28 resultados para Desenho interfaces gráficas


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In this work, we propose the Interperception paradigm, a new approach that includes a set of rules and a software architecture for merge users from different interfaces in the same virtual environment. The system detects the user resources and provide transformations on the data in order to allow its visualization in 3D, 2D and textual (1D) interfaces. This allows any user to connect, access information, and exchange information with other users in a feasible way, without needs of changing hardware or software. As results are presented two virtual environments builded acording this paradigm


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It is increasingly common use of a single computer system using different devices - personal computers, telephones cellular and others - and software platforms - systems graphical user interfaces, Web and other systems. Depending on the technologies involved, different software architectures may be employed. For example, in Web systems, it utilizes architecture client-server - usually extended in three layers. In systems with graphical interfaces, it is common architecture with the style MVC. The use of architectures with different styles hinders the interoperability of systems with multiple platforms. Another aggravating is that often the user interface in each of the devices have structure, appearance and behaviour different on each device, which leads to a low usability. Finally, the user interfaces specific to each of the devices involved, with distinct features and technologies is a job that needs to be done individually and not allow scalability. This study sought to address some of these problems by presenting a reference architecture platform-independent and that allows the user interface can be built from an abstract specification described in the language in the specification of the user interface, the MML. This solution is designed to offer greater interoperability between different platforms, greater consistency between the user interfaces and greater flexibility and scalability for the incorporation of new devices


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Using formal methods, the developer can increase software s trustiness and correctness. Furthermore, the developer can concentrate in the functional requirements of the software. However, there are many resistance in adopting this software development approach. The main reason is the scarcity of adequate, easy to use, and useful tools. Developers typically write code and test it. These tests usually consist of executing the program and checking its output against its requirements. This, however, is not always an exhaustive discipline. On the other side, using formal methods one might be able to investigate the system s properties further. Unfortunately, specification languages do not always have tools like animators or simulators, and sometimes there are no friendly Graphical User Interfaces. On the other hand, specification languages usually have a compiler which normally generates a Labeled Transition System (LTS). This work proposes an application that provides graphical animation for formal specifications using the LTS as input. The application initially supports the languages B, CSP, and Z. However, using a LTS in a specified XML format, it is possible to animate further languages. Additionally, the tool provides traces visualization, the choices the user did, in a graphical tree. The intention is to improve the comprehension of a specification by providing information about errors and animating it, as the developers do for programming languages, such as Java and C++.


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This study aims to analyze the communication graphics of layouts of hypermedia interfaces oriented to Distance Education via the Internet. This proposal is justified by widening the offer of courses that modality and the consequent application of items of hypermedia for teaching-learning. The method of analysis involved the search nethnographic, addressed to the cycle student intermediary of the Training Program Continuing Medias in Education, and the evaluation heuristic of the interfaces of Virtual Learning Environment "E-Proinfo" and of the modules of the Cycle. This evaluation we observed the implementation of the attributes of usability and the degree of interactivity of each interface. The results revealed an inefficient implementation of the attributes of usability, which meant a consequent reduction of the levels of interactivity. As proposing the present Design Virtual Learning, a model of hypermedia layout, designed to generate usability for Virtual learning environments and extend the acquisition of literancy for students and tutors. This proposal design not hypermedia aims the demarcation of models pre-conceived, but the proposal of layout in which each element of hypermedia is applied with a view to generate a seaworthiness intuitive, more agile and efficient, in these ambients


