and light). The parameters used were: time in non-aversive arm compared to time in aversive and percentage of time in aversive arm on several temporal divisions, in order to evaluate memory; percentage of time in open arms, risk assessment, head dipping and end exploring to evaluate anxiety ; and distance traveled for locomotion. In experiment I, we found anxiolytic effect of diazepam only for 4 mg/kg dose, however the amnestic effect appear at a dose of 2 mg/kg. In second experiment, rats were divided in groups according estrous cycle phase (metaestrus/diestrus, proestrus e estrus). In this experiment, when we considered estrous cycle phase or diazepam treatment, the results did not demonstrate any differences in anxiety/emotionality parameters. The amnestic effects of diazepam occur in female rats in metestrus/diestrus and estrus and is absent in proestrous rats. Proestrous female rats that received mifepristone exhibited the amnestic effect of diazepam and also anxiolytic effects, that it was not previously observed in this dose. The results have demonstrated dissociation of anxiolytic and amnestic diazepam effects, not previously observed in males; the absence of amnestic effect of diazepam in proestrous phase; and the possible role of progesterone in aversive memory over diazepam effect, because the mifepristone, associated with diazepam, caused amnestic effect in proestrus


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The basis of sociability in humans is based on cooperation. The relationship of friendship is vital to the social, emotional and cognitive development of an individual and can be understood as a consequence of selection for reciprocal altruism in humans. The period of adulthood is considered very suitable and appropriate for the investigation of the relations of friendship, but the Brazilian literature on friendship in adults is still nascent. Therefore, the objective was to characterize the relationship of friendship among college students. The study gathered 500 students from higher education institutions in the city of Natal-RN, Brazil, and 250 women (average age 24.1 ± 7.66 years) and 250 men (mean age 26.77 ± 9.64 years). Two questionnaires anonymously and individual were applied: a sociodemographic questionnaire and the other with the desired characteristics in idealized friends. Study 1 assessed the degree of importance of characteristics in the process of choosing a friend of the same sex and opposite sex of the participant. Study 2 investigated the relationship between patterns of idealization of friends and self-assessment of participants. Overall, were the preferred characteristics "Companionship" and "Sincerity" to idealized friends. We also found the influence of sex on the characteristics attributed to an female ideal friend, with emphasis on men for "Beauty/Good looks" and "Intelligence" and women to "Companionship" and "Sincerity". Finally, we observed a positive correlation between participants' self-assessment and preferences for the characteristics of the friends devised. This study revealed important elements for understanding the relationship of friendship, specifically the process of choosing friends. The results reinforce the importance of studying the relationship of friendship to a better understanding of human social behavior.


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Stroke is the leading cause of combined motor and cognitive disability worldwide. The rehabilitation of stroke patients is mostly directed towards motor recovery through the training of the affected member under supervision of a Physical Therapist. In the present study we introduce a new approach for both cognitive and motor therapy, which relies on motor imagery of the upper limbs and working memory training. This therapy should be utilized as an adjuvant to physical therapy. Ten individuals (5 men and 5 women) were selected for the pilot study, all of them in the acute phase of the first ischemic stroke episode. The control group had 5 individuals who were submitted to physical therapy only, whilst the other 5 patients in the experimental group also performed the cognitive and motor training with a video game specially built for this study. Two patients left the experimental group before the end. Total training lasted for 9 weeks, 2 times a week, for half an hour. Patients reported they enjoyed playing the game, even though it required a lot of mental effort, according to them. Plus, they considered it had a beneficial influence in their activities of daily living. No side effects were reported. Preliminary results suggest there is a difference between groups in cognitive and upper limb motor evaluation following the intervention. It is important to notice that our conclusions are limited due the small sample number. Overall, this work is supported by other studies in literature focused in rehabilitation with motor imagery and working memory and indicate a continuity of the research, increasing total training hours


