34 resultados para fontes iconográficas
The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to São José do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Flávio Villaça and Roberto Lobato Corrêa references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group História da Cidade, do Território e do Urbanismo .
Women, subjectiveness, experimentations. This paper walks through gender, sexuality, body and subjectivity, bounding as the focus denaturalize the representations of womanlinessstaff and manliness and the modeled subjectivity by normative discusses that shows the transcendency based on multiplicities of experiences, wishes and life way wattled by men and women from the Caicó City s society in the decades from 1900 to 1945. For this, it was adopted a dialogic methodology inlcluding bibliographic and theorist references as well as sources like articles from Jornal das Moças (Lady s Journal); defloration s crime processes, abortion, infanticide and body lesions; iconographic sources and Caicó citizen memories in the period commented. Based on that sources, this work analyze the discursive construction of feminine through Justice and Jornal das Moças that paved by sanitarian, normalizing and moralizing discourses has spread clichés and stereotypes of womanlinessstaff and manliness, which has resulted by to universalize the experiences feminines in polarities and binary oppositions regarding to manliness, it has delineated them as asexual, irrational, anesthesiaed for pleasure and biologically meant to home activities modeling subjectivities that did not create ways for the singularization processes. This polarities, effects of sexual regulatory practices and gender legitimate the representations of courtship, maternity and honor, that although it has been incorporated not passivant on the building of the poor men and women subjectivity, it did not support itself in view of socio-cultural and economic reality of the poorest society side. Therefore, on this work emerge a plurality of women who has transited past the public sphere, who interlaced amorous informal relationships, who has kept relationships before the marriage, who hás established multiples familiar arrangements and helpful networks, who was single mothers without being considered dishonored women by social groups, who made matrimonial agreements without the rules of a formal civil marriage, who made use of beverageey to provoke the menstruation constituting multiples ways to experiment the life. This subjective feminine experimentations turned it possible to notice that representations concerning about the body, sexuality, date, maternity and honor of this women has constituted itself while molecularies and particulares . It was the affection not commented of the feminine sexuality that turned it possible to analyze the construction of singular subjectivities as a opened process, continuous, active, begetting new lands, life ways and wishes cartographies
Ce travail a pour objet d'étude le Groupe Scolaire Augusto Severo, situé à Natal, première institution du type dans l'État du Rio Grande do Norte. Il analyse la pratique pédagogique, le modèle d'éducation primaire et d'expérimentation des personnes en formation de l'École Normale de Natal, entre 1908 et l'année de 1928. Dans cette période, se sont produites des tentatives d'organisation scolaire par le biais de la Réforme de l‟Enseignement Primaire (1908) et de la Réforme de l‟Enseignement (1916). Nous nous sommes basés sur l'Histoire Culturelle définie à travers la conjonction de l'histoire des objets dans sa matérialité, des pratiques dans leurs différences et configurations, des dispositifs dans leurs variations. Nous avons utilisé les journaux A República et Diário do Natal, la revue Pedagogium, des Lois, des Décrets et Messages du Gouvernement, des Codes d'Enseignement et le Régime Interne des Groupes Scolaires, documents qui proviennent du fonds de l'Institut Historique et Géographique do Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN) et des sources iconographiques, provenant de l'Institut du Patrimoine Historique et Artistique National (IPHAN/RN). Dans les Archives Publiques de l‟Etat (APE/RN) nous avons recherché les Livres d'Enregistrement des Groupes Scolaires et Écoles Isolées, Offices, Inscriptions, Rapports et Actes de réunions de la Direction Générale de l'Instruction Publique et Journal de Classe. Nous avons analysé l'action des professeurs dans cette institution primaire, ainsi que l'histoire des disciplines scolaires et des programmes d'enseignement, la problématique des contenus et méthodes. Nous avons observé que la méthode intuitive était la dynamique de la pratique pédagogique efficace et que les rites de récompense, les cérémonies civiques composaient l‟ensemble des idées modernisatrices de l‟époque
This work has as a research subject of popular education policies of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in the years 1957 to 1964. It aims to identify and analyze popular education policies developed and implemented by the Municipality of Natal in these years. To get the historical data, we establish as a guiding reserch question the following: Which elaborated educational policies were implemented by the Municipality of Natal in the years 1957-1964? and took over as the method Evidential Paradigm as proposition in Pinheiro (2009). This is anchored in documentary sources of Educational Legislation at National, State and Municipal levels as well as in the newspapers Folha de Tarde and Jornal de Natal; in existing documents from the archives of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IHGRN), the Municipal Public Archives of Natal; iconographic sources; interviews and academic publications. In addition to these sources, we were inspired by the works of Aristotles (2011), Hobbes (2009), Freire (2011), Góes (1980), Germano (1989), Cortez (2005) and Galvão (2004). This research allowed us to understand that policies of popular education of Natal (RN) were based on a democratic educational practice, supported on three pillars, namely: participation and involvement of Natal population; construction and reconstruction of teaching practices in prioritizing their action programs to mass literacy and the training of lay teachers; and the democratization of culture. This historical process made Natal on educating city.