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Public policies have been studied in the various fields of humanities and social sciences, from different theoretical and technical aspects. However, there is still a lack of studies that incorporate the dimension that encompasses the political action and its interference in such actions, also recognizing the importance of the institutional setting of the Brazilian presidential model in implementing these policies. This fragmented and multiparty system has led to power heterogeneous sets of political parties. Thus, the ministerial offices, more than assisting the President´s government project, manage particularized agendas, which are party biased and have the influence of interest groups in hegemonic themes addressed by government agencies. When these agendas operate in sectoral and specialized policies, the friction level is apparently low. However, when this occurs in intersectoral actions, such as in regional development, there is evidence of strong signs of competition among government agencies, which in theory, should operate in an integrated manner. Although this is not a specific feature of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva´s government- the period to be studied- there was similar behavior in Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s presidency, one realizes that the expansion of coalition on behalf of governance is increasingly interfering in the outcome of intersectoral public policies, due to these multiple arguments in action. In order to understand these processes, this study focused on the Sustainable and Integrated Development Programme for Differentiated Meso-Regions (PROMESO), part of the National Policy for Regional Development (NPRD). The program provides interface with various government agencies and their public policies in a clear intersectoral design. The research sought to identify and analyze the relationships between government agencies and their programs with interest groups, whether political parties or other segments of civil society, highlighting the logic of favoritism, which poses in second place the integration of actions in the intersectoral policies. Therefore, besides the theoretical debate that incorporates several categories of political science, public administration, public policy, geography and economics, the study focused on secondary sources, using different government agencies databases in order to raise information. It was observed that the interference of partisan politics has been disastrous for some public policies. Thus, the research confirms that cooperative character is fragile within government agencies, often limited to official documents, and that there is indeed, a striking feature of competition, especially when it comes to transversalized policies


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This work aims to analyze and evaluate the Urban furniture designed to public areas according to the Revitalization planning for Rio Grande do Norte coastland, defining visual relations among urban elements in the landscape of revitalized public urban areas with cultural, paisagistic and touristic values and the design process used for developing urban furniture to those areas, observing the incoming consequences use to that process in a specific urban context which alters use, functions, cultural images as well as social values attributed to each particular place. Environmental perceptions, legibility of local cultural references and their representation through the design of urban elements, act in a positive or negative manner over the inhabitants cognition process of some particular revitalized area, determining new use and attributions to those areas. Designs for coastal urban interventions try excessively to standardize technical media, construction materials and planning configurations, creating artificial sceneries that segregates users, imposing new structures and usage, generating, consequently, the so called non-places and burlesque regionalism. The research is divided into 4 chapters: 1) Theoretical support (Industrial design; Urban furniture; Public urban spaces; Urban image and environmental perception; Urban occupation and interventions in coastland areas); 2) Methodological procedures and data collection; 3) Analysis of Rio Grande do Norte coastal areas and their urban interventions; 4) Final considerations and Industrial Design contributions to the subject


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This thesis addresses the development of technoscience in times of transnational globalization and highlights the vulnerability of the discourse of social progress, which may be replaced by evidence of social risk before the artificiality of nature and humanity. That demands an ethical and legal responses to events that impose the necessity of an ethical control in biotechnology research involving human beings contributing to the rise of Bioethics and Biolaw as fields of knowledge. This theme is studied from a multidisciplinary perspective seeking a dynamic dimension in the interpretation of research data reconnecting Social Sciences to Legal Sciences (Biolaw) and to Philosophy (Bioethics), in order to obtain answers to the problems posed. The objective delimited is to examine the interfaces between Biolaw and Bioethics, in order to observe the confluence of these areas of knowledge. Biolaw is considered as a new legal branch derived from the paradigmatic transition of Law and wonders how it will stand before questions resulting of social transformations caused by biotechnological development that endangers humans and society. It is concluded that the relationship between Bioethics and Biolaw is recursive and inseparable and it contributed to the "unthink" of traditional legal model of linear view/reductionist allowing that the "certainties" will be replaced by "possibilities", which comes to enable Biolaw to confront the issues caused by the development of biotechnology that violates physically and morally the human person. It is perceived, therefore, that Biolaw is driven and aided by bioethical reflections and it positions itself before the dilemmas caused by biotechnology in creating, interpreting and applying coercive rules which aims to protect the human being, his offspring and society


