20 resultados para ovary insufficiency


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SOARES, Elvira Maria Mafaldo et al. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and its components in Brazilian women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility, v.89, n.3, p.649-655, mar. 2008


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SOARES, Elvira Maria Mafaldo et al. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome and its components in Brazilian women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility, v.89, n.3, p.649-655, mar. 2008


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A associação entre fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) na pósmenopausa e o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual no menacme foi avaliado em estudo caso-controle envolvendo 414 mulheres na pósmenopausa com idade de 60,4 ± 5,5 anos e IMC de 25,3 ± 4,7 kg/m2. As variáveis consideradas foram: caracterização do ciclo menstrual entre 20 e 35 anos (independente) e relato atual sobre ocorrência de hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus e doença arterial coronariana (dependentes). Utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão logística, ajustados para outras variáveis implicadas no risco para doenças CV, com nível de significância 5%. Observou-se que mulheres que relataram irregularidade menstrual prévia estiveram associadas com risco aumentado para ocorrência de algum FRCV [odds ratio ajustado (OR)= 2,14; IC-95%= 1,02–4,48], quando comparadas àquelas com ciclos regulares. Análise estratificada demonstrou as seguintes associações significativas com o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual: hipertensão arterial (OR= 2,4; 95% IC= 1,39–5,41), hipercolesterolemia (OR= 2,32; 95% IC= 1,17–4,59), hipertrigliceridemia (OR= 2,09; 95% IC= 1,10–4,33) e angioplastia coronariana (OR= 6,82; 95% IC= 1,44–32,18). Os dados sugerem que o antecedente de irregularidade menstrual, indicativo da ocorrência da síndrome dos ovários policísticos na idade reprodutiva, pode estar relacionado com aumento do risco para doenças CV na pós-menopausa __________________________________________________ABSTRACT Menstrual Cycle Irregularity as a Marker of Cardiovascular Risk Factors at Postmenopausal Years.To evaluate the association between cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF)during postmenopausal years and previous menstrual irregularity during reproductive years, we performed a case-control study in 414 postmenopausal women (mean age 60.4 ± 5.5 years; BMI 25.3 ± 4.7 kg/m2). The variables assessed were: menstrual cycle characteristics at age 20–35y (independent) and records of arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and coronary heart disease (dependent). Statistical analysis used the chi-square test and logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders for cardiovascular risk, with significance set at 5%. Women reporting previous menstrual irregularity were associated with increased risk for some CVRF [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.14; CI-95%= 1.02–4.48], when compared with those reporting regular menstrual cycles. Stratified analysis demonstrated significant associations of previous menstrual irregularity with: arterial hypertension [OR= 2.74; CI-95%= 1.39–5.41), hypercholesterolemia (OR= 2.32; CI-95%= 1.17–4.59), hypertriglyceridemia (OR= 2.09; CI-95%=1.10–4.33), and coronary angioplasty (OR= 6.82; CI-95%= 1.44–32.18). These data suggest that a prior history of menstrual irregularity, as indicative of polycystic ovary syndrome, may be related to increased risk for CVD during postmenopausal years


