53 resultados para Próteses ortopédicas
The manufacturing of above and below-knee prosthesis starts by taking surfac measurements of the patient s residual limb. This demands the making of a cartridg with appropriate fitting and customized to the profile of each patient. The traditiona process in public hospitals in Brazil begins with the completion of a record file (according to law nº388, of July 28, 1999 by the ministry of the health) for obtaining o the prosthesis, where it is identified the amputation level, equipment type, fitting type material, measures etc. Nowadays, that work is covered by the Brazilian Nationa Health Service (SUS) and is accomplished in a manual way being used commo measuring tapes characterizing a quite rudimentary, handmade work and without an accuracy.In this dissertation it is presented the development of a computer integrate tool that it include CAD theory, for visualization of both above and below-knee prosthesis in 3D (i.e. OrtoCAD), as well as, the design and the construction a low cos electro-mechanic 3D scanner (EMS). This apparatus is capable to automatically obtain geometric information of the stump or of the healthy leg while ensuring smalle uncertainty degree for all measurements. The methodology is based on reverse engineering concepts so that the EMS output is fed into the above mentioned academi CAD software in charge of the 3D computer graphics reconstruction of the residualimb s negative plaster cast or even the healthy leg s mirror image. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed model is valid, because it allows the structura analysis to be performed based on the requested loads, boundary conditions, material chosen and wall thickness. Furthermore it allows the manufacturing of a prosthesis cartridge meeting high accuracy engineering patterns with consequent improvement in the quality of the overall production process
The manufacture of prostheses for lower limb amputees (transfemural and transtibial) requires the preparation of a cartridge with appropriate and custom fit to the profile of each patient. The traditional process to the patients, mainly in public hospitals in Brazil, begins with the completion of a form where types of equipment, plugins, measures, levels of amputation etc. are identified. Currently, such work is carried out manually using a common metric tape and caliper of wood to take the measures of the stump, featuring a very rudimentary, and with a high degree of uncertainty geometry of the final product. To address this problem, it was necessary to act in two simultaneously and correlated directions. Originally, it was developed an integrated tool for viewing 3D CAD for transfemoral types of prostheses and transtibial called OrtoCAD I. At the same time, it was necessary to design and build a reader Mechanical equipment (sort of three-dimensional scanner simplified) able to obtain, automatically and with accuracy, the geometric information of either of the stump or the healthy leg. The methodology includes the application of concepts of reverse engineering to computationally generate the representation of the stump and/or the reverse image of the healthy member. The materials used in the manufacturing of prostheses nor always obey to a technical scientific criteria, because, if by one way it meets the criteria of resistance, by the other, it brings serious problems mainly due to excess of weight. This causes to the user various disorders due to lack of conformity. That problem was addressed with the creation of a hybrid composite material for the manufacture of cartridges of prostheses. Using the Reader Fitter and OrtoCAD, the new composite material, which aggregates the mechanical properties of strength and rigidity on important parameters such as low weight and low cost, it can be defined in its better way. Besides, it brings a reduction of up steps in the current processes of manufacturing or even the feasibility of using new processes, in the industries, in order to obtain the prostheses. In this sense, the hybridization of the composite with the combination of natural and synthetic fibers can be a viable solution to the challenges offered above
This work consists of the conception, developing and implementation of a Computational Routine CAE which has algorithms suitable for the tension and deformation analysis. The system was integrated to an academic software named as OrtoCAD. The expansion algorithms for the interface CAE genereated by this work were developed in FORTRAN with the objective of increase the applications of two former works of PPGEM-UFRN: project and fabrication of a Electromechanincal reader and Software OrtoCAD. The software OrtoCAD is an interface that, orinally, includes the visualization of prothetic cartridges from the data obtained from a electromechanical reader (LEM). The LEM is basically a tridimensional scanner based on reverse engineering. First, the geometry of a residual limb (i.e., the remaining part of an amputee leg wherein the prothesis is fixed) is obtained from the data generated by LEM by the use of Reverse Engineering concepts. The proposed core FEA uses the Shell's Theory where a 2D surface is generated from a 3D piece form OrtoCAD. The shell's analysis program uses the well-known Finite Elements Method to describe the geometry and the behavior of the material. The program is based square-based Lagragean elements of nine nodes and displacement field of higher order to a better description of the tension field in the thickness. As a result, the new FEA routine provide excellent advantages by providing new features to OrtoCAD: independency of high cost commercial softwares; new routines were added to the OrtoCAD library for more realistic problems by using criteria of fault engineering of composites materials; enhanced the performance of the FEA analysis by using a specific grid element for a higher number of nodes; and finally, it has the advantage of open-source project and offering customized intrinsic versatility and wide possibilities of editing and/or optimization that may be necessary in the future