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Among placental mammals, primates are the only ones to present trichromatic color vision. However, the distribution of trichromacy among primates is not homogeneous: Old World primates shows an uniform trichromacy (with all individuals being trichromats) and New World primates exhibit a color vision polymorphism (with dichromatic males and dichromatic or trichromatic females). Visual ecology studies have investigated which selective pressures may have been responsible for the evolution of trichromacy in primates, diverging from the dichromat standard found in other mammals. Cues associated with foraging and the socio-reproductive status were analyzed, indicating a trichromatic advantage for the rapid detection of visually conspicuous objects against a green background. However, dichromats are characterized by an efficient capture of cryptic and camouflaged stimuli. These advantages regarding phenotype may be responsible for the maintenance of the visual polymorphism in New World primates and for the high incidence of color blindness in humans (standing around 8% in Caucasian men). An important factor that has not yet been experimentally taken into account is the predation risk and its effect on the evolution of trichromacy in primates. To answer this question, we prepared and edited pictures of animals with different coats: oncillas (Leopardus spp.), puma (Puma concolor) and ferret (Galictis cuja). The specimens were taxidermized and the photographs were taken in three different vegetation scenarios (dense forest, cerrado and grassland). The images of the predators were manipulated so that they fit into two categories of stimulus size (small or large). After color calibration and photo editing, these were presented to 40 humans (20 dichromats and 20 trichromats) by a computer program, which presented a set of four photos at a time (one picture containing the taxidermized animal amid the background vegetation and three depicting only the background vegetation) and recorded the response latency and success rate of the subjects. The results show a trichromatic advantage in detecting potential predators. The predator detection was influenced by the background, the predator species, the dimension of the stimulus and the observer s visual phenotype. As humans have a high rate of dyschromatopsias, when compared to wild Catarrhini or human tribal populations, it is possible that the increased rate of dichromats is a result of reduced pressure for rapid predator detection. Since our species came to live in more cohesive groups and resistant to attack by predators, with the advent of agriculture and the formation of villages, it is possible that the lower risk of predation has reduced the selection in favor of trichromats


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Natural selection shapes body and behavior of each species. For primates, the social environment constituted one of the greatest selective pressure for the development of their cognition. When we consider gender differences, we see that sexual selection also operates through different selective pressures for men and women not only in physical terms but in terms of cognitive skills. Among these, the primary cognitive abilities - that emerge naturally - and secondary - that rely on an artificial environment for learning - develop differently for each sex, making them suitable for specific tasks in different capacities. Previous studies utilized the Wason Selection Test a conditional logic tool - to measure, among several other things, the ability to recognize violation of rules in abstract contexts and social contexts. Subjects generally had better performance in the latter, however, in these studies possible differences motivated by learning in formal logic or genre were not considered. Our study investigated these two variables, as well as the time spent to solve each task. Furthermore, we used an index to take into account the rights and wrongs of the participants in tasks. We realized that although learning in formal logic does not bring significant differences in solving tests, the gender differences are strongly observed when we consider the social contexts and abstract. Women perform better in social tasks. This can be explained due to different sexual selective pressures for this gender in terms of one-on-one relationships within the group. Men are better at tasks of abstract context and this is probably due to the same reason. Their capabilities for territory defense, habitat navigation and forming coalitions depends on primary cognitive abilities that support secondary cognitive skills of abstraction. Thus, gender differences are a factor to be taken into account in controlling future experiments with the same tool


