3 resultados para multiple approach
em Repositório digital da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV
Este projeto de pesquisa propõe a realização de um estudo exploratório de múltiplos casos em organizações brasileiras. O tema a ser explorado será o 'jeitinho brasileiro', e suas múltiplas interpretações e maneiras de operacionalização nestes contextos sociais. Adotar-se-á uma abordagem múltipla ao conceito de cultura, que inclui a ambigüidade cultural, dentro de uma visão interpretativa, que vai além da abordagem de integração comum à maioria dos estudos sobre o tema. Pretende-se com a pesquisa (1) aprofundar as críticas que podem ser feitas aos estudos sobre o tema e (2) avançar o desenvolvimento de nossa compreensão das organizações como sistemas de significados socialmente construídos, por meio de uma abordagem mais ampla e completa ao fenômeno estudado.
In a nonnative approach, I analyze trade policies when the industrial sector genentes positive extemalities in production, and there are adjustments costs to changing production from one sector to the other. Protectionist trade policy can make workers intemalize the benetits from moving into the industrial sector, but it is a second best policy as it also causes consumption distortions. I show that if the govemment is able to fully commit to its tariff schedule for the future, the welfare maximizing policy is to maintain a positive tariff forever, even after all adjustment has already taken place . However, if the govemment is not able to commit at all, the only time consistent policy is zero tariff at any point in time. The time inconsistency of the full commitment policy is derived from the fact that in the model only production needs interference, and the production distortion is lagged one period with respect to the tariff wbile the consumption distortion is simultaneous to the tariff. In the intermediary case, i.e., when the government can commit for a limited period of time, the time consistent optimal tariff will be positive but lower than the "full commitment" tariff. This result indicates that some institutions that have always been considered pure sources of inefficiency, such as protectionist lobbying, may in fact be welfare improving in some cases!
Brazil is under political and financial crises where the end seems far away. Because of that, researchers argue that the hotel rooms offered by Rio de Janeiro, built to host the Olympic Games 2016, will be difficult to occupy after the event. It is then necessary for the hotels to understand how guests perceive the service quality in order to adapt to this new era. If guests’ perceptions meet or exceed their expectations, they will be satisfied and will probably return. Thus based on the SERVQUAL approach, this paper aims to study the impact of the service dimensions on the guests’ overall satisfaction at hotels of Rio de Janeiro. Two hotels were considered representative of the city in terms of service quality and customers’ profile. Interviews to the hotel managers were performed, and questionnaires to the guests were administered. Among the five SERVQUAL dimensions – Reliability, Tangibles, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy – the Empathy dimension appears to be the only one that affects the guests’ overall satisfaction. The study could also identify that gender, country of residence, home country and family income have an impact on guests’ satisfaction. This study has no intention of generalization, but rather of refining the theory about services and the SERVQUAL model.