12 resultados para the lies

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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The initial endogenous growth models emphasized the importance of externaI effects in explaining sustainable growth across time. Empirically, this hypothesis can be confirmed if the coefficient of physical capital per hour is unity in the aggregate production function. Although cross-section results concur with theory, previous estimates using time series data rejected this hypothesis, showing a small coefficient far from unity. It seems that the problem lies not with the theory but with the techniques employed, which are unable to capture low frequency movements in high frequency data. This paper uses cointegration - a technique designed to capture the existence of long-run relationships in multivariate time series - to test the externalities hypothesis of endogenous growth. The results confirm the theory' and conform to previous cross-section estimates. We show that there is long-run proportionality between output per hour and a measure of capital per hour. U sing this result, we confmn the hypothesis that the implied Solow residual can be explained by government expenditures on infra-structure, which suggests a supply side role for government affecting productivity and a decrease on the extent that the Solow residual explains the variation of output.


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This article describes some of the current transformations regarding the processes by which information and culture are generated, from the point of view of developing countries. In this brief analysis, the article discusses the role of projects such as Creative Commons for developing countries. It also discusses the idea of legal commons and social commons. While the idea of legal commons can be understood as the voluntary use of licenses such as Creative Commons in order to create a “commons”, the idea of social commons has to do with the tensions between legality and illegality in developing countries. These tensions appear prominently in the so-called global “peripheries”, and in many instances make the legal structure of intellectual property irrelevant, unfamiliar, or unenforceable, for various reasons. With the emergence of digital technology and the Internet, in many places and regions in developing countries (especially in the “peripheries”), technology ended up arriving earlier than the idea of intellectual property. Such a de facto situation propitiated the emergence of cultural industries that were not driven by intellectual property incentives. In these cultural businesses, the idea of “sharing” and of free dissemination of the content is intrinsic to the social circumstances taking place in these peripheries. Also, the appropriation of technology on the part of the “peripheries” ends up promoting autonomous forms of bridging the digital divide, such as the “LAN house” phenomenon discussed below. This paper proposes that many lessons can be learned from the business models emerging from social commons practices in developing countries. The tension between legality and illegality in “peripheral” areas in developing countries is not new. The work of Boaventura de Sousa Santos and others in the 1970s was paradigmatic for the discussion of legal pluralism regarding the occupation of land in Brazil. This paper aims to follow in that same pioneer tradition of studies about legal pluralism, and to apply those principles to the discussion of “intellectual property” rather than the ownership of land.


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The research contemplates the dilemma faced by small rural communities producers¿ in north-eastern Brazil maintaining last longing relationships. Due to difficult social conditions in distant regions, small producers utilize practices of commercial exclusivity to obtain sustainability. In the Lago do Junco community case, located in the state of Maranhão, the babaçu oil exports¿, the social environmental appeal guarantee the cluster participants sustainability and the representation of women in society. But social problems related to the lack of formal education e the absence of relationship with local aid organizations causes the non compliance with market demands, leading the cluster to a non-innovative trap. In the honey community case in Simplício Mendes, located in the state of Piauí, the closest relationship with the external aid agents increased the conversion of market demands in reality. The analysis reveal possibilities on obtaining economic sustainability for small producers thru the conscientious utilization of nature resources guaranteeing the harmony between the environmental preservation and the development of both activities, apiculture in Piauí and babaçu oil processing in Maranhão.


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The aim o f this study is looking for the characteristics that allowed the prisoners o f nazi concentrating camps to survive extremely _stressing situations during the Second World War, and verify if these characteristics can be observed and developed in the Human Resources o f the Organizations unde:r stress o f competition and globalization. Resilience is the capacity individuais have to bounce back after stressing situations, as those ones represented by the nazi Concentration Camps. The nimbieness and heartiness that resilient peopie show in the face of adversity result an eiasticity that allows them to remain relativeiy calm in unpredictabie environments; they can spring back repeatediy after being subjected to the stresses of change. The characteristics of survivors were · based on the anaiysis o f the books o f some prisoners-writers. It was possible to find that characteristics as self-esteem, self-controi, autonomy, faith, ' . . self-belief, meaning o f life, importance o f the reiationship among others are irn:portaht to determinate.the resilience o f the individuais.


