19 resultados para Aveiro

em Repositório Digital da UNIVERSIDADE DA MADEIRA - Portugal


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O presente trabalho analisa soluções de controlo não-linear baseadas em Redes Neuronais e apresenta a sua aplicação a um caso prático, desde o algoritmo de treino até à implementação física em hardware. O estudo inicial do estado da arte da utilização das Redes Neuronais para o controlo leva à proposta de soluções iterativas para a definição da arquitectura das mesmas e para o estudo das técnicas de Regularização e Paragem de Treino Antecipada, através dos Algoritmos Genéticos e à proposta de uma forma de validação dos modelos obtidos. Ao longo da tese são utilizadas quatro malhas para o controlo baseado em modelos, uma das quais uma contribuição original, e é implementado um processo de identificação on-line, tendo por base o algoritmo de treino Levenberg-Marquardt e a técnica de Paragem de Treino Antecipada que permite o controlo de um sistema, sem necessidade de recorrer ao conhecimento prévio das suas características. O trabalho é finalizado com um estudo do hardware comercial disponível para a implementação de Redes Neuronais e com o desenvolvimento de uma solução de hardware utilizando uma FPGA. De referir que o trabalho prático de teste das soluções apresentadas é realizado com dados reais provenientes de um forno eléctrico de escala reduzida.


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A liderança é um conceito que tem sido alvo de várias interpretações e definições no último século. O líder, em geral, tem sido visto como alguém que possui determinadas características inatas ou adquiridas, alguém que se adapta às circunstâncias e ao contexto em que a organização se insere e alguém que gere conflitos e exerce influência em ambientes ambíguos, complexos e incertos. O professor enquanto gestor/líder escolar pode assumir diferentes estilos/comportamentos na liderança da sua organização escolar: transformacional, transaccional e “laisser-faire”. Os principais «constructos» de liderança – transformacional, transaccional e passiva – formam um novo paradigma, teoria full range (Brass e Avolio, 2004) para a compreensão dos efeitos do estilo de liderança. A análise do impacto que alguns indivíduos têm sobre as suas organizações tem despertado um interesse crescente. Esses indivíduos podem ser chamados líderes carismáticos (Weber, 1968) ou transformacionais (Bass, 1985; 1990) que são líderes que, através de sua visão pessoal e de sua energia, inspiram os seguidores e têm um impacto significativo em suas organizações. Nas suas investigações sobre o conceito de liderança, Bernard Bass (1985) e Avolio (1999) comparam dois tipos de comportamento de liderança: transaccional e transformacional. Os líderes transaccionais determinam o que os subordinados precisam para realizar seus próprios objectivos e os objectivos da organização. Em contraste, os líderes transformacionais “motivam-nos a fazer mais do que originalmente esperávamos realizar” (Bass 1985, p. 28) elevando nosso sentimento da importância e do valor de nossas tarefas, “fazendo-nos transcender nossos interesses pessoais em nome da equipa, da organização ou de uma política mais ampla” (Bass,1985, p. 29) e elevando nosso nível de necessidade para as necessidades mais altas,como a auto-realização. Este estudo de investigação tem por fim determinar o modo como os docentes percepcionam a liderança das suas organizações escolares: transformacional, transaccional ou “laisser-faire”. Foi utilizado como instrumento de recolha de dados o Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) desenvolvido por Bass e Avolio (2004) o qual determina/identifica os estilos de liderança através da avaliação dos comportamentos do líder percepcionados pelos seus liderados. O MLQ foi aplicado a uma amostra de 97 escolas na Região Autónoma da Madeira nos meses de Janeiro, Fevereiro e Março de 2008.