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The increase of elderly population in the world and in Brazil has indicated the necessity of health systems capable to evaluate, to diagnose and to intervene in the conditions of health and disease of that segment. During that stage of human development, physical and cognitive changes happen and they are capable to influence the functional acting. It s important to distinguish the limit between the normal and the pathological. Besides the common changes during the aging, biological rhithmicity changes happen, as alterations in the cycle vigil-sleep that can influence in certain tasks performance. This study aimed to verify the influence of the age, of the sex and of the hour in a maze test performance. Eighty individuals were evaluated, 40 youths (20 men and 20 women) and 40 senior (20 men and 20 women). They were separated in 2 different groups that were tested at 9:00 o clock and at 15:00 o clock. Initially they were submitted to health evaluation, cognitive evaluation and of sleep quality and chronotype. They were instructed to accomplish the maze test whose time of execution was timed and registered. Significant differences were observed according to age for the masculine group between elderly in the morning and in the afternoon and in the feminine group between youth and elderly in the test accomplished in the morning and in the afternoon. Significant differences were not observed according to sex and hour of the day and also between attempts. In compare between the 30th and the31st, accomplished in a 15minutes of interval, significant difference was observed just for the elderly group in the morning and in the afternoon. We observed significant correlations in the maze test performance with the cronotype, with the age, with the education and with the cognitive acting. The maze test was capable to detect differences between age in the acting profile and in the evaluation of the information maintenance after 15 minutes, however it was not possible to verify difference between sex and hour of the day. Finally the correlations of the maze test with another varied may indicate your importance as coadjutant instrument in those functions evaluation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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As we grow old, there are many cognitive processes which decline in the human brain. One of them is the memory, a function that allows retention and posterior use of knowledge learned during the life, understood as a result of multiple systems highly organized and spread in several neural regions. This work aimed to evaluate the recognition memory in adults over 45 years old through words and pictures recognition tasks and the use of two codification or learning conditions (same distracters and different distracters). Twelve individuals were studied (6 men and 6 women) aged between 45 and 88 years old and with similar demographic characteristics. They presented better performance on picture tasks rather than word tasks. Better results were also verified when the codification context had different distracters, which significantly reflected in a long term principally in elderly individuals. The results reached suggest that the codification context influenced the lists of pictures and words learning, mainly for the elderly ones, when compared to adults, and that these results can be related to the phenomena involved with the recognition memory, the recollection and familiarity


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Several studies have shown that there is a circadian modulation of explicit memory. This modulation can occur independently in each one of the mnemonic processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of time of training on short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), using a recognition task. Moreover, a possible circadian modulation in retrieving was investigated when this process matched the acquisition hour (time stamp). The chronotype variable was also considered. Fifty-seven undergraduate students aging between 18 and 25 years (21,72 ± 2,14; 28 ♂) participated in this study. In the training phase (acquisition) the subjects heard a ten word list. Following this, they answered a recognition test to evaluate STM and one week later they answered a recognition test to evaluate LTM. In each chronotype, the subjects were divided in groups according to the training hour, part of them in the morning and the other in the afternoon. One week later some of the subjects in each group underwent LTM testing in the morning and others in the afternoon. When the subjects performances were analyzed together, independently of the chronotypes, a training hour effect was found in the LTM. The subjects trained in the afternoon had better performance. No time of day effect was found in the STM and in retrieving from the LTM. However, the morning types who were trained and tested in the same hour had a better performance in the LTM when compared to morning types trained and tested in different hours. This effect did not occur when the other chronotypes were analyzed. The circadian modulation seems to occur at least in two different ways. First, there is a circadian modulation in the acquisition/consolidation processes, with a better performance occuring in the afternoon. Secondly, there is a modulation in the retrieval mnemonic process, called time stamp phenomenon. This phenomenon, that occurred in the morning types, is showed for the first time in humans


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The murder-suicide (H / S) has been defined as a shocking crime in which a person takes the life of another and then kills himself within 24 hours. Set up as a gender violence, because men are in majority, the killers and the women victims. This study aims to understand the meanings of the experience of a H / S, from women who have survived this act. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research, based on Heidegger`s ontology. We interviewed three survivors of H / S, whose narratives allowed to approach the senses present in their lives. The interviews were transcribed and interpreted in accordance with the hermeneutic circle, as proposed by Martin Heidegger. From the interviews of research participants perceive that these women have built their senses in stocks, represented the family foundation and the presence of a husband and children. This project that moved their lives toward the construction of modes-of-being. We noticed the presence of historicity constructing meanings for the existence of these women. We found reports of an experience of loving relationships characterized by strong jealousy, with the presence of fantasies of betrayal, and marked by a careful affective relationship that put them in the position of object possession of his companions. Reflect that such caring restricted their existence being-for-husband. So the senses that moved their stocks, which aimed his ways existential, was the creation of a family, a reference to their lives, to live a love, and care for the children. Therefore, beyond the already known aspects in studies on violence against women, which made these women continue to choose this relationship was the sense that they had for their existence. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the construction of a new look on violence against women, taking as a basis the Heideggerian hermeneutic phenomenology