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Objetivo: Avaliar o padrão pulsátil da secreção da testosterona em mulheres normais. Métodos: Oito mulheres saudáveis com ciclos ovulatórios foram selecionadas. Amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas a cada dez minutos durante seis horas, começando entre 7 e 8 h da manhã, após dez horas de jejum, nas três fases do ciclo menstrual: folicular média (Dia 7), folicular tardia (Dia 12) e lútea (Dia 21). Foram mensurados: testosterona, LH e, no basal, também SHBG. Resultados: A frequência dos pulsos de testosterona, média da amplitude do pulso, porcentagem do incremento da amplitude, duração e intervalos dos pulsos foram similares nas três fases (p > 0,05). A pulsatilidade do LH foi estatisticamente diferente entre as três fases (p < 0,001), caracterizando padrão característico do ciclo ovulatório normal. Conclusões: Esses dados aumentam o conhecimento sobre o padrão de secreção da testosterona no ciclo menstrual humano e representam uma contribuição para a investigação clínica, tanto no hiperandrogenismo como na síndrome de insuficiência androgênica __________________________________________________ ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the pattern of the pulsatile secretion of testosterone in normal menstrual cycle. Methods: Eight healthy women with ovulatory menstrual cycles were enrolled. Blood samples were collected at ten-minute intervals for six hours, starting between 7 and 8 am, after a ten-hour fasting, in three phases: mid-follicular (Day 7), late follicular (Day 12) and mid-luteal phase (Day 21). Samples were assayed for testosterone, LH and the baseline also for SHBG. Results: Testosterone pulse frequency, mean amplitude pulse, percentage of increment in pulse amplitude, mean duration of pulses and pulse interval were similar in the three phases. LH pulsatility was statistically different among the three phases (p < 0.001) representing normal ovulatory cycles. Conclusions: These data increase the knowledge about the testosterone secretion profile in the human menstrual cycle and can be used as a contribution to clinical investigation in both hyperandrogenism and androgen insufficiency syndrome


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A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) é um distúrbio endócrino-ginecológico que se caracteriza, principalmente, por anovulação crónica e hiperandrogenismo, afetando entre 5 a 10% das mulheres em idade reprodutiva. As principais manifestações da SOP incluem os seguintes sintomas: irregularidade menstrual, hirsutismo, infertilidade, acne, alopecia androgenética, obesidade e acantose nigricans. Esses sintomas apresentam- se de forma bastante heterogênea, havendo diferenças marcantes na sua prevalência e intensidade entre diferentes grupos de mulheres que apresentam SOP. Apesar da condição biológica, a SOP não é apenas um problema físico, mas também psicossocial, interferindo e comprometendo a qualidade de vida das mulheres que a apresentam. A partir de uma revisão da literatura, este estudo discute os aspectos psicossociais de mulheres com SOP, destacando o impacto dos sintomas na qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde. Considerando que cada mulher responde de forma singular aos sintomas que apresentam, destaca-se a importância de incorporar a perspectiva individual da mulher com SOP ao seu contexto social. Nesse sentido, são discutidos achados de pesquisas utilizando abordagens metodológicas quantitativas e qualitativas, numa tentativa de melhor compreender a experiência das mulheres diante da SOP. Os sintomas da SOP podem estar associados com a ocorrência de ansiedade, disfunções sexuais e sentimentos de inadequação ao papel feminino, como também podem desencadear sintomas depressivos e isolamento social, com comprometimento significativo da qualidade de vida. Os autores destacam a importância do atendimento multidisciplinar para as mulheres com SOP, considerando essa condição como importante problema psicossocial. A atenção aos aspectos psicossociais da SOP tem aumentado nos últimos anos, no entanto, a produção científica relacionada ainda é escassa