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This paper develops a framework to test whether discrete-valued irregularly-spaced financial transactions data follow a subordinated Markov process. For that purpose, we consider a specific optional sampling in which a continuous-time Markov process is observed only when it crosses some discrete level. This framework is convenient for it accommodates not only the irregular spacing of transactions data, but also price discreteness. Further, it turns out that, under such an observation rule, the current price duration is independent of previous price durations given the current price realization. A simple nonparametric test then follows by examining whether this conditional independence property holds. Finally, we investigate whether or not bid-ask spreads follow Markov processes using transactions data from the New York Stock Exchange. The motivation lies on the fact that asymmetric information models of market microstructures predict that the Markov property does not hold for the bid-ask spread. The results are mixed in the sense that the Markov assumption is rejected for three out of the five stocks we have analyzed.


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Esta dissertação trata daqueles que são considerados os principais compêndios didáticos de História do Brasil do século XIX. A construção do Estado Imperial provocou significativas mudanças nas vidas de muitos componentes da "boa sociedade", dentre eles os próprios dirigentes imperiais. Uma destas vidas foi a de Joaquim Manuel de Macedo - professor do principal colégio do Império, autor dos mais importantes compêndios de História do Brasil do século XIX e divulgador de um método de ensino adotado por inúmeras gerações de professores. Lições de História do Brasil para uso dos alunos do Imperial Colégio de Pedro 11 e Lições de História do Brasil para uso das escolas de Instrução Primária - obras de perfil conservador, elas fixaram para sucessivas gerações de "boa sociedade" imperial conteúdos, métodos, valores e imagens de uma História do Brasil que cumpria o papel de não apenas legitimar a ordem imperial, mas também e sobretudo de pôr em destaque o lugar do Império do Brasil no conjunto das "Nações Civilizadas" e o lugar da "boa sociedade" no conjunto da sociedade imperial, permitindo, assim, a construção de uma identidade.


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Este artigo analisa os principais fatores que influenciam a percepção da população local em relação a megaeventos internacionais, buscando identificar possíveis ações que o Poder Público pode promover para aumentar o apoio e minimizar a resistência à realização desse tipo de evento. Com base no estudo de literatura teórica e empírica sobre o tema, avalia a experiência brasileira na preparação para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, e busca retirar algumas lições para futuros megaeventos que venham a ocorrer no País, inclusive a Exposição Universal de 2020.


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This paper performs a thorough statistical examination of the time-series properties of the daily market volatility index (VIX) from the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). The motivation lies not only on the widespread consensus that the VIX is a barometer of the overall market sentiment as to what concerns investors' risk appetite, but also on the fact that there are many trading strategies that rely on the VIX index for hedging and speculative purposes. Preliminary analysis suggests that the VIX index displays long-range dependence. This is well in line with the strong empirical evidence in the literature supporting long memory in both options-implied and realized variances. We thus resort to both parametric and semiparametric heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) processes for modeling and forecasting purposes. Our main ndings are as follows. First, we con rm the evidence in the literature that there is a negative relationship between the VIX index and the S&P 500 index return as well as a positive contemporaneous link with the volume of the S&P 500 index. Second, the term spread has a slightly negative long-run impact in the VIX index, when possible multicollinearity and endogeneity are controlled for. Finally, we cannot reject the linearity of the above relationships, neither in sample nor out of sample. As for the latter, we actually show that it is pretty hard to beat the pure HAR process because of the very persistent nature of the VIX index.


