6 resultados para students, social and economic profile

em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV


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Secure property rights are considered a key determinant of economic development. However, the evaluation of the causal effects of land titling is a difficult task. The Brazilian government through a program called "Papel Passado" has issued titles, since 2004, to over 85,000 families and has the goal to reach 750,000. Furthermore, another topic in Public Policy that is crucial to developing economies is income generation and child labor force participation. Particularly, in Brazil, about 5.4 million children and teenagers between 5 and 17 years old are still working. This thesis examines the direct impact of securing a property title on income and child labor force participation. In order to isolate the causal role of ownership security, this study uses a comparison between two close and very similar communities in the City of Osasco case (a town with 650,000 people in the São Paulo metropolitan area). One of them, Jardim Canaã, was fortunated to receive the titles in 2007, the other, Jardim DR, given fiscal constraints, only will be part of the program schedule in 2012, and for that reason became the control group. Also, this thesis also aims to test if there is any relationship between land title and happiness. The estimates suggest that titling results in a substantial decrease of child labor force participation, increase of income and happiness for the families that received the title compared to the others.


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O tema central desta dissertação esta voltada para a importância do microcrédito como uma ferramenta de combate a pobreza e inclusão social, e geradora de emprego e renda direcionada a pessoas de baixa. Primeiramente, foram expostos os temas como pobreza, desenvolvimento econômico embasado na teoria de Schumpeter, crédito e os conceitos de microfinanças e microcrédito. Além disso, alguns exemplos de instituições mundiais e locais da cidade de Belém. A pesquisa foi realizada no Amazônia Florescer, um programa de crédito produtivo e orientado na cidade de Belém e no interior do estado do Pará, criado com o apoio do Banco da Amazônia, para atender o micro e pequeno empreendedor. Os levantamentos dos dados sobre a pesquisa foram feitos a partir do banco de dados em carteira ativa do banco. Assim foram tabulados os dados levando em conta o perfil, ocupação, sexo, idade, renda, atividade. Por fim, o resultado demonstrou que o microcrédito em Belém é uma política publica que colabora para o desenvolvimento social e econômico da população de baixa renda da cidade.


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Progress was an idea of the 18th century; development, a project of the 20th century that continues into the 21st century. Progress was associated with the advance of reason, development with the fulfillment of the five political objectives that modern societies set for themselves: security, freedom, economic well-being, social justice and protection of the environment. Today we can view progress and development as equivalent. Both were products of the capitalist revolution, and of the economic development that began with it. Economic development or growth, in its turn, is the process of capital accumulation with the incorporation of technical progress that, mainly through productive sophistication and the increase of the value of labor, increases wages and improves standards of living. The five objectives that define development, as well as the three social instances existing in society change in an interdependent way.


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New emerging international dynamics introduce a global poly-axiological polycentric disorder which undermines the tradition of a unique global legal order in international law. Modern Era was characterized by Western European civilizational model – from which human rights is a byproduct. This consensus had its legitimacy tested by XXst century’s scenario – and the ‘BRICS factor/actor’ is a symptom of this reality. Its empowerment in world politics lead to the rise of distinct groups of States/civilizations provided with different legal, political, economic and social traditions – promoting an unexpected uprise of otherness in international legal order and inviting it to a complete and unforeseeable reframing process. Beyond Washington or Brussels Consensus, other custom-originated discourses (Brasília, Moscow, New Delhi, Peking or Cape Town Consensus, among other unfolded possibilities) will probably henceforth attempt shaping international law in present global legal disorder.