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Culturally, childbearing is understood as a situation that subjects will experience at some point in their lives, especially people who are married or have a similar affectionate relationship. Thus, to realize the inability to meet such a fate seems to be a natural cultural trigger of suffering, frustration and feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Specifically for men, infertility is closely related to loss of masculinity, virility. He fails in his role as a male. This study sought to understand the impact that infertility have on the existence of a man who receives such a diagnosis, both in self-image as in their marital, sexual and professional roles. This study sets up as a hermeneutic phenomenological research based on the ideas of the philosopher Martin Heidegger. Participants were seven heterosexual, married and infertile men. Two interviews were conducted. The analysis of the material included both the material of the narratives, as the affectation of the researcher when interacting with the participants and their narratives, through phenomenological-hermeneutic interpretation. The results corroborate the literature that states the difficulty of the men, immersed in a context that defines them as virile, powerful and invulnerable to worry about issues related to health and disease. The possibility of any condition that impairs the reproductive capacity exceeds the acceptable limits of daily life for these men, not being recognized as a model of masculinity present in the condition in which they recognize. This leads to questions about their masculinity, role in the marital relationship and their existence. Thus, to recognize themselves as infertile surpass a medical diagnosis and is associated with the construction of meaning for their existence from the approximation with the infertility condition, which helps in redirecting their choices, restoring the project to be self and allowing further recognition as men. In the marital relationship, doing what they can to ensure, theirs happiness. Through these actions, they remain playing the role of family provider, showing that they are able to protect their wives and taking in assisted reproduction or adoption of children viable alternatives to fulfill the desire to leave a legacy and give a child to their wives and to society. Another result observed, refers to the ontological condition of care that characterizes the human being. The ways in which men are treated socially demonstrates a type of care that focuses on the development of characteristics such as strength, virility and determination but does not allow them to cope with the suffering of emotionally difficult situations, such as the diagnosis of infertility. At the end, the study gives rise to reflections on the need to provide a 12 space for men and their expressions of suffering, as well as to recognize their ability to overcome the painful and difficult situations


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Embora a escassez de água seja reconhecida como um dos principais problemas mundiais a ser enfrentado pela humanidade, padrões comportamentais ecologicamente insustentáveis ainda persistem. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar determinantes do comportamento pró-ambiental relativo à água, bem como os significados que lhe são atribuídos por alunos do ensino médio do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte, em Natal. Compuseram a amostra de conveniência 315 estudantes, 146 mulheres e 169 homens, que responderam a um questionário sobre uso e percepção da água, contendo também indicadores de pró-ambientalismo, cuidado ambiental, desenvolvimento sustentável, perspectiva temporal, externalidades e coletivismo, além de inquérito sócio-demográfico. Para os participantes, água é sinônimo de vida, muito embora a relação que mantém com ela parece dúbia e, muito mais funcional que ecológica; consideram-na um recurso finito, um patrimônio indispensável à vida, contudo não foi observada coerência entre as concepções manifestadas e os comportamentos auto-relatados de uso da água. Os resultados encontrados apontaram preditores importantes do comportamento pró-ambiental relativo à água: sexo do respondente, Escala Novo Paradigma Ecológico e deixar forma de contato para participar de campanhas futuras. Seja para aprofundamento teórico em novos estudos, seja para auxiliar na elaboração de programas de educação ambiental, que poderiam contribuir para inibir os efeitos de uma cultura de consumo e de uma visão utilitarista da água, ampliando esforços individuais e coletivos para a preservação de bens comuns, como a água. Palavras-chave: psicologia ambiental; sustentabilidade; água; comportamento próambiental. x xi Abstract Although water scarcity is recognized as one of the main world-wide problems to be faced by human kind, ecologically unsustainable patterns of behavior still persist. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze pro-environmental behavior related to water, as well as meanings associated to it by high school students of Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal. The convenience sample was composed by 315 students, 146 women and 169 men, who answered a questionnaire about use and perception of water, containing indicators of proenvironmentalism, environmental care, sustainable development, time perspective, externalities and collectivism, besides socio-demographic items. According to participants, water is synonymous of life, even though the relationship they present with it is ambiguous, much more functional than ecological; they consider it a finite resource, an indispensable life patrimony, however there was no coherence between such conceptions and the self-reported behaviors of water use. Results indicated three important predictors of pro-environmental behavior: sex of respondent, New Ecological Paradigm Scale and telephone/address left for eventual contact to participate in future environmental campaigns. They may be used in additional studies for theoretical development, or to assist in the planning of programs of environmental education, aimed at the inhibition of the effects of a culture of consumption and of an utilitarian perception of water, extending individual and collective efforts towards the preservation of common resources as water