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O propósito deste estudo foi estudar as percepções de sucesso que os professores da RAM têm em relação ao sucesso dos alunos, e analisar estas percepções tanto a nível das medidas de combate ao abandono escolar, como ao nível dos factores de sucesso escolar. Procurou-se também averiguar a associação dessas mesmas percepções em relação aos dados biográficos (género, grau académico, experiência profissional, nível de ensino, idade). A amostra foi constituída por 1056 professores, 340 do sexo masculino e 710 do sexo feminino (os restantes 6 foram omissos). As medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar e os factores e causas de sucesso foram determinadas através de um questionário que apresenta garantias de objectividade, validade e fidelidade. O tratamento estatístico incluiu uma análise descritiva e uma análise inferencial através do Teste do qui-quadrado, de forma a se encontrarem associações significativas entre as variáveis em estudo e a poder explicar a natureza dessas relações. Algumas das principais conclusões obtidas nesta pesquisa foram: 1) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar, relacionadas com a família/encarregados de educação; 2) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar relacionadas com os próprios professores; 3) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre medidas para combater ou diminuir o abandono escolar relacionadas com a estrutura, organização escolar e o meio envolvente; 4) possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar, relacionados com os alunos; 5) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar relacionados com a família/encarregados de educação; 6) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar relacionados com os professores; 7) É possível identificar variáveis que influenciam significativamente as percepções dos professores sobre factores ou causas de sucesso escolar relacionados com a estrutura/organização escolar e o contexto envolvente.


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A key to maintain Enterprises competitiveness is the ability to describe, standardize, and adapt the way it reacts to certain types of business events, and how it interacts with suppliers, partners, competitors, and customers. In this context the field of organization modeling has emerged with the aim to create models that help to create a state of self-awareness in the organization. This project's context is the use of Semantic Web in the Organizational modeling area. The Semantic Web technology advantages can be used to improve the way of modeling organizations. This was accomplished using a Semantic wiki to model organizations. Our research and implementation had two main purposes: formalization of textual content in semantic wiki pages; and automatic generation of diagrams from organization data stored in the semantic wiki pages.


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In a world where organizations are ever more complex the need for the knowledge of the organizational self is a growing necessity. The DEMO methodology sets a goal in achieving the specification of the organizational self capturing the essence of the organization in way independent of its implementation and also coherent, consistent, complete, modular and objective. But having such organization self notion is of little meaning if this notion is not shared by the organization actors. To achieve this goal in a society that has grown attached to technology and where time is of utmost importance, using a tool such as a semantic Wikipedia may be the perfect way of making the information accessible. However, to establish DEMO methodology in such platform there is a need to create bridges between its modeling components and semantic Wikipedia. It’s in that aspect that our thesis focuses, trying to establish and implement, using a study case, the principles of a way of transforming the DEMO methodology diagrams in comprehensive pages on semantic Wikipedia but keeping them as abstract as possible to allow expansibility and generalization to all diagrams without losing any valuable information so that, if that is the wish, those diagrams may be recreated from the semantic pages and make this process a full cycle.


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O sector da construção é um dos sectores com maior taxa de sinistralidade em Portugal. Continua a ser um dos sectores que apresenta maiores taxas de acidentes no trabalho. Os trabalhadores da construção estão sujeitos a enfrentar vários perigos e riscos, aos quais devem ser aplicadas medidas de prevenção para tentar eliminá-los ou minimizá-los. Este trabalho tem por objectivo estudar a segurança em estaleiros, os vários riscos e perigos a que os trabalhadores estão permanentemente sujeitos em obra e abordar a legislação que regulamenta a segurança. Dada a orografia da ilha, foi escolhido como caso prático o estudo das medidas preventivas em estaleiros situados em zonas sujeitas a riscos naturais na Ilha da Madeira. Sendo muitas vezes a solução adequada, os estaleiros implantados em zonas de risco podem sofrer danos irreparáveis e trazer perigos adicionais toda a população envolvente.