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Deep in the South Pacific region about 2,300 miles southwest of the Hawaiian islands1 lies a United States territory that many Americans have never heard of nor known anything about. However, some famous Americans such as Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers, semi retired professional wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard have genealogical roots there. More importantly, many of the Territory’s sons and daughters have served and lost their lives for the United States flag and the cause of freedom around the world. This place is called American Samoa, a collection of seven islands that if glued together would have a total landmass of approximately 76 square miles, just a tad bigger than the capital city of the United States. According to the United States Census Bureau, there were 55,519 residents of American Samoa in 2010.1 The majority of them are ethnic Samoans, a Polynesian sect that traces its history back to early migrants from Southeast Asia who settled the islands around 1500 B.C.2 3 The climate is warm all year long and the forests along the mountains are ripe with vegetation. The main island is Tutuila with its beautiful and coveted landlocked harbor that was used as a coaling station by the United States naval ships during World War II. In fact, it was the Pago Pago Harbor that diminished the impact of the 2009 Tsunami that devastated the Samoan islands by channeling the waters of the Pacific Ocean towards the end of the harbor instead of flooding many other villages surrounding the Pago Pago Bay area. Lives and property were destroyed near the end of the Harbor but it could have been worse for the entire Bay area. Locally grown foods include coconut, taro, banana, guava, sugar cane, papaya, yam, pineapple, and breadfruit. It is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean from which the locals obtain a variety of seafood. There is a popular saying in Samoa that goes, “In Samoa, it is impossible to starve 1 American Samoa Department of Commerce, 2012 Statistical Yearbook, http://www.doc.as/wpcontent/uploads/2011/06/2012-Statistical-Yearbook-1.pdf 2 U.S. Census Bureau News, U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2010 Census Population Counts for American Samoa, http://www.census.gov/2010census/news/releases/operations/cb11-cn177.html (Aug. 24, 2011). 3 3 J. Robert Shaffer, American Samoa: 100 Years Under the United States Flag (Honolulu, Hawaii: Island Heritage Publishing, 2000), 34. 4 because people live off of the land’s and the ocean’s abundant resources.” To the west of American Samoa lies a larger group of four islands that make up the Sovereign State of Samoa, which became independent from New Zealand in 1962. Samoa and American Samoa share the same language, culture, and religion but are divided by government and political systems. The focus of this study will be on American Samoa, which became a United States territory in 1900 when the principal chiefs of Tutuila (the largest island in American Samoa) ceded the islands to the United States.


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The master thesis for the achievement of the academic status master of science in international management (MPGI) will aim to solve the research question of how institutional voids affect the entry decision-making process of foreign venture capital firms coming to Brazil. This is a timely matter since in the past years there has been a sudden eruption of foreign VC involvement in Brazil. Based on the actionable framework by Khanna and Palpeu (2010) we conducted quantitative as well as qualitative research with two sets of interview partners in a two-phase analysis. We interviewed experts from VC firms, foreign VC firms based in Brazil and perspective VC firms that are looking to come to Brazil. We started with the former, derived lessons learned and analyzed how they affect the latter in reaching a decision. As we expected we found that depending on the industry that ventures are in, institutional voids can either pose an opportunity or a threat and hence attract or push away potential VC firms entering Brazil. Opportunities exist especially when exploiting institutional voids, for example through ventures in the marketplace efficiency. Threats are posed by investments in for instance hard infrastructure, where the economic, political and judicial systems as well as corruption and bureaucracy play demanding roles.


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O presente artigo apresenta as estratégias empregadas pela administração pública da cidade de Bogotá, Distrito Capital, de 1995 até os dias atuais, no sentido de fomentar a cultura cidadã e a transformação da relação entre os cidadãos bogotanos e seu território. De modo a esclarecer as raízes do impulso de transformação na cidade de Bogotá, contextualizar o ambiente político na Colômbia na década de 1990 e as estratégias utilizadas pela prefeitura de Bogotá para viabilizar a construção de um novo paradigma de educação cidadã, foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico de literatura relacionada ao tema, assim como avaliação dos dois últimos planos de desenvolvimento da prefeitura da cidade. O artigo visa expor as lições ensinadas por Bogotá, para que possam servir de exemplo a governos e cidades que desejem trazer esse processo de transformação à sua realidade.


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O objetivo do presente artigo é de analisar a Política de Defesa Comercial dos BICs nos últimos 15 anos, destacando semelhanças e contrastes. Após exame dos principais elementos da regulação dos instrumentos de defesa, como apresentados no GATT e na OMC, é avaliada a evolução das investigações iniciadas e das medidas aplicadas para cada um dos parceiros dos BICs. Tendo em vista a importância das decisões do mecanismo de solução de controvérsias na área, são também examinados os principais painéis abertos pelos BICs, bem como os painéis em que foram acionados. O artigo é concluído com algumas implicações da análise da defesa comercial dos BICs para a Política de Defesa Comercial do Brasil, no momento em que a indústria brasileira enfrenta sérios desafios.