The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to São José do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Flávio Villaça and Roberto Lobato Corrêa references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group História da Cidade, do Território e do Urbanismo .
O contexto hodierno caracteriza-se como um panorama de uso contínuo de informação nas mais variadas esferas da sociedade. A informação é usada em diversos contextos sob vários formatos e isso se torna possível com a evolução tecnológica realizada em ritmo acelerado, sobretudo nos últimos dois séculos. Essa evolução trouxe consigo a possibilidade ampliada de acesso à informação, mas por outro lado, impôs desafios circunstanciais no seu tratamento e difusão. Nos diversos tipos de unidades de informação, faz-se necessária a adoção de estratégias para a melhoria do gerenciamento e desenvolvimento das coleções, sobretudo as coleções digitais. De tal modo, o trabalho visa a traçar um panorama ligado às questões relacionadas à comunicação cientifica com a bibliotecas universitárias, com vistas a ampliar o debate sobre o desenvolvimento digital de coleções de periódicos em bibliotecas universitárias, bem como aspectos relacionados à adoção de critérios de seleção e avaliação destes itens de informação. Aborda os casos específicos, como o do Portal Capes e o SciELO como coleções digitais de periódicos sujeitos a estratégias de desenvolvimento das coleções. Aponta opções para a melhoria da gestão da coleção digital em bibliotecas universitárias. A metodologia empregada foi a de pesquisa bibliográfica em uso de fontes eletrônicas e convencionais, bem como análise de critérios utilizados na Avaliação e Coleções para Bibliotecas Universitárias e o Indicadores Qualis pela Condenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoa de Ensino Superior (CAPES).
Leishmaniasis are endemic diseases wild spread in the New and Old World, caused by the flagelated protozoan Leishmania. In the New World, the distribution of different forms of leishmaniasis is mostly in tropical regions. In the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil, 85% of the captured sand flies fauna is Lutzomyia longipalpis. The distribution of the sand fly vector in the state overlaps with the disease distribution, where the presence of sand flies is associated with presence of animals shelters. The aim of this study was to analyse the blood meal preference of sand flies vector from the genus Lutzomyia spp. in laboratory conditions, to verify the vector life cicle at different temperatures sets and to identify the main blood meal source in endemic areas for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) at peri-urban regions of Natal. Sand flies samples were collected from the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante and Nísia Floresta where female sand flies were grouped for the colony maintenance in the laboratory and for the analysis of the preferred source of sand fly blood meal in natural environment. The prevalence of blood meal preference and oviposition for the females sand flies was 97% for Cavia porcellus with oviposition of 19 eggs/female; 97% for Eqqus caballus with 19 eggs/female; 98% for human blood with 14 eggs/female; 71.3% for Didelphis albiventris with 8.4 eggs/female; 73% for Gallus gallus with 14 eggs/female; 86% for Canis familiaris with 10.3 eggs/female; 81.4% for Galea spixii with 26 eggs/female; 36% for Callithrix jachus with 15 eggs/female; 42.8% for Monodelphis domestica with 0% of oviposition. Female sand flies did not take a blood meal from Felis catus. Sand flies life cycle ranged from 32-40 days, with 21-50 oviposition rates approximately. This study also showed that at 32°C the life cycle had 31 days, at 28° C it had 50 days and at 22°C it increased to 79 days. Adjusting the temperature to 35°C the eggs did not hatch, thus blocking the life cycle. A total of 1540 sand flies were captured, among them, 1.310 were male and 230 were female. Whereas 86% of the sand flies captured were Lu. longipalpis as compared to 10.5% for Lu. evandroi and, 3.2% for L. lenti and 0.3% for Lu whitmani. The ratio between female and male sandfly was approximately 6 males to 1 female. In Nísia Floresta, 50.7% of the collected females took their blood meal from armadillo, 12.8% from human. Among the female sand flies captured in São Gonçalo do Amarante, 80 of them were tested for the Leishmania KDNA infectivity where 5% of them were infected with Leishmania chagasi. Female Lutzomyia spp. showed to have an opportunistic blood meal characteristic. The behavioral parameters seem to have a higher influence in the oviposition when compared to the level of total proteins detected in the host s bloodstream. A higher Lu. longipalpis life cycle viability was observed at 28°C. The increase of temperature dropped the life cycle time, which means that the life cycle is modified by temperature range, source of blood meal and humidity. Lu longipalpis was the most specie found in the inner and peridomiciliar environment. In Nísia Floresta, armadillos were the main source of blood meal for Lutzomyia spp. At São Gonçalo do Amarante, humans were the main source of blood meal due to CDC nets placed inside their houses