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Fundamento: A obesidade abdominal apresenta elevada prevalência em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e está associada a um aumento do risco cardiovascular. Objetivo: Verificar a acurácia da circunferência da cintura (CC), da relação cintura-quadril (RCQ), da relação cinturaestatura (RCEST) e do índice de conicidade (índice C), no que se refere à detecção de fatores de risco cardiovascular (FRCV) em mulheres com SOP. Métodos: Por meio de estudo transversal, foram alocadas 102 mulheres (26,5 ± 5 anos) com diagnóstico de SOP, de acordo com o consenso de Rotterdam. O colesterol total (CT), os triglicerídeos (TG), o LDL-colesterol (LDL-C), o HDLcolesterol (HDL-C), a glicemia de jejum, a glicemia após teste oral de tolerância à glicose (TOTG) e a pressão arterial (PA) foram avaliados em todas as pacientes, além das variáveis antropométricas. Resultados: A relação cintura-estatura foi o marcador que apresentou correlações positivas significativas com o maior número de FRCV (PA, TG e glicemia após TOTG), destacando-se ainda a correlação negativa com HDL-C. Todos os marcadores antropométricos avaliados se correlacionaram positivamente com PA, enquanto CC e RCQ apresentaram correlação positiva também com TG. No tocante à acurácia para detecção de FRCV, os indicadores antropométricos considerados apresentaram taxas de sensibilidade superiores a 60%, com destaque para a RCEST, que apresentou sensibilidade superior a 70%. Conclusão: A RCEST demonstrou ser o indicador antropométrico com a melhor acurácia para a predição de FRCV. Nesse sentido, propõe-se a inclusão desse parâmetro de fácil mensuração na avaliação clínica para o rastreamento de mulheres com SOP e FRCV----------------------ABSTRACT Background: Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) present a high prevalence of abdominal obesity, which is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. Objective: To verify the accuracy of the waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and the conicity index (CI) in the detection of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in women with PCOS. Methods: The present transversal study allocated 102 women (26.5 ± 5 years) with a diagnosis of PCOS, according to the Rotterdam criteria. Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), fasting glucose, glucose after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and blood pressure (BP) were evaluated in all patients, in addition to the anthropometric variables. Results: The WHtR was the marker that presented significant positive correlations with the highest number of CVRF (BP, TG and post-OGTT glucose), whereas there was a negative correlation with HDL-C. All the evaluated anthropometric markers were positively correlated with BP, whereas WC and WHR also presented a positive correlation with TG. Regarding the accuracy for the detection of CVRF, the anthropometric markers presented a sensibility > 60%, especially the WHtR, which had a sensibility > 70%. Conclusion: The WHtR showed to be the most accurate anthropometric indicator for the prediction of CVRF. In this sense, we propose the inclusion of this easily-measured parameter in the clinical assessment for the screening of women with PCOS and CVRF


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To determine whether there is familiar aggregation of severe preeclampsia in a Brazilian population from Rio Grande do Norte and to characterize the maternal and perinatal outcomes in the studied population. Methods: A case control study was performed with 412 participants who were admitted at Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC) for medical care. Of these, 264 subjects presented normal blood pressure and 148 were cases. Cases were composed of eclampsia (n=47), HELLP Syndrome (n=85) and Eclampsia associated with HELLP syndrome (n=16). The diagnosis of these illness were based on the citeria developed by National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working (2000). An interview was performed with each subject and questions related to personal and familiar history of hypertension, preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome and eclampsia. Statistical analysis was performed and comparison of median and mean between cases and controls were performed, with the level of significance of 5%. The Odds-Ratio was determined to estimate the risk of preeclampsia within the families. Results: There were no difference in the demographic data between cases and controls. Previous history of chronic hypertension and preeclampsia was more frequent in the case group. Headaches were more frequent in eclampsia and epigastric pain in the HELLP syndrome cases. Bleeding and oliguria were more frequently found in the eclampsia associated with HELLP syndrome cases. Acute Renal insufficiency was a common complication in the case group, but these cases did not evolve to chronic renal insufficiency. The maternal mortality was 0.4% and the perinatal mortality was high, 223 per 1,000 live births. The 111 risk of a woman to develop preeclampsia whose mother has hypertension or had preeclampsia was respectively 2.5 and 3.5. This risk was increased 5 times, when a sibling has hypertension and 6 times when both sibling and mother had previous history of preeclampsia. Conclusions: This study confirms that there is familiar aggregation of preeclampsia in this Brazilian population. The potential for cardiovascular complications due to development of chronic hypertension indicates the need of closely follow up of women who develop preeclampsia