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O empreendedor tem intrigado acadêmicos há anos. Portanto, inúmeras abordagens têm sido aplicadas para entender quem é o empreendedor, sua personalidade e comportamentos. As principais escolas de estudo sobre o tema são a escola de traços psicológicos e a escola de processos ou comportamentos. No entanto, a academia ainda carece de uma definição concreta do indivíduo responsável pelo fenômeno do empreendedorismo. Em uma tentativa de esclarecer essa questão esta pesquisa sugere uma nova abordagem para a compreensão da pessoa do empreendedor com base nos valores pessoais de Schwartz. O objetivo da tese é compreender o perfil de valores de empreendedores sociais e comerciais a fim de determinar as semelhanças e diferenças nas suas preferências de valores que orientam o comportamento empreendedor de ambos e o enfoque social de um e privado do outro. Para este fim a versão mais curta do Questionário de Perfil Valores de Schwartz foi aplicada a uma amostra de 44 empreendedores sociais e 71 comerciais. A primeira proposição da tese era que os empreendedores sociais e comerciais possuiriam um perfil de valores. A segunda era que este perfil de valores seria determinado pelo princípio organizador da ansiedade com preferência pelos valores “livres de ansiedade” em decorrência das características empreendedoras que enfatizam busca pela auto-expansão, crescimento e promoção do alcance de metas. Dessa forma os valores mais importantes para ambos os tipos de empreendedores seriam auto-determinação, estimulação, hedonismo, universalismo e benevolência. A terceira proposição era que os empreendedores sociais e comerciais atribuiriam a mais alta importância ao valor auto-determinação. A quarta propunha que os empreendedores sociais dariam maior importância do que os comerciais para benevolência e universalismo visto que esses valores presumem apreciação pelos outros, preservação e valorização do bem-estar das pessoas mais próximas bem como de qualquer ser vivo em geral. Os resultados das análises descritivas e dos testes de hipóteses apontam para a validação de todas as proposições menos a última. No entanto, apesar da quarta proposição não haver sido estatisticamente comprovada, houve uma leve tendência dos empreendedores sociais darem maior importância do que os comerciais aos valores de auto-transcendência. Conseqüentemente, para maiores esclarecimentos sobre esse tópico, outros estudos com amostras maiores e randômicas devem ser realizadas.


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In the 1970s, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was discussed by Nobel laureate Milton Friedman in his article “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits.” (Friedman, 1970). His view on CSR was contemptuous as he referred to it as “hypocritical window-dressing” a reflection of the view of Corporate America on CSR back then. For a long time short-term maximization of shareholder value was the only maxim for top management across industries and companies. Over the last decade, CSR has become a more important and relevant factor of a company’s reputation, shifting the discussion from whether CSR is necessary to how best CSR commitments should be done (Smith, 2003). Inevitably, companies do have an environmental, social and economic impact, thereby imposing social costs on current and future generations. In 2013, 50 of the world biggest companies have been responsible for 73 percent of the total carbon dioxide (CO2) emission (Global 500 Climate Change Report 2013). Post et al. (2002) refer to these social costs as a company’s need to retain its “license to operate”. In the late 1990s, CSR reporting was nearly unknown, which drastically changed during the last decade. Allen White, co-founder of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), said that CSR reporting”… has evolved from the extraordinary to the exceptional to the expected” (Confino, 2013). In confirmation of this, virtually all of the world’s largest 250 companies report on CSR (93%) and reporting by now appears to be business standard (KPMG, 2013). CSR reports are a medium for transparency which may lead to an improved company reputation (Noked, 2013; Thorne et al, 2008; Wilburn and Wilburn, 2013). In addition, it may be used as part of an ongoing shareholder relations campaign, which may prevent shareholders from submitting Environmental and Social (E&S)1 proposals (Noked, 2013), based on an Ernst & Young report 1 The top five E&S proposal topic areas in 2013 were: 1. Political spending/ lobbying; 2. Environmental sustainability; 3. Corporate diversity/ EEO; 4.Labor/ human rights and 5. Animal testing/ animal welfare. Three groups of environmental sustainability proposal topics of sub-category number two (environmental sustainability) 6 2013, representing the largest category of shareholder proposals submitted. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) even goes as far as to claim that CSR reports are “…becoming critical to a company’s credibility, transparency and endurance.” (PwC, 2013).