Due to advances in the manufacturing process of orthopedic prostheses, the need for better quality shape reading techniques (i.e. with less uncertainty) of the residual limb of amputees became a challenge. To overcome these problems means to be able in obtaining accurate geometry information of the limb and, consequently, better manufacturing processes of both transfemural and transtibial prosthetic sockets. The key point for this task is to customize these readings trying to be as faithful as possible to the real profile of each patient. Within this context, firstly two prototype versions (α and β) of a 3D mechanical scanner for reading residual limbs shape based on reverse engineering techniques were designed. Prototype β is an improved version of prototype α, despite remaining working in analogical mode. Both prototypes are capable of producing a CAD representation of the limb via appropriated graphical sheets and were conceived to work purely by mechanical means. The first results were encouraging as they were able to achieve a great decrease concerning the degree of uncertainty of measurements when compared to traditional methods that are very inaccurate and outdated. For instance, it's not unusual to see these archaic methods in action by making use of ordinary home kind measure-tapes for exploring the limb's shape. Although prototype β improved the readings, it still required someone to input the plotted points (i.e. those marked in disk shape graphical sheets) to an academic CAD software called OrtoCAD. This task is performed by manual typing which is time consuming and carries very limited reliability. Furthermore, the number of coordinates obtained from the purely mechanical system is limited to sub-divisions of the graphical sheet (it records a point every 10 degrees with a resolution of one millimeter). These drawbacks were overcome by designing the second release of prototype β in which it was developed an electronic variation of the reading table components now capable of performing an automatic reading (i.e. no human intervention in digital mode). An interface software (i.e. drive) was built to facilitate data transfer. Much better results were obtained meaning less degree of uncertainty (it records a point every 2 degrees with a resolution of 1/10 mm). Additionally, it was proposed an algorithm to convert the CAD geometry, used by OrtoCAD, to an appropriate format and enabling the use of rapid prototyping equipment aiming future automation of the manufacturing process of prosthetic sockets.
The aim of this work was to study a series of 11 different compositions of Ti-Zr binary alloys resistance to aggressive environment, i. e., their ability to keep their surface properties and mass when exposed to them as a way to evaluate their performance as biomaterials. The first stage was devoted to the fabrication of tablets from these alloys by Plasma-Skull casting method using a Discovery Plasma machine from EDG Equipamentos, Brazil. In a second stage, the chemical composition of each produced tablet was verified. In a third stage, the specimen were submitted to: as-cast microstructure analysis via optical and scanning electron microscopy (OM and SEM), x-ray dispersive system (EDS) chemical analysis via SEM, Vickers hardness tests for mechanical evaluation and corrosion resistence tests in a 0.9% NaCl solution to simulate exposition to human saliva monitored by open circuit potential and polarization curves. From the obtained results, it was possible to infer that specimens A1 (94,07 wt% Ti and 5,93% wt% Zr), A4 (77,81 wt % Ti and 22,19 wt % Zr) and A8 (27,83 wt% Ti and 72,17 wt% Zr), presented best performance regarding to corrosion resistance, homogeneity and hardness which are necessary issues for biomaterials to be applied as orthopedic and odontological prosthesis
A frequently encountered difficulty in oral prosthetics is associated with the loss of metallic alloys during the melting stage of the production of metal-ceramic replacement systems. Remelting such materials could impar their use in oral rehabilitation due to loss in esthetics, as well as in the chemical, physical, electrochemical and mechanical properties. Nowadays, the Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti alloy is widely used in metal-ceramic systems. Manufacturers state that this material can be remelted without significant alterations in its behavior, however little has been established as to the changes in the performance of this alloy after successive remelting, which is common practice in oral prosthetics. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate possible changes in the esthetics and associated properties of metalceramic samples consisting of Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti and dental porcelain. Three to five remelting steps were carried out. The results revealed that Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti can be safely used even after three remelting steps. Further remelting significantly affect the characteristics of the alloys and should not be recommended for the manufacture of metal-ceramic systems