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Objective: To determine the clinical maternal and neonatal outcomes in HELLP syndrome patients treated with dexamethasone who either developed renal injury or renal insufficiency and to identify predictive values of urea and creatinine for the identification of subjects with HELLP syndrome at risk of developing renal insufficiency. Methods: Non-radomized intervention study of dexamethasone use in HELLP syndrome. A total of 62 patients were enrolled at Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC). Patients received a total of 30 mg of dexamethasone IV, in three doses of 10 mg every 12 hours. A clinical and laboratory follow up were performed at 24, 48 and 72 hours. Patients were followed up to 6 months after delivery. Patients were grouped in accordance to renal function, i.e, normal and some type of renal lesion. Renal lesion was considered when creatinine was equal or greater than 1.3 mg/dl and diuresis less than 100 ml in 4 hours period and renal insufficiency was defined when dialysis was needed. Results: A total of 1230 patients with preeclampsia were admitted at MEJC. Of those 62 (5%) developed HELLP syndrome. There was no statistical difference in the groups with renal involvement or normal renal function with respect to the demographics, type of anesthesia used and delivery, and weight of the newborn. An improvement in the AST, ALT, LDH, haptoglobine, antithrombine, fibrinogenen and platelets was observed within 72 hours after dexamethosone use. There was a significant increase in the diuresis within the interval of 6 hours before the delivery and 24 hours after it. Of the 62 patients, 46 (74. 2%) had normal renal function and 16 (25.8%) evolved with renal lesion, with 5 (8.1%) needing dialysis. These 5 patients who received dialysis recovered the xi renal function. The delay in administering dexamethasone increased in 4.6% the risk of development of renal insufficiency. Patients with renal insufficiency had received significantly more blood products than subjects without renal lesion (p=0.03). Diuresis, leukocytes, uric acid, urea, creatinine were significantly different between the groups with normal renal function, renal lesion and renal insufficiency. The levels of creatinine 1.2mg/dl and uric acid 51mg/dl, at admission are predictive of subjects who will evolve with renal lesion (p<0.001). Maternal mortality was 3.2%. None of the subjects with renal insufficiency evolved with chronic renal disease. Conclusions: Dexamethasone in patients with HELLP syndrome seems to reduce significantly the hepatic microthrombosis and normalize hemostasis as seen by improvement of liver function. Renal injury can be considered, in HELLP syndrome, when creatinine levels are greater than 1.3 mg/dl and diuresis less than 100 ml/h in interval of 4 hours. The level of creatinine greater than 1.2 mg/dl and urea greater than 51mg/dl are predictive of subjects with HELLP syndrome who will develop renal injury. Patients who receive more red cell packs develop renal insufficiency. Finally, the delay in administering dexamethasone increases the risk of developing renal insufficiency


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BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovary syndrame (PCOS) has been shown to cause a reduction in quality of life. Little is known on the psychosocial aspects associated with PCOS, especially on women s own experiences regarding the syndrome. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the psychosocial impact of PCOS by measuring the health-related quality of life and exploring the women s own experiences of PCOS. METHODS: A two-phase model of combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches was conducted, a crass-sectional survey to pravide quantitative data on the quality of life and a qualitative approach to understand the women s experience in relation to the PC OS sympt?ms. For the first phase, 109 women with PC OS and 104 healthy contrais were evaluated with the 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). Additionally, semi-structured interviews (n=30) were conducted to facilitate in-depth exploration of PC OS women s experience. RESUL TS: PCOS patients showed significant reductions in almost ali SF-36 domains of quality of life when compared with healthy contrais (physical function 76.5:!:20.5 and 84.6:!:15.9, respectively; physical rale function 56.4:!:43.3 and 72.6:!:33.3; general health 55.2:!:21.0 and 62.5:!:17.2; vitality 49.6:!:21.3 and 55.3:!:21.3; social function 55.3:!:32.4 and 66.2:!:26.7; emotional rale function 34.2:!:39.7 and 52.9:!:38.2; mental health 50.6:!:22.8 and 59.2:!:20.2). Thematic analysis revealed reports of feeling abnormal , sadness, afraid and anxiety. These feelings were related to four symptoms commonly experienced by women with PCOS: excess hair grawth; irregular or absent menstruation, infertility and obesity. CONCLUSIONS: Polycystic ovary syndrame impacts women both physically and psychosocially. Owing to this, women with PCOS need not only medical treatment for. the reproductive, esthetic and metabolic repercussions, but also the care of a multidisciplinary team, since PCOS is not just a physical condition, but also an important psychosocial problem that affects various aspects of a woman s life