The plants are often exposed to variations in environmental conditions that may trigger metabolic disturbances leading to a consequent loss in productivity of crops. These stressful conditions usually induce an accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cell, a condition known how oxidative stress. Among these species, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an important molecule involved in numerous signaling mechanisms. The present study aimed to understand the relationship between the different enzymatic mechanisms of elimination of H2O2 by catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in leaf tissues of seedlings of the species Vigna unguiculata L. Walp, under conditions of oxidative stress induced by application of CAT inhibitor, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (3-AT), and H2O2 itself on the roots. Three experiments were conducted. The first experiment was performed applying the compound 3-AT (5 mM) during the time (hours). In the second experiment, seedlings were exposed to different concentrations of H2O2 (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10 mM) for 48 h. The third strategy included the pre-treatment with H2O2 (2.5 mM) for 24 h, followed by subsequent treatment with the inhibitor 3-AT and recovery control condition. Treatment with 3-AT causes a strong inhibition of CAT activity in leaf tissues accompanied by an increase of activity of APX. However a decrease in oxidative damage to lipids is not observed as indicated by TBARS. It was observed that activity of APX is directly linked to the content of peroxide. Inductions in the activities of CAT and APX were observed mainly in the seedlings treated with 2.5 mM H2O2. This can be associated with a decrease in oxidative damage to lipids. In contrast, one same tendency was not observed in treatments with higher concentrations of this ROS. These results suggest that the concentration of 2.5 mM H2O2 can induce responses antioxidants later in seedling cowpea. This concentration when applied as pre-treatment for 24 h promoted an induction systems removers CAT and APX, both in activity and in terms of gene expression. However this increment was not observed in the recovered plants and the plants subsequently subjected to 3-AT. Additionally, the pretreatment was not sufficient to attenuate the inhibition of CAT activity and oxidative damage to lipids caused by the subsequent application of this inhibitor. The results showed that the application of 3-AT and H2O2 in the root systems of seedlings of cowpea promote changes in the parameters analyzed in leaf tissues that indicate a direct response to the presence of these factors or systemic signaling mecanisms. H2O2 appears to activate the responses of two antioxidant systems in this study thar does not promote greater protection in case of additional treatment with 3-AT. This demonstrates the importance of the CAT system. In this work, complete results indicate that there is a difference between the signaling and the effects caused by exposure to H2O2 and by treatment with 3-AT
The mobilization of food reserves in storage tissues and allocation of their hydrolysis products in the growing axis are critical processes for the establishment of seedlings after germination. Therefore, it is crucial for mobilization of reserves to be synchronized with the growing axis, so that photosynthetic activity can be started before depletion of reserves. For this, integrative approaches involving different reserves, different hydrolysis products and interaction between storage and growing axis tissues, either through hormones or metabolites with signaling role, can contribute greatly to the elucidation of the regulation mechanisms for reserve mobilization. In this study, was hypothesized that hormones and metabolites have different actions on reserve mobilization, and there must be a crossed effect of sugars on the mobilization of proteins and amino acids on lipids and starch mobilization in sunflower seedlings. This study was conducted with seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid Helio 253 using in vitro culture system. Seeds were germinated on Germitest® paper and grown on agar-water 4 g/L without addition of nutrients during 9 days after imbibition (DAI) for growth curve. To verify the effect of metabolites and hormones, seedlings were transferred in the 2nd DAI to agar-water 4 g/L supplemented with increasing concentrations of sucrose or L-glutamine, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid or indolebutyric acid. The results of this study confirm that the mobilization of lipids and storage proteins occurs in a coordinated manner during post-germination growth in sunflower, corroborating the hypothesis that the application of external carbon (sucrose) and nitrogen (L-glutamine) sources can delay the mobilization of these reserves in a crossed way. Moreover, considering the changes in the patterns of reserve mobilization and partition of their products in seedlings treated with different growth regulators, it is evident that the effects of metabolites and hormones must involve, at least in part, distinct mechanisms of action