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de interfaces com o usuário para aplicativo móvel smartphones com intuito de contribuir para a eficiência das atividades de profissionais e pesquisadores da área de fisioterapia ao oferecer suporte ao acompanhamento clínico da dor no tratamento de pacientes fibromiálgicos. Utilizando a abordagem de Design Centrado no Usuário - DCU, foram realizadas entrevistas e uma investigação contextual para a identificação inicial dos problemas e necessidades dos usuários. Verificou-se que as atividades de monitoramento e acompanhamento das sessões do tratamento de pacientes fibromiálgicos são, tradicionalmente, realizadas por meio de manipulando de formulários e fichas em papel (registro das condições de saúde do paciente) e escalas de classificação da dor em formato impresso (apresentadas ao paciente para indicação de sua dor percebida para cada ponto pré-determinado do corpo). Os procedimentos envolvidos nestas atividades dificultam o gerenciamento do desempenho do tratamento, o que, segundo relatos, reflete no comprometimento dos pacientes na adesão e frequência as sessões. A partir da observação e do levantamento das necessidades desses profissionais diante de suas atividades, foi proposto um aplicativo para smartphone com a intenção de minimizar os problemas ocasionados pelo uso das ferramentas convencionais e de prover informações rápidas acerca dos dados coletados. Então, seguindo a abordagem do DCU foi elaborado um modelo conceitual durante a etapa de concepção de soluções, o qual guiou a criação dos protótipos. A avaliação das interfaces do protótipo foi realizada com o envolvimento dos usuários a partir da técnica de avaliação cooperativa. Seus resultados proporcionaram o refinamento das interfaces e o desenvolvimento de uma nova proposta do design das interfaces em protótipo de alta fidelidade, produzido para o ambiente Android. Assim, esse trabalho faz parte do processo de desenvolvimento de um produto de software personalizado com foco na concepção e avaliação das interfaces com o usuário. Por meio da metodologia aplicada, observaram-se indícios os quais sugerem que as interfaces propostas apresentaram-se como um recurso facilitador e capaz de contribuir para eficiência das atividades no acompanhamento do tratamento de pacientes fibromiálgicos


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La recherche discute les interfaces du corps et de la corporéité dans l espace scolaire, dans une perspective freinetienne . Pour cela, un peu de l Histoire de la Pédagogie sera évoquée, en observant quel est l espace destiné au corps et à la corporéité. Pour ce dialogue, la base d une pensée pédagogique de renom a été nécessaire. Le choix s est alors porté sur la pédagogie freinetienne , pédagogie populaire progressiste qui renvoit le sujet à la nécessité de l action. Le dialogue a été établi dans le sens de comprendre le corps dans la Pédagogie Freinet, dans une interface avec l Éducation, ainsi que de la discuter, en prenant pour référence la corporéité comme paradigme éducationnel. Pour cela trois uvres de Freinet ont été fondamentalement utilisées: Essai de Psycologie Sensible; Éducation du Travail et Pour l École du Peuple. Une recherche de nature qualitative a été réalisée. Quant à la méthodologie, l Herméneutique a été choisie, puisque au travers de la recherche et de la réfléxion il a été possible d articuler des concepts qui apportèrent les réponses aux questions de l étude: quelle est la conception de corps que laisse transparaître la Pédagogie Freinet? Quelles sont les interfaces entre les études du corps et de la corporéité dans la contemporanéité avec la Pédagogie Freinet? Comment la Pédagogie Freinet comprend et valorise le corps dans le processus d apprentissage? À la fin de la recherche, il est constaté que le corps est mis en évidence dans la Pédagogie Freinet, un corps qui est considéré dans son histoire et signification. Il est perçut que les études contemporaines sur le corps et la corporéité se rapprochent du discours freinetien , principalement quand les principes de la Libre Expression et du Tâtonnement sont traités dans sa pédagogie, ce qui amène à l interprétation d un corps non comme médiateur de l apprentissage, mais bien un apprentissage qui se fait à partir du propre corps