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Homeopathic medicines have been used for over two hundred years without the examination of their effects on in vivo and in vitro assays, due to the peculiarity of homeopathic preparations, the high dilution, which creates a challenge for the use of usual analytical techniques of quality control of medicine.Although there is scarcity of literature and variety of experiments, recently there have been some studies with few in vitro assays which have shown positive responses when evaluating the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines which are able to act on a specific system.The present study aims to evaluate the efficacy of homeopathic products containing Momordica charantia through bioassays.Homeopathic products were tested by the MTT to assess cytotoxicity in RAW 264.7 (macrophage-like cells) and in tumor cells HeLa (human cervical adenocarcinoma cells), CHO K1 (Chinese hamster ovary cells), PANC-1 (human pancreas cancer cells) and PC-3 (human prostate cancer cells), dosage of inflammatory mediators NO, TNF-α and IL-6 released by RAW 264.7 cells, analysis of the death process and cell cycle changes of PC-3 by flow cytometry. The data demonstrate that homeopathic products of Momordica charantia did not show cytotoxicity to RAW 264.7, increased the production of inflammatory mediators by RAW 264.7 synergistically with LPS, showed cytotoxicity to PC-3 with change in its cell cycle inhibiting its proliferation, being the 30CH the most potent sample. Correlation studies were conducted in order to evaluate the possible in vitro applicable models to the quality control of homeopathic products with Momordica charantia. The data showed that the best applicable models in assessing the quality are the MTT to assess cytotoxicity in RAW 264.7 and PC-3 in 24 hours for Momordica charantia fruit products and dosage of NO production by RAW 264.7 with and without LPS


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Brazilian law passes through a crisis of effectiveness commonly attributed to the extravagance of fundamental rights and public shortage. However, public finances are not dogmatically structured to solve the conflicts around the limitations of public spending. There are ethical conditioning factors, like morality, proportionality and impartiality, however, these principles act separately, while the problem of public shortage is holistic. Also, the subjectivity of politics discretionary in the definition of public spending, which is supported in an indeterminate concept of public interest, needs material orientation about the destination of public funds, making it vulnerable to ideological manipulation, resulting in real process of catching rights. Not even the judicial activism (such as influx of constitutionalism) is shown legally appropriate. The Reserve of Possible, also presents basic ethical failure. Understanding the formation of public shortage is therefore essential for understanding the crisis of effectiveness of state responsibilities, given the significant expansion of the state duty of protection, which does not find legal technique of defense of the established interests. The premise of argument, then, part of the possibility of deducting minimal model ethical of desire to spend (public interest) according to objective parameters of the normative system. Public spending has always been treated disdainfully by the Brazilian doctrine, according to the legal character accessory assigned to the monetary cost. Nonetheless, it is the meeting point between economics and law, or is in the marrow of the problem of public shortage. Expensive Subjects to modernity, as the effectiveness of fundamental rights, pass necessarily an ethical legal system of public spending. From the ethical principles deducted from the planning, only the democratic principle guides the public spending through the approval of public spending in the complex budget process. In other words, there is an ethical distancing of economic reality in relation to state responsibilities. From the dogmatic belief of insufficiency, public spending is evaluated ethically, according to the foundations of modern constitutionalism, in search of possible of the financial reserve, certain that the ethics of public economy is a sine qua non condition for legal ethics.