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Millon describes the normal personality by means of adaptation styles that are effective in normal environments and personality disorders such as unadapted operating styles. To operacionalize his theoretical model, Millon has built several instruments, including the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III), wich consists of a self report inventory composed by 175 true or false response items, containing four verification scales, and others scales wich evaluates 14 personality patterns and 10 clinical syndromes. The Substance Dependence scale (T) is placed along with Clinical Syndromes scales. This research is justified by the lack of a Brazilian instrument to assess personality psychopathological aspects, and aims to translate and semantically adapt the MCMI-III to the Brazilian context, checking validity elements of the Substance Dependence scale, and developing a computer application for assisting the evaluation of assessment results. To this intent, 2.588 individuals data was collected, male and female, aged between 18 and 85 years, characterized as belonging to a clinical or non-clinical group, who took part in the survey via the internet or in person. Respondents completed the MCMI-III, a socio-demographic questionnaire and a subgroup also answered to the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Besides descriptive statistics, we performed the analysis using the Student t test, principal components analysis and internal consistency. Despite difficulties related to translating very specific English terms, the assessment by judges, experts on Millon´s theory, and the back translation, attested the adequacy of the Brazilian version. Factorial analysis indicated the grouping of translated T scale items into three factors (social activities prejudice, lack of impulse control, and oppositional behavior), by presenting a single item on a fourth factor (apparently related to seeking pleasurable stimuli). The Cronbach alpha for this set of items was 0,82, indicating an acceptable scale reliability. The data analysis resulted in distinction of scores between clinical and non-clinical groups and between men and women; the relationship between high scores on the scale T and the other scales; scores of drug users according to the declared used substance; and the relationship between high scores on T and the verification of disorder or risk on GHQ mental health factor, indicating the instrument´s adequate sensistivity in identifying psychopathologies and the relationship between the different disorders or psychopathological personality patterns. Although further studies are necessary to develop the scores transformation factors, the computerized correction tool was adequate.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The context of blood donation in Brazil faces problems since the start of its operations in the 1940, in the beginning the biggest obstacle was obtain safe and qualified blood, and then, established criteria for donations, the barrier is the low number of suitable candidates for donation. This suitability is associated with the good health of those who goes to the services of blood banks and the return of the donor is often conditioned by the way care is given and perceived by the user. The quality of life, defined as a perception that a person has of her/his position in the world, can influence the health and emerges as a way to focus on the subjectivity in a context dominated by objective and practical exams; listen to the views about the received services increases the focus on the user and provides feedback to the institution, guiding and planning its future actions. The purpose of this study was to verify the quality of life in blood donors and their perceptions of care in a blood center in Natal/RN. This is a descriptive cross sectional study conducted with blood donors from Dalton Cunha Barbosa blood center. The used protocols were: a structures questionnaire with questions on sociodemographic and services perception data, and SF-36 quality of life instrument. The sociodemographic and SF-36 data ware analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, using the statistical package PASW 18.0; those related to treatment were submitted to thematic content analysis. The results revealed a sample mainly composed by men, married people, who attended high school and had already made previous donations, with the first two groups returning more often for donations. The scores of the SF-36 confirm the certificated of good health of the screens, beind high in all areas and featuring a healthy population; statistically significant differences were denoted between sexes, levels of education and marital status. The speeches about the service were mostly positive and had as main focus acess, agility, technical aspects and subjective feelings. The data regarding the Rio Grande do Norte blood donors profile confirmed some characteristics of the Brazilian ones, those data of the SF-36 were similar to those found in studies with healthy groups and the impressions about the care received show similarities with national and international studies about the attendance at blood banks