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This project goes beyond the interfacial field of cinema, History and education. We take as our object the epistemological potential of the cinema at the educational scenario, specifically the use of films integrated to the practices of History teachers and educative processes in which we have taken part as a builder. Our objective is to map, initially, the knowledge around this use to search a synthesis and its empirical application. From the methodological point of view, we have made use of different perspectives: (a) interviews with the educator subjects; (b) observation of their practices and formative circumstances; (c) filmic analysis and the relation of the cinema s epistemology with the other areas ones (initially History and further Journalism). Our analysis allowed us to portrait the film such as an epistemological-troubling category, what makes the cinema rather a builder technology and not simply a complementary and illustrative technological resource. Therefore, we have realized that the restriction to the cinema s educational function is linked to the restrictions to the theoretical categories to an only interfacial aspect: historical film as a film which portraits the past (at the historical field) and film on journalism as a film which approaches a single object of Journalism (at the journalistic field). These discussions happen, consequently, at the arena of the nature of cinema s genres (fiction and documentary), which are understood in a naïve way, simpler than its epistemological possibilities, boosted at this research when we analyze the confluence between fiction and reality. The reflections on educative practices and in formation related to the cinema had occurred in three empirical realities: research with professors in performance, practices docent s and accompaniment of students of history. Have to do with our personal career as a teacher and researcher and, when analyzed other practices, have become, unavoidably, the subject and object of this project


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To think about a school that is for everyone has been a challenge for many people connected to education worldwide demanding from researchers of each level of knowledge an association to such effort. The study presented on this paper unites itself to the voices, movements and researches of these scholars, seeking to contribute on building possibilities on which mathematics can be thought and worked on schools in order for every student to learn, whether they have some sort of deficiency, disorders, syndromes or not. This essay has the goal to investigate the possibilities of inclusive pedagogical practices mediated by math games with rules, developed and used throughout the Universal Design perspective; a qualitative research took place with a collaborative methodology that involved managers, teachers and students from a public school situated on the city of Natal/Brazil. On the investigation math games with rules were developed and made according to the Universal Design concept, starting from initial studies which articulated theoretical groundings to the reality of school and the teacher s conceptions. After that, classes using these tools were planned collectively which oriented inclusive pedagogical practices of classes from the 1st to the 4th year of elementary school. Throughout the process many instruments such as: tape recording, video footages, notes from the researcher; the teachers and the students were used for constant work evaluation and also to record the research data. In the end, the data indicated effective contributions of the mediated pedagogical practices by games with rules under the perspective of Universal Design for Inclusive Mathematics Education


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In the historical-cultural perspective, the drawing is processed by means of a shared and complex way, under diverse relations with the other and with the immersed signs of the culture. That is, something constituted by the social interactions and that can modify the structure of the psychological functions, therefore as socialized sign, propitiates the incorporation of the functions socially. In this way, the figuration carrier sensitive and established meanings historically disclosing the shared experiences and the ways of the subject to think and perceive the world. Such reflections gave shape to the main problem of this research: how to think over about the drawing at the school to incide in the reconstruction of the childs imaginative language? Under such perspective, this work deals with the interactions in the production process of the drawing of the children in a context of teach-Iearning of the elementary school having as goal to analyze the interactions established in the cIassroom in the process of production of the drawings; to propose situations of learnings that favor the advance graphical expression of the students; and to identify in the interactive games some relations between body expression and drawing. For its accomplishment, it was opted for the construction process based in the collaborative investigation by the fact to propitiate negotiations, sharing and confrontation of ideas, becoming possible a joint construction of the knowledge. For this research, the researcher and the collaborating teacher, as well as the involved children, become themselves into co-authors of the context studied. As locus of the research, it was chosen a first cycle class, with 30 students, from Municipal School Profª. Emília Ramos (Natal/RN - Brazil), whose election took in account the fact of this school to constitute in a promotional space of reflections and professional development of teachers in service and, at the same time, for presentinglimitations theoretic- methodological in the field of teaching for Arts. In the process of the research, it was perceived that the children with the support of the verbal language formulates meanings on the seen and imagined object, printing lines and forms that if overlap to the physiological aspects of the visual perception. That is, the drawing discloses a reality appraised, enriched for the picked up vision of the image, but the meanings established for the author, or observer who becomes it perceivable and identified. In the systemizing situations, it was observed that the teaching-Iearning process of the drawing, implies a co-construction between teachers and learners. And, moreover, the necessity to interlace emotion and cognition by means of plastic-corporal interactions that foment drawing experiences, whose process concurs for the imagenative reconstruct of the apprentices


