3 resultados para Peruvian poetry

em Repositório Digital da UNIVERSIDADE DA MADEIRA - Portugal


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Children fromdevelopedanddevelopingcountriesdifferintheirbodysizeandshapedueto markeddifferencesacrosstheirlifehistorycausedbysocial,economicandculturaldifferenceswhicharealsolinkedtotheirmotorperformance(MP).Weusedallometricmodelsto identifysize/shapecharacteristicsassociatedwithMPtestsbetweenBrazilianandPeruvianschoolchildren.Atotalof4,560subjects,2,385girlsand2,175boysaged9–15years werestudied.Heightandweightweremeasured;biological maturation wasestimated with thematurityoffsettechnique;MPmeasuresincludedthe12minuterun(12MR),handgrip strength(HG),standinglongjump(SLJ)andtheshuttlerunspeed(SR)tests;physicalactivity(PA)wasassessedusingtheBaeckequestionnaire.Amultiplicativeallometricmodel wasadoptedtoadjustforbodysizedifferencesacrosscountries.Reciprocalponderalindex (RPI)wasfoundtobethemostsuitablebodyshapeindicatorassociatedwiththe12MR, SLJ,HGandSRperformance.Apositivematurationoffset parameterwasalsoassociated withabetterperformanceinSLJ,HGandSRtests.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests.BrazilianyouthshowedbetterscoresinMPthantheirPeruvianpeers,evenwhen controlling fortheirbodysizedifferencesThecurrentstudyidentifiedthekeybodysize associatedwithfourbodymass-dependentMPtests.Biological maturationandPAwere associatedwithstrengthandmotorperformance.Sexdifferenceswerefoundinallmotor tests,aswellasacrosscountriesfavoringBrazilianchildrenevenwhenaccountingfortheir bodysize/shapedifferences.


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This study aimed to provide height, body mass, BMI and waist circumference (WC) growth centile charts for school-children, aged 4–17 years, from central Peru, and to compare Peruvian data with North-American and Argentinean references. The sample consisted of 8753 children and adolescents (4130 boys and 4623 girls) aged 4 to 17 years, from four Peruvian cities: Barranco, La Merced, San Ramón and Junín. Height, body mass and WC were measured according to standardized techniques. Centile curves for height, body mass, BMI and WC were obtained separately for boys and girls using the LMS method. Student t-tests were used to compare mean values. Overall boys have higher median heights than girls, and the 50th percentile for body mass increases curvilinearly from 4 years of age onwards. In boys, the BMI and WC 50th percentiles increase linearly and in girls, the increase presents a curvilinear pattern. Peruvian children are shorter, lighter and have higher BMI than their counterparts in the U.S. and Argentina; in contrast, age and sex-specific WC values are lower. Height, body mass and WC of Peruvian children increased with age and variability was higher at older ages. The growth patterns for height, body mass, BMI and WC among Peruvian children were similar to those observed in North-American and Argentinean peers.


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he aims of this cross-sectional study were to examine the developmental characteristics (biological maturation and body size) associated with gross motor coordination problems in 5193 Peruvian children (2787 girls) aged 6–14 years from different geographical locations, and to investigate how the probability that children suffer with gross motor coordination problems varies with physical fitness. Children with gross motor coordination problems were more likely to have lower flexibility and explosive strength levels, having adjusted for age, sex, maturation and study site. Older children were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems, as were those with greater body mass index. However, more mature children were less likely to have gross motor coordination problems, although children who live at sea level or at high altitude were more likely to suffer from gross motor coordination problems than children living in the jungle. Our results provide evidence that children and adolescents with lower physical fitness are more likely to have gross motor coordination difficulties. The identification of youths with gross motor coordination problems and providing them with effective intervention programs is an important priority in order to overcome such developmental problems, and help to improve their general health status.