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This work is a research about the policy of initial education of teachers made by the federal government, in the Brazilian educational view in the 1990 s. It is based on that the procedures to the initial education of teachers are in a much bigger context of the productive rearrangement and of the reconstruction of the State and they have in the international institutions, like the CEPAL, UNESCO and the World Bank, their main mediators. The dissertation aims to analyze the implementation of the policy of initial education of educators, having as empirical field the CEFET RN institution, and as reference the undergraduate course of Geography, more specifically the subject vocational practice. This study is advised by the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of the qualitative research, and it is being characterized by a case study. Among the methodological procedures which were used, some of them can be pointed out such as, the bibliographic research, the documental analysis, the application of questionnaires and the carrying out of interviews. The studies show up CEFETs and the Superior Education Institutes were considered by the Brazilian government suitable for the introduction of the initial education of vocational training, related to teaching, a proposed model by updated principles of international organizations. However, in the CEFET RN reality, although the difficulties listed by the teachers and students in the introduction of the subject vocational practice, the initial background in the undergraduate course of Geography got one point which is getting close to the teaching that is carried out in universities, privileging teaching, research and extension. For the people who have participated of researches, the subject vocational practice is relevant for the curriculum of teaching education because it makes the articulation between theory and practice possible, aspects considered essential ones for a teaching education of quality. Also, the studies show that one of the big obstacles faced in the introduction of the subject in question, was the lack of assistance to the students who are in a period of training and in the execution of research and extension projects caused by the insufficiency of educators to perform in the undergraduate course, as well as the lack of time of the teachers due to a large number of activities that they develop in their workplace (CEFET RN). This fact reveals the way how the policy of education of teachers came to educational institutions, imposed by MEC, without considering their structure conditions. Although the difficulties, the innovator character of the experience stood out, as in relation to the locus of education as because of being an educational model which involves theory and practice and the different kinds of knowledge, pretty necessary ones for the teaching education, as well as coming beyond a pragmatic education coherent with the immediate interests of the world of work


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Descriptive study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of patients with venous ulcers (UV) outpatient clinic of a university hospital in Natal / RN. The aim of the study population was composed of 50 patients with UV treated at the cardiology clinic of a university teaching hospital at the tertiary level. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Protocol 279/09). Data collection was performed over a period of two months by the very a masters degree and an academic nursing through the application of a form concerning the socio-demographic, clinical, and health care, and the instruments WHOQOL and WHOQOL - old. The data were analyzed with SPSS 15.0, using descriptive and inferential statistics presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs. Of the surveyed, female predominance, age range 59 years, Catholic, low education, married, with up to 03 children, not working, retired, or with occupations requiring long periods in one position, wage income of up to 02 minimum wages, inadequate sleep, patients with chronic venous insufficiency and other chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, were taking medications for treatment, being a minority to IVC. In patients with predominant only one injury, time of injury up to five years, inadequate rest, pain, edema and lesions colonized. The assistance the UV patients began treatment of the injury until four months after the onset of the ulcer, and services primary health care most wanted, access to angiologist by reference form, commuted by public transportation, received support regarding the treatment of injuries. The topical product most used in the lesion was healing, and few were using compression therapy. respondents suffer discrimination in society, showed changes in quality of life after the occurrence of ulcer in relation to leisure, pain, restriction of social / school / transportation; barring employment / financial / social ladder; Physical appearance / discrimination and restriction of domestic activity. These changes were related to the time of injury and found that the more chronic injury is the most negative changes occur in their QV (ρ = 0.000). Analyzing the characteristics of QV measured by the WHOQOL-bref, we found for the two general questions they are dissatisfied with their health (ρ = 0.023) and all areas have significant difference compared with the worst QV have the injury of more than 5 years (ρ = 0.000). The QV measured by the WHOQOL-old, we found that these patients had no changes from the time of injury. We conclude that the QV of patients with UV was considered unsatisfactory when compared to the time of injury on more than 5 years which shows that the quality of life worsens with time the chronic UV.


