8 resultados para security policy
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
This article investigates the causes in the reduction of labor force participation of the old. We argue that the changes in social security policy, in technology and in demography may account for most of the changes in retirement over the second part of the last century in the U.S. economy. We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model with endogenous retirement that embeds social security legislation. The model is able to match very closely the increase in the retirement rate of males aged 65 and older. It also quanti es the isolated impact on retirement and on the solvency of the social security system of the di¤erent factors. The model suggests that technological and demographic changes had a strong in uence on retirement, so that it would have increased signi cantly even if the social security rules had not changed. However, as the latter became much more generous in the past, changes in social security policy can account not only for a sizeable part of the expansion of retirement, but also for the most of the observed increase in the social security expenses as a share of GDP.
This article investigates the causes in the reduction of labor force participation of the old. We argue that the changes in social security policy, in technology and in demography may account for most of the changes in retirement over the second part of the last century in the U.S. economy. We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model with endogenous retirement that embeds social security legislation. The model is able to match very closely the increase in the retirement rate of males aged 65 and older. It also quanti es the isolated impact on retirement and on the solvency of the social security system of the di¤erent factors. The model suggests that technological and demographic changes had a strong in uence on retirement, so that it would have increased signi cantly even if the social security rules had not changed. However, as the latter became much more generous in the past, changes in social security policy can account not only for a sizeable part of the expansion of retirement, but also for the most of the observed increase in the social security expenses as a share of GDP.
This article studies the determinants of the labor force participation of the elderly and investigates the factors that may account for the increase in retirement in the second half of the last century. We develop a life-cycle general equilibrium model with endogenous retirement that embeds Social Security legislation and Medicare. Individuals are ex ante heterogeneous with respect to their preferences for leisure and face uncertainty about labor productivity, health status and out-of-pocket medical expenses. The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy in 2000 and is able to reproduce very closely the retirement behavior of the American population. It reproduces the peaks in the distribution of Social Security applications at ages 62 and 65 and the observed facts that low earners and unhealthy individuals retire earlier. It also matches very closely the increase in retirement from 1950 to 2000. Changes in Social Security policy - which became much more generous - and the introduction of Medicare account for most of the expansion of retirement. In contrast, the isolated impact of the increase in longevity was a delaying of retirement.
Este Guia de Preservação & Segurança da Biblioteca Nacional para salvaguarda do seu acervo e do seu edifício tem por objetivo apresentar orientações, caminhos e rotas para procedimentos e atitudes relativas as questões desta natureza, importantes e vitais nesta era de tantas incertezas. Como base toma-se o saber adquirido no campo da preservação de bens culturais e no campo da política de segurança adotada para acervos bibliográficos e documentais, para usuários e para os edifícios que os abriga. O caráter interdisciplinar que concerne a estes campos do conhecimento sinaliza para o aprimoramento educacional da população como um todo e para nossa memória cultural. Visa a mudança do papel do homem como crítico da natureza, como agente transformador da realidade e de si próprio.
Este trabalho faz uma abordagem acerca da política de segurança pública no Estado de Minas Gerais. Discute-se o próprio processo de formulação da política pública, procedendo-se a uma análise de seus fundamentos e da forma pela qual o Governo do Estado trata as questões a ela inerentes. Através de pesquisa seletiva, chegou-se a diagnósticos que demonstram a situação atual da política considerada, enfocando-se principalmente os aspectos relacionados a recursos humanos, logística e orçamento, sempre confrontados com os demais setores de atuação do Estado na vida social. A premissa básica que penneia toda a pesquisa é a de que não existe uma política de segurança pública, sistematizada, no Estado de Minas Gerais. A lógica da investigação da participação orçamentária da atividatfe de segurança pública, confrontada com a evolução do aparato policial, está na tentativa de se demonstrar a ausência do Estado no efetivo acompanhamento da necessidade social de segurança. Por meio da análise dos instrumentos utilizados na pesquisa, referendou-se o processo decisório da política, com a ausência de participação do staff político e gerencial do governo, mas centrado na divisão dicotômica dos organismos policiais do Estado, a Polícia Militar e a Polícia Civil, como planejadores, decisores e executores de toda a ação que envolva segurança pública. A dimensão institucional dessa atuação é calcada numa resposta pro ativa até certo ponto, mas a sua tônica é o "agir" ante as demandas surgidas e, principalmente, quando acionadas pelo clamor público. A alusão ao sistema de defesa social, previsto na Constituição do Estado, é a resposta da pesquisa para o atendimento dessa demanda social, aliado à adoção do policiamento comunitário.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza marcadamente descritiva, com etapas exploratórias, que visa a descrever as percepções e reflexões desveladas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa nas análises temáticas realizadas sobre diversas questões que envolvem o tema da autonomia da Perícia Criminal Oficial, no âmbito da Polícia Federal. Para esse fim, utilizou-se da metodologia da análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin (1977). Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram escolhidos segundo o critério de acessibilidade e da natureza dos cargos, quais sejam: Delegado da Polícia Federal, Juiz Federal, Perito Criminal Federal e Procurador da República. Face à predominância do cunho qualitativo neste estudo, não há expectativas de generalizações dos resultados obtidos no campo, assim como a seleção desses sujeitos não priorizou pela representatividade quantitativa de cada cargo. O referencial teórico foi construído com o propósito de contextualizar e favorecer a compreensão do leitor sobre como é constituída a realidade em que se insere o objeto de estudo, buscando descrever os termos e conceitos necessários a essa compreensão, tais como: (i) o que é o Sistema de Justiça Criminal e como se deu seu processo de formação no Estado moderno; (ii) como é a estrutura e o fluxo processual básico do modelo brasileiro, com destaque para a posição que ocupam os órgãos ou Instituto de Criminalística; (iii) qual o nível de efetividade desse sistema, no Brasil, e quais os principais problemas que afetam a funcionalidade da Perícia Oficial em sua estrutura; (iv) quais os reflexos do uso dos paradigmas repressivo e preventivo, pelo Estado, no controle da violência, da criminalidade e da impunidade dos criminosos, visando a garantir a manutenção da ordem pública como bem coletivo; (v) que relevância tem o papel da Perícia Oficial para a efetividade do Sistema de Justiça Criminal, segundo o paradigma preventivo; (vi) o que é Criminalística e qual a natureza de sua atividade; e (vii) como se apresenta a atual estrutura administrativa e a rede de clientes da Perícia Oficial. Ao se aproximar do objeto de estudo, o pesquisador buscou descrever como se deu a origem do processo de autonomia da Criminalística, no Brasil, e como esse processo vem sendo desenhado como uma política de segurança pública, destacando as principais medidas administrativas e normativas adotadas no país que favoreceram a sua consolidação, tais como: a aprovação do PNSP (2002), do PNDH I (1996), do PNDH II (2002) e do PNDH III (2009), além da promulgação da Lei nº 12.030/2009, que assegura, de forma específica, a autonomia técnico-científica e funcional da função pericial criminal. Tratamento especial foi dado ao significado e ao alcance que têm as dimensões conceituais do termo “autonomia” para a função pericial. Em que pesem os resultados obtidos, as conclusões revelam que a complexidade do tema, teoria e prática, aguarda continuidade em pesquisas futuras.
This thesis is comprised of three chapters. The first article studies the determinants of the labor force participation of elderly American males and investigates the factors that may account for the changes in retirement between 1950 and 2000. We develop a life-cycle general equilibrium model with endogenous retirement that embeds Social Security legislation and Medicare. Individuals are ex ante heterogeneous with respect to their preferences for leisure and face uncertainty about labor productivity, health status and out-of-pocket medical expenses. The model is calibrated to the U.S. economy in 2000 and is able to reproduce very closely the retirement behavior of the American population. It reproduces the peaks in the distribution of Social Security applications at ages 62 and 65 and the observed facts that low earners and unhealthy individuals retire earlier. It also matches very closely the increase in retirement from 1950 to 2000. Changes in Social Security policy - which became much more generous - and the introduction of Medicare account for most of the expansion of retirement. In contrast, the isolated impact of the increase in longevity was a delaying of retirement. In the second article, I develop an overlapping generations model of criminal behavior, which extends prior research on crime by taking into account individuals' labor supply decisions and the stigma effect that affects convicted offenders, lowering their likelihood of employment. I use the model to guide a quantitative assessment of the determinants of crime and of a counterfactual experiment in which an income redistribution policy is thought as an alternative to greater law enforcement. The model economy considered in this paper is populated by heterogeneous agents who live for a realistic number of periods, have preferences over consumption and leisure, and differ in terms of their age, their skills as well as their employment shocks. In addition, savings may be precautionary and allow partial insurance against the labor income shocks. Because of the lack of full insurance, this model generates an endogenous distribution of wealth across consumers, enabling us to assess the welfare implications of the redistribution policy experiment. I calibrated the model using the US data for 1980 and then use the model to investigate the changes in criminality between 1980 and 1996. The main results that come out of this study are: 1) Law enforcement policy was the most important factor behind the fall in criminality in the period, while the increase in inequality was the most important single factor promoting crime; 2) Stigmatization is not a free-cost crime control policy; 3) Income redistribution can be a powerful alternative policy to fight crime. Finally, the third article studies the impact of HIV/AIDS on per capita income and education. It explores two channels from HIV/AIDS to income that have not been sufficiently stressed by the literature: the reduction of the incentives to study due to shorter expected longevity and the reduction of productivity of experienced workers. In the model individuals live for three periods, may get infected in the second period and with some probability die of Aids before reaching the third period of their life. Parents care for the welfare of the future generations so that they will maximize lifetime utility of their dynasty. The simulations predict that the most affected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa will be in the future, on average, thirty percent poorer than they would be without AIDS. Schooling will decline in some cases by forty percent. These figures are dramatically reduced with widespread medical treatment, as it increases the survival probability and productivity of infected individuals.
Secure property rights are considered a key determinant of economic development. However, the evaluation of the causal effects of land titling is a difficult task. The Brazilian government through a program called "Papel Passado" has issued titles, since 2004, to over 85,000 families and has the goal to reach 750,000. Furthermore, another topic in Public Policy that is crucial to developing economies is income generation and child labor force participation. Particularly, in Brazil, about 5.4 million children and teenagers between 5 and 17 years old are still working. This thesis examines the direct impact of securing a property title on income and child labor force participation. In order to isolate the causal role of ownership security, this study uses a comparison between two close and very similar communities in the City of Osasco case (a town with 650,000 people in the São Paulo metropolitan area). One of them, Jardim Canaã, was fortunated to receive the titles in 2007, the other, Jardim DR, given fiscal constraints, only will be part of the program schedule in 2012, and for that reason became the control group. Also, this thesis also aims to test if there is any relationship between land title and happiness. The estimates suggest that titling results in a substantial decrease of child labor force participation, increase of income and happiness for the families that received the title compared to the others.