At present, the material of choice for performing aesthetic dental prosthetic work is in the ceramic. Among them, the ceramic base of stabilized zirconia with 3% yttria (3Y - TZP) stand out for having excellent physical and mechanical properties. During the machining of blocks of zirconia in the laboratory to prepare the various types of prostheses, much of the material is given off in the form of powder, which is subsequently discarded. The waste of this material results in financial loss, reflecting higher final cost treatment for patients, as well as damage to the environment, thanks to the processes involved in the manufacture and disposal of the ceramic. This research, pioneered the recycling of zirconium oxide powder obtained during milling of dental crowns and bridges, we highlight the social and environmental aspects and aims to establish a protocol for the reuse of waste (powder of zirconia Zirkonzahn® system) discarded to obtain a new block of compacted zirconia to maintain the same mechanical and microstructural properties of commercial high-cost imported material. To compare with the commercial material, samples were uniaxially (20 MPa) and isostatically (100 MPa), and its mechanical and microstructural characterization was performed through tests of density, porosity, dilatometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD), hardness, fracture toughness, resistance to fracture electron microscopy (SEM) and analysis of grain size. The results observed in the samples were isostatically pressed similiares those obtained with samples from the commercial material demonstrating the viability of the process
O desenvolvimento do esporte paraolímpico nacional e internacional tem estimulado maior participação das pessoas com deficiência em praticar atividades desportivas, exigindo dos atletas incrementos na intensidade e freqüência nos treinamentos e competições, o que impulsiona, ainda mais, os índices de lesões esportivas traumato-ortopédicas. Objetivamos neste estudo descritivo analisar as lesões traumato-ortopédicas mais frequentes nos atletas paraolímpicos, sua localização nos segmentos corporais, correlacionando-as com as modalidades esportivas praticadas pelos integrantes das Seleções Brasileiras Paraolímpicas. O presente estudo foi realizado com 82 atletas paraolímpicos da Seleção Brasileira de Atletismo, Halterofilismo, Natação e Tênis de mesa, de ambos os sexos, com deficiências motoras, visual e intelectual, participantes dos Campeonatos Mundiais, no ano de 2002, sendo os mesmos selecionados de forma não probabilística intencional os quais atenderam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos para o estudo. Para a avaliação clínica das lesões traumato-ortopédicas foram utilizados como instrumentos de medida o Prontuário do Departamento Médico do Comitê Paraolímpico Brasileiro (técnica da observação através da história clinica esportiva do atleta / anamnese e exame físico), entrevistas com os atletas e exames complementares das lesões traumato-ortopédicas quando necessárias. Os resultados do estudo com os atletas paraolímpicos revelaram prevalência de lesões no atletismo (MMII = 64,9%, coluna = 19,3% e MMSS = 15,8%); halterofilismo (coluna = 54,5%, MMSS = 36,4% e MMII = 9,1%); natação (MMSS = 44,4%, coluna = 38,9 e MMII = 16,7%) e tênis de mesa (MMSS = 56%, coluna36% e MMII = 8%), com predomínios das lesões músculotendineas em todos os esportes pesquisados. Os resultados apresentados nos permitem concluir que em todos os esportes pesquisados os atletas paraolímpicos apresentaram um predomínio das lesões músculo-tendíneas, tendo como localização no atletismo, lesões nos membros inferiores, no halterofilismo na coluna vertebral e membros superiores, na natação e no tênis de mesa, nos membros superiores e coluna vertebral
The non-adaptation of the removable partial prosthesis (RPP) base to fibromucosal tissue is caused by resorption of residual ridges (RRR). The onset of bone resorption, which occurs after tooth extraction and continues throughout life, is accelerated by local or systemic factors. Aim: Assess the degree of non-adaptation of removable partial prosthesis saddles and the factors that influence it. Methodology: A sectional study was conducted with 81 patients using RPP who had their prostheses installed between 2003 and 2007 (1 to 5 years of use) at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). After anamnese and clinical examination, a cast was made with polyether-based material, using the base of the prosthesis to make the impression. The base of the saddle was loaded with the casting material and positioned in the mouth, applying pressure on the supports. After polymerization, the material was removed from the saddle and measurements were taken at 3 different points using a pachymeter. Results: The non-adaptation of the saddle increased significantly with years of use (p = 0.005). The tooth-tissue supported prostheses obtained higher mean non-adaptation values than those of tooth supported prostheses (p < 0.001). Flaccid mucosa showed the worst non-adaptation results, which were statistically different from resilient mucosa (p < 0.001). The greater the extension of the saddle, the greater the non-adaptation (p < 0.001). The natural tooth antagonistic arch yielded better results than did RPP and total prosthesis (p < 0.001). Saddle non-adaptation at the free end was less near the pillar tooth and greater in the more posterior region (p < 0.001). When adaptation of the supports to the niches was poor, greater saddle non-adaptation occurred than when it was good or fair (p < 0.001). Saddles located in the posterior region of the arch had greater non-adaptation than those in the anterior region (p = 0.023). Conclusion: The mean non-adaptation of the saddle to the residual ridges was 0.27 mm. It can be concluded that, even with the use of RPP, bone height reduction was slight within the 1-5-year period of use. The following are factors that influence adaptation of the RPP saddle base: years of use, age, force transmission path to the alveolar bone, location of the toothless area, antagonistic arch, type of mucosa, adaptation of supports to the niche and extension of the saddle