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Venous ulcers (VU), recurrent chronic wounds resulting from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), affect different age groups and would severely affect ambulation of patients. The lesions require treatment lasting and complex and are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality. Thus, this study aims to identify the important aspects covered in the scientific literature protocol for assisting patients with venous ulcers, identifying the issues to be proposed by the judges of the study (nurses, doctors and physiotherapists) to the protocol of care provided to patients venous ulcers and present the structure of protocol proposed by the judges of the study to assist patients with venous ulcers treated at a referral hospital of Rio Grande do Norte. This is a descriptive study using a quantitative approach, carried out at the dressings, located in the outpatient surgical clinic of the Hospital University Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located in East Sanitary District, Natal-RN. The sample consisted of 39 professionals, 30 nurses, seven doctors and two physical therapists, team members HUOL surgical clinic and other public and private institutions of Rio Grande do Norte and Jequié/Bahia. These professionals were the judges responsible for selecting the guidelines already proposed in the literature on VU protocols. Approved by the Ethics in Research HUOL (Report n.o 081/07), began the first stage of the study which consisted of reviewing the scientific literature about the relevant aspects to be included in a protocol for assisting patients with VU. These aspects were organized into a proposed questionnaire to the judges of the study. Following examination, held on the content validation with application of the Kappa (K), accepting a score higher than 0.80 and the Likert Scale, whereas rates from 4.0 to 5.0. The data collected were organized in Microsoft Excel and exported into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0. The literature review included national and international scientific articles, thesis, dissertation and institutional protocols. Regarding the characterization of professional nurses predominated (76.1%), between 34 and 45 years (41.0%), female (79.5%), married/consensual union (46.2%), with specialization in VU care (61.5%), working in the hospital network (46.1%), with up to 5 years experience in VU (69.2%) and claiming to feel prepared to care for these injuries (92.3 %). With regard to aspects that had very good agreement (K ≥ 0.81), remained the items found in the literature with some modifications. In the analysis of the proposed evaluation items had very important, ranging from 4.1 (drug treatment) to 4.9 (patient assessment and care of the injury and the injured and perilesional skin). The proposition of the protocol is arranged in eleven items: A) Evaluation of patient and lesion, B) Registration and documentation, C) the wound and perilesional skin, D) an indication of coverage, E) Use of antibiotic and pain treatment, F) Surgical treatment of CVI, G) Drug treatment, H) Improving venous return and prevetion of recurrence, I) Referral of patients, J) Training and K) Reference and counter reference


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Venous ulcers are lesions resulting from chronic venous insufficiency, venous valvular abnormalities and venous thrombosis. Its occurrence has been growing with the increase in life expectancy of the world population. Considered as fundamental aspects in the approach to the person with venous ulcer care with the interdisciplinary approach, adoption of protocol-specific knowledge, technical skill, coordination between levels of care complexity of the Health System and active participation of patients and their families, a holistic perspective. The construction of a clinical protocol for people with venous ulcers can help professionals of high complexity services in patient assessment and the establishment of quality care in a systematic way and focused on the factors that interfere with wound healing. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the evidence of validation of a clinical protocol for people with venous ulcers treated at high-complexity services. This is a methodological study with a quantitative approach, developed in three stages: literature review, evidence of content validity and evidence of validation in the clinical context. Approved by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte Research Ethics Committee (Opinion: 147.452 and CAAE: 07556312.0.0000.5537). The literature review was conducted in August and September 2012, becoming the basis for the construction of the protocol. Then the evidence of content validity, which included 53 judges (experts) selected by the Lattes platform to evaluate the protocol items was performed. The judges were contacted by e-mail and rated the protocol via Google Docs . After analyzing the ratios obtained in this step, which reported kappa between 0.75 and 0.96 and between 0.80 and 0.98 IVC, and the suggestions of the judges, the protocol was adjusted and subjected to empirical evidence to validate the clinical setting at the University Hospital Onofre Lopes in Natal / RN. Evidence of validation in the clinical setting involved 4 judges who acted in pairs (paired) evaluated 32 patients with venous ulcers in the clinical context of high complexity. In both stages, we used the Kappa Index and Content Validity Index to analyze the responses of the judges. The parameters set as acceptable for these indices were: Kappa ≥ 0.61 and Content Validity Index > 0.80. Any evidence of content validity, as evidence of validation in the clinical context, the protocol items that have not reached Kappa and Content Validity Index established indices were excluded and some items were modified or added after suggestions. The process of content validation evidence and evidence of validation in the clinical setting allowed the improvement of the protocol for the care of people with venous ulcers initially proposed. The initial version of the protocol, built from the literature, contained 15 categories and 108 items; after evidence of content validity, remained the reduction to 15 categories with 91 items; the final version, clinically validated, is composed of the same 15 categories, 76 items. The protocol was validated in its content and in the clinical aspect, so we accepted the alternative hypothesis in the study. This protocol may contribute to the care system, allowing tailor behaviors and promote greater resolution in the treatment of people with venous ulcers in health services of high complexity