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Este trabalho tem dois objetivos: avaliar a usabilidade de três interfaces de ambientes virtuais de educação à distância através de duas técnicas avaliativas e identificar os fatores influenciadores da percepção de usabilidade dos ambientes avaliados. Os sistemas de educação à distância escolhidos foram o AulaNet, o E-Proinfo e o Teleduc, por serem desenvolvidos no Brasil e terem distribuição gratuita. A avaliação da usabilidade foi realizada através de duas técnicas documentadas na literatura. A primeira técnica de avaliação, do tipo preditiva ou diagnóstica, foi realizada pelo autor e um concluinte do curso de Sistemas de Informação do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do estado do Piauí (CEFET-PI), mediante a observação de um checklist denominado Ergolist. A segunda avaliação, do tipo prospectivo, foi efetivada com o usuário sendo o próprio avaliador das interfaces, através de um questionário. A amostra foi composta de 15 professores e 15 alunos do CEFET-PI. Os resultados colhidos foram analisados a partir da estatística descritiva e testes de chi-quadrado. Os resultados mostraram que os ambientes apresentarem problemas de adaptabilidade, pois não possuem flexibilidade e nem levam em consideração a experiência do usuário. Na análise inferencial, foi constatado que o tempo de uso da Internet não afetou significativamente sua avaliação da usabilidade dos três ambientes, assim como na maior parte das variáveis de usabilidade não foram influenciadas pelo tipo de usuário , sexo e escolaridade . Por outro lado, em vários dos critérios ergonômicos avaliados, as variáveis de sistema tipo de ambiente e experiência com computador e a variável demográfica faixa etária afetaram a percepção de usabilidade dos ambientes virtuais de educação à distância


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This paper analyzes the development of Bobbin Lace and Design workshops, in the neighborhood of Vila de Ponta Negra (in Natal - RN, Brazil), which proposed contents and practices for its learning and teaching that would compose a possible model for a hybrid Workshop of Bobbin Lace and Lace Design. This research was based on Ergonomic Work Analysis, a methodology used by Ergonomics to analyze work in a wide approach, considering cognitive, social, organizational, as well as other aspects which are relevant to the study of the working situation, in terms of learning/teaching, as addressed on this paper. Some steps of the above mentioned methodology were followed in order to understand the activity of Bobbin Lace craftswomen, by means of bibliographical research centered on this activity. The instruments used for collecting data comprise of conversational actions, analysis of collective work, and spontaneous as well as provoked verbalizations. The adaptations performed in the process of learning/teaching Bobbin Lace for the achievement of Bobbin Lace and Design workshops became instrumental for the continuity of that tradition, attracting new apprentices to this art/craft causing to revitalize a network of handicraft economical activities linked to the Bobbin Lace production, such as the making of cushion, bobbins and trestles


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The bobbin lace, a secular art in the process of extinction in the Village Ponta Negra in Natal, Brazil, was one of the main means of income generation for some families in town, but over time, there was growing disaffection of the younger generation to learn and practice this art, due to the high demand of time for production and insufficient and not guaranteed financial return . This project aims to promote the recovery of control over the product in the production of bobbin lace in the village of Ponta Negra, by design and implementation of a workshop for the transfer of drawing techniques in the Production Center of Craft in Village of Ponta Negra. This design was based on the methodology of Ergonomic Work Analysis and in the concepts of anthropotechnology and technology social. The ergonomic analysis, by advocating and enforcing the social and technical building, was essential for the modeling of this workshop, as allowed the construction of a social participative device , with the participation of the community groups and the external group of researchers, in a process of social construction technique. As a result, it was observed that the transfer of technical design of bobbin lace molds came to complement the learning of art office, providing solutions to promote the sustainable development of the group of tenants, in an attempt to reduce the risk of extinction eminent, and also contributed to reactivate a network of economic activities interconnected to the craft, such as the production of cushions, lace and easels