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As the world evolves, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and the need to understand that complexity is increasing as well. With this demand, arises organizational engineering, which is a subject that emerged with the purpose to make organizations easier to understand, by putting in practice the concept of organizational self-awareness, which means that that the collaborators who are part of an organization, need to understand it and know what their role in it is. The DEMO methodology (Design Engineering Methodology for Organizations), came up with the purpose of representing these organizations’ self-awareness, through the definition and creation of consistent and coherent diagrams. Semantic wikis have features that can help in enterprise modelling. UEAOM (Universal Enterprise Adaptive Organization Model) is a model that allows the specification and dynamic evolution of languages, meta-models, models, and their representations as diagrams and tables. In this project, it was implemented a system based on UEAOM, and Semantic Media Wiki which allows a graphical creation and edition of diagrams. UEAOM can be divided into the meta-modeling level where a language is defined, and the modelling level where instances of classes of that language are created. The system we developed focuses on the modeling level, but will takes as a basis the project that focuses on meta-modeling. The DEMO language was used as an example for the implementation and tests of a graphical editor, based in web technologies and SVG, integrated with SemanticMediaWiki to allow an intuitive, coherent and consistent navigation and editing of organization diagrams.


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Nowadays, more than half of the computer development projects fail to meet the final users' expectations. One of the main causes is insufficient knowledge about the organization of the enterprise to be supported by the respective information system. The DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) has been proved as a well-defined method to specify, through models and diagrams, the essence of any organization at a high level of abstraction. However, this methodology is platform implementation independent, lacking the possibility of saving and propagating possible changes from the organization models to the implemented software, in a runtime environment. The Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model (UEAOM) is a conceptual schema being used as a basis for a wiki system, to allow the modeling of any organization, independent of its implementation, as well as the previously mentioned change propagation in a runtime environment. Based on DEMO and UEAOM, this project aims to develop efficient and standardized methods, to enable an automatic conversion of DEMO Ontological Models, based on UEAOM specification into BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) models of processes, using clear semantics, without ambiguities, in order to facilitate the creation of processes, almost ready for being executed on workflow systems that support BPMN.


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Develop software is still a risky business. After 60 years of experience, this community is still not able to consistently build Information Systems (IS) for organizations with predictable quality, within previously agreed budget and time constraints. Although software is changeable we are still unable to cope with the amount and complexity of change that organizations demand for their IS. To improve results, developers followed two alternatives: Frameworks that increase productivity but constrain the flexibility of possible solutions; Agile ways of developing software that keep flexibility with less upfront commitments. With strict frameworks, specific hacks have to be put in place to get around the framework construction options. In time this leads to inconsistent architectures that are harder to maintain due to incomplete documentation and human resources turnover. The main goals of this work is to create a new way to develop flexible IS for organizations, using web technologies, in a faster, better and cheaper way that is more suited to handle organizational change. To do so we propose an adaptive object model that uses a new ontology for data and action with strict normalizing rules. These rules should bound the effects of changes that can be better tested and therefore corrected. Interfaces are built with templates of resources that can be reused and extended in a flexible way. The “state of the world” for each IS is determined by all production and coordination acts that agents performed over time, even those performed by external systems. When bugs are found during maintenance, their past cascading effects can be checked through simulation, re-running the log of transaction acts over time and checking results with previous records. This work implements a prototype with part of the proposed system in order to have a preliminary assessment its feasibility and limitations.


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The domain of Knowledge Discovery (KD) and Data Mining (DM) is of growing importance in a time where more and more data is produced and knowledge is one of the most precious assets. Having explored both the existing underlying theory, the results of the ongoing research in academia and the industry practices in the domain of KD and DM, we have found that this is a domain that still lacks some systematization. We also found that this systematization exists to a greater degree in the Software Engineering and Requirements Engineering domains, probably due to being more mature areas. We believe that it is possible to improve and facilitate the participation of enterprise stakeholders in the requirements engineering for KD projects by systematizing requirements engineering process for such projects. This will, in turn, result in more projects that end successfully, that is, with satisfied stakeholders, including in terms of time and budget constraints. With this in mind and based on all information found in the state-of-the art, we propose SysPRE - Systematized Process for Requirements Engineering in KD projects. We begin by proposing an encompassing generic description of the KD process, where the main focus is on the Requirements Engineering activities. This description is then used as a base for the application of the Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO) so that we can specify a formal ontology for this process. The resulting SysPRE ontology can serve as a base that can be used not only to make enterprises become aware of their own KD process and requirements engineering process in the KD projects, but also to improve such processes in reality, namely in terms of success rate.