The mesoporous molecular sieves of MCM-41 and AlMCM-41 type are considered as promising support for metal in the refining processes of petroleum-based materials as catalysts and adsorbents for environmental protection. In this work the molecular sieves MCM-41 and AlMCM-41 were synthesized by replacing the source of silica conventionally used, for quartz, an alternative and abundant, and the use of waste from the production of diatomaceous earth, an aluminum-silicate, as a source aluminum, due to abundant reserves of diatomaceous earth in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the city of Ceará-Mirim, with the objective of producing high-value materials that have similar characteristics to traditional commercial catalysts in the market. These materials were synthesized by the method of hydrothermal synthesis at 100 º C for 7 days and subjected to calcination at 500 º C for 2 hours under flow of nitrogen and air. The molecular sieves were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG), adsorption of N2 (BET and BJH methods), spectroscopy in the infra red (FTIR), microscopy scanning electron (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The analysis indicated that the synthesized materials showed characteristic hexagonal structure of mesopores materials with high specific surface area and sort and narrow distribution of size of pores
The production of synthesis gas has received renewed attention due to demand for renewable energies to reduce the emissions of gases responsible for enhanced greenhouse effect. This work was carried out in order to synthesize, characterize and evaluate the implementation of nickel catalysts on MCM-41 in dry reforming reactions of methane. The mesoporous molecular sieves were synthesized using as silica sources the tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and residual glass powder (PV). The sieves were impregnated with 10% nickel to obtain the metallic catalysts (Ni/MCM-41). These materials were calcined and characterized by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Temperature-Programmed Reduction (TPR) and N2 Adsorption/Desorption isotherms (BET/BJH). The catalytic properties of the samples were evaluated in methane dry reforming with CO2 in order to produce synthesis gas to be used in the petrochemical industry. The materials characterized showed hexagonal structure characteristic of mesoporous material MCM-41 type, being maintained after impregnation with nickel. The samples presented variations in the specific surface area, average volume and diameter of pores based on the type of interaction between the nickel and the mesoporous support. The result of the the catalytic tests showed conversions about 91% CO2, 86% CH4, yelds about 85% CO and 81% H2 to Ni/MCM-41_TEOS_C, and conversions about 87% CO2, 82% CH4, yelds about 70% CO and 59% H2 to Ni/MCM-41_PV_C. The similar performance confirms that the TEOS can be replaced by a less noble materials
Sulfated polysaccharides (SP) are widely distributed in animals and seaweeds tissues. These polymers have been studied in light of their important pharmacological activities, such as anticoagulant, antioxidant, antitumoral, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. On other hand, SP potential to synthesize biomaterials like as nanoparticules has not yet been explored. In addition, to date, SP have only been found in six plants and all inhabit saline environments. However, the SP pharmacological plant activities have not been carrying out. Furthermore, there are no reports of SP in freshwater plants. Thus, do SP from marine plants show pharmacological activity? Do freshwater plants actually synthesize SP? Is it possible to synthesize nanoparticles using SP from seaweed? In order to understand this question, this Thesis was divided into tree chapters. In the first chapter a sulfated polysaccharide (SPSG) was successfully isolated from marine plant Halodule wrightii. The data presented here showed that the SPSG is a 11 kDa sulfated heterogalactan contains glucose and xylose. Several assays suggested that the SPSG possessed remarkable antioxidant properties in different in vitro assays and an outstanding anticoagulant activity 2.5-fold higher than that of heparin Clexane® in the aPTT test; in the next chapter using different tools such as chemical and histological analyses, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA), gel electrophoresis and infra-red spectroscopy we confirm the presence of sulfated polysaccharides in freshwater plants for the first time. Moreover, we also demonstrate that SP extracted from E. crassipes root has potential as an anticoagulant compound; and in last chapter a fucan, a sulfated polysaccharide, extracted from the brown seaweed was chemically modified by grafting hexadecylamine to the polymer hydrophilic backbone. The resulting modified material (SNFuc) formed nanosized particles. The degree of substitution for hydrophobic chains of 1H NMR was approximately 93%. SNFfuc-TBa125 in aqueous media had a mean diameter of 123 nm and zeta potential of -38.3 ± 0.74 mV, measured bydynamic light scattering. Tumor-cell (HepG2, 786, H-S5) proliferation was inhibited by 2.0 43.7% at SNFuc concentrations of 0.05 0.5 mg/ mL and RAEC non-tumor cell line proliferation displayed inhibition of 8.0 22.0%. On the other hand, nanogel improved CHO and RAW non-tumor cell line proliferation in the same concentration range. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that this fucan nanogel inhibited 786 cell proliferation through caspase and caspaseindependent mechanisms. In addition, SNFuc blocks 786 cell passages in the S and G2-M phases of the cell cycle
