4 resultados para WEC deployment
em Repositório Digital da UNIVERSIDADE DA MADEIRA - Portugal
In the last decade mobile wireless communications have witnessed an explosive growth in the user’s penetration rate and their widespread deployment around the globe. It is expected that this tendency will continue to increase with the convergence of fixed Internet wired networks with mobile ones and with the evolution to the full IP architecture paradigm. Therefore mobile wireless communications will be of paramount importance on the development of the information society of the near future. In particular a research topic of particular relevance in telecommunications nowadays is related to the design and implementation of mobile communication systems of 4th generation. 4G networks will be characterized by the support of multiple radio access technologies in a core network fully compliant with the Internet Protocol (all IP paradigm). Such networks will sustain the stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements and the expected high data rates from the type of multimedia applications to be available in the near future. The approach followed in the design and implementation of the mobile wireless networks of current generation (2G and 3G) has been the stratification of the architecture into a communication protocol model composed by a set of layers, in which each one encompasses some set of functionalities. In such protocol layered model, communications is only allowed between adjacent layers and through specific interface service points. This modular concept eases the implementation of new functionalities as the behaviour of each layer in the protocol stack is not affected by the others. However, the fact that lower layers in the protocol stack model do not utilize information available from upper layers, and vice versa, downgrades the performance achieved. This is particularly relevant if multiple antenna systems, in a MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) configuration, are implemented. MIMO schemes introduce another degree of freedom for radio resource allocation: the space domain. Contrary to the time and frequency domains, radio resources mapped into the spatial domain cannot be assumed as completely orthogonal, due to the amount of interference resulting from users transmitting in the same frequency sub-channel and/or time slots but in different spatial beams. Therefore, the availability of information regarding the state of radio resources, from lower to upper layers, is of fundamental importance in the prosecution of the levels of QoS expected from those multimedia applications. In order to match applications requirements and the constraints of the mobile radio channel, in the last few years researches have proposed a new paradigm for the layered architecture for communications: the cross-layer design framework. In a general way, the cross-layer design paradigm refers to a protocol design in which the dependence between protocol layers is actively exploited, by breaking out the stringent rules which restrict the communication only between adjacent layers in the original reference model, and allowing direct interaction among different layers of the stack. An efficient management of the set of available radio resources demand for the implementation of efficient and low complexity packet schedulers which prioritize user’s transmissions according to inputs provided from lower as well as upper layers in the protocol stack, fully compliant with the cross-layer design paradigm. Specifically, efficiently designed packet schedulers for 4G networks should result in the maximization of the capacity available, through the consideration of the limitations imposed by the mobile radio channel and comply with the set of QoS requirements from the application layer. IEEE 802.16e standard, also named as Mobile WiMAX, seems to comply with the specifications of 4G mobile networks. The scalable architecture, low cost implementation and high data throughput, enable efficient data multiplexing and low data latency, which are attributes essential to enable broadband data services. Also, the connection oriented approach of Its medium access layer is fully compliant with the quality of service demands from such applications. Therefore, Mobile WiMAX seems to be a promising 4G mobile wireless networks candidate. In this thesis it is proposed the investigation, design and implementation of packet scheduling algorithms for the efficient management of the set of available radio resources, in time, frequency and spatial domains of the Mobile WiMAX networks. The proposed algorithms combine input metrics from physical layer and QoS requirements from upper layers, according to the crosslayer design paradigm. Proposed schedulers are evaluated by means of system level simulations, conducted in a system level simulation platform implementing the physical and medium access control layers of the IEEE802.16e standard.
