3 resultados para ag ions
em Repositório Digital da UNIVERSIDADE DA MADEIRA - Portugal
Nesta dissertação, apresenta-se o trabalho realizado no decorrer do segundo ano do Mestrado em BioquÃmica Aplicada. Prepararam-se nanopartÃculas metálicas através da redução quÃmica de sais metálicos em solução. Obtiveram-se soluções coloidais monometálicas de Au, Ag e FeOx e bimetálicas de Au/Ag, Ag/Au, FeOx/Au e FeOx/Ag seguindo ou adaptando métodos publicados na literatura. Numa primeira fase foram sintetizadas nanopartÃculas monometálicas de prata e ouro utilizando-se β-D-glucose, borohidreto de sódio e β-ciclodextrina como agente redutor dos iões metálicos. Seguidamente, por co-redução de uma mistura de iões prepararam-se ligas de nanopartÃculas de prata e ouro e por redução sucessiva de Ag e Au sintetizaram-se nanopartÃculas com uma estrutura núcleo-concha. As nanopartÃculas de FeOx foram preparadas por co-precipitação de Fe (III) e Fe (II). O revestimento com ouro foi conseguido através da redução com citrato de sódio e para a deposição de prata utilizou-se o ácido ascórbico. As soluções coloidais preparadas foram caracterizadas através de estudos de espetroscopia do UV-vis, tendo sido registados os máximos de absorvância caracterÃsticos do ouro e da prata e os desvios esperados para o caso das nanopartÃculas núcleo-concha. As análises por dispersão dinâmica de luz permitiram auferir o tamanho das nanopartÃculas, eventual aglomeração e, portanto, permitiram a apreciação da estabilidade dos coloides. Com o intuito de confirmar a formação de estruturas em camada núcleo-concha foi feita a caracterização das amostras por microscopia eletrónica de transmissão e espetroscopia de raios-X de energia dispersiva. Alguns dos espetros obtidos confirmam o sucesso na preparação de uma estrutura em multicamada. Finalmente, demonstrou-se a biocompatibilidade de algumas amostras preparadas através da realização de estudos de citotoxicidade na linha celular fibroblástica NIH 3T3.
One of the main goals in Nanomedicine is to create innovative drug delivery systems (DDS) capable of delivering drugs into a specific location with high efficiency. In the development of DDS, some essential properties are desired, such as biocompatibility and biodegradability. Furthermore, an ideal DDS should be able to deliver a drug in a controlled manner and minimize its side effects. These two objectives are still a challenge for researchers all around the world. Nanogels are an excellent vehicle to use in drug delivery and several other applications due to their biocompatibility. They are polymer-based networks, chemically or physically crosslinked, with at least 80-90% water in their composition. Their properties can be tuned, like the nanogel size, multifunctionality and degradability. Nanogels are capable of carrying in their interior bioactive molecules and deliver them into cells. The main objective of this project was to produce nanogels for the delivery of anticancer drugs with the ability of responding to existent stimuli inside cells (cellresponsiveness nanogels) and/or of controlled drug delivery. The nanogels were mainly based on alginate (AG), a natural biopolymer, and prepared using emulsion approaches. After their synthesis, they were used to encapsulate doxorubicin (Dox) which was chosen as a model drug. In the first part of the experimental work, disulfide-linked AG nanogels were prepared and, as expected, were redox-sensitive to a reducing environment like the intracellular medium. In the second part, AG nanogels crosslinked with both calcium ions and cationic poly(amidoamine) dendrimers were developed with improved sustained drug delivery. The prepared nanogels were characterized in terms of size, chemical composition, morphology, and drug delivery behavior (under redox/pH stimuli). The in vitro cytotoxicity of the nanogels was also tested against CAL-72 cells (an osteosarcoma cell line).
This study determines for the first time Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Sr, Li and Rb contents in wines from the archipelagos of Madeira and Azores (Portugal). The greater part of the mean content for the different parameters fell within the ranges described in the literature, except for sodium whose higher content may be due to the effect of marine spray. ANOVA was used to establish the metals with significant differences in mean content between the wines from both archipelagos, between table and liquor wines of Madeira, and between wines of Pico and Terceira Islands from the Azores archipelago. Principal component analysis shows differences in the wines according to the wine-making process and/or the equipment employed. Stepwise linear discriminant analysis achieves a good classification and validation of wines according to the archipelago of origin, and the island in the case of Azores wines.