It s in the city spaces, molded from the uses and daily appropriations, that life is woven, as a product of the social relationships from the accumulation of history along with the present day fabric. Within this relationship, the old and the new are elements which make up this tapestry, as a result of the contribution of successive generations. The public square is seen as an example of this relationship, since it consists of a fertile space for opportunities of urban life coexistence. It is within the trace of these considerations that the present study emerges regarding the appropriation and sociability of the Tomé de Sousa Square, located in the city of Salvador, BA, having as its main focus the special relation between the cinema and the public square, as it relates to the space of the exhibition of cinematographic art. The showing of films in public squares makes possible a distinctive means of appropriation which has occurred ever since the beginning of the cinema. Today in Brazil, projects of this nature abound, which aim at presenting the seventh art to a great portion of the population which doesn t have access to conventional movie theater projection rooms. This particular Projeto Cinema na Praça Cinema in the Square Project carried out in Salvador, has become the empirical reference point for such work. This journey reveals the fascination that this great art has woven through time, attracting and charming multitudes. The cinema touches people in a special way, stirring up affectionate feelings, which are reflected in multiple social practices. Regarding this work, what stands out above all are the projections in the squares, initiatives which make it possible for the films to be watched collectively. What was taken into account in order to carry out this work were the reports of those who came regularly to watch the cinema in the Square sessions, those involved with the cinema projects team, and the film makers. To do the work, besides a bibliographical revision, observations were made of participants in the Tomé de Sousa Square, taken from semi-structured interviews with people involved with the film projection projects and those who came regularly to the cinema in the Square sessions. Also investigations were made in newspapers, printed magazines and the internet, from document and iconographic sources. The photographic documentation proved to be an important contribution to the field work. The research therefore develops from the understanding that the social practices are what make possible the uses of and the appropriation of the spaces. Within this perspective the public square emerges as a privileged locus where possibilities flourish for multiple manifestations that social practices can generate
This is a study of the book Os Corumbas, by Amando Fontes, published in 1933, that deals with the beginning of industrialization in the industrial city, as well as the impacts suffered by the poorest. We realized that there is a series of meanings and symbolic elements in the composition of characters, passages and happenings, objects and spaces that permeate the literary speech of Amando Fontes. Our objective, through this analysis, was to reach a better understanding of the relationship between Literature and Sociology, some passages of the text and the author s intention, as well as to problematize the imaginative meanings of the story. The narrative used by Fontes clearly shows us the utilization of the literary production for the understanding of sociological aspects in the initial moments of industrialization as well as people s adaptation to this new reality
The development of wireless sensor networks for control and monitoring functions has created a vibrant investigation scenario, covering since communication aspects to issues related with energy efficiency. When source sensors are endowed with cameras for visual monitoring, a new scope of challenges is raised, as transmission and monitoring requirements are considerably changed. Particularly, visual sensors collect data following a directional sensing model, altering the meaning of concepts as vicinity and redundancy but allowing the differentiation of source nodes by their sensing relevancies for the application. In such context, we propose the combined use of two differentiation strategies as a novel QoS parameter, exploring the sensing relevancies of source nodes and DWT image coding. This innovative approach supports a new scope of optimizations to improve the performance of visual sensor networks at the cost of a small reduction on the overall monitoring quality of the application. Besides definition of a new concept of relevance and the proposition of mechanisms to support its practical exploitation, we propose five different optimizations in the way images are transmitted in wireless visual sensor networks, aiming at energy saving, transmission with low delay and error recovery. Putting all these together, the proposed innovative differentiation strategies and the related optimizations open a relevant research trend, where the application monitoring requirements are used to guide a more efficient operation of sensor networks