The literature has shown a relation between periodontics and the removable partial denture (RPD), with progressive destruction observed in the support structures. The aim of this study was to clinically assess periodontal condition in users of removal partial denture (RPD), and compare right abutments teeth, indirect abutments and controls before installation and after 1 year, in addition to comparing tooth-supported and tooth mucosa-supported abutments. A total of 50 patients, 32 women and 18 men, mean age of 45 years, took part in the study. The patients were examined by a single examiner at prosthesis installation and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The following were verified at each examination: Probe Depth (PD), Plaque Index (PI), Gingival Index (GI), the amount of Keratinized Mucosa (KM), Gingival Recession (GR) and Dental Mobility (DM); in addition patients received oral hygiene orientation, accompanied by prophylaxis, periodontal scaling and root planing (PSRP), when necessary. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Tukey-Kramer post test was used to assess the dependent variables (PD, PI, KM, GR) of the three groups over time while Friedman s test was used for GI. To assess the outcomes of prosthesis type in the right abutment group, a confidence interval-based analysis was performed. The results showed that the control group was the least compromised in all the variables studied. With respect to development of the groups over time, it was verified that the measures for GR, PD, GI and KM increased from initial examination to 1 year of use in all the groups, but only PI showed a significant increase. There was a non-discriminatory low prevalence of dental mobility. The tooth mucosa-supported prosthesis had significantly higher values for GR, GI and PI and significantly lower ones for KM when compared to tooth-supported. Over time, both types of prostheses showed no significant differences from initial to final examination for the variables GR, PD, KM and GI, with PI significant only for tooth-supported. The results showed that the teeth most involved in RPD design had greater potential of periodontal damage, probably because of greater dental biofilm accumulation. Abutments elements adjacent to the free extremities had less favorable periodontal condition than those adjacent to interpolated spaces, but the use of RPD did not worsen the initial condition
The evaluation criteria of the cases treated with dental implants are based on clinical and radiographic tests. In this context it is important to conduct research to determine prognosis of different types of prosthetic rehabilitation and determination of the main problems affecting this type of treatment. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the prosthetic conditions of individuals rehabilitated with implant-supported prosthesis. In this cross-sectional study 153 patients were treated, accounting for a sample of 509 implants. The failures were observed by clinical and radiographic examination. The results showed that the fracture (0.2%) loss (0.4%) and loosening of the screws (3.3%) were failures are less frequent. The fracture structures as the resin (12.4%), porcelain (5.5%) and metallic (1.5%), loss of resin that covers the screw (23.8%) and loss of retention overdentures on implants (18.6%) had a higher occurrence. The failure of adaptation between the abutment and the implant (6.9%) and especially between the prosthesis and the abutment (25.4%) had a high prevalence and, when related to other parameters showed a significant association, particularly with the cemented prosthesis (OR = 6.79). It can be concluded that to minimize the appearance of failures, protocols must be observed from diagnosis to the settlement and control of prostheses on implants, particularly with respect to technical steps of the making of the prosthesis and care in radiographic evaluating the fit between their components
Edentulous patients with complaint about mandibular conventional denture might experience poor masticatory function and negative impact of oral health on quality of life. The aim of this controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of mandibular overdenture on oral health-related quality of life and masticatory efficacy in patients wearing mandibular complete dentures. The edentulous patients (n=16) were rehabilitated with new maxillary and mandibular complete dentures and, after 3 months, mandibular overdentures retained by 2 implants (bar-clip system) were fabricated. The Brazilian version of OHIP-Edent questionnaire was used to assess the oral healthrelated quality of life. Masticatory efficacy was evaluated through a colorimetric method with chewing capsules. The mean OHIP-Edent score was 8.5 with conventional dentures and 2.0 with mandibular overdenture, which means a positive impact of oral health on quality of life with overdentures (p=0.001). The mean absorbance for masticatory efficacy was 0.025 for conventional dentures and 0.073 for overdentures. There was statistically significant difference for masticatory efficacy before and after implants rehabilitation (p=0.003). However, there was no correlation between masticatory efficacy and OHIP (p>0.05). So, mandibular overdenture retained by 2 implants improved the quality of life and masticatory efficacy of edentulous patients with complaint about mandibular conventional complete dentures
