3 resultados para Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide
em Repositório Digital da UNIVERSIDADE DA MADEIRA - Portugal
In Chapter 1, rhodium nanoparticles were supported on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and bound to the magnetic core-shell system Fe3O4@TiO2. The composite Fe3O4@TiO2-Rh-MWCNT and the intermediates were characterized by SEM, EDS and TEM. Their catalytic activity was studied using i) the hydrogenation transfer of nitroarenes and cyclohexene in the presence of hydrazine hydrate; ii) the reduction of 2-nitrophenol with NaBH4; and iii) the decoloration of pigments in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The results were monitored by gas chromatography (i) and UV Visible (ii and iii). In the second chapter, the catalytic activity of six oxidovanadium(V) aroylhydrazone complexes, viz. [VOL1(OEt)][VOL1(OEt)(EtOH)] (1), [VOL2(OEt)] (2), [Et3NH][VO2L1] (3), [VO2(H2L2)]2·EtOH (4), [VOL1(µ -O)VOL1] (5) and [VOL2(µ -O)VOL2] (6) (H2L1 = 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2hydroxybenzohydrazide and H2L2 = 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2 aminobenzohydrazide), anchored on nanodiamonds with different treatments, was studied towards the microwave-assisted partial oxidation of 1-phenylethanol to acetophenone in the presence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) as oxidant. A high selectivity for acetophenone was achieved for the optimized conditions. The possibility of recycling and reuse the heterogeneous catalysts was also investigated. In chapter 3, the catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles supported at different metal oxides, such as Fe2O3, Al2O3 ZnO or TiO2, was studied for the above reaction. The effect of the support, quantity of the catalyst and temperature was investigated. The recyclability of the gold catalysts was also studied. In the last chapter, a new copper nanocomposite with functionalized mutiwalled carbon nanotubes (Cu-MWCNT) was synthesized using a microwave assisted polyol method. The characterization was performed using XRD and SEM. The catalytic activity of Cu-MWCNT was studied through the degradation of pigments, such as amaranth, brilliant blue, indigo, tartrazine and methylene blue.
Com a realização deste trabalho, pretendeu-se traçar o perfil padrão da composição volátil típico de fluidos biológicos (urina) de indivíduos sem patologia oncológica (grupo de controlo) comparando-os com os de pacientes (grupo com patologia oncológica). As amostras de urina de ambos os grupos foram analisadas por microextracção em fase sólida em modo de headspace acoplada à espectrometria de massa (HS-SPME-GC/qMS). Com o intuito de aumentar a eficiência de extracção da SPME, foram optimizados alguns parâmetros com influência no processo extractivo, nomeadamente o tipo de fibra, o tempo e a temperatura de extracção. Assim sendo, foram testadas e comparadas seis fibras comercialmente disponíveis, polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS, 100 m), poliacrilato (PA, 85 m), carboxeno-polidimetilsiloxano (CAR/PDMS, 75 m), carbowax-divinilbenzeno (CW/DVB, 65 m), divinilbenzeno-carboxen-polidimetilsiloxano (DVB/CAR/PDMS, 50/30 m) e polidimetilsiloxano-divinilbenzeno (PDMS/DVB, 65 m). A influência do tempo (30, 45, 60 e 75 min) e temperatura (30, 50 e 60 ºC) de extracção foram optimizados de modo a obter uma melhor eficiência de extracção dos compostos voláteis presentes nas amostras de urina. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a fibra carboxeno-polidimetilsiloxano (CAR/PDMS, 75 m), com uma velocidade de agitação de 800 rpm durante 75 min a uma temperatura de 50 ºC. Para os dois grupos em estudo, foram identificados 80 compostos voláteis pertencentes a diversas famílias químicas, nomeadamente, aldeídos, cetonas, derivados benzénicos, compostos terpénicos, ácidos orgânicos, compostos furânicos, compostos sulfurados, fenóis voláteis, ésteres, álcoois superiores e derivados do naftaleno. Os compostos maioritários pertencentes aos grupos analisados foram a 4-heptanona, a 2-pentanona, a acetona, a 2-butanona, o 1(2- furanil)etanona, o 3-metil-3-fenil-2-propenal, o 3,4-dimetilbenzaldeído, o decanal, o dissulfureto de dimetilo, o metanotiol, o 2-metoxitiofeno, o 4-metil-fenol, o p-tert-butil-fenol, o 2,4-bis(1,1- dimetiletil)fenol, o fenol, o m-cimeno, o p-cimeno, o tolueno, o 1-etil-3,5-diisopropilbenzeno, o 2,6-dimetil-7-octen-2-ol, a D-carvona, o vitispirano I e o vitispirano II. O teste One-Way ANOVA foi aplicado aos resultados com o intuito de verificar se existiam diferenças significativas entre os grupos avaliados (Controlo e Oncológico), sendo o dissulfureto de dimetilo, o 2-metoxitiofeno, e o p-cimeno estatisticamente significativos. A aplicação da análise multivariável às amostras de urina das diferentes patologias permitiu diferenciá-las no qual se obteve 81,02% da variância total.A aplicação da análise multivariável às amostras de urina das diferentes patologias permitiu diferenciá-las no qual se obteve 81,02% da variância total. A patologia de Hodgkin é influenciada pelas variáveis heptanal e o 2-metil-3-fenil-2-propenal. O Controlo é afectado essencialmente pelas variáveis p-cimeno, 1,4,5-trimetilnaftaleno e o dissulfureto de dimetilo. O Cólon é influenciado pelo 4-metilfenol, anisole e 1,2-dihidro-1,1,6-trimetil-naftaleno. O 1-octanol e a 3-heptanona influenciam, essencialmente as patologias da Mama e Leucemia.
The analysis of volatile compounds in Funchal, Madeira, Mateus and Perry Vidal cultivars of Annona cherimola Mill. (cherimoya) was carried out by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC–qMSD). HS-SPME technique was optimized in terms of fibre selection, extraction time, extraction temperature and sample amount to reach the best extraction efficiency. The best result was obtained with 2 g of sample, using a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS) fibre for 30 min at 30 °C under constant magnetic stirring (800 rpm). After optimization of the extraction methodology, all the cherimoya samples were analysed with the best conditions that allowed to identify about 60 volatile compounds. The major compounds identified in the four cherimoya cultivars were methyl butanoate, butyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl butanoate, 3-methylbutyl 3-methylbutanoate and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural. These compounds represent 69.08 ± 5.22%, 56.56 ± 15.36%, 56.69 ± 9.28% and 71.82 ± 1.29% of the total volatiles for Funchal, Madeira, Mateus and Perry Vidal cultivars, respectively. This study showed that each cherimoya cultivars have 40 common compounds, corresponding to different chemical families, namely terpenes, esters, alcohols, fatty acids and carbonyl compounds and using PCA, the volatile composition in terms of average peak areas, provided a suitable tool to differentiate among the cherimoya cultivars.