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Organizations are Complex systems. A conceptual model of the enterprise is needed that is: coherent the distinguished aspect models constitute a logical and truly integral comprehensive all relevant issues are covered consistent the aspect models are free from contradictions or irregularities concise no superfluous matters are contained in it essential it shows only the essence of the enterprise, i.e., the model abstracts from all realization and implementation issues. The world is in great need for transparency about the operation of all the systems we daily work with, ranging from the domestic appliances to the big societal institutions. In this context the field of enterprise ontology has emerged with the aim to create models that help to understand the essence of the construction and operation of complete systems; more specifically, of enterprises. Enterprise ontology arises in the way to look through the distracting and confusing appearance of an enterprise right into its deep kernel. This, from the perspective of the system designer gives him the tools needed to design a successful system in a way that’s reflects the desires and needs of the workers of the enterprise. This project’s context is the use of DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) for (re)designing or (re)engineering of an enterprise, namely a process of the construction department of a city hall, the lack of a well-founded theory about the construction and operation of this processes that was the motivation behind this work. The purpose of studying applying the DEMO theory and method was to optimize the process, automating it as much as possible, while reducing paper and time spent between tasks and provide a better service to the citizens.


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All over the world, organizations are becoming more and more complex, and there’s a need to capture its complexity, so this is when the DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations), created and developed by Jan L. G. Dietz, reaches its potential, which is to capture the structure of business processes in a coherent and consistent form of diagrams with their respective grammatical rules. The creation of WAMM (Wiki Aided Meta Modeling) platform was the main focus of this thesis, and had like principal precursor the idea to create a Meta-Editor that supports semantic data and uses MediaWiki. This prototype Meta-Editor uses MediaWiki as a receptor of data, and uses the ideas created in the Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model and the concept of Semantic Web, to create a platform that suits our needs, through Semantic MediaWiki, which helps the computer interconnect information and people in a more comprehensive, giving meaning to the content of the pages. The proposed Meta-Modeling platform allows the specification of the abstract syntax i.e., the grammar, and concrete syntax, e.g., symbols and connectors, of any language, as well as their model types and diagram types. We use the DEMO language as a proofof-concept and example. All such specifications are done in a coherent and formal way by the creation of semantic wiki pages and semantic properties connecting them.


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Bacterial cellulose/polymethacrylate nanocomposites have received attention in numerous areas of study and in a variety of applications. The attractive properties of methacrylate polymers and bacterial cellulose, BC, allow the synthesis of new nanocomposites with distinct characteristics. In this study, BC/poly(glycidylmethacrylate) (BC/PGMA) and BC/poly(ethyleneglycol)methacrylate (BC/PPEGMA) nanocomposites were prepared through in situ free radical polymerization of GMA and PEGMA, respectively. Ammonium persulphate (APS) was used as an initiator and N,N’methylenebisacrilamide (MBA) was used as a crosslinker in BC/PGMA. Chemical composition, morphology, thermal stability, water absorption, mechanic and surface properties were determined through specific characterization techniques. The optimal polymerization was obtained at (1:2) for BC/PGMA, (1:2:0.2) ratio for BC/GMA/MBA and (1:20) for BC/PPEGMA, with 0.5% of initiator at 60 ºC during 6 h. A maximum of 67% and 87% of incorporation percentage was obtained, respectively, for the nanocomposites BC/PGMA/MBA and BC/PPEGMA. BC/PGMA nanocomposites exhibited an increase of roughness and compactation of the three-dimensional structure, an improvement in the thermal and mechanical properties, and a decrease in their swelling ability and crystallinity. On the other hand, BC/PPEGMA showed a decrease of stiffness of three-dimensional structure, improvement in thermal and mechanical properties, an increase in their swelling ability and a decrease the crystallinity. Both BC/polymethacrylate nanocomposites exhibited a basic surface character. The acid treatment showed to be a suitable strategy to modifiy BC/PGMA nanocomposites through epoxide ring-opening reaction mechanism. Nanocomposites became more compact, smooth and with more water retention ability. A decrease in the thermal and mechanical proprieties was observed. The new nanocomposites acquired properties useful to biomedical applications or/and removal of heavy metals due to the presence of functional groups.