As redes de sensores sem fios (WSN- WSN-Wireless Sensor Network) utilizam um grande número de dispositivos sem fios (sensores), que são de baixo custo e equipados com interfaces wireless. Utilizam um conjunto de sensores autónomos que colaboram entre si para efectuar a monitorização das condições ambientais, tais como: temperatura, oxigénio, luz, humidade, pressão, gases poluentes, entre outras. Estas redes podem operar durante largos períodos de tempo, sem intervenção humana, sendo que esse tempo depende do nível de bateria desses nós. De modo a que os gestores de um Museu possam gerir de forma mais adequada as obras de arte e arquivos históricos, surge o projecto WISE-MUSE – Environmental Monitoring based on Wireless Sensor Networks, que permite implementar soluções para a monitorização museológica, com a utilização de redes de sensores sem fios. Actualmente, a colaboração entre o utilizador e a WSN é muito ténue, sendo que apenas existe colaboração entre os nós sensores. De forma a aumentar esta colaboração, e no âmbito do projecto WISE-MUSE surge o CWSN – Collaborative Wireless Sensor Network Model, que define um modelo de colaboração na rede de sensores sem fios, permitindo a utilização de sessões colaborativas para a monitorização da rede. Com o intuito de obter o máximo rendimento da rede, é necessário definir qual o deployment a utilizar. O tipo de deployment de uma WSN é a forma como os nós são distribuídos pela rede. Em zonas longínquas, ou de difícil acesso, os nós são colocados de forma aleatória, por exemplo, caiem de um avião. Nos locais de fácil acesso, podem ser colocados no local exacto. Portanto, este projecto de Mestrado de Engenharia Informática apresenta duas contribuições principais: (i) um estudo de propagação no Museu da Baleia; e; (ii) o WISE-MANager, um sistema de gestão de sessões colaborativas. De forma a definir qual o deployment da rede a instalar no Museu da Baleia, será apresentado um estudo de propagação do sinal empírico, que determinou a melhor posição física dos nós, para que a rede tenha uma boa performance. O sistema WISE-MANager permite a criação, monitorização e gestão de sessões colaborativas numa WSN baseada no protocolo Zigbee. O intuito da utilização de sessões colaborativas é proporcionar uma melhor interacção entre o utilizador e a WSN, visto que o utilizador pode personalizar o tipo de monitorização a efectuar (por nó sensor, por fenómeno ou por intervalo de tempo), e interrogar à rede e aos seus componentes, aumentando assim a flexibilidade da WSN.A gestão de redes de sensores sem fios é muito importante para que o utilizador tenha controlo sobre a mesma ao saber quais os dispositivos da rede, assim como o seu nível de energia. Por tanto, através de WISE-MANager, os gestores do Museu serão capazes de analisar a rede, detectar eventuais problemas e obter parâmetros específicos.
This work aims to study and analyze strategies and measures to improve energy performance in residential and service buildings, in order to minimize energy losses and energy consumption. Due to the high energy dependence of European Union (EU), including Portugal and Slovenia, and high percentage of energy consumption in the building sector, there was a need to adopt strategies at European level with ambitious goals. This came to force EU - Member States to take measures to achieve the proposed targets for energy consumption reduction. To this end, EU - Member States have adapted the laws to their needs and formed specialized agencies and qualified experts on energy certification, which somehow evaluate buildings according to their performance. In this study, the external characteristics of the building in order to meet its thermal needs and from there to survey the existing and possible constructive solutions to be used at the envelope will be examined, in order to increase comfort and reduce the need of use technical means of air conditioning. The possibility of passive heating and ventilation systems also will be discussed. These techniques are developed in parallel with the deployment and design of the building. In this manner, to reduce the energy consumption, various techniques and technologies exploit natural resources. Thus, appear the more sustainable and efficient buildings, so-called Green Buildings have been appeared. The study ends with the identification of measures used in several buildings, proving the economic return in the medium to long term, as well as the satisfaction of their users.
Location aware content-based experiences have a substantial tradition in HCI, several projects over the last two decades have explored the association of digital media to specific locations or objects. However, a large portion of the literature has little focus on the creative side of designing of the experience and on the iterative process of user evaluations. In this thesis we present two iterations in the design and evaluation of a location based story delivery system (LBSDS), inspired by local folklore and oral storytelling in Madeira. We started by testing an already existing location based story platform, PlaceWear, with short multimedia clips that recounted local traditions and folktales, to this experience we called iLand. An initial evaluation of iLand, was conducted; we shadowed users during the experience and then they responded to a questionnaire. By analyzing the evaluation results we uncovered several issues that informed the redesign of the system itself as well as part of the story content. The outcome of this re design was the 7Stories experience. In the new experience we performed the integration of visual markers in the interface and the framing of the fragmented story content through the literary technique of the narrator. This was done aiming to improving the connection of the audience to the physical context where the experience is delivered. The 7Stories experience was evaluated following a similar methodology to the iLand evaluation but the user’s experience resulted considerably different; because of the same setting for the experience in both versions and the constancy of the most of the content across the two versions we were able to assess the specific effect of the new design and discuss its strengths and shortcomings. Although we did not run a formal and strict comparative test between the two evaluations, it is evident from the collected data how the specific design changes to our LBSDS influenced the user experience.