6 resultados para worked example videos

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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The present study is focused on the analysis of the three main governmental measures occurred in 2000-2006 in Russian defense industry: the creation of the holding structures, the establishing of the state monopoly in arms export, and creation of the United Aviation Construction Corporation (Ob¿edinennaya Aviastroitel¿naya Corporatziya), which was initiated by the President and Government of Russian Federation in 2006. The last project assumes the consolidation and joining of all producers of civil and military aviation into one united corporation in order to save the technological and productive potential of the sector after serious crisis in 1990-s. On the other hand, this project can be considered as one of the measures to establish state control and hierarchy in the defense industry. The current project tries to analyze the necessity and the possible impacts of restructuring processes. In order to perform such analysis, I need to observe the evolution of the sector, which involves the description of the restructuring and reforming of the industry since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The current situation in aviation sector was shaped by number of reforms performed by Government of Russian Federation, which I describe in phases: conversion, privatization, decentralization, followed by evident desire of the state to establish control over some companies. Later on, I am trying to understand the reasons lying behind all reforms of 2000-2006 and the integration of the industry. I also try to predict which impacts on the companies it will have. The last part presents the main conclusions of the paper.


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The purpose of this study is to define measures to increase customer satisfaction and company competitiveness using a remote monitoring technology, in an exploratory study of Alpha Elevator Company (nick name chosen to the company by the actor of the dissertation). Regarding the competitive market, the service industry is striving to achieve productivity, following the example of the manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, these efforts are limited by the amount of hours worked per week, month or year, since the sector charges its services based on the hours spent working on the equipment of the client or based on the numbers of visits. This study is based in the overcoming of the traditional paradigm of selling number of hours by a system of selling results and performance. Employing a remote monitoring system, the elevators under the company service are monitored continually and defects are detected and transmitted to the customer care center, via phone line. The customers can access this data through the Internet and obtain information like availability rate of their elevators and call back response time rate, besides being able to buy products on the company¿s home page and to send feedback. The results were obtained by participating in conferences among experts of the company, in Japan and the United States. Through the analysis of the business environment and based on the bibliographic reference, a strategy was developed to implement e-service as a competitive differentiation.


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"Se tornar viral" é visto pelos comerciantes como o novo Graal para alcançar grandes comunidades online. Neste contexto viral, vídeos têm um papel especial dada a forte capacidade deles de se espalhar exponencialmente pela internet através do compartilhamento social. Cada ano se vê a quebra de novos recordes através deste tipo de viralidade. Em março de 2012, o vídeo "Kony 2012" envolvendo a ação unida contra o líder de milícia Africano epônimo, atingiu mais de 34 milhões de visualizações em seu primeiro dia de lançamento. Em dezembro de 2012, o vídeo-clipe da música "Gangnam Style" tornou-se o primeiro vídeo do YouTube a alcançar mais de um bilhão de visualizações, totalizando mais de 1,4 bilhões de visualizações em março de 2013. Tais ilustrações mostram claramente a nova escala que a internet deu ao fenômeno do boca-a-boca. Os comerciantes entenderam o potencial fantástico dos vídeos virais e tentaram aproveitar o fenômeno de modo a reproduzi-lo para fins comerciais. Esta pesquisa oferece para os acadêmicos e os profissionais de marketing uma análise dos determinantes do compartilhamento de vídeos comerciais online. Mais especificamente, o foco da dissertação foi definido sobre o papel das emoções no compartilhamento, para identificar quais delas levam e como levam à partilha de vídeos comerciais online. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir de dois métodos científicos: uma pesquisa e uma análise de texto sobre a atribuição de emoções para comentários dos vídeos mais compartilhados do YouTube. A pesquisa confirma, com novos métodos, hipóteses previamente testadas e validadas por acadêmicos. Ela mostra que a positividade e a força das emoções são determinantes de compartilhamento maiores do que a negatividade e a fraqueza (Lindgreen and Vanhamme, 2005; Dobele et al., 2007). A dissertação também argumenta que o conteúdo do vídeo, bem como o contexto são determinantes significativos de compartilhamento de vídeo (Laskey et al., 1989; Taylor, 1999). Além de validar teorias existentes, a pesquisa trouxe novos conceitos para a discussão, especialmente o papel da dimensão força / fraqueza de emoções para analisar o fenômeno viral, e a importância de uma clara "chamada à ação" incluída no vídeo para aumentar a sua partilha. Estes novos conceitos enriquecem a literatura do tema – que evolui muito rapidamente – e preparam o caminho para futuras pesquisas.


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The Brazilian start-up Local Wander plans to enter the tourism sector with a mobile application aiming to enable a new form of travel research. A web-based survey has been sent out to the start-up’s target audience (n: 236) in order to gain further relevant information for the designing of Local Wander’s market entry strategy. By applying the diffusion of innovation theory, this thesis could detect five different adopter categories, originally described by Rogers (1962), among Local Wander’s target audience based on their adoption intention. The Early Market was observed to be significantly bigger than the theory predicted. Research revealed four characteristics to be of significant impact on the adoption intention: Relative Perceived Product Advantage, Perceived Product Complexity, Compatibility with digital travel research sources, and the adopter’s Innovativeness towards mobile applications. Specific characteristics in order to identify Local Wander’s early users, the so called Innovators, were detected giving indications for further necessary company market research. Findings showed that the diffusion of innovation framework is a helpful tool for start-ups’ prospective decision making and market entry strategy planning.


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This thesis was written as part of a Double-Degree Masters program in Management, with focus in Marketing. Aligned with the nature of the degree, this study aims to be a useful tool for managers and marketers, which conduct business online. This thesis is a study of Content Marketing in the content of online commercial product pages. Its aim is to understand how to use content marketing to drive conversion, by understanding consumer attitudes and purchase intention towards content. A in-depth study of existing theories and exploratory primary research was developed in other to attain these objectives. Business-to-consumer electronic commerce (B2C e-commerce) has provided consumers and online retailers with a more effective medium to perform online transactions through commercial websites. Although consumers have realized that the benefits of online shopping; such as time saving, minimizing effort, convenience, broader selection, and wider access to information, they are still greatly unwilling to shop online. Consumers shop essentially for two motives, to meet experiential (fun) or goal-oriented (efficiency) needs (Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2001). The information provided by content marketing seeks to focus on consumers need for information and entertainment, instead of focusing on the brand. Thus, it is expected that the type of content format will have different effects on the attitudes and purchase intention on the online shopper, depending on the online shopping purpose. Concretely, a goal-oriented shopper should find user generated content (UGC) to be more valuable content formats, since they decrease the amount of search effort. While on the other hand, videos & tutorials (VT) might be perceived as more valuable for a consumer looking to spend time and being entertained through online shopping. The exploratory research was characterized by a survey experiment with online consumers. Participants were exposed to stimuli of content marketing tested according to their attitudes and purchase intention. The focus was to understand the impact of two different content marketing tactics—User-generated content and Videos & Tutorials—on attitudes and purchase intentions and how they interact with content complexity. The results indicate that content marketing in commercial product pages is relevant in driving consumer attitudes and purchase intentions. Consumers are not motivated by a specific content marketing tactic, unless that content has a certain level of complexity. In that case, Ur-Generated Content becomes a relevant tactic in product pages, however VT is not.