Objective: To perform a long-term clinical evaluation of the periodontium of removable parti al denture (RPD) wearers, comparing the direct pillar teeth of tooth-supported and toothtissue supported RPDs. Method: Fifty patients with mean age of 45 years were enrolled in the study. The individuals were examined by a single examiner at the moment of denture installation and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. In each exam, the following parameters were verified: gingival recession (GR), probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI) e amount kerati nized mucosa (KM). All patients received oral hygiene instructions and prophylaxis and, when necessary, scaling and root planing. An analysis from the confidence interval was done to evaluate the endpoints regarding the type of denture in the direct pillar group. Results: The tooth-tissue supported dentures showed significantly higher GR, GI and PI values, and significantly lower KM values. Over time, neither of the types of denture presented statistically significant difference from the initial to the final examination for the parameters GR, PD, KM and GI, while the PI was significant only for the tooth-supported dentures. Conclusion: Pillar teeth adjacent to free ends presented a less favorable periodontal conditi on than the pillar teeth adjacent to intercalated spaces. However, the use of RPD did not aggravate the initial condition, after a follow-up period of 12 months. The findings of the study indicate that, within 1 year, there were no significant differences between the direct pillars of the toothsupported and tooth-ti ssue supported dentures, and suggest the need of professional follow up for a longer period.
Objective: To perform a long-term clinical evaluation of the periodontium of removable parti al denture (RPD) wearers, comparing the direct pillar teeth of tooth-supported and toothtissue supported RPDs. Method: Fifty patients with mean age of 45 years were enrolled in the study. The individuals were examined by a single examiner at the moment of denture installation and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. In each exam, the following parameters were verified: gingival recession (GR), probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI) e amount kerati nized mucosa (KM). All patients received oral hygiene instructions and prophylaxis and, when necessary, scaling and root planing. An analysis from the confidence interval was done to evaluate the endpoints regarding the type of denture in the direct pillar group. Results: The tooth-tissue supported dentures showed significantly higher GR, GI and PI values, and significantly lower KM values. Over time, neither of the types of denture presented statistically significant difference from the initial to the final examination for the parameters GR, PD, KM and GI, while the PI was significant only for the tooth-supported dentures. Conclusion: Pillar teeth adjacent to free ends presented a less favorable periodontal conditi on than the pillar teeth adjacent to intercalated spaces. However, the use of RPD did not aggravate the initial condition, after a follow-up period of 12 months. The findings of the study indicate that, within 1 year, there were no significant differences between the direct pillars of the toothsupported and tooth-ti ssue supported dentures, and suggest the need of professional follow up for a longer period.
Traditional methods for dentures fabrication require a wide clinical and laboratory procedures; however, there is no scientific evidence that these methods can produce better results when compared with simplified methods. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a simplified methods for denture fabrication, comparing it to the traditional one through masticatory efficiency and prosthesis quality. Method: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 50 patients, 25 rehabilitated with prosthesis produced by traditional technique and 25 rehabilitated by a simplified technique. The masticatory efficiency was evaluated by colorimetric method, using chewing capsules. The quality of prosthesis was obtained using a reliable and reproducible instrument. Statistical analysis of the masticatory efficiency and quality of the prosthesis was obtained by the Mann-Whitney test. Results: 39 patients completed the study, 18 on traditional group and 21 on simplified group. There was no difference between groups for the masticatory efficiency (p = 0.835) and the quality of the prosthesis (p = 0672). The evaluation of the overall quality of the prosthesis according to oral conditions, demonstrated significant difference on the height of the mandibular ridges (p = 0.010) and mandibular muscle attachments (p = 0.039). Conclusion: Complete dentures fabricated by simplified method were considered effective from the point of view of masticatory efficiency and quality of prosthetics, with results